Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Once Joeb131[most folks are OK with abusing prisoners in US jails] speaks everyone else back off ...he is a genius.NOT

Apparently Mossad disagrees with you but why would Mossad disagree with you after all you are a"pragmatist" it has to do with showing that you are all opinion no facts no nothing just blowing hard and pretending you are are strictly "wing nut"

Again, what does the Mossad's political jockeying have to do with what I said.

One more time, any agreement Obama reaches with IRan is going to be meaningless. Everyone kind of knows this, no one wants to say it out loud.

Iran will still be free to test ICBM's, still be free to enrich uranium, still be free to conduct nuclear research, and they get most of the sanctions lifted, but the rest of the world was going to drop those sanctions, anyway.
Depends. I live in Illinois, a state where the Democrats have been completely in charge since 2002, and they've managed to fuck up everything.

Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, Walker has done a pretty good job. Pence has done a good job in Indiana.

Your viewpoint is "common"..... wrong as usual .but certainly common

Here you go "MR Pragmatic" LOL

The common viewpoint is that Republicans are good for business, which is good for the economy. Republican policies – and the more Adam Smith, invisible hand, limited regulation, lassaiz faire the better – are expected to create a robust, healthy, growing economy. Meanwhile, the common view of Democrat policies is that they too heavily favor regulation and higher taxes which are economy killers.


Well, for those who feel this way it may be time to review the last 80 years of economic history,
Want a Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat...its from Forbes a well known Commie Liberal entity
Again, what does the Mossad's political jockeying have to do with what I said.

Who the hell is Mossad compared to the incomparable Joeb131[most folks are OK with US prisoners in jail being abused]

While Mossad is "political jockeying" you speak from a much higher level of knowledge and commitment to truth. are just a wannabe Republican
What other Vietnam vets were offended about was Kerry came back from the War and claimed the rest of them were engaging in an orgy or rape and murder and compared our troops to Genghis Khan.[...]
Pity there wasn't any evidence to back that up.

Your viewpoint is "common"..... wrong as usual .but certainly common

Here you go "MR Pragmatic" LOL

Uh, no. Walker got re-elected. Pence got re-elected. Pat Quinn got THROWN OUT ON HIS ASS!
Yeah that is correct but its not because they do better in maging economics...they lie better...they block folks from voting ...they use wedge issues and fear...
Who the hell is Mossad compared to the incomparable Joeb131[most folks are OK with US prisoners in jail being abused]

While Mossad is "political jockeying" you speak from a much higher level of knowledge and commitment to truth. are just a wannabe Republican

Guy, i just don't have a high tolerance for political bullshit. Obama is trying to get an agreement to burnish what even Democrat are starting to consider a failed presidency. (and, yes, i voted for Obama in 2012, and would again, given the alternative). forget the fact that it will be a largely meaningless agreement that will do nothing to stop the Iranians from getting a bomb. Forget it will never get ratified by this or any other Congress. Obama got him an agreement, and that's the important thing.

He'll have a picture of himself shaking hands with the representatives of the Ayatollahs. Meanwhile the Ayatollahs will take over Iraq and Yemen and make progress towards a bomb.

Probably not much we can - or even should - do about that.
Your viewpoint is "common"..... wrong as usual .but certainly common

Here you go "MR Pragmatic" LOL

Uh, no. Walker got re-elected. Pence got re-elected. Pat Quinn got THROWN OUT ON HIS ASS!
Yeah that is correct but its not because they do better in maging economics...they lie better...they block folks from voting ...they use wedge issues and fear...

No, you see, guy, American politics is cyclical. IN 2006-2008, the GOP got thrown out on its ass because they weren't getting the job done. In 2014-16, the democrats will.

Shit, the fact that Jeb Bush is even viable and all the Democrats have is "America's Ex-Wife" is a sad commentary.
Guy, i just don't have a high tolerance for political bullshit. .

You eat sleep and drink GOP political have benefited from Union activism over the last 75 years and you are on the side of Koch slave Scott Walker stupidly believe that Republicans are better economic stupidly believe in know you said you did not want Unions in Govt...your hero Walker said he would only wanted Govt unions harmed ...turns out he wants all unions crushed in private industry...he lied but he is your great hero ...
If someone threatened to gut my wife like a deer, I don't think I would make that kind of distinction. And I'm generally pro-union.
Blog: Sheriffs group cried for Obama to be hanged | PunditFact
GOP calls for Obama lynching dude....

And Obama has compared the Right Wing to terrorists. so what's your point?

It's okay for Obama to compare his opponents to terrorists when they make threats and disagree with him, but boy, Scott Walker better not fucking do it, when they threaten to gut his wife like a dear and tell him they know where his children go to school and they terrorize his elderly parents.
You eat sleep and drink GOP political have benefited from Union activism over the last 75 years and you are on the side of Koch slave Scott Walker stupidly believe that Republicans are better economic stupidly believe in know you said you did not want Unions in Govt...your hero Walker said he would only wanted Govt unions harmed ...turns out he wants all unions crushed in private industry...he lied but he is your great hero ...

Guy, lazy government workers getting obscene benefits doesn't benefit me in the least.

FDR said that government workers shouldn't unionize. I have no problem with them unionizing, but I have a huge problem with them getting six figure retirement packages at 50 that the rest of us have to pay crushing taxes to support.
in private industry...he lied but he is your great hero ...

Guy, lazy government workers getting obscene benefits doesn't benefit me in the least.

You only benefit from Koch brothers policies .......wealth concentrated in the top 1 percent is what will benefit you. NOT
You only benefit from Koch brothers policies .......wealth concentrated in the top 1 percent is what will benefit you. NOT

I don't benefit from those either. But you are missing the point. Why should I as an IL taxpayer have to pay for a teacher or a garbage truck driver to retire at 50 at full salary?

What's the rationalization for that? Why is that even a good policy?

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