Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!


Hard to find? How about Bob McDermont going to Baghdad before the invasion?

Congress' "Dear Commendante Letter" to Danny the Kiddy Diddler Ortega?

Nancy Pelosi going to Syria in 2005 after they were complicate in the assassination of Lebanon's president?
It appears to me that the treasonous letter sent by 47 recalcitrant Senators was part of a two pronged attempt to derail the Policy course decided by our Democratically elected President Obama.

The other prong of this classic "Hammer and Tong" operation was the invitation [without notification of the POTUS] to Netanyahu to come the Congress and sandbag the President...Unnnbelievable treachery ....NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON

Yes, how dare they point out to the Iranians that any agreement with Obama they reach will be meaningless because they probably won't lift the sanctions.

It's bad form, because it tells the other six nations we aren't negotiating in good faith. But frankly, guy, if Obama just wants a treaty so he can have a treaty, that's kind of silly.
Missile shield pulled from Europe, Egypt, Libya,
his lies to the American people on health care alone,

People all over the world already know
Papa Obama can not be trusted

Hard for the left to believe
outside of his support in the US...
on the world stage, no one takes
him as a serious player or trustworthy
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And that is different from what we are doing to Iran right now, how?

Because unlike then, we chose to ease the economic sanctions. Their economy was on the brink of collapse, but we chose to loose our foot from their neck.

So you think inflicting misery on people is a good strategy because we don't like the form of government they picked?


We want democracy for the middle east, unless they pick leaders we don't like.
But it was really stupid for the Senators to do this, mostly because it sends a signal that we aren't negotiating in good faith.
Republicans never ever under any circumstance negotiate in good Faith...they are fundamentally fanatical....
We want democracy for the middle east, unless they pick leaders we don't like.
Like for instance Republicans hate the Black President and hate that "WE THE PEOPLE" they made it their mission to ensure an unsuccessful Presidency...they have used a two pronged hammer and tongs operation to scuttle Obama's initiatives with Iran prong was inviting crazy Bibi to address crazy Congress and the other is conspiring to sabotage Obama by sending a letter to Iran..
Iran Offers to Mediate Talks Between Republicans and Obama
The New Yorker‎-2 days ago
TEHRAN (TheBorowitz Report)—Stating that “their continuing hostilities are a threat to ...
It appears to me that the treasonous letter sent by 47 recalcitrant Senators was part of a two pronged attempt to derail the Policy course decided by our Democratically elected President Obama.

The other prong of this classic "Hammer and Tong" operation was the invitation [without notification of the POTUS] to Netanyahu to come the Congress and sandbag the President...Unnnbelievable treachery ....NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON

Yes, how dare they point out to the Iranians that any agreement with Obama they reach will be meaningless because they probably won't lift the sanctions.

It's bad form, because it tells the other six nations we aren't negotiating in good faith. But frankly, guy, if Obama just wants a treaty so he can have a treaty, that's kind of silly.

The official IRNA news agency on Thursday quoted Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as calling the letter a sign of "the collapse of political ethics and the U.S. system's internal disintegration."

They didnt.
A gang of heavily financed lying bastards smeared Kerry and whay they did is now known as "Swiftboating"... when one says such and such is getting "swiftboated" it means slandered....

what did these guys say, specifically, that wasn't true?


No, the real problem was that Kerry didn't own up to what he did when he was hanging with Jane Fonda.
As I keep explaining to the wingnuts, I'm a pragmatist. I go with what works.

So you are under the impression Republican Governance State "Mississippi"

Depends. I live in Illinois, a state where the Democrats have been completely in charge since 2002, and they've managed to fuck up everything.

Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, Walker has done a pretty good job. Pence has done a good job in Indiana.

You get this, right, that the Democrats had their chance and pretty much blew it, right?
John Kerry was fair game because of what he did AFTER he came back. the real problem with John Kerry is he never owned up to sliming his fellow vets. He just thought, 'Hey, I've got three purple hearts for minor injuries, everyone will just forget I called American Soldiers baby killers".

They didnt.
How could he lie like that? Some-one should have called him on it.

But frankly, guy, if Obama just wants a treaty so he can have a treaty, that's kind of silly.

Yeah you are one fantastic pragmatist sure sure and a liberal; sure sure
Report: Mossad undercuts Benjamin Netanyahu, warns US ...
Israeli intelligence officials have apparently come around to the same view shared by both the Obama administration as well as American spy agencies

What does that have to do with anything I said.

Okay, one more time. Any agreement that Obama reaches with the Ayatollah's is going to be pretty meaningless. Congress won't ratify it and it won't really stop the IRanians from making progress towards a bomb. But since the rest of the world- Namely Europe, Russia and China, want to start trading with Iran again, Obama needs an agreement so that it won't look like the sanctions just fell apart on their own.

So everyone smiles for the cameras and nothing changes.
What does that have to do with anything I said.

So everyone smiles for the cameras and nothing changes.
Once Joeb131[most folks are OK with abusing prisoners in US jails] speaks everyone else back off ...he is a genius.NOT

Apparently Mossad disagrees with you but why would Mossad disagree with you after all you are a"pragmatist" it has to do with showing that you are all opinion no facts no nothing just blowing hard and pretending you are are strictly "wing nut"
what did these guys say, specifically, that wasn't true?
what did they say that was true ???

pretty much everything.

Kerry did put in claims for purple hearts for superficial injuries. That's not a bad thing in and of itself. My dad (an Army Medic in WWII) told me about guys who cut their hands on C-ration cans and put in for purple hearts. Bob Dole got his first purple heart from grenade fragments from a grenade he didn't throw far enough.

What other Vietnam vets were offended about was Kerry came back from the War and claimed the rest of them were engaging in an orgy or rape and murder and compared our troops to Genghis Khan.

Which he totally did.

Then he tried to pretend that shit didn't happen. Jane Fonda was nowhere to be found in 2004.

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