Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Do you even HAVE a job, because it looks like you are here all day?

and that is your business what the fk do you do Mr Pragmatic

I have a full time job in manufacturing. I also have a side business where I write resumes for people. Thanks for asking.

So I take it by your indignant answer that you are permanently unemployable. No wonder you live in mortal terror that taxpayers might stop subsidizing your lifestyle.
Speaking of Joeb131 and GOP idiocy

New York Times Editorial: Republican Idiocy on Iran®ion=c-column-top-span-region&WT.nav=c-column-top-span-region&_r=0

After helping to ignite a firestorm over a possible nuclear agreement with Iran, Senator John McCain, a former Republican presidential candidate, is now sort of acknowledging his error. “Maybe that wasn’t exactly the best way to do that,” he said on Fox News on Tuesday.

He was referring to the disgraceful and irresponsible letter that he and 46 Senate colleagues sent to Iran’s leaders this week that generated outrage from Democrats and even some conservatives.

The letter was an attempt to scare the Iranians from making a deal that would limit their nuclear program for at least a decade by issuing a warning that the next president could simply reverse any agreement. It was a blatant, dangerous effort to undercut the president on a grave national security issue by communicating directly with a foreign government.

Maybe Mr. McCain, who is chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, should have thought about the consequences before he signed the letter, which was drafted by Tom Cotton, a Republican of Arkansas, a junior senator with no foreign policy credentials. Instead of trying to be leaders and statesmen, the Republicans in Congress seem to think their role is outside the American government, divorced from constitutional principles, tradition and the security interests of the American people.
Do you even HAVE a job, because it looks like you are here all day?

and that is your business what the fk do you do Mr Pragmatic

I have a full time job in manufacturing. I also have a side business where I write resumes for people. Thanks for asking.
If you work in manufacturing you have benefited from Unions ...
I am in my 60 s and retired Mr Pragmatic Liberal wing nut ... I worked since I was 11 years old...
You only benefit from Koch brothers policies .......wealth concentrated in the top 1 percent is what will benefit you. NOT

I don't benefit from those either. But you are missing the point. Why should I as an IL taxpayer have to pay for a teacher or a garbage truck driver to retire at 50 at full salary?

What's the rationalization for that? Why is that even a good policy?
There are anecdotal cases that may reflect abuses of the system sure are taking those and saying "all union members abuse the system"...just like you said "the Unions threatened to gut Walker's wife" ...that did not happen...some nut or extremist may have made threats ...just like GOP officials have called for lynchings...
You only benefit from Koch brothers policies .......wealth concentrated in the top 1 percent is what will benefit you. NOT

I don't benefit from those either. But you are missing the point. Why should I as an IL taxpayer have to pay for a teacher or a garbage truck driver to retire at 50 at full salary?

What's the rationalization for that? Why is that even a good policy?

I don't think that many of us on the left would argue that there are no excesses regarding unions.....BUT, you don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.......The obvious fact is that Walker is a Koch "hired gun" to do their greedy biddings to rid Wisconsin of collective bargaining...For the Koch brothers it isn't really any longer about just money, but the POWER that their current wealth can garner in buying themselves all of the political whores they may want.
I don't think that many of us on the left would argue that there are no excesses regarding unions.....BUT, you don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.......The obvious fact is that Walker is a Koch "hired gun" to do their greedy biddings to rid Wisconsin of collective bargaining...For the Koch brothers it isn't really any longer about just money, but the POWER that their current wealth can garner in buying themselves all of the political whores they may want.

Joeb is a born again Right wing nut who claims to be a "liberal" he works in manufacturing so he has benefited from Unions fighting for better wages , working conditions , health care...but Joeb was born again as a GOP stooge who blames Unions for everything and supports Gov Walker being literally at the beck and call of vested powerful interests like the Koch brothers...he has no problems with Walker being a house servant of the Koch brothers ...Joeb also declar3ed that"most people are cool with prisoners in US jail being abused"...he busted out with that when I pointed out a Florida prisoner had been boiled alive by correctional officers in Fl....
I don't think that many of us on the left would argue that there are no excesses regarding unions.....BUT, you don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.......The obvious fact is that Walker is a Koch "hired gun" to do their greedy biddings to rid Wisconsin of collective bargaining...For the Koch brothers it isn't really any longer about just money, but the POWER that their current wealth can garner in buying themselves all of the political whores they may want.

Joeb is a born again Right wing nut who claims to be a "liberal" he works in manufacturing so he has benefited from Unions fighting for better wages , working conditions , health care...but Joeb was born again as a GOP stooge who blames Unions for everything and supports Gov Walker being literally at the beck and call of vested powerful interests like the Koch brothers...he has no problems with Walker being a house servant of the Koch brothers ...Joeb also declar3ed that"most people are cool with prisoners in US jail being abused"...he busted out with that when I pointed out a Florida prisoner had been boiled alive by correctional officers in Fl....

What most common right wingers need to realize is that they too will NOT benefit from a plutocratic or oligarchical type of governmental and economic destiny.

They didnt.
A gang of heavily financed lying bastards smeared Kerry and whay they did is now known as "Swiftboating"... when one says such and such is getting "swiftboated" it means slandered....

what did these guys say, specifically, that wasn't true?


No, the real problem was that Kerry didn't own up to what he did when he was hanging with Jane Fonda.
WTF? How about the swiftboat vet who said Kerry didn't earn his Bronze Star for heroism under fire because he was there and they weren't under fire? Turned out, that very same vet also earned a Bronze Star for valor under fire for that same event. :ack-1:
Iran has had nuclear technology since the 1970s. We gave it to them (when a Republican was president, in fact). They are members of the NNPT. And as along as they comply with that treaty, they have every right to the technology. That is entirely what this is about.

They are not in compliance, and have never been in compliance.
And all because the US overthrew its demoratically elected government and installed a puppet regime. Those Iranians have no sense of proportion.

Let's turn off the kgb/iran talking points, the US did not "overthrow" anyone or anything, so lets keep the nonsense out of the thread.
Technically thousands of Americans died and many more suffered life long wounds after his remarks. I suppose I need to make a technical adjustment and change my opinion to the dull normal - say 86 to 88.

And how many of those americans died because of iran? How many tons of iranian war material including EFPs and such were found in iraq? How much more manageable and efficient would the iraq war had been had iran not gotten involved? Why are leftists so totally non credible, whining about what the US allegedly did in 1953, but silent on iran doing 1000 times worse in iraq in 2003 forward?
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The official IRNA news agency on Thursday quoted Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as calling the letter a sign of "the collapse of political ethics and the U.S. system's internal disintegration."

....while khameini orders another round of terrorism across the mideast, great source to quote there, dimwit.

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