Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Profane AND stupid........Are we talking about the same CIA that assured us that Iraq was ladened with WMDs????

Which both the Kay and Dulfer Reports confirmed was the case... . Yes, THAT... CIA.

Kay and Duelfer?????? Really???? What a dingbat you must get your "true facts" from the Heritage Foundation and Fox and, accordingly you have crossed the line from being just stupid to being an all-out moron. Congrats !!!!! LOL

Both Day and Dulfer reported HUNDREDS of TONS of stockpiled materials required in the production of Chemical Biological Weapons (CBW), along with DOZENS of facilities which had recently been abandoned, which were used for the fabrication of Chemical Biological Weapons (CBW).

This is not even a debatable point.

So with that said, your concession is DULY NOTED and SUMMARILY ACCEPTED.

Ayatollah Khamenei Slams Republican Letter On Iran, Says U.S. Known For 'Backstabbing'

DUBAI, March 12 (Reuters) - Iran's Supreme Leader hit out on Thursday at a letter by U.S. Republican senators threatening to undo any nuclear deal between Washington and Tehran, saying he was worried because the United States was known for "backstabbing," Mehr news agency reported.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei added at a meeting with President Hassan Rouhani and senior clerics that whenever negotiators made progress, the Americans became "harsher, tougher and coarser," Mehr reported.

The letter signed by 47 Republican senators warned Iran that any nuclear deal made with U.S. President Barack Obama could last only as long as he remained in office, in an unusual intervention into U.S. foreign policy-making.

Mehr quoted Khamenei as saying: "Of course I am worried, because the other side is known for opacity, deceit and backstabbing."

"Every time we reach a stage where the end of the negotiations is in sight, the tone of the other side, specifically the Americans, becomes harsher, coarser and tougher. This is the nature of their tricks and deceptions."

The negotiations, which resume in Lausanne, Switzerland, next week, are at a critical juncture as the sides try to meet an end of March target for an interim deal, with a final deal in June.

Ayatollah Khamenei Slams Republican Letter On Iran, Says U.S. Known For 'Backstabbing'

Does Ayatollah Ali Khamenei have a point? Personally, I think the U.S. is known for a lot of things - and a lot of it BAD.
OOOOO Iran's Terrorist in Chief is upset. Too fucking bad.
Profane AND stupid........Are we talking about the same CIA that assured us that Iraq was ladened with WMDs????

Which both the Kay and Dulfer Reports confirmed was the case... . Yes, THAT... CIA.

Kay and Duelfer?????? Really???? What a dingbat you must get your "true facts" from the Heritage Foundation and Fox and, accordingly you have crossed the line from being just stupid to being an all-out moron. Congrats !!!!! LOL

Both Day and Dulfer reported HUNDREDS of TONS of stockpiled materials required in the production of Chemical Biological Weapons (CBW), along with DOZENS of facilities which had recently been abandoned, which were used for the fabrication of Chemical Biological Weapons (CBW).

This is not even a debatable point.

So with that said, your concession is DULY NOTED and SUMMARILY ACCEPTED.
"We were almost all wrong" on Iraq, Duelfer told a Senate panel yesterday.

Ayatollah Khamenei Slams Republican Letter On Iran, Says U.S. Known For 'Backstabbing'

DUBAI, March 12 (Reuters) - Iran's Supreme Leader hit out on Thursday at a letter by U.S. Republican senators threatening to undo any nuclear deal between Washington and Tehran, saying he was worried because the United States was known for "backstabbing," Mehr news agency reported.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei added at a meeting with President Hassan Rouhani and senior clerics that whenever negotiators made progress, the Americans became "harsher, tougher and coarser," Mehr reported.

The letter signed by 47 Republican senators warned Iran that any nuclear deal made with U.S. President Barack Obama could last only as long as he remained in office, in an unusual intervention into U.S. foreign policy-making.

Mehr quoted Khamenei as saying: "Of course I am worried, because the other side is known for opacity, deceit and backstabbing."

"Every time we reach a stage where the end of the negotiations is in sight, the tone of the other side, specifically the Americans, becomes harsher, coarser and tougher. This is the nature of their tricks and deceptions."

The negotiations, which resume in Lausanne, Switzerland, next week, are at a critical juncture as the sides try to meet an end of March target for an interim deal, with a final deal in June.

Ayatollah Khamenei Slams Republican Letter On Iran, Says U.S. Known For 'Backstabbing'

Does Ayatollah Ali Khamenei have a point? Personally, I think the U.S. is known for a lot of things - and a lot of it BAD.
OOOOO Iran's Terrorist in Chief is upset. Too fucking bad.

Everyone should be. These senators make us look like a bunch of clowns.
Nope. obama makes us look like incompetent weaklings. The 47 would prefer to let Iran know that their perception will change very soon.
Nope. obama makes us look like incompetent weaklings. The 47 would prefer to let Iran know that their perception will change very soon.

No actually the 47 just made us look divided and weak. But they sure proved they are more loyal to Israel than the US.
Nope. obama makes us look like incompetent weaklings. The 47 would prefer to let Iran know that their perception will change very soon.

No actually the 47 just made us look divided and weak. But they sure proved they are more loyal to Israel than the US.
At least they learnt something from the Iranian response.
There are now 47 Republican Congressmen that know a little bit more about the US Constitution and international relations than they did a week ago.
Nope. obama makes us look like incompetent weaklings. The 47 would prefer to let Iran know that their perception will change very soon.

No actually the 47 just made us look divided and weak. But they sure proved they are more loyal to Israel than the US.
At least they learnt something from the Iranian response.
There are now 47 Republican Congressmen that know a little bit more about the US Constitution and international relations than they did a week ago.

....but, but, Cotton and Rubio and Paul ARE the future....the "young guns" of the tea-sipping party.....LOL
Profane AND stupid........Are we talking about the same CIA that assured us that Iraq was ladened with WMDs????

Which both the Kay and Dulfer Reports confirmed was the case... . Yes, THAT... CIA.

Kay and Duelfer?????? Really???? What a dingbat you must get your "true facts" from the Heritage Foundation and Fox and, accordingly you have crossed the line from being just stupid to being an all-out moron. Congrats !!!!! LOL

Both Day and Dulfer reported HUNDREDS of TONS of stockpiled materials required in the production of Chemical Biological Weapons (CBW), along with DOZENS of facilities which had recently been abandoned, which were used for the fabrication of Chemical Biological Weapons (CBW).

This is not even a debatable point.

So with that said, your concession is DULY NOTED and SUMMARILY ACCEPTED.

Boring, boring and inane response......Zzzzzzzzs
IF they believe that Iran, who has built VAST UNDERGROUND FACILITIES... for the purpose of processing nuclear material into material suitable for Nuclear weapons... has NOT been enabled to do so, as evidenced by their having DONE SO, then... they're delusional, thus unworthy of trust.

IF they do not believe it, but have advised you to believe it, then they're a liar... and unworthy of trust.)
Fuckwit43 enabled Iran by removing its opposition, Saddam. That Iran is able to refine Uranium does not mean it is presently seeking a nuclear device. That Iran may have worked towards a nuclear device previously does not mean it is presently pursuing a nuclear device; in much the same way that because the US has twice used nuclear devices on cities does not mean it is currently working to use nuclear devices on another two cities. Though it is in breach of the NNTP, there is no argument there.

You have failed to point out what protocols or agreements Iran is breaching. The IAEA cannot say Iran is currently in breach of any part of them, merely that they do not have a full history of Iran's endeavours. Well tough tit, I don't see that anywhere in the protocols.
Oh! What a lovely example of obscurant deflection. Wherein the contributor yieds from the standing points of the position IT CITED as the point of its response... thus yielding from that point, leaving the point standing, therefore axiomatically CONCEDING to that point.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
What a load of prententious meaningless hogwash. Thusly, axiomatically.
Moronic right wingers STILL cling to the fantasy that Saddam had WMDs....Sure, and he gave them to Syria out of kindness......Like the guy whose home is broken into by a murder.....reaches for his gun......and promptly throws it to his neighbor's yard.......Make sense?
Wow that's damn near treasonous. Interfering in the most important negotiation our country is facing in a way that benefits the enemy. But that's the GOP for you, politics before America. :cool:

This is not damned near treasonous, it is treasonous! if there had been a declaration of war against Vietnam, John Kerry would still be in prison instead of being Sec of State.

"I would like to talk on behalf of all those veterans and say that several months ago in Detroit we had an investigation at which over 150 honorably discharged, and many very highly decorated, veterans testified to war crimes committed in Southeast Asia. These were not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command. It is impossible to describe to you exactly what did happen in Detroit - the emotions in the room and the feelings of the men who were reliving their experiences in Vietnam. They relived the absolute horror of what this country, in a sense, made them do.

They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country."
If you work in manufacturing you have benefited from Unions ...
I am in my 60 s and retired Mr Pragmatic Liberal wing nut ... I worked since I was 11 years old...

No, i haven't. Unions have driven most of the manufacturing in this country to Asia.
I bet some people warned of the consequences of deposing Saddam. What did they know, eh?

I was against the iraq invasion, but just to see if you have any shred of credibility, would you have accepted an attack on iran instead, a country that was/is the cause of so much conflict in the mideast?

Are you nuts? I suggest you take a walk through anyone of our national cemeteries, read the names and read their ages.

An example is at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego. There is one long row where Marines, most under the age of 21, lie next to each other, all killed on the same day during a beach landing during World War II.

This ^^^ is an example, not an anomaly.
There are anecdotal cases that may reflect abuses of the system sure are taking those and saying "all union members abuse the system"...just like you said "the Unions threatened to gut Walker's wife" ...that did not happen...some nut or extremist may have made threats ...just like GOP officials have called for lynchings...

Uh, no, guy. Frankly, I've worked with government union types when I was in the service. Basically, they managed to take one hour of work and stretch into an entire day ordeal.

And, yeah, some Union Thug did threaten to gut Walker's wife.
Speaking of Joeb131 and GOP idiocy

New York Times Editorial: Republican Idiocy on Iran®ion=c-column-top-span-region&WT.nav=c-column-top-span-region&_r=0

After helping to ignite a firestorm over a possible nuclear agreement with Iran, Senator John McCain, a former Republican presidential candidate, is now sort of acknowledging his error. “Maybe that wasn’t exactly the best way to do that,” he said on Fox News on Tuesday.

Wow, you mean there's someone who still gives a crap what the New York Times has to say?

Reality check. Obama is trying to burnish his failed presidency with a bad deal with Iran. What the GOP did was stupid, what Obama is trying to do is stupider.
I don't think that many of us on the left would argue that there are no excesses regarding unions.....BUT, you don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.......The obvious fact is that Walker is a Koch "hired gun" to do their greedy biddings to rid Wisconsin of collective bargaining...For the Koch brothers it isn't really any longer about just money, but the POWER that their current wealth can garner in buying themselves all of the political whores they may want.

Again, guy, what you are saying is Democracy doesn't matter, then. The people of Wisconsin voted for Walker THREE TIMES. Probably because they look at what it costs to prop up these gross union benefits and said, "enough".

All Walker did was bring Wisconsin's unions in line with what Federal Unions have.
WTF? How about the swiftboat vet who said Kerry didn't earn his Bronze Star for heroism under fire because he was there and they weren't under fire? Turned out, that very same vet also earned a Bronze Star for valor under fire for that same event

If you read "Stolen Valor", that was largely discussed.

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