Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Technically thousands of Americans died and many more suffered life long wounds after his remarks.

Thousands of Americans who were proud to fight for America. You? How do you fight for your country? By playing the tough guy/gal on an internet forum. How sad for you.

I was on active duty, 1967 - 1969, before you were born and spent over thirty years in a LE career. Raised two sons, both older and more civilized than you, and coached baseball, basketball and volunteered at their schools. And you, what have you done and what real life experiences do you have?
Guy, i just don't have a high tolerance for political bullshit. Obama is trying to get an agreement to burnish what even Democrat are starting to consider a failed presidency. (and, yes, i voted for Obama in 2012, and would again, given the alternative). forget the fact that it will be a largely meaningless agreement that will do nothing to stop the Iranians from getting a bomb. Forget it will never get ratified by this or any other Congress. Obama got him an agreement, and that's the important thing.

He'll have a picture of himself shaking hands with the representatives of the Ayatollahs. Meanwhile the Ayatollahs will take over Iraq and Yemen and make progress towards a bomb.

Probably not much we can - or even should - do about that.

Uhm, no.
Iran has had nuclear technology since the 1970s. We gave it to them (when a Republican was president, in fact). They are members of the NNPT. And as along as they comply with that treaty, they have every right to the technology. That is entirely what this is about.

They are not in compliance, and have never been in compliance.

It is not true that they have never been in compliance. Their nuclear program dates back to the days of the Shaw. Before they started enriching uranium, they were in compliance. No, they are not currently in compliance. That is the issue that the UN Security Council members, including the U.S., are trying to address with these negotiations.

They didnt.
A gang of heavily financed lying bastards smeared Kerry and whay they did is now known as "Swiftboating"... when one says such and such is getting "swiftboated" it means slandered....

what did these guys say, specifically, that wasn't true?


No, the real problem was that Kerry didn't own up to what he did when he was hanging with Jane Fonda.

Q. how old are you? It is important to know, because the late 1960's and early 1970's cannot be judged from afar. The Vietnam War changed America rapidly, from happy days and sock hops to a polarized society faced with war live on TV every evening.

A nation watching the death count rise and two presidents - one Democrat and one Republican - assuring us that there was light at the end of the tunnel, and the first domino would not fall. A load of crap bought once again by a Congress giving us the Iraq Fiasco, the consequences we will live with until the last wounded warrior passes on.
And all because the US overthrew its demoratically elected government and installed a puppet regime. Those Iranians have no sense of proportion.

Let's turn off the kgb/iran talking points, the US did not "overthrow" anyone or anything, so lets keep the nonsense out of the thread.

Wow, It's time you read a little history.
Yes but... he didn't say, "Major combat operations in Iraq are over" (Bush's
Mission Accomplished Speech on May 1, 2003).
...which proves that you are still clueless after many years.
LOL as usual, nothing of substance and the usual ad hominem.
You proved that you were clueless, all I did was point it out.

No you did not. To do so you would have needed to explain why I was wrong, something you are incapable of doing. Why not find another hobby, one in which you might have some competence? You do a good job of parroting right wing propaganda, but therein is the full measure of your ability (so to speak).
Yes but... he didn't say, "Major combat operations in Iraq are over" (Bush's
Mission Accomplished Speech on May 1, 2003).
...which proves that you are still clueless after many years.
LOL as usual, nothing of substance and the usual ad hominem.
You proved that you were clueless, all I did was point it out.
No you did not. To do so you would have needed to explain why I was wrong, something you are incapable of doing. Why not find another hobby, one in which you might have some competence? You do a good job of parroting right wing propaganda, but therein is the full measure of your ability (so to speak).
You smary stupid asshole. You threw out the mission accomplished line like the 20 year of comedy skit that it was. You are fucking clueless and too ignorant about American politics to be here pontificating. Don't know it was General Franks idea and I think the head of the middle east operations knew more about it than some retard that tries to impress people on the internet by throwing out tired worn out leftist talking points and accusing others to hide his tactics.

Don't lecture others about knowledge, you have NONE.
Wow, It's time you read a little history.

Actually idiot, I know it better than anyone on this forum. The US gave iranians some money to overthrow a PM who had tried to take the powers of the shah, according to the iranian constitution. Mossadegh was never elected, he was appointed by the shah to his position. Go read the de-classified CIA papers - all of them. I have, did you? The US did not overthrow any government, it is a KGB lie, and low information obama voters like you love to lap it up.
It is not true that they have never been in compliance. Their nuclear program dates back to the days of the Shaw. Before they started enriching uranium, they were in compliance. No, they are not currently in compliance. That is the issue that the UN Security Council members, including the U.S., are trying to address with these negotiations.

For at least 15 - 20 years they have not been in compliance.
It is not true that they have never been in compliance. Their nuclear program dates back to the days of the Shaw. Before they started enriching uranium, they were in compliance. No, they are not currently in compliance. That is the issue that the UN Security Council members, including the U.S., are trying to address with these negotiations.

For at least 15 - 20 years they have not been in compliance.

They have been out of compliance since 2002.
Wow, It's time you read a little history.

Actually idiot, I know it better than anyone on this forum. The US gave iranians some money to overthrow a PM who had tried to take the powers of the shah, according to the iranian constitution. Mossadegh was never elected, he was appointed by the shah to his position. Go read the de-classified CIA papers - all of them. I have, did you? The US did not overthrow any government, it is a KGB lie, and low information obama voters like you love to lap it up.

Speaking of IDIOTS, you are relying on a CIA account....the same CIA that DID overthrow Mossadegh because the guy wanted a larger portion of the oil revenue to remain in Iranian hands....British Petrolium and other big oil companies dictated to the CIA to get rid of the upstart so that they could continue to rip off the Iranians......

But, what really pissed off Iran, was the brutal secret service under the Shah (while he was whoring all over Europe) who tortured and killed ANY dissenter.
If they try to make "deals" with Iran that allows them to have any type of nuclear power, then I would hope so. This is just . . . pure madness.
The madness is to think the US has any say in how another country regulates its affairs. Look where it's got you.

LOL! Where's that? And please, be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow.

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