Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Your crazy righties are aware that sanctions are dependent on the rest of the world right? So if Europe, Russia, and China want a deal they can still make one and lift their sanctions? I would imagine all the countries involved are more than a little irritated with these senators. It has really hurt us with friend and foe.

Are you effing kidding me? YOU are the one who is against law-abiding US citizens having guns and practicing a guaranteed constitutional right but want Iran to have nukes? :cuckoo:[/QUOTE]

ull, You are another dishonest gun banner. You might deny it, but your statements belie your claim. You are an anti-2nd amendment traitor to the American people, wanting to limit or ban one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights.[/QUOTE]

Give it a rest there Sparky and go play with your guns in some basement with a glass of wine, the lights turned low and sensual music.
Anyone who is okay with those insane religious fanatic mullahs who truly believe in a 12th disciple and wish to bring about the end of the world, having any kind of nuclear power is crazy. End of story.
It's not a treaty...

So calling it an agreement doesn't nullify the main point.

To all my leftist friends, do you really, really think the Iranians can be trusted to abide by any agreement we make with them? I don't. They are doing the bare minimum they have to do to get sanctions lifted.

Without an agreement they will get nukes. Better to have an agreement.

Are you effing kidding me? YOU are the one who is against law-abiding US citizens having guns and practicing a guaranteed constitutional right but want Iran to have nukes? :cuckoo:

Have you lost your mind? First I've never said we should ban guns. Second an agreement will keep them from having nukes. Certainly doing nothing will not keep them from nukes and we sure can't have another war to stop them.

Bull, You are another dishonest gun banner. You might deny it, but your statements belie your claim. You are an anti-2nd amendment traitor to the American people, wanting to limit or ban one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights.

Prove it and post where I have ever suggested banning guns. Otherwise stfu.

Are you effing kidding me? YOU are the one who is against law-abiding US citizens having guns and practicing a guaranteed constitutional right but want Iran to have nukes? :cuckoo:[/QUOTE]

ull, You are another dishonest gun banner. You might deny it, but your statements belie your claim. You are an anti-2nd amendment traitor to the American people, wanting to limit or ban one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights.[/QUOTE]

Give it a rest there Sparky and go play with your guns in some basement with a glass of wine, the lights turned low and sensual music.[/QUOTE]

Who is Sparky? Perhaps you are addressing the wrong post.
So calling it an agreement doesn't nullify the main point.

To all my leftist friends, do you really, really think the Iranians can be trusted to abide by any agreement we make with them? I don't. They are doing the bare minimum they have to do to get sanctions lifted.

Without an agreement they will get nukes. Better to have an agreement.

Are you effing kidding me? YOU are the one who is against law-abiding US citizens having guns and practicing a guaranteed constitutional right but want Iran to have nukes? :cuckoo:

Have you lost your mind? First I've never said we should ban guns. Second an agreement will keep them from having nukes. Certainly doing nothing will not keep them from nukes and we sure can't have another war to stop them.

Bull, You are another dishonest gun banner. You might deny it, but your statements belie your claim. You are an anti-2nd amendment traitor to the American people, wanting to limit or ban one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights.

Prove it and post where I have ever suggested banning guns. Otherwise stfu.

Don't have to. Anyone who has argued with you about it already knows. And no, I will not STFU.
Anyone who is okay with those insane religious fanatic mullahs who truly believe in a 12th disciple and wish to bring about the end of the world, having any kind of nuclear power is crazy. End of story.

Nobody wants that, but not having a deal will give them no incentive not to get a nuke.
Without an agreement they will get nukes. Better to have an agreement.

Are you effing kidding me? YOU are the one who is against law-abiding US citizens having guns and practicing a guaranteed constitutional right but want Iran to have nukes? :cuckoo:

Have you lost your mind? First I've never said we should ban guns. Second an agreement will keep them from having nukes. Certainly doing nothing will not keep them from nukes and we sure can't have another war to stop them.

Bull, You are another dishonest gun banner. You might deny it, but your statements belie your claim. You are an anti-2nd amendment traitor to the American people, wanting to limit or ban one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights.

Prove it and post where I have ever suggested banning guns. Otherwise stfu.

Don't have to. Anyone who has argued with you about it already knows. And no, I will not STFU.

Well then stop acting like a child.
Anyone who is okay with those insane religious fanatic mullahs who truly believe in a 12th disciple and wish to bring about the end of the world, having any kind of nuclear power is crazy. End of story.

Nobody wants that, but not having a deal will give them no incentive not to get a nuke.

Then they would be getting it without OUR approval, and that is a good thing. I care much more about the security of the world, and it running smoothly than I care about diplomacy. Diplomacy can take a back seat when security is at risk.
Are you effing kidding me? YOU are the one who is against law-abiding US citizens having guns and practicing a guaranteed constitutional right but want Iran to have nukes? :cuckoo:

Have you lost your mind? First I've never said we should ban guns. Second an agreement will keep them from having nukes. Certainly doing nothing will not keep them from nukes and we sure can't have another war to stop them.

Bull, You are another dishonest gun banner. You might deny it, but your statements belie your claim. You are an anti-2nd amendment traitor to the American people, wanting to limit or ban one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights.

Prove it and post where I have ever suggested banning guns. Otherwise stfu.

Don't have to. Anyone who has argued with you about it already knows. And no, I will not STFU.

Well then stop acting like a child.

Stating that you are a hypocrite is not acting like a child. Just because you know that your ideas are completely contradictory, that is YOUR problem. :D

that wasn't the question I was asking, Chief Running Bull.

I asked a simple question. Can we trust the Iranians to keep their end of the agreement?[/QUOTE]

I'm sure the other poster can also answer.....but my take on your question is a "maybe".....Certainly NO agreement gives Iran a green light....Certainly war-monger Bibi re-election gives Iran a green light...and Certainly one day Iran will have nukes the same way that Israel does, Pakistan does and North Korea does.
Well, you're probably correct about a Clinton-Bush bout....and since Jeb wanted to also sign that cute letter, the democrat strategists will NOT let him forget it.........However you are very wrong that this semi-seditious act will be forgotten in a week.....look at what you're still spewing about Kerry and Fonda.......Paul and Rubio just about conceded a run for the WH....FOR EVER.

Fonda and Kerry stabbed people in the back when we were fighting.

Most Americans probably think that any agreement with the Iranians is a terrible idea.
I'm sure the other poster can also answer.....but my take on your question is a "maybe".....Certainly NO agreement gives Iran a green light....Certainly war-monger Bibi re-election gives Iran a green light...and Certainly one day Iran will have nukes the same way that Israel does, Pakistan does and North Korea does.

Maybe you are right. BUt why does that make getting an agreement we cant enforce now a big priority, I mean other than Obama polishing his presidency?
Without an agreement they will get nukes. Better to have an agreement.

Without an agreement, sanctions stay in place. Which means it takes them longer to get a nuke and MAYBE inflict just enough misery on them that they might have an Iranian Spring against the Mullahs.

Again, this looks a lot like Obama getting an agreement for Obama.
How about the swiftboat vet who said Kerry didn't earn his Bronze Star for heroism under fire because he was there and they weren't under fire? Turned out, that very same vet also earned a Bronze Star for valor under fire for that same event.

I gave you an answer to that one. The person who was given that bronze star was not aware the Navy had put him in for it until after he returned to the states and mustered out into a Naval Reserve unit.
How about the swiftboat vet who said Kerry didn't earn his Bronze Star for heroism under fire because he was there and they weren't under fire? Turned out, that very same vet also earned a Bronze Star for valor under fire for that same event.

I gave you an answer to that one. The person who was given that bronze star was not aware the Navy had put him in for it until after he returned to the states and mustered out into a Naval Reserve unit.
Umm ... his lie about not being under fire came from him long after he returned and long after he knew he himself earned a Bronze Star. What else ya got?
Umm ... his lie about not being under fire came from him long after he returned and long after he knew he himself earned a Bronze Star. What else ya got?

You mean other than there was a lot of "medal inflation" going on that day?

Here's the thing. The military is very good at giving medals to officers. It's not so good at giving them to enlisted men. SO if you see an EM with a Bronze Star, you should be impressed, an officer, not so much.

Again, my problem is not with what medals he got. Anyone who spent more than a few years in uniform realizes the whole medal thing is kind of silly. And frankly, if we were just talking about officers in Vietnam getting medals for blowing up rice bins (which is what Kerry was doing that day) there wouldn't be an issue here.

The issue with Kerry is that he made slanderous accusations against other Vietnam vets when he came back. And some of them didn't like being called baby killers.
Here’s a list of the GOP senators who signed the Iran letter

The letter, spearheaded by Sen. Tom Cotton, was signed by 47 Republican senators. Seven GOP senators did not sign. Here's who signed:

Richard Shelby (Ala.)
Jeff Sessions (Ala.)
Dan Sullivan (Alaska)
John McCain (Ariz.)
John Boozman (Ark.)
Tom Cotton (Ark.)
Cory Gardner (Colo.)
Marco Rubio (Fla.)
Johnny Isakson (Ga.)
David Perdue (Ga.)
Mike Crapo (Idaho)
Jim Risch (Idaho)
Mark Kirk (Ill.)
Chuck Grassley (Iowa)
Joni Ernst (Iowa)
Pat Roberts (Kansas)
Jerry Moran (Kansas)
Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
Rand Paul (Ky.)
David Vitter (La.)
Bill Cassidy (La.)
Roger Wicker (Miss.)
Roy Blunt (Mo.)
Steve Daines (Mont.)
Deb Fischer (Neb.)
Ben Sasse (Neb.)
Dean Heller (Nev.)
Kelly Ayotte (N.H.)
Richard Burr (N.C.)
Thom Tillis (N.C.)
John Hoeven (N.D.)
Rob Portman (Ohio)
Jim Inhofe (Okla.)
James Lankford (Okla.)
Pat Toomey (Pa.)
Lindsey Graham (S.C.)
Tim Scott (S.C.)
John Thune (S.D.)
Mike Rounds (S.D.)
John Cornyn (Texas)
Ted Cruz (Texas)
Orin Hatch (Utah)
Mike Lee (Utah)
Shelley Moore Capito (W.V.)
Ron Johnson (Wis.)
Mike Enzi (Wyo.)
John Barrasso (Wyo.)

Did not sign:
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
Jeff Flake (Ariz.)
Daniel Coats (Ind.)
Susan Collins (Maine)
Thad Cochran (Miss.)
Lamar Alexander (Tenn.)
Bob Corker (Tenn.)

Here's a list of the GOP senators who signed the Iran letter - The Washington Post

Is your Senator on the list?

Yes. He just guaranteed not getting my vote again.
Both of mine are on the list and guaranteed my vote.
One from Florida has my support in future endeavors as well.
They would have gotten your vote anyway. They're gonna lose a lot of votes in the next election. An election where most Senators up for re-election are Republican.
Umm ... his lie about not being under fire came from him long after he returned and long after he knew he himself earned a Bronze Star. What else ya got?

You mean other than there was a lot of "medal inflation" going on that day?

Here's the thing. The military is very good at giving medals to officers. It's not so good at giving them to enlisted men. SO if you see an EM with a Bronze Star, you should be impressed, an officer, not so much.

Again, my problem is not with what medals he got. Anyone who spent more than a few years in uniform realizes the whole medal thing is kind of silly. And frankly, if we were just talking about officers in Vietnam getting medals for blowing up rice bins (which is what Kerry was doing that day) there wouldn't be an issue here.

The issue with Kerry is that he made slanderous accusations against other Vietnam vets when he came back. And some of them didn't like being called baby killers.
"Silly" isn't the issue. I'm sure you know that. The guy flat out lied. Like Kerry, he earned a Bronze Star for valor under fire.

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