Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

They have been out of compliance since 2002.
I'd still like to know where this matter of non-compliance is centred.

Iran’s Nuclear Program: Tehran’s Compliance
with International Obligations

In 2002, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) began investigating allegations thatIran had conducted clandestine nuclear activities. Ultimately, the agency reported that some of these activities had violated Tehran’s IAEA safeguards agreement. The IAEA has not stated definitively that Iran has pursued nuclear weapons, but has also not yet been able to conclude that the country’s nuclear program is exclusively for peaceful purposes. The IAEA Board of Governors referred the matter to the U.N. Security Council in February 2006. Since then, the council has adopted six resolutions, the most recent of which (Resolution 1929) was adopted in June 2010

"... has also not yet been able to conclude that the country’s nuclear program is exclusively for peaceful purposes..."

(That means that there is no evidence which a reasonably objective individual tasked with determining such, can say with any degree of certainty that such is the case... thus, it falls to reasonable actors to prevent such, at least where the goal is to avoid nuclear evaporation of those who have been attacked consistently by such for the last 30 odd years or better.)
Well you can't hide a Saddam supporter!

And what a shocker that such is nearly exclusively found in the ranks of the Ideological LEFT!

LOL! Yet another demonstration of Relativism: ON PARADE!
You're the one squealing that Iran has been enabled.
Thanks for proving my points. It is called the Mission Accomplished Speech, and Bush did say what I posted and below is a link to evidence:

" News Article President Bush Proclaims End to Major Combat Ops in Iraq"

President Bush Proclaims End to Major Combat Ops in Iraq
By Kathleen T. Rhem
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, May 1, 2003 – Major combat operations in Iraq are over, and America and her allies have prevailed, President Bush said this evening on the flight deck of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier.

You are now free to cut and run, the usual tactic of right wing loudmouths who don't have a clue.

The Mission was Accomplished... and Combat operations were over. THEN the Ideological Left kicked in, ignited a media frenzy over a naked Islamic pyramid and the insuregency of Al Qaeda in Iraq began.

Which required that anti-insurgency tactics be instituted; which are wholly distinct from 'Combat Operations' relative to the invasion of Iraq and the first to dismantle the Iraqi Islamic-Socialist government.

But, in fairness to you, as a relativist, there is no way you could have known that.

Another spin that won't turn. As a realist I can walk in any US Cemetery and read the names of those who fell after Major Combat Operations 'succeeded'. Bush's Crusade was an abject failure, measured by its cost in blood and treasure, and the current state of world affairs. Point fingers all you please, the rewrite of history is all you and you kind have, but don't expect anyone to buy your bull shit.

(The Reader should note that the use of 'spin' is a substitution for 'truth', which as you know, is a concept with which the lowly Relativists are not familiar. So they use phrasing which better fits within the Relativist bent, wherein 'truth' is whatever the individual 'feels' it is... 'relative' or 'subject' to their own personal needs, wants and desires... .

Suffice it to say that casualties incurred in the wake of major combat operations closing, in no way determines that major combat, relevant to the invasion of Iraq and the removal of the Iraqi-Islamic/Socialist Government, had closed.)

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

The Jury is out: is keys

a. a liar

b. a narcissist

c. a liar and a narcissist

d. a liar, a narcissist and challenged by reality

LOL! A desperate grope for popularity...

(The Reader should recognize this as the fallacious appeal, wherein the popularity of a given position is used to determine the validity of that position. Such is axiomatic in Relativism, despite in reality, there being absolutely no potential correlation between popularity and validity.

Yes, it's all quite sad, but this is what happens when a culture allows the mentally disordered to freely associate with the general population.)

Well now, I need to add another choice to the list, based on this phrase, "this is what happens when a culture allows the mentally disordered to freely associate with the general population". Thus

f. a liar, a narcissist, challenged by reality and a NAZI.
(That means that there is no evidence which a reasonably objective individual tasked with determining such, can say with any degree of certainty that such is the case... thus, it falls to reasonable actors to prevent such, at least where the goal is to avoid nuclear evaporation of those who have been attacked consistently by such for the last 30 odd years or better.)
So Iran can't prove a negative? I wonder where we've seen that situation in the last decade or so...
I find it interesting my assertion that all the signatory nuclear powers are in violation of the NNPT went unchallenged. I guess everyone accepts that is the case and wants no further light shone on the signatory nuclear powers' hypocrisy.
Wow, It's time you read a little history.

Actually idiot, I know it better than anyone on this forum. The US gave iranians some money to overthrow a PM who had tried to take the powers of the shah, according to the iranian constitution. Mossadegh was never elected, he was appointed by the shah to his position. Go read the de-classified CIA papers - all of them. I have, did you? The US did not overthrow any government, it is a KGB lie, and low information obama voters like you love to lap it up.

Speaking of IDIOTS, you are relying on a CIA account....the same CIA that DID overthrow Mossadegh because the guy wanted a larger portion of the oil revenue to remain in Iranian hands....British Petrolium and other big oil companies dictated to the CIA to get rid of the upstart so that they could continue to rip off the Iranians......

But, what really pissed off Iran, was the brutal secret service under the Shah (while he was whoring all over Europe) who tortured and killed ANY dissenter.

ROFLMNAO! So you're saying that BP was running the CIA?

Well, sure... I mean that makes perfect sense, 'big corporation, therefore JEWS!'

Oh you're all over this one... .

Not an easy job educating the right wing nutjobs whose only education comes from Bill O'Really.......bit, here goes:

One of the best known covert actions of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was its role in the 1953 overthrow of the Iranian government headed by Mohammed Mossadegh and the subsequent installation of the Shah in to power. While it is true that the coup was successful in large part due to CIA money, materials and strategy, it is also true that the CIA did not act alone. To the contrary, the British plotted the coup and did not propose making the overthrow a joint venture with the CIA until a year after the government began discussions on this prospect.
Points to ponder:

Iran has a HUGE army, an air force, a navy, and Persians are known as among the fiercest of fighters...Further, Iran is three times the size of Iraq who, when Bush-baby and company decided to invade, was divided into 3 parts (the no-fly zones) and was weakened by Bush-daddy and company.

Bombing Iran would only set it's nuclear ambitions back by onw or two years at most...spawning rabid hatred toward the US by virtually all the billions of Muslims (except, of course, the corrupt Saudis)....and, equally, of course, pleasing the tail (Israel) who loves to get us (the dog) to do its bidding.
Points to ponder:

Iran has a HUGE army, an air force, a navy, and Persians are known as among the fiercest of fighters...Further, Iran is three times the size of Iraq who, when Bush-baby and company decided to invade, was divided into 3 parts (the no-fly zones) and was weakened by Bush-daddy and company.

Bombing Iran would only set it's nuclear ambitions back by onw or two years at most...spawning rabid hatred toward the US by virtually all the billions of Muslims (except, of course, the corrupt Saudis)....and, equally, of course, pleasing the tail (Israel) who loves to get us (the dog) to do its bidding.
We do NOT want to bomb those folks, and those pushing for it are reactionaries. The biggest reason for not wanting Iran to have a device is that it would spawn proliferation in Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Egypt, which would come even closer to putting devices in the hands of really crazy people, who might think millions of deaths an easy trade off for doing the will of Allah, as they interpret Allah's will.

The neocons, Israel firsters and reactionaries don't want to accept it, but the reality is Iran would obtain security against an outside attack (such as we launched in Iraq) by just being "close enough" to completing a device. It's really in their geopolitical interests to be seen by the muslim world as the responsible party.
You libs sure have short memories. Hillary Clinton threatened to "obliterate" Iran and Joe Biden called Obama "naïve" for his ideas on dealing with Iran. The GOP sent Iran a letter vs a threat to obliterate them :eusa_think:
Speaking of IDIOTS, you are relying on a CIA account....

Yes idiot, because their de-classified documents detail EXACTLY what occurred. How come idiot leftists scream in support about the accuracy of the 2007 NIE report that iran is not building nuclear weapons, but then other clandestine documents that don't fit their agenda are always false?

the same CIA that DID overthrow Mossadegh

IRANIANS removed mossadegh, not a single american was physically there. Other than writing checks and printing posters, the US did not do a single thing.

Fucking asshole obama is doing more than that in the current israeli elections, and I don't see you or any of the other leftist trash complaining about it.

But, what really pissed off Iran, was the brutal secret service under the Shah (while he was whoring all over Europe) who tortured and killed ANY dissenter.

The shah only dealt with those seeking political power, and was a cream puff compared to the monstrous current regime, who runs one of the world's largest gulag systems. Until leftist trash starts taking iran to task for that and all of the heinous acts they have done/are doing, they cannot utter a fucking word about the shah.
You libs sure have short memories. Hillary Clinton threatened to "obliterate" Iran and Joe Biden called Obama "naïve" for his ideas on dealing with Iran. The GOP sent Iran a letter vs a threat to obliterate them :eusa_think:

Unlike you right wing dingbats, we readily admit that many democrats make tons of mistakes when speaking off-the-cuff.....However, NO OTHER PARTY, like the tea-baggers known as the senate GOPers has ever had the utter stupidity to send a seditious letter to those we are trying to reach a worthwhile agreement......and all this, to please their rich donors and to show their rabid hatred of Obama as a "badge-of-courage."
"Mohammad Reza Pahlavi came to power during World War II after an Anglo-Soviet invasion forced the abdication of his father Reza Shah. During Mohammad Reza's reign, the Iranian oil industry was briefly nationalized under the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh before a U.S. and UK-backed coup d'état deposed Mosaddegh and brought back foreign oil firms"

Instead of quoting nonsense to make up for your lack of historical knowledge, go do some real research - you'd learn that it was the SHAH WHO APPOINTED MOSSADEGH AS PM, in accordance with his role under the iranian constitution.
Speaking of IDIOTS, you are relying on a CIA account....

Yes idiot, because their de-classified documents detail EXACTLY what occurred. How come idiot leftists scream in support about the accuracy of the 2007 NIE report that iran is not building nuclear weapons, but then other clandestine documents that don't fit their agenda are always false?

the same CIA that DID overthrow Mossadegh

IRANIANS removed mossadegh, not a single american was physically there. Other than writing checks and printing posters, the US did not do a single thing.

Fucking asshole obama is doing more than that in the current israeli elections, and I don't see you or any of the other leftist trash complaining about it.

But, what really pissed off Iran, was the brutal secret service under the Shah (while he was whoring all over Europe) who tortured and killed ANY dissenter.

The shah only dealt with those seeking political power, and was a cream puff compared to the monstrous current regime, who runs one of the world's largest gulag systems. Until leftist trash starts taking iran to task for that and all of the heinous acts they have done/are doing, they cannot utter a fucking word about the shah.

Profane AND stupid........Are we talking about the same CIA that assured us that Iraq was ladened with WMDs????
Points to ponder:

Iran has a HUGE army, an air force, a navy, and Persians are known as among the fiercest of fighters...Further, Iran is three times the size of Iraq who, when Bush-baby and company decided to invade, was divided into 3 parts (the no-fly zones) and was weakened by Bush-daddy and company.

Bombing Iran would only set it's nuclear ambitions back by onw or two years at most...spawning rabid hatred toward the US by virtually all the billions of Muslims (except, of course, the corrupt Saudis)....and, equally, of course, pleasing the tail (Israel) who loves to get us (the dog) to do its bidding.

You're pretty clueless, iran's army is shit other the IRG, and is using airplanes from the 70s. No one is pushing for a mass invasion or bombing campaign, we are seeking a mass bombing campaign/destruction of the government, using guided munitions and special forces in some places, thats it. Deposal and liquidation of the regime is the goal, not an occupation, and and end to its hegemonistic/terrorism across the mideast.
"... has also not yet been able to conclude that the country’s nuclear program is exclusively for peaceful purposes..."

(That means that there is no evidence which a reasonably objective individual tasked with determining such, can say with any degree of certainty that such is the case... thus, it falls to reasonable actors to prevent such, at least where the goal is to avoid nuclear evaporation of those who have been attacked consistently by such for the last 30 odd years or better.)

They are blocking inspections, refusing to allow scientists to be interviewed, and hiding facilities, how is any evidence supposed to be obtained?

The IAEA would not even have learned of parching or fordow existence had anti-regime elements not exposed them.

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