Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Like it or not (and partially "thanks" to those 47 dimwits who signed the letter) if an agreement is reached, Obama will probably be awarded another Nobel......Mind you, I don't think he's really earned another one, but Obama may just get it.....(and if he does, he should sincerely thank those tea-sippers in the senate.)

Obama should not have been awarded the nobel prize at that time. It came to him way too early in his presidency and to that point, he had hardly done anything at all that can be considered earthshaking in any way. THAT was a mistake, not because he is not worthy of such an award maybe one day, but the timing was all wrong. The Nobel Peace prize is usually awarded to someone who has worked tirelessly for peace (albeit, sometimes seen as the "enemy" from the other side) for quite a while.
Like it or not (and partially "thanks" to those 47 dimwits who signed the letter) if an agreement is reached, Obama will probably be awarded another Nobel......Mind you, I don't think he's really earned another one, but Obama may just get it.....(and if he does, he should sincerely thank those tea-sippers in the senate.)

Obama should not have been awarded the nobel prize at that time. It came to him way too early in his presidency and to that point, he had hardly done anything at all that can be considered earthshaking in any way. THAT was a mistake, not because he is not worthy of such an award maybe one day, but the timing was all wrong. The Nobel Peace prize is usually awarded to someone who has worked tirelessly for peace (albeit, sometimes seen as the "enemy" from the other side) for quite a while.
It is evil AND

You're an idiot asshole, all you can do is personal insult with zero facts and less brains. You're close to being ignored, as you have nothing of value to offer. Better if you just stayed quiet and let the adults talk.

What was that again about personal insults?

Physician, heal thyself.
Ayatollah Khamenei Slams Republican Letter On Iran, Says U.S. Known For 'Backstabbing' Does Ayatollah Ali Khamenei have a point? Personally, I think the U.S. is known for a lot of things - and a lot of it BAD.

Does anyone sane give a flying fuck what that whore bastard mass murderer has to say? Liberals are so fucking beyond stupid it is astounding; they will suck the cock of anyone or anything, no matter how fucking vile, as long as it is an enemy of the GOP/conservatives/America.

That was heavy on butthurt, but low on fact.

Pay attention, deal with the issue in the OP, like adults do.
I'm sure the other poster can also answer.....but my take on your question is a "maybe".....Certainly NO agreement gives Iran a green light....Certainly war-monger Bibi re-election gives Iran a green light...and Certainly one day Iran will have nukes the same way that Israel does, Pakistan does and North Korea does.

Maybe you are right. BUt why does that make getting an agreement we cant enforce now a big priority, I mean other than Obama polishing his presidency?
Since many would agree that Iran is going to do what they want regardless of any deal, sounds to me like an admission that the motive of those 47 Republican Senators was only to hurt Obama from "polishing his presidency."
Without an agreement they will get nukes. Better to have an agreement.

Imbecile, you think they won't lie, cheat and make any agreement worthless? That they won't obtain them with this worthless agreement in place? Are you that fucking stupid?
So what? All the Republicans did was make the U.S. appear weak and divisive. The message we just sent to the world, not just Iran, is don't make deals with the U.S., we don't keep them.

With all the complaints about Iran not being trustworthy to keep up their end of any deal, we just advertised that it's us who don't keep deals. We're now the ones who can't be trusted.

The fucking right will destroy this nation just to make Obama look bad. Just like they did when they cost us our AAA rating.
Like it or not (and partially "thanks" to those 47 dimwits who signed the letter) if an agreement is reached, Obama will probably be awarded another Nobel......Mind you, I don't think he's really earned another one, but Obama may just get it.....(and if he does, he should sincerely thank those tea-sippers in the senate.)
If a deal were to be reached, Iran would likely not have honored it anyway (like NK), only now, they can justifiably blame the U.S.for not feeling confident we wouldn't keep up our end of any such deal. The rabid right just blew a fatal head wound into the credibility of America.
Nope. obama makes us look like incompetent weaklings. The 47 would prefer to let Iran know that their perception will change very soon.

No actually the 47 just made us look divided and weak. But they sure proved they are more loyal to Israel than the US.
We ARE divided and weak with the current occupant of the Oval Office.

The US used to be respected by our allies and feared by our enemies. What obama doesn't get is that our enemies won't fear or respect someone who kisses their ass. All radical Islam respects is superior fire power and strong leadership.
His negotiating tactics are like negotiating with a man who wants to kill you with a gun and ending up allowing him to stab you in the heart with a blade. He would consider that a win/win situation.
Without an agreement they will get nukes. Better to have an agreement.

Imbecile, you think they won't lie, cheat and make any agreement worthless? That they won't obtain them with this worthless agreement in place? Are you that fucking stupid?
So what? All the Republicans did was make the U.S. appear weak and divisive. The message we just sent to the world, not just Iran, is don't make deals with the U.S., we don't keep them.

With all the complaints about Iran not being trustworthy to keep up their end of any deal, we just advertised that it's us who don't keep deals. We're now the ones who can't be trusted.

The fucking right will destroy this nation just to make Obama look bad. Just like they did when they cost us our AAA rating.
We'll keep a good deal, but we need a good deal first. Let obumbler try to come up with one that Congress will approve.
The petition to charge the 47 with treason has jumped from 8,900 when I signed it to 21,900 in just under 2 hours time....

File charges against the 47 U.S. Senators in violation of The Logan Act in attempting to undermine a nuclear agreement. We the People Your Voice in Our Government

You can sign up too.

The petition to charge the 47 with treason, which was at 21,900 just 5 hours ago, is now at 92,600.... it was at 9,800 when I signed it about 8 hours ago...

File charges against the 47 U.S. Senators in violation of The Logan Act in attempting to undermine a nuclear agreement. We the People Your Voice in Our Government

You can sign up too.
I don't support the petition, but 260,732 when all they wanted was 100,000

Now 264,000..
Like it or not (and partially "thanks" to those 47 dimwits who signed the letter) if an agreement is reached, Obama will probably be awarded another Nobel......Mind you, I don't think he's really earned another one, but Obama may just get it.....(and if he does, he should sincerely thank those tea-sippers in the senate.)

Well, that would make the Nobel Peace Prize even MORE Meaningless. than it already is.
the Christmas eve crossing the border was during president elect nixon, but in Jan of 69' and february 1969 he was sent in to Cambodia 3 times in which Nixon was the President...

but that's not what Kerry claimed. Kerry claimed Nixon ordered him to illegal enter Cambodia. Something there is no record of him doing. Oh, yeah, and Nixon wasn't President yet.
Suuuure. He didn't remember earning a Bronze Star with Valor. :rolleyes: He remembered the event but just forgot about being under fire ... forgot about his boat getting shot up ... forgot about how it was common for vietcong to open fire after boats hit mines ... forgot about being given a medal ...

Except his boat wasn't shot up and he thought he was given the medal for coming to the aid of another boat that hit a mine.
Here’s a list of the GOP senators who signed the Iran letter

The letter, spearheaded by Sen. Tom Cotton, was signed by 47 Republican senators. Seven GOP senators did not sign. Here's who signed:

Richard Shelby (Ala.)
Jeff Sessions (Ala.)
Dan Sullivan (Alaska)
John McCain (Ariz.)
John Boozman (Ark.)
Tom Cotton (Ark.)
Cory Gardner (Colo.)
Marco Rubio (Fla.)
Johnny Isakson (Ga.)
David Perdue (Ga.)
Mike Crapo (Idaho)
Jim Risch (Idaho)
Mark Kirk (Ill.)
Chuck Grassley (Iowa)
Joni Ernst (Iowa)
Pat Roberts (Kansas)
Jerry Moran (Kansas)
Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
Rand Paul (Ky.)
David Vitter (La.)
Bill Cassidy (La.)
Roger Wicker (Miss.)
Roy Blunt (Mo.)
Steve Daines (Mont.)
Deb Fischer (Neb.)
Ben Sasse (Neb.)
Dean Heller (Nev.)
Kelly Ayotte (N.H.)
Richard Burr (N.C.)
Thom Tillis (N.C.)
John Hoeven (N.D.)
Rob Portman (Ohio)
Jim Inhofe (Okla.)
James Lankford (Okla.)
Pat Toomey (Pa.)
Lindsey Graham (S.C.)
Tim Scott (S.C.)
John Thune (S.D.)
Mike Rounds (S.D.)
John Cornyn (Texas)
Ted Cruz (Texas)
Orin Hatch (Utah)
Mike Lee (Utah)
Shelley Moore Capito (W.V.)
Ron Johnson (Wis.)
Mike Enzi (Wyo.)
John Barrasso (Wyo.)

Did not sign:
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
Jeff Flake (Ariz.)
Daniel Coats (Ind.)
Susan Collins (Maine)
Thad Cochran (Miss.)
Lamar Alexander (Tenn.)
Bob Corker (Tenn.)

Here's a list of the GOP senators who signed the Iran letter - The Washington Post

Is your Senator on the list?

Yes. He just guaranteed not getting my vote again.
Both of mine are on the list and guaranteed my vote.
One from Florida has my support in future endeavors as well.
They would have gotten your vote anyway. They're gonna lose a lot of votes in the next election. An election where most Senators up for re-election are Republican.
Hey-hey... Mark Kirk (R-IL) is on the list.

Turban-Durbin (D-IL), not so much.

Close enough for Gubmint work.
wasn't it 150 men saying that? The ''winter Soldiers'' that he met with before testifying?

A lot of whom were liars. His co-leader of Vietnam Vets Against the War was a clown named Al Hubbard who never set foot in Vietnam.

Here's the thing. The war in Vietnam was a terrible idea. But what Kerry and his fellow protestors did was slimy and evil and wrong and not surprisingly, he couldn't run away from it or wash it off 30 years later.
You don't know yet if we will be able to enforce it or not. You keep speaking as if you are personally at the bargaining table. Somehow, I think not.

I know we won't be able to enforce it because no one cares about enforcing it.

Hey remember how the same group of clowns were keen on keeping NOrth Korea from getting nukes? How'd that work out again?
Obama should not have been awarded the nobel prize at that time. It came to him way too early in his presidency and to that point, he had hardly done anything at all that can be considered earthshaking in any way. THAT was a mistake, not because he is not worthy of such an award maybe one day, but the timing was all wrong. The Nobel Peace prize is usually awarded to someone who has worked tirelessly for peace (albeit, sometimes seen as the "enemy" from the other side) for quite a while.

Bullshit. The Nobel Peace Prize has become a "feel good" prize for a long time.

Some teenager gets shot in the head for offending her local customs? Give her a prize.

Some twit talks about global warming and isn't George W. Bush? Give him the prize.
We ARE divided and weak with the current occupant of the Oval Office.

The US used to be respected by our allies and feared by our enemies. What obama doesn't get is that our enemies won't fear or respect someone who kisses their ass. All radical Islam respects is superior fire power and strong leadership.
His negotiating tactics are like negotiating with a man who wants to kill you with a gun and ending up allowing him to stab you in the heart with a blade. He would consider that a win/win situation.

you think Radical Islam respected THIS Guy?

We ARE divided and weak with the current occupant of the Oval Office.

The US used to be respected by our allies and feared by our enemies. What obama doesn't get is that our enemies won't fear or respect someone who kisses their ass. All radical Islam respects is superior fire power and strong leadership.
His negotiating tactics are like negotiating with a man who wants to kill you with a gun and ending up allowing him to stab you in the heart with a blade. He would consider that a win/win situation.

you think Radical Islam respected THIS Guy?


I think that they respected him a lot more than the metrosexual, Mr. Obama. :D You must admit that the Arabs like to deal with MEN. I am sure that they had more respect for Mr. Bush than they do for Mr. Obama. The poster is right. Obama makes us look weak as a nation. There is no denying that!

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