Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Obama did what the American people wanted him to do- get our boys out of Iraq.

Then in turn launched the bombing of Libya, invaded Pakistan to kill OBL, launched drone strikes in Yemen, sent troops back to Iraq to combat ISIS, and sent some of our personnel to Sudan and Uganda.

Apparently he's just as bad as his predecessor.

Erm, so you think he should have let Osama Bin Laden live - like Bush did?

He wouldn't have done it had there not been an election to win.

He was killed on May 2, 2011. So, erm, what election do you suppose there was to win?

How could you possibly forget the 2012 election? He had to have a campaign pitch going into an election year.

"Al-Qaeda is on the run and Bin Laden is dead," he said.
If they try to make "deals" with Iran that allows them to have any type of nuclear power, then I would hope so. This is just . . . pure madness.
The madness is to think the US has any say in how another country regulates its affairs. Look where it's got you.

AS another poster already stated, we don't really WANT to be involved, we HAVE to be involved for the good and security of the world. Too bad one of these other pussy countries won't take the reigns for a change. Let them be the "hated ones" for a while. Most of us Americans are tired of this crap anyways.
Really Who’s closer to having committed treason, a guy who puts out a press release stating basic constitutional divisions of power
or a guy who’s determined to give a terrorist state known for proclaiming “death to America” a 10-year path to uranium enrichment?

If you're not a complete idiot (you be the judge) how would you compare the chants "death to America" ..."bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran...." ???

Just asking........

the same

as how A couple of weeks ago, it was beyond the pale of decency to ask if Obama loves America,
but today it's fine to call 47 Republican senators traitors.

SEDITION - "conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch." GOP Senators must wear flag pins, otherwise no one would guess they were patriots, because they are not.

My oh my, look how angry you are.

I'm not angry, I'm embarrassed. People all over the world read posts by stupid Americans like you, if reflects poorly on those of us who actually think.
If they try to make "deals" with Iran that allows them to have any type of nuclear power, then I would hope so. This is just . . . pure madness.
The madness is to think the US has any say in how another country regulates its affairs. Look where it's got you.

AS another poster already stated, we don't really WANT to be involved, we HAVE to be involved for the good and security of the world. Too bad one of these other pussy countries won't take the reigns for a change. Let them be the "hated ones" for a while. Most of us Americans are tired of this crap anyways.
You have to be involved? No, you don't. There was a world before America. and there will be one after.
The issue is how to keep them from getting nukes.

They already have enough 20% Uranium to enrich to weapons grade should they feel so inclined.

Bomb them into the stone age (which would never work), sent in ground troops (we saw how well that worked for Saddam Hussein)

We captured him little more than 9 months after invaded. I'd call that a win, eh? What history book are you reading?

or try to get them to the table and work out a verifiable agreement with the UNSC?

You know how shady they are, you can't possibly to get a bunch of theocrats to agree to a deal, unless it unfairly favors them.
Really Who’s closer to having committed treason, a guy who puts out a press release stating basic constitutional divisions of power
or a guy who’s determined to give a terrorist state known for proclaiming “death to America” a 10-year path to uranium enrichment?

If you're not a complete idiot (you be the judge) how would you compare the chants "death to America" ..."bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran...." ???

Just asking........

the same

as how A couple of weeks ago, it was beyond the pale of decency to ask if Obama loves America,
but today it's fine to call 47 Republican senators traitors.

SEDITION - "conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch." GOP Senators must wear flag pins, otherwise no one would guess they were patriots, because they are not.

My oh my, look how angry you are.

I'm not angry, I'm embarrassed. People all over the world read posts by stupid Americans like you, if reflects poorly on those of us who actually think.

Yep, you're angry. Angry that people decided to stand up to your king. Now, I am far from stupid, and at least I don't stoop to calling people traitors each and every time they challenge my guy. Grow up.
Obama did what the American people wanted him to do- get our boys out of Iraq.

Then in turn launched the bombing of Libya, invaded Pakistan to kill OBL, launched drone strikes in Yemen, sent troops back to Iraq to combat ISIS, and sent some of our personnel to Sudan and Uganda.

Apparently he's just as bad as his predecessor.

Erm, so you think he should have let Osama Bin Laden live - like Bush did?

He wouldn't have done it had there not been an election to win.

He was killed on May 2, 2011. So, erm, what election do you suppose there was to win?

How could you possibly forget the 2012 election? He had to have a campaign pitch going into an election year.

"Al-Qaeda is on the run and Bin Laden is dead," he said.

Yes but... he didn't say, "Major combat operations in Iraq are over" (Bush's
Mission Accomplished Speech on May 1, 2003).
Then in turn launched the bombing of Libya, invaded Pakistan to kill OBL, launched drone strikes in Yemen, sent troops back to Iraq to combat ISIS, and sent some of our personnel to Sudan and Uganda.

Apparently he's just as bad as his predecessor.

Erm, so you think he should have let Osama Bin Laden live - like Bush did?

He wouldn't have done it had there not been an election to win.

He was killed on May 2, 2011. So, erm, what election do you suppose there was to win?

How could you possibly forget the 2012 election? He had to have a campaign pitch going into an election year.

"Al-Qaeda is on the run and Bin Laden is dead," he said.

Yes but... he didn't say, "Major combat operations in Iraq are over" (Bush's
Mission Accomplished Speech on May 1, 2003).

Technically he did complete the mission and acquire the objective.

Your point?
If you're not a complete idiot (you be the judge) how would you compare the chants "death to America" ..."bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran...." ???

Just asking........

the same

as how A couple of weeks ago, it was beyond the pale of decency to ask if Obama loves America,
but today it's fine to call 47 Republican senators traitors.

SEDITION - "conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch." GOP Senators must wear flag pins, otherwise no one would guess they were patriots, because they are not.

My oh my, look how angry you are.

I'm not angry, I'm embarrassed. People all over the world read posts by stupid Americans like you, if reflects poorly on those of us who actually think.

Yep, you're angry. Angry that people decided to stand up to your king. Now, I am far from stupid, and at least I don't stoop to calling people traitors each and every time they challenge my guy. Grow up.

You need a reality check, let's start with your claim you are far from stupid. I'd guess an IQ of somewhere in the mid 90's, based on the syntax and words you use. You also confuse me with claiming I stoop to calling people traitors, that is the claim made by keys, one of your pals on the far right.

I posted the definition of Sedition, had you the sense of a person with a triple digit IQ you wouldn't need to lie and make false claims. Capable people have the ability to post sensible arguments based on facts - your opinions are generally based on emotions or are an echo of right wing propaganda.
Erm, so you think he should have let Osama Bin Laden live - like Bush did?

He wouldn't have done it had there not been an election to win.

He was killed on May 2, 2011. So, erm, what election do you suppose there was to win?

How could you possibly forget the 2012 election? He had to have a campaign pitch going into an election year.

"Al-Qaeda is on the run and Bin Laden is dead," he said.

Yes but... he didn't say, "Major combat operations in Iraq are over" (Bush's
Mission Accomplished Speech on May 1, 2003).

Technically he did complete the mission and acquire the objective.

Your point?

Technically thousands of Americans died and many more suffered life long wounds after his remarks. I suppose I need to make a technical adjustment and change my opinion to the dull normal - say 86 to 88.
You need a reality check, let's start with your claim you are far from stupid. I'd guess an IQ of somewhere in the mid 90's, based on the syntax and words you use

118 actually. Can't judge a person solely by his grammar, you know, but as a liberal you try.

You also confuse me with claiming I stoop to calling people traitors, that is the claim made by keys, one of your pals on the far right.

No. It was made by the NY Daily News.


That's the second time you've failed to research your facts in this thread. Moving on to your next witty riposte:

I posted the definition of Sedition, had you the sense of a person with a triple digit IQ you wouldn't need to lie and make false claims.

In fact, I didn't. You insist on calling people liars when you have no real substance to base your argument on. Just why are you insulting my intelligence in the first place?

Capable people have the ability to post sensible arguments based on facts

From what I've seen from this exchange, all I saw were your opinions. Capable people can mount arguments without calling people names and insulting them. Simple.

your opinions are generally based on emotions or are an echo of right wing propaganda.

Lovely, the "you're using nothing but right wing propaganda" meme. Do you have something more...original?
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Technically thousands of Americans died and many more suffered life long wounds after his remarks.

Thousands of Americans who were proud to fight for America. You? How do you fight for your country? By playing the tough guy/gal on an internet forum. How sad for you.
You need a reality check

No. You need a basic education in law and practice, and then a reality check

Your dictionary definition:

SEDITION - "conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch." GOP Senators must wear flag pins, otherwise no one would guess they were patriots, because they are not.

Versus the legal definition:

18 USC § 2384

Seditious Conspiracy

"If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."

Under this law, these Senators did not commit Seditious Conspiracy, as they never attempted to forcefully overthrow or destroy the government of the United States, or by force prevent it from carrying out its constitutionally granted authority.

Notice how the words "by force" are used four times in the statute, and as such "by force" does not include a letter to Iran consisting of little more than two to three sheets of paper. Oh the innocuity! The horror!

I'll take your dictionary definition of "sedition" and raise you one federal statute defining "sedition" in its proper context. Go read up on the law before you start calling people traitors or accusing them of sedition. Perhaps it would serve you well to look up the law instead of using the dictionary. A dictionary doesn't hold the weight of law.

How smart do you feel now?

Now, having swiftly and devastatingly kicked your backside in the debate, you must excuse me; I have a Level 63 Wizard to get to 70 before bed.
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AS another poster already stated, we don't really WANT to be involved, we HAVE to be involved for the good and security of the world. Too bad one of these other pussy countries won't take the reigns for a change. Let them be the "hated ones" for a while. Most of us Americans are tired of this crap anyways.
What a load of wank. The good and security of, for instance, China and Russia is at the bottom of the list of US priorities.
Iran letter blowback startles GOP

John McCain: “It was kind of a very rapid process. Everybody was looking forward to getting out of town because of the snowstorm.”
McCain said. “I think we probably should have had more discussion about it, given the blowback that there is.”

Read more: Iran letter blowback startles GOP - Burgess Everett - POLITICO

By Burgess Everett

3/11/15 8:00 PM EDT

Updated 3/11/15 8:39 PM EDT

Read more: Iran letter blowback startles GOP - Burgess Everett - POLITICO

Well, DUH! :)

When 87% of the GOP Senatorial Caucus signs it's name to such tripe, what do they expect?

This means in "Klartext" that only 7 GOP Senators had the good sense to NOT sign their names and we don't even know if all of them were informed about the letter before it was published.

The blowback is well deserved. And I intend to make sure that they can't live it down. I can see the 2016 ad now....

And in terms of that petition, that had 8,900 signatures on it less than two days ago:

File charges against the 47 U.S. Senators in violation of The Logan Act in attempting to undermine a nuclear agreement. We the People Your Voice in Our Government

There are currently 205,714 signatures, double the amount needed for this petition to have to come to the attention of the White House.

Now, chickenshits that they are, the GOP rats who signed this nonsense will argue that it was an "open letter", as if they had no idea in the world whether the Iranian government was going to see it. It's part of their 3rd grade mentality. Where the GOP fails miserably is in realizing that in the world where virtually EVERYTHING is videoed, audioed and definitely archived on the net, there is no way for them to roll time back and act as if it didn't happen.

The utter stupidity, the naivitee, the sheer incompetence and the brazen hatred of America on the part of the GOP is nothing less than astounding.

Has anyone here actually asked why the GOP caucus allowed a freshman Senator to do this? Tom Cotton (R-Tee Potty-AR) has only been on the job for two months and a little more than one week. He hasn't even had time to learn the ropes yet. How could all of those very seasoned GOP Senators be this dumb?
sure gaybait you are a right wing regular bastard pretending to be a normal are strictly a wing nut...

As I keep explaining to the wingnuts, I'm a pragmatist. I go with what works.

I guess I have to explain it to the moonbats as well.

Reality- Obama will negotiate a largely meaningless agreement with Iran that Congress won't ratify. He'll try to call it an accomplishment.

But it was really stupid for the Senators to do this, mostly because it sends a signal that we aren't negotiating in good faith.
Where were you when Bush started the drone attacks?

In high school, focusing on my studies, not the sordid state of American politics.

Wow, so you are but a kid.

Wars are declared against sovereign states, dude. ISIS is not a sovereign state.

templarguy said:
Actually the definition didn't matter to you when Bush declared his "war on terror." It was an "unnecessary war" according to you. You talk a big game, but can't back it up.

That is correct. I didn't support Bush's war. ISIS is a direct result of it.

Too funny- yes blame Bush

-Papa Obama had fanned the rebellion in Syria and kept it going for three full years,
while doing nothing to help
-The poorly planned withdrawal from Iraq
- Pushing “democracy” through demands of free participation of religious and sectarian parties in elections.

Granted, Papa Obama's complete failures and handling of
Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya may be too much for the left to handle

At least all Carter did was give us modern state of terrorism, Iran.

In at interview with The New Yorker, Obama said of ISIS:

“The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a JV team puts on Lakers uniforms, that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant. I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian.”

No doubt, Bush told him to say that

Which is why, Americans do not trust Papa Obama to do make the correct
decisions on Iran

Really, helping them to get uranium, it is a hard sell for the left
good luck with that
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Swift-boat Cotton

We're not supposed to bash Cotton because he's a vet, but John Kerry was fair game.
What short memories people have.

John Kerry was fair game because of what he did AFTER he came back. the real problem with John Kerry is he never owned up to sliming his fellow vets. He just thought, 'Hey, I've got three purple hearts for minor injuries, everyone will just forget I called American Soldiers baby killers".

They didnt.
Really? That was an actual official statement from a union representative or are you painting all labor unions with the actions of one individual, Joe?

If someone threatened to gut my wife like a deer, I don't think I would make that kind of distinction. And I'm generally pro-union.

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