Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Since there are actually six parties in the negotations (not including Iran), I wonder what the signatories to this letter think they are achieving except empty bluster.

They're letting the six parties know that any agreement which potentially provides for Iran to secure Nuclear weapons is not going to be something the US is going to allow.

But in fairness... that's only because allowing Iran to obtain nuclear weapons, is INSANE!
The US won't allow it?
What if the other signatories to the treaty disagree with the US' assessment when the time comes...Russia, China, Germany, UK, France?

We don't care what the other countries say about it.

If Iran gets Nuclear weapons, we'll destroy them... and if the UN tries to sanction us, we'll laugh an laugh and veto it... and get up the next morning, shower, shave and go to work... having rested assured that the lunatics of Iran's Islamic Cult can't send a Nuclear warhead to evaporate Tel Aviv.

See how that works?
You really do live in a fantasy-world.
Since there are actually six parties in the negotations (not including Iran), I wonder what the signatories to this letter think they are achieving except empty bluster.

They're letting the six parties know that any agreement which potentially provides for Iran to secure Nuclear weapons is not going to be something the US is going to allow.

But in fairness... that's only because allowing Iran to obtain nuclear weapons, is INSANE!
The US won't allow it?
What if the other signatories to the treaty disagree with the US' assessment when the time comes...Russia, China, Germany, UK, France?

We don't care what the other countries say about it.

If Iran gets Nuclear weapons, we'll destroy them... and if the UN tries to sanction us, we'll laugh an laugh and veto it... and get up the next morning, shower, shave and go to work... having rested assured that the lunatics of Iran's Islamic Cult can't send a Nuclear warhead to evaporate Tel Aviv.

See how that works?
You really do live in a fantasy-world.
He really does...doesn't he?
Will democrats ever quit the freaking whining? I didn't see the word "treason" used in the article. If you are looking for an example of treason look no further than Harry Reid when he tried to impact the morale of the Troops when he told them "the war is lost" just before the Troop surge in Iraq. How about the time democrats chipped in and bought a $10,000 ad in the NY Times calling the commander of combat Troops in Iraq "betray-us"?

After signaling last week that he will plead guilty to mishandling classified materials, former CIA Director David Petraeus will be sentenced on April 23, the U.S. Attorney's office in North Carolina announced Monday.

That Petraeus?
outside of the retards who think this was a good idea. It is interesting how the partisans are playing this issue. Obama signs a EO on immigration and thats basically tyranny and treason per say. Yet this, what the GOP did is somehow not. the sad thing is there will be barely a stink about this because you dont have the rightwing derps crying their eyes out over some fake outrage of the day.
this issue sums up the United states current political climate perfectly.

The Commander in Chief has a legal right and obligation to issue executive orders. Every president has issued them. How is that an example of tyranny or treason? On the other hand, 47 members of Congress signed a letter to Iran with the expressed intent of undermining the constitutional authority of the executive branch to negotiate a treaty. And in so doing, is giving aid to the enemy. That is the very definition of treason.
reread what i said
Since there are actually six parties in the negotations (not including Iran), I wonder what the signatories to this letter think they are achieving except empty bluster.

They're letting the six parties know that any agreement which potentially provides for Iran to secure Nuclear weapons is not going to be something the US is going to allow.

But in fairness... that's only because allowing Iran to obtain nuclear weapons, is INSANE!
The US won't allow it?
What if the other signatories to the treaty disagree with the US' assessment when the time comes...Russia, China, Germany, UK, France?

We don't care what the other countries say about it.

If Iran gets Nuclear weapons, we'll destroy them... and if the UN tries to sanction us, we'll laugh an laugh and veto it... and get up the next morning, shower, shave and go to work... having rested assured that the lunatics of Iran's Islamic Cult can't send a Nuclear warhead to evaporate Tel Aviv.

See how that works?

And this is why people like you will never hold public office. See how that works?
outside of the retards who think this was a good idea. It is interesting how the partisans are playing this issue. Obama signs a EO on immigration and thats basically tyranny and treason per say. Yet this, what the GOP did is somehow not. the sad thing is there will be barely a stink about this because you dont have the rightwing derps crying their eyes out over some fake outrage of the day.
this issue sums up the United states current political climate perfectly.

The Commander in Chief has a legal right and obligation to issue executive orders. Every president has issued them. How is that an example of tyranny or treason? On the other hand, 47 members of Congress signed a letter to Iran with the expressed intent of undermining the constitutional authority of the executive branch to negotiate a treaty. And in so doing, is giving aid to the enemy. That is the very definition of treason.
reread what i said

I can reread it a dozen times, and my response would be the same.
outside of the retards who think this was a good idea. It is interesting how the partisans are playing this issue. Obama signs a EO on immigration and thats basically tyranny and treason per say. Yet this, what the GOP did is somehow not. the sad thing is there will be barely a stink about this because you dont have the rightwing derps crying their eyes out over some fake outrage of the day.
this issue sums up the United states current political climate perfectly.

The Commander in Chief has a legal right and obligation to issue executive orders. Every president has issued them. How is that an example of tyranny or treason? On the other hand, 47 members of Congress signed a letter to Iran with the expressed intent of undermining the constitutional authority of the executive branch to negotiate a treaty. And in so doing, is giving aid to the enemy. That is the very definition of treason.
reread what i said

I can reread it a dozen times, and my response would be the same.
im not saying what obama did was treason.
outside of the retards who think this was a good idea. It is interesting how the partisans are playing this issue. Obama signs a EO on immigration and thats basically tyranny and treason per say. Yet this, what the GOP did is somehow not. the sad thing is there will be barely a stink about this because you dont have the rightwing derps crying their eyes out over some fake outrage of the day.
this issue sums up the United states current political climate perfectly.

The Commander in Chief has a legal right and obligation to issue executive orders. Every president has issued them. How is that an example of tyranny or treason? On the other hand, 47 members of Congress signed a letter to Iran with the expressed intent of undermining the constitutional authority of the executive branch to negotiate a treaty. And in so doing, is giving aid to the enemy. That is the very definition of treason.
reread what i said

I can reread it a dozen times, and my response would be the same.
im not saying what obama did was treason.

I know. I was responding to the people you were responding to.
outside of the retards who think this was a good idea. It is interesting how the partisans are playing this issue. Obama signs a EO on immigration and thats basically tyranny and treason per say. Yet this, what the GOP did is somehow not. the sad thing is there will be barely a stink about this because you dont have the rightwing derps crying their eyes out over some fake outrage of the day.
this issue sums up the United states current political climate perfectly.

The Commander in Chief has a legal right and obligation to issue executive orders. Every president has issued them. How is that an example of tyranny or treason? On the other hand, 47 members of Congress signed a letter to Iran with the expressed intent of undermining the constitutional authority of the executive branch to negotiate a treaty. And in so doing, is giving aid to the enemy. That is the very definition of treason.
reread what i said

I can reread it a dozen times, and my response would be the same.
im not saying what obama did was treason.

I know. I was responding to the people you were responding to.

outside of the retards who think this was a good idea. It is interesting how the partisans are playing this issue. Obama signs a EO on immigration and thats basically tyranny and treason per say. Yet this, what the GOP did is somehow not. the sad thing is there will be barely a stink about this because you dont have the rightwing derps crying their eyes out over some fake outrage of the day.
this issue sums up the United states current political climate perfectly.

The Commander in Chief has a legal right and obligation to issue executive orders. Every president has issued them. How is that an example of tyranny or treason? On the other hand, 47 members of Congress signed a letter to Iran with the expressed intent of undermining the constitutional authority of the executive branch to negotiate a treaty. And in so doing, is giving aid to the enemy. That is the very definition of treason.
reread what i said

I can reread it a dozen times, and my response would be the same.
im not saying what obama did was treason.

I know. I was responding to the people you were responding to.
that was not clear...:D
Wow that's damn near treasonous. Interfering in the most important negotiation our country is facing in a way that benefits the enemy. But that's the GOP for you, politics before America. :cool:

You lefties need to get your talking points straight, some say we have no business interfering with Irans internal business, and you're saying this is the most important negotiations our country is facing, which is it?

§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.
Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.

1 Stat. 613, January 30, 1799, codified at 18 U.S.C. § 953 (2004).

Well, if 47 Republican Senators go to jail, the Democrats will be in control. I wonder if McConnell signed the letter?


I mean the contributor, a self professed proponent of Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principle... and an unapologetic supporter of the Peasantpimp of the Union States, who APPOINTED JOHN KERRY AS THE SECRETARY OF STATE... a man who QUITE LITERALLY 'without authority of the United States, directly commenced, carrying out correspondence AND intercourse with the foreign government of the government of North Vietnam, and the officers and agents thereof, in relation to the dispute with the United States , KNOWN AS THE VIETNAM WAR, AS A MEANS TO DEFEAT THE MEASURES OF THE UNITED STATES..., wherein in 1970 "by Kerry’s own admission, he met in 1970 with delegations from the North Vietnamese communist government and discussed how the Vietnam War should be stopped.

Kerry explained to Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman J. William Fulbright in a question-and-answer session on Capitol Hill a year after his Paris meetings that the war needed to be stopped “immediately and unilaterally.” Then Kerry added: “I have been to Paris. I have talked with both delegations at the peace talks, that is to say the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Provisional Revolutionary Government.”

Kerry, through his actions, completely adopted the rhetoric and objectives of the North Vietnamese communist, enemy of the United States.


So, the Left is wetting their collective pant over US Senators openly writing to a hostile regime, that any agreement they make with the subversive regime, toward any end which could potentially lead to their acquiring nuclear weapons... even as those in charge of such negotiations, ADMITTED TO FELONIOUS BEHAVIOR IN ANOTHER WAR, WHERE HE ALSO TOOK THE POSITION OF THE ENEMY OF THE US AT THAT TIME!


You cannot make this crap up!

We are truly living in a Far-Side Calender...
im not saying what obama did was treason.


Now the US Constitution defines Treason in the United States...

Article 3. Section 3.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

Now obama is establishing policy, which allows a nation vehemently hostile to the United States and, which is known to have attacked the United States, her interests and allies, to pursue Nuclear weapons; and in so doing obama is openly adhering to the enemies of the United States, giving them aid and comfort.

Please explain to the forum how you rationalize that he is not aligned with the specific terms of Article Three, Section 3 of the US Constitution.
why don't repubs just throw a flag on the ground and dance on it in unison? they'll get the same response. What shit stains.
Wow that's damn near treasonous. Interfering in the most important negotiation our country is facing in a way that benefits the enemy. But that's the GOP for you, politics before America. :cool:

You lefties need to get your talking points straight, some say we have no business interfering with Irans internal business, and you're saying this is the most important negotiations our country is facing, which is it?

Do you want Iran to obtain nuclear weapons? No? What are our options?

1) Obliterating their nuclear capability and leak radiation all across central Asia, potentially killing and maiming tens of thousands, and leaving the Iranian countryside uninhabitable, creating an avoidable humanitarian crisis not seen since Chernobyl, or;

2) Negotiate with them to get them back in compliance with the NNPT?

I don't know about you, but I choose the latter.
Surrender in our times!
No one does it better than The Left!

Do you want Iran to obtain nuclear weapons? No? What are our options?

1) Obliterating their nuclear capability and leak radiation all across central Asia, potentially killing and maiming tens of thousands, and leaving the Iranian countryside uninhabitable, creating an avoidable humanitarian crisis not seen since Chernobyl, or;

2) Negotiate with them to get them back in compliance with the NNPT?

I don't know about you, but I choose the latter.
Wow that's damn near treasonous. Interfering in the most important negotiation our country is facing in a way that benefits the enemy. But that's the GOP for you, politics before America. :cool:

You lefties need to get your talking points straight, some say we have no business interfering with Irans internal business, and you're saying this is the most important negotiations our country is facing, which is it?

Do you want Iran to obtain nuclear weapons? No? What are our options?

1) Obliterating their nuclear capability and leak radiation all across central Asia, potentially killing and maiming tens of thousands, and leaving the Iranian countryside uninhabitable, creating an avoidable humanitarian crisis not seen since Chernobyl, or;

2) Negotiate with them to get them back in compliance with the NNPT?

I don't know about you, but I choose the latter.

You seem to forgetting the third option, crushing them economically with organized international sanctions. That's what brought them to the table to begin with and your dumb ass dear leader started lifting them just to get them to sit down. A real leader would have told them the sanctions would be doubled if they refused to negotiate in good faith. He says even now there is only a 50/50 chance of a treaty, how fucking stupid is he?
Wow that's damn near treasonous. Interfering in the most important negotiation our country is facing in a way that benefits the enemy. But that's the GOP for you, politics before America. :cool:

You lefties need to get your talking points straight, some say we have no business interfering with Irans internal business, and you're saying this is the most important negotiations our country is facing, which is it?

Do you want Iran to obtain nuclear weapons? No? What are our options?

1) Obliterating their nuclear capability and leak radiation all across central Asia, potentially killing and maiming tens of thousands, and leaving the Iranian countryside uninhabitable, creating an avoidable humanitarian crisis not seen since Chernobyl, or;

2) Negotiate with them to get them back in compliance with the NNPT?

I don't know about you, but I choose the latter.

You seem to forgetting the third option, crushing them economically with organized international sanctions. That's what brought them to the table to begin with and your dumb ass dear leader started lifting them just to get them to sit down. A real leader would have told them the sanctions would be doubled if they refused to negotiate in good faith. He says even now there is only a 50/50 chance of a treaty, how fucking stupid is he?

I think you are twisting the facts here.

GOP warns Iran and White House -

That's because the agreement, with an end-of-March deadline for a framework, is based on the idea that Iran will benefit from a gradual lifting of sanctions that have hammered its economy in return for agreeing to freeze its nuclear program and intrusive inspections of its facilities.

Obama has the power to suspend some sanctions and to lift measures that were imposed by executive power and other international restrictions. But several of the most punitive measures, including some on Iran's financial sector, were imposed by Congress and can only be lifted by Congress, giving lawmakers leverage on the deal possibly years into the future.
Wow that's damn near treasonous. Interfering in the most important negotiation our country is facing in a way that benefits the enemy. But that's the GOP for you, politics before America. :cool:

You lefties need to get your talking points straight, some say we have no business interfering with Irans internal business, and you're saying this is the most important negotiations our country is facing, which is it?

Do you want Iran to obtain nuclear weapons? No? What are our options?

1) Obliterating their nuclear capability and leak radiation all across central Asia, potentially killing and maiming tens of thousands, and leaving the Iranian countryside uninhabitable, creating an avoidable humanitarian crisis not seen since Chernobyl, or;

2) Negotiate with them to get them back in compliance with the NNPT?

I don't know about you, but I choose the latter.

You seem to forgetting the third option, crushing them economically with organized international sanctions. That's what brought them to the table to begin with and your dumb ass dear leader started lifting them just to get them to sit down. A real leader would have told them the sanctions would be doubled if they refused to negotiate in good faith. He says even now there is only a 50/50 chance of a treaty, how fucking stupid is he?

I think you are twisting the facts here.

GOP warns Iran and White House -

That's because the agreement, with an end-of-March deadline for a framework, is based on the idea that Iran will benefit from a gradual lifting of sanctions that have hammered its economy in return for agreeing to freeze its nuclear program and intrusive inspections of its facilities.

Obama has the power to suspend some sanctions and to lift measures that were imposed by executive power and other international restrictions. But several of the most punitive measures, including some on Iran's financial sector, were imposed by Congress and can only be lifted by Congress, giving lawmakers leverage on the deal possibly years into the future.

Am I?

Obama’s Iran capitulation
Just as sanctions force Iran to the table, the President capitulates

France called it a “sucker’s deal.” France was being charitable.

Obama s Iran capitulation - NY Daily News

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