Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

I thought the dominant right-winger Obama-hater absurd and dishonest version of ME events was that:

Afghanistan 2009
(A) Obama didn't send enough troops to Afghanistan to pull Bush's fiasco there out of the jaws of defeat.
(B) Obama set a target date for withdrawal of surge troops giving the enemy time to wait us out and then take over the whole country and enable AL Qaeda & Taliban to overthrow Pakistan & sieze the nukes and the world would be destroyed.

Didn't happen.

Iraq; 2011:
Needlessly and recklessly Pulled troops out when Iraq wasn't ready which would lead to all of Iraq being taken over by terrorists thus intentionally squandering the great Bush victory after the 2003,caused extreme violence and then by 2008' reducing that violence 80% from 2006 levels.

Iraq 2014
Then of course Daesh emerges capturing large parts of Sunni Iraq and it's all Obama's fault for pulling troops out and not forcing Iraq to allow them to stay on US terms. Then of course Baghdad and all of Iraq's oil (for the mid-terms) was to fall into terrorist hands all because 10,000 troops were not forced to stay in Iraq by a soft on terrorist President

Didn't happen

Egypt Arab Spring:
Depending on what day it was Obama was not supporting the protesters. Or not supporting the government then was supporting the Muslim Brotherhood who bought Morsi the Presidency - then Obama was not supporting the protestors or the military or he's supporting the military by not calling it a coup when Morsi was arrested, but then Obama supported the MB too much or the protesters too much or too little or the Army and Al SIsi too much or too little. All this chaos was all Obama's fault and the Nile was to flow with blood of civil war and the peace treaty with Israel was to be in tatters and Armageddon was on the way.

Didn't happen

Obama led from behind - led too much. Shoulda armed the rebels. Should not have armed the rebels. The red Line on CW. Obama was a fool to think Assad would actually give up his tons of CW. ISIS splits from Al Qaeda and go bonkers barbaric nutzo so much that Al Qaeda disavowed them. All Obama's fault - the IS is established. These terrorists (without an Air Force???) are going to over-run the entire Middle East - destroy Israel too - Obama does nothing .

Didn't happen

About the same as Syria except for Benghazi. Benghazi. Obama went to bed let our people die. He's on the side of terrorists. Blamed a movie. Won't call them terrorists.

"Please proceed Governor"

So ChrisL are you changing the narrative from "all that is Obama's fault" to its all Iran's fault?

Or is it still all Obama's fault? And he's giving them the BOMB - Be even more afraid.

You moron, at no time did I say it was all Obama's fault. I said Obama is making a very bad decision to make any kind of deal with Iran regarding nuclear power. DERP. Keep changing the subject and making shit up because you don't have an argument, though.

And again, with the screwed up quoting. Aren't you the one I specifically asked yesterday to fix your quotes? WTF? If you can't handle quoting then you probably shouldn't be posting.
Deal or no deal, Iran is getting a bomb. It's just a matter of when. The best deterrent is to let them know we have 100 nukes aimed at them in case they ever get the idea to do something stupid.

Nonsense. The best course of action at this point involves severe economic sanctions towards Iran and increased development of our own domestic oil industry. Cheap oil causing damage to the Iranian economy could be an impetus to a revolution against the long as Obama doesn't fuck it up next time.
There have been sanctions on Iran for 35 years so far. How many more years until that revolution happens? What are the chances they develop a nuke before then?

Were you in a medically induced coma in 2009, or just spaced out on drugs?
I wasn't aware that sanctions caused a revolution and that the mullahs were thrown out. Your plan isn't working. And the protests in 2009 were over an election.
Once Israel (through, I believe, the surreptitious help from South Africa) managed to amass 200 nukes, it was just a matter of time that another ME country, with the means and treasury, would pursue the same course.
We may be able (regardless of the whining right wingers) to postpone Iran's nuclear ambitions, but we will have to come to terms that unless Israel disarms its nukes, Iran will also want such destructive weaponry.

This is why I ignore most of yours and the other low IQ, moron liberals' posts.

First, it was France and Norway who helped construct Israel's nuclear program, and they achieved it over 50 years ago. Given that it was half a century ago, if Israel's acquisition of nukes was going to start an arms race, it would have happened long ago. Try the facts on for a change moron, they might fit.

Hey, potholeroadsscholar, I readily admit that I made a mistake (although I did state "I think") about S. Africa helping Israel...actually it was Israel that offered to sell nukes to then apartheid-centered S. Africa....but that is way besides the point that I was trying to make.

As long as Israel has nukes, Iran will want them too....and there's is NOTHING that your ilk can do to stop them......Writhe in your own bile.
Army General calls Teheran Tom's letter with the 47 "mutinous":

Tom Cotton picked apart by Army general over mutinous Iran letter - The Washington Post

"... I turned to retired Major Gen. Paul D. Eaton for perspective. He wouldn’t say Cotton and Co. were “traitors,” either. He had a better word.

“I would use the word mutinous,” said Eaton, whose long career includes training Iraqi forces from 2003 to 2004. He is now a senior adviser to “I do not believe these senators were trying to sell out America. I do believe they defied the chain of command in what could be construed as an illegal act.” Eaton certainly had stern words for Cotton.

“What Senator Cotton did is a gross breach of discipline, and especially as a veteran of the Army, he should know better,” Eaton told me. “I have no issue with Senator Cotton, or others, voicing their opinion in opposition to any deal to halt Iran’s nuclear progress. Speaking out on these issues is clearly part of his job. But to directly engage a foreign entity, in this way, undermining the strategy and work of our diplomats and our Commander in Chief, strains the very discipline and structure that our foreign relations depend on, to succeed.” The consequences of Cotton’s missive were plainly apparent to Eaton. “The breach of discipline is extremely dangerous, because undermining our diplomatic efforts, at this moment, brings us another step closer to a very costly and perilous war with Iran,” he said."
The Federal Republic of Germany's Vice-Chancellor, who is also their foreign minister (Secretary of State, if you will), Walter Steinmeier, also thinks that the 47 are idiots:

Iran-Gespr che Steinmeier stellt sich gegen Senatoren-Brief - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Eine Kostprobe davon gaben in dieser Woche 47 von 54 Senatoren der Republikaner ab, indem sie eine Art Drohbrief an Teheran veröffentlichten. Darin teilten sie mit, der US-Präsident habe nicht die Befugnis, ein dauerhaftes Abkommen im Atomstreit mit Iran abzuschließen. Und sie drohten, es unter einer neuen Regierung aufzukündigen.

Das war starker Tobak....

...Schon ohne das Schreiben seien die Gespräche mit Iran schwierig genug gewesen, sagte er. Und mit dem Brief seien sie nun "nicht weniger schwierig" geworden. Iran könne den Westen jetzt fragen, wie glaubwürdig dessen Angebot sei, wenn 47 Senatoren schrieben: "Wir nehmen das wieder vom Tisch." Er wolle den Brief zwar nicht überhöhen, aber der sei auch "keine Kleinigkeit" und "nicht hilfreich". Nun müsse man mit der Situation umgehen und "diese Irritation ausräumen", sagte Steinmeier mit Blick auf die kommenden Gespräche mit Teheran.

Google Translator is your friend!

An Open Letter from 47 Senators to Sasha and Malia Obama - CollegeHumor Post

"An open letter to Sasha and Malia Obama:

It has come to our attention while observing your bedtime negotiations with your Father, Barack Obama, that even though you are teenagers now, you may not fully understand your parents' relationship. Thus, we are writing to bring to your attention two features of your parents' relationship--the power to make binding parental agreements and the different character of your parents--which you should seriously consider as negotiations progress.

First, your Father, while the President of the United States, negotiates parental agreements at the consent of your Mother, Michelle Obama. Anything not approved by your Mother is a mere Father/Daughter agreement.

Second, your parents have different characteristics. For example, your father, the president, may only be around 2-3 days a week, while your Mother is around 7 days a week.

What these two parental provisions mean is that we will consider any agreement regarding your bedtime that is not approved by your Mother as nothing more than a Father/Daughter agreement between President Obama and Sasha and Malia Obama. The next time only your Mother is around, she could ignore this Father/Daughter bedtime agreement with the wag of a finger. She may also exercise this discretion at any time, Father around or not.

We hope this letter enriches your knowledge of your parents' relationship and promotes mutual understanding and clarity in your bedtime negotiations progress.


You moron, at no time did I say it was all Obama's fault. I said Obama is making a very bad decision to make any kind of deal with Iran regarding nuclear power. DERP. Keep changing the subject and making shit up because you don't have an argument, though.

And again, with the screwed up quoting. Aren't you the one I specifically asked yesterday to fix your quotes? WTF? If you can't handle quoting then you probably shouldn't be posting.
Deal or no deal, Iran is getting a bomb. It's just a matter of when. The best deterrent is to let them know we have 100 nukes aimed at them in case they ever get the idea to do something stupid.

Nonsense. The best course of action at this point involves severe economic sanctions towards Iran and increased development of our own domestic oil industry. Cheap oil causing damage to the Iranian economy could be an impetus to a revolution against the long as Obama doesn't fuck it up next time.
There have been sanctions on Iran for 35 years so far. How many more years until that revolution happens? What are the chances they develop a nuke before then?

Were you in a medically induced coma in 2009, or just spaced out on drugs?
I wasn't aware that sanctions caused a revolution and that the mullahs were thrown out. Your plan isn't working. And the protests in 2009 were over an election.
Most on the right advocate the same failed policy for Iran as they did Cuba.

Illegal wars and failed embargoes is all conservative foreign policy has to offer.
The Federal Republic of Germany's Vice-Chancellor, who is also their foreign minister (Secretary of State, if you will), Walter Steinmeier, also thinks that the 47 are idiots:

Iran-Gespr che Steinmeier stellt sich gegen Senatoren-Brief - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Eine Kostprobe davon gaben in dieser Woche 47 von 54 Senatoren der Republikaner ab, indem sie eine Art Drohbrief an Teheran veröffentlichten. Darin teilten sie mit, der US-Präsident habe nicht die Befugnis, ein dauerhaftes Abkommen im Atomstreit mit Iran abzuschließen. Und sie drohten, es unter einer neuen Regierung aufzukündigen.

Das war starker Tobak....

...Schon ohne das Schreiben seien die Gespräche mit Iran schwierig genug gewesen, sagte er. Und mit dem Brief seien sie nun "nicht weniger schwierig" geworden. Iran könne den Westen jetzt fragen, wie glaubwürdig dessen Angebot sei, wenn 47 Senatoren schrieben: "Wir nehmen das wieder vom Tisch." Er wolle den Brief zwar nicht überhöhen, aber der sei auch "keine Kleinigkeit" und "nicht hilfreich". Nun müsse man mit der Situation umgehen und "diese Irritation ausräumen", sagte Steinmeier mit Blick auf die kommenden Gespräche mit Teheran.

Google Translator is your friend!

Also an English report on this:

Germany Warns GOP Letter Affects Iran Talks - WSJ
FACT: 47 Republican Senators committed a treasonous act by interfering in the foreign policy negotiations of the sitting president. This does not fall under the rubrik of "advise and consent". This is treason.

no, it doesn't. While what they did was stupid and counter-productive, It wasn't treasonous. They have every right to state their disagreement with a policy and remind people what their positions are.

Maybe we all need to back down from the hysterics and actually talk about the policy.
This is a VERY interesting article that relates directly to this thread. It has to do with Mossad wanting to brief U.S. Senators on the danger of interfering in the U.S./Iran nuclear negotiations. Some Senators ignored the warning. I'll let you read it for yourself.

Israeli spy chief warned Congress might blow up talks on Iranian nuke program

Benjamin Netanyahu Tried to Cancel Israel Briefing for U.S. Lawmakers
Nonsense. The best course of action at this point involves severe economic sanctions towards Iran and increased development of our own domestic oil industry. Cheap oil causing damage to the Iranian economy could be an impetus to a revolution against the long as Obama doesn't fuck it up next time.

That does not stop Iran from pursuing nuclear energy - It forces Russia and China out of the P5+1 and then relies on Europe and North America to impose Sanctions. The reason P5+1i s effective is because Russia and China are in on them. The US breaking the Geneva agreement of 2013 gives Russia and China a way out.

And it's possible you are only hearing Netanyahu's lies about the length of the deal and others.

NETANYAHU: "The second major concession creates an even greater danger that Iran could get to the bomb by keeping the deal, because virtually all the restrictions on Iran's nuclear program will automatically expire in about a decade... Iran would then be free to build a huge nuclear capacity that could produce many, many nuclear bombs."

THE FACTS: Netanyahu is playing loose with the timespan for a deal. American and Western officials say the full ledger of restrictions in an agreement would stay in place for at least a decade, and only then would Iran's program be allowed to gradually expand. The total life of the agreement would be at least 15 years. Even after the full agreement expires, all sanctions against Iran won't be lifted and certainly not those pertaining to Iranian terrorism links, human rights violations and development of advanced missile technology. Some enrichment restrictions also would stay in place. These include the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty's additional protocol, which Iran is likely to sign, and perhaps even more stringent constraints. The protocol serves as an early warning mechanism for infractions.

Fact-checking Benjamin Netanyahu s speech does it stack up - Telegraph

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