Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Joeb is a born again Right wing nut who claims to be a "liberal" he works in manufacturing so he has benefited from Unions fighting for better wages , working conditions , health care...but Joeb was born again as a GOP stooge who blames Unions for everything and supports Gov Walker being literally at the beck and call of vested powerful interests like the Koch brothers...he has no problems with Walker being a house servant of the Koch brothers ...Joeb also declar3ed that"most people are cool with prisoners in US jail being abused"...he busted out with that when I pointed out a Florida prisoner had been boiled alive by correctional officers in Fl....

Yes, when you take a mentally ill, violent crackhead into your home, I'll take your compassion seriously

Meanwhile, I'm damned glad we have prisons for these people.

MEANWHILE- You know what, my factory is a non-union shop and frankly, corporate does most of those things without unions prodding them. This is the real problem unions have. They've outlived their usefulness. Companies offer health care and better working conditions because - IT'S GOOD BUSINESS. Not because some union slug is out there threatening to gut his wife like a deer.

Hey, do you know why the two guys who boiled Johnny Crackhead alive are still prison guards? Union rules.
Q. how old are you? It is important to know, because the late 1960's and early 1970's cannot be judged from afar. The Vietnam War changed America rapidly, from happy days and sock hops to a polarized society faced with war live on TV every evening.

A nation watching the death count rise and two presidents - one Democrat and one Republican - assuring us that there was light at the end of the tunnel, and the first domino would not fall. A load of crap bought once again by a Congress giving us the Iraq Fiasco, the consequences we will live with until the last wounded warrior passes on.

All valid points- And it STILL doesn't excuse what Kerry and Jane Fonda and others did.

But Kerry's problem was he didn't want to own up to what he did. He wanted to paint himself as a war hero, not the guy who threw his medals at Congress.
Those senators just "kissed goodbye" their own chances of ever running for the WH....and perhaps even their re-election for that seat ...can you picture the opponents' ads?

Also, you may have noticed that other right wing governors who were first....clamoring to also sign the letter (Perry, Walker, Gindhal) have since backed away....LOL

Meh, no one is going to be talking about this after a week.

The reality is, the GOP will nominate Bush, the Democrats will nominate Hillary.
I can't believe 47 senators decided this was a good idea. Wow

I can't believe anyone thinks signing a treaty with IRan that we all KNOW they are going to break is a good idea.

No shortage of bad ideas here.
It's not a treaty...

So calling it an agreement doesn't nullify the main point.

To all my leftist friends, do you really, really think the Iranians can be trusted to abide by any agreement we make with them? I don't. They are doing the bare minimum they have to do to get sanctions lifted.
The repubs may have successfully scuttled out best chance to stop and monitor Iran's nuclear ambitions. I guess they are pretty proud, but their real joy will come when the only option left is to invade Iran and spill the blood of innocent people.
I can't believe 47 senators decided this was a good idea. Wow

I can't believe anyone thinks signing a treaty with IRan that we all KNOW they are going to break is a good idea.

No shortage of bad ideas here.
It's not a treaty...

So calling it an agreement doesn't nullify the main point.

To all my leftist friends, do you really, really think the Iranians can be trusted to abide by any agreement we make with them? I don't. They are doing the bare minimum they have to do to get sanctions lifted.
I don't trust them, but I don't truly trust any country in the middle east, nor many other places in the world either, I think mainly because I don't understand their cultures (good to back stab and or lie if it is for their benefit type cultures?) or governments. Let's see what this agreement is, if we ever even come to an agreement between executives...I've seen nothing but speculation and don't know much...and I don't think anyone out there knows any of the true details, especially the classified details from the President's advisers....the, 'what's going on behind the scenes type stuff?...who knows, we are always doing just about the darn opposite of whatever we say we are going to do, at least in a black ops type of way.
I can't believe 47 senators decided this was a good idea. Wow

I can't believe anyone thinks signing a treaty with IRan that we all KNOW they are going to break is a good idea.

No shortage of bad ideas here.
It's not a treaty...

So calling it an agreement doesn't nullify the main point.

To all my leftist friends, do you really, really think the Iranians can be trusted to abide by any agreement we make with them? I don't. They are doing the bare minimum they have to do to get sanctions lifted.

Without an agreement they will get nukes. Better to have an agreement.

They didnt.
A gang of heavily financed lying bastards smeared Kerry and whay they did is now known as "Swiftboating"... when one says such and such is getting "swiftboated" it means slandered....

what did these guys say, specifically, that wasn't true?


No, the real problem was that Kerry didn't own up to what he did when he was hanging with Jane Fonda.
No answer...?

How about the swiftboat vet who said Kerry didn't earn his Bronze Star for heroism under fire because he was there and they weren't under fire? Turned out, that very same vet also earned a Bronze Star for valor under fire for that same event.
I don't think that many of us on the left would argue that there are no excesses regarding unions.....BUT, you don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.......The obvious fact is that Walker is a Koch "hired gun" to do their greedy biddings to rid Wisconsin of collective bargaining...For the Koch brothers it isn't really any longer about just money, but the POWER that their current wealth can garner in buying themselves all of the political whores they may want.

Joeb is a born again Right wing nut who claims to be a "liberal" he works in manufacturing so he has benefited from Unions fighting for better wages , working conditions , health care...but Joeb was born again as a GOP stooge who blames Unions for everything and supports Gov Walker being literally at the beck and call of vested powerful interests like the Koch brothers...he has no problems with Walker being a house servant of the Koch brothers ...Joeb also declar3ed that"most people are cool with prisoners in US jail being abused"...he busted out with that when I pointed out a Florida prisoner had been boiled alive by correctional officers in Fl....

You sure about that? I think JoeB is a lefty. :D He hates our 2nd amendment right. I don't think I know of even ONE person on the right who is anti 2nd amendment.
I can't believe 47 senators decided this was a good idea. Wow

I can't believe anyone thinks signing a treaty with IRan that we all KNOW they are going to break is a good idea.

No shortage of bad ideas here.
It's not a treaty...

So calling it an agreement doesn't nullify the main point.

To all my leftist friends, do you really, really think the Iranians can be trusted to abide by any agreement we make with them? I don't. They are doing the bare minimum they have to do to get sanctions lifted.

Without an agreement they will get nukes. Better to have an agreement.

Are you effing kidding me? YOU are the one who is against law-abiding US citizens having guns and practicing a guaranteed constitutional right but want Iran to have nukes? :cuckoo:
I can't believe 47 senators decided this was a good idea. Wow

I can't believe anyone thinks signing a treaty with IRan that we all KNOW they are going to break is a good idea.

No shortage of bad ideas here.
It's not a treaty...

So calling it an agreement doesn't nullify the main point.

To all my leftist friends, do you really, really think the Iranians can be trusted to abide by any agreement we make with them? I don't. They are doing the bare minimum they have to do to get sanctions lifted.

Without an agreement they will get nukes. Better to have an agreement.

Are you effing kidding me? YOU are the one who is against law-abiding US citizens having guns and practicing a guaranteed constitutional right but want Iran to have nukes? :cuckoo:

Have you lost your mind? First I've never said we should ban guns. Second an agreement will keep them from having nukes. Certainly doing nothing will not keep them from nukes and we sure can't have another war to stop them.
I can't believe anyone thinks signing a treaty with IRan that we all KNOW they are going to break is a good idea.

No shortage of bad ideas here.
It's not a treaty...

So calling it an agreement doesn't nullify the main point.

To all my leftist friends, do you really, really think the Iranians can be trusted to abide by any agreement we make with them? I don't. They are doing the bare minimum they have to do to get sanctions lifted.

Without an agreement they will get nukes. Better to have an agreement.

Are you effing kidding me? YOU are the one who is against law-abiding US citizens having guns and practicing a guaranteed constitutional right but want Iran to have nukes? :cuckoo:

Have you lost your mind? First I've never said we should ban guns. Second an agreement will keep them from having nukes. Certainly doing nothing will not keep them from nukes and we sure can't have another war to stop them.

Bull, You are another dishonest gun banner. You might deny it, but your statements belie your claim. You are an anti-2nd amendment traitor to the American people, wanting to limit or ban one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights.
Those senators just "kissed goodbye" their own chances of ever running for the WH....and perhaps even their re-election for that seat ...can you picture the opponents' ads?

Also, you may have noticed that other right wing governors who were first....clamoring to also sign the letter (Perry, Walker, Gindhal) have since backed away....LOL

Meh, no one is going to be talking about this after a week.

The reality is, the GOP will nominate Bush, the Democrats will nominate Hillary.

Well, you're probably correct about a Clinton-Bush bout....and since Jeb wanted to also sign that cute letter, the democrat strategists will NOT let him forget it.........However you are very wrong that this semi-seditious act will be forgotten in a week.....look at what you're still spewing about Kerry and Fonda.......Paul and Rubio just about conceded a run for the WH....FOR EVER.

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