Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

"Silly" isn't the issue. I'm sure you know that. The guy flat out lied. Like Kerry, he earned a Bronze Star for valor under fire.

No, he didn't lie. He just remembered the story differently than John Kerry who thought Nixon ordered him into Cambodia when he wasn't President yet.
Like it or not (and partially "thanks" to those 47 dimwits who signed the letter) if an agreement is reached, Obama will probably be awarded another Nobel......Mind you, I don't think he's really earned another one, but Obama may just get it.....(and if he does, he should sincerely thank those tea-sippers in the senate.)
"Silly" isn't the issue. I'm sure you know that. The guy flat out lied. Like Kerry, he earned a Bronze Star for valor under fire.

No, he didn't lie. He just remembered the story differently than John Kerry who thought Nixon ordered him into Cambodia when he wasn't President yet.
Suuuure. He didn't remember earning a Bronze Star with Valor. :rolleyes: He remembered the event but just forgot about being under fire ... forgot about his boat getting shot up ... forgot about how it was common for vietcong to open fire after boats hit mines ... forgot about being given a medal ...

...... wait .......

Anyone who is okay with those insane religious fanatic mullahs who truly believe in a 12th disciple and wish to bring about the end of the world, having any kind of nuclear power is crazy. End of story.
Who WANTS them to have nukes?? Did I miss something Chris?
You should admit you're a chickenhawk prepared to have others wage aggressive war on your behalf in contravention of the UN Charter and the Nuremberg Principles. I support countries waging wars of self defence, you support wars of aggression.

Fuckhead idiot, I served longer than you've been alive, and one does not need to be in the fucking army to want to use the military, no more than one needs to become a teacher or a cop to improve their city's schools or police force, thats infantile trolling deflective BS.

Second, since iran is in violation of multiple parts of the UN charter, including threatening and attacking other member states, supporting terrorism, shipping weapons to other countries in violation of multiple UNSC resolutions not to do so - a military strike against it under Chapter 7 would be more than justifiable at this point.

Waiting for the mideast to fall under iranian control, and half of europe under putin the animal's control, is not a strategy - its fucking lunacy.
It is evil AND

You're an idiot asshole, all you can do is personal insult with zero facts and less brains. You're close to being ignored, as you have nothing of value to offer. Better if you just stayed quiet and let the adults talk.
Ayatollah Khamenei Slams Republican Letter On Iran, Says U.S. Known For 'Backstabbing' Does Ayatollah Ali Khamenei have a point? Personally, I think the U.S. is known for a lot of things - and a lot of it BAD.

Does anyone sane give a flying fuck what that whore bastard mass murderer has to say? Liberals are so fucking beyond stupid it is astounding; they will suck the cock of anyone or anything, no matter how fucking vile, as long as it is an enemy of the GOP/conservatives/America.
"Silly" isn't the issue. I'm sure you know that. The guy flat out lied. Like Kerry, he earned a Bronze Star for valor under fire.

No, he didn't lie. He just remembered the story differently than John Kerry who thought Nixon ordered him into Cambodia when he wasn't President yet.
the Christmas eve crossing the border was during president elect nixon, but in Jan of 69' and february 1969 he was sent in to Cambodia 3 times in which Nixon was the President...
You have failed to point out what protocols or agreements Iran is breaching. The IAEA cannot say Iran is currently in breach of any part of them, merely that they do not have a full history of Iran's endeavours. Well tough tit, I don't see that anywhere in the protocols.

Asshole, are you a fucking parrot? When a country blocks inspections, they cannot turn around and claim "hey, we're innocent!" Either allow full and unfettered inspections, or admit you are guilty. BTW, i noticed you ignored my post on this several pages back, no surprise given you have zero credibility, the same as your scumbag president.
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The repubs may have successfully scuttled out best chance to stop and monitor Iran's nuclear ambitions. I guess they are pretty proud, but their real joy will come when the only option left is to invade Iran and spill the blood of innocent people.

You mean during the TWELVE years of failed negotiations, iran was fully co-operating and allowing unfettered inspections? Really? Are you that fucking stupid?
Without an agreement they will get nukes. Better to have an agreement.

Imbecile, you think they won't lie, cheat and make any agreement worthless? That they won't obtain them with this worthless agreement in place? Are you that fucking stupid?
Umm ... his lie about not being under fire came from him long after he returned and long after he knew he himself earned a Bronze Star. What else ya got?

You mean other than there was a lot of "medal inflation" going on that day?

Here's the thing. The military is very good at giving medals to officers. It's not so good at giving them to enlisted men. SO if you see an EM with a Bronze Star, you should be impressed, an officer, not so much.

Again, my problem is not with what medals he got. Anyone who spent more than a few years in uniform realizes the whole medal thing is kind of silly. And frankly, if we were just talking about officers in Vietnam getting medals for blowing up rice bins (which is what Kerry was doing that day) there wouldn't be an issue here.

The issue with Kerry is that he made slanderous accusations against other Vietnam vets when he came back. And some of them didn't like being called baby killers.
wasn't it 150 men saying that? The ''winter Soldiers'' that he met with before testifying?
The OP is correct that no one will be prosecuted under the Logan Act however. given what those GOP Senators actually did, the failure to prosecute them doesn't make it any less of an act of sedition against the USA.

I agree.

They actually counseled an enemy of the US, they advised them as to how they could ignore our government and go ahead with their weapons plans. They literally told Iran that the Republicans would guarantee the US would take no action.

Is there precedence for congress going behind the back of our government to aid and abet our enemy in getting a weapon to use against us?

Democratic Reps. Jim McDermott of Washington, David Bonior of Michigan and Mike Thompson of California traveled to Iraq in 2002 to support Saddam Hussein and oppose the President. Later it was uncovered that the Iraqi government paid for the trip (which they deny *wink wink).

US Saddam paid for lawmakers Iraq trip -
Uhm, nowhere does it suggest 'support' for Saddam :cuckoo: :rofl:

good gawd, you could criticize the trip and score points if you didn't have that knee jerk urge to make more of it than there is. :laugh2:
The petition to charge the 47 with treason has jumped from 8,900 when I signed it to 21,900 in just under 2 hours time....

File charges against the 47 U.S. Senators in violation of The Logan Act in attempting to undermine a nuclear agreement. We the People Your Voice in Our Government

You can sign up too.

The petition to charge the 47 with treason, which was at 21,900 just 5 hours ago, is now at 92,600.... it was at 9,800 when I signed it about 8 hours ago...

File charges against the 47 U.S. Senators in violation of The Logan Act in attempting to undermine a nuclear agreement. We the People Your Voice in Our Government

You can sign up too.
I don't support the petition, but 260,732 when all they wanted was 100,000
Without an agreement they will get nukes. Better to have an agreement.

Imbecile, you think they won't lie, cheat and make any agreement worthless? That they won't obtain them with this worthless agreement in place? Are you that fucking stupid?
This is what right wingers and leading conservatives said about Reagan dealing with Soviet Leader Gorbachev
The repubs may have successfully scuttled out best chance to stop and monitor Iran's nuclear ambitions. I guess they are pretty proud, but their real joy will come when the only option left is to invade Iran and spill the blood of innocent people.
This time, there will be no 'Coalition Of The Willing'.
It will be all US blood...and maybe a few Sunni pals.
I can't believe 47 senators decided this was a good idea. Wow

I can't believe anyone thinks signing a treaty with IRan that we all KNOW they are going to break is a good idea.

No shortage of bad ideas here.
It's not a treaty...

So calling it an agreement doesn't nullify the main point.

To all my leftist friends, do you really, really think the Iranians can be trusted to abide by any agreement we make with them? I don't. They are doing the bare minimum they have to do to get sanctions lifted.

We have never trusted nor do with trust either the Russians or the Chinese, and yet, we have made numerous treaties with them.

As for what the Iranians are or are not doing, unless you are actually there on the ground and armed with all of the specs, there is no way for you to know if they are only "doing the bare minimum".

One thing is for sure: a nuclear Iran is a dangerous Iran. If negotiations slow them down another 10 years, I am all for it. Obama is doing the right thing and ultimately, doing Israel a favor.
I'm sure the other poster can also answer.....but my take on your question is a "maybe".....Certainly NO agreement gives Iran a green light....Certainly war-monger Bibi re-election gives Iran a green light...and Certainly one day Iran will have nukes the same way that Israel does, Pakistan does and North Korea does.

Maybe you are right. BUt why does that make getting an agreement we cant enforce now a big priority, I mean other than Obama polishing his presidency?

You don't know yet if we will be able to enforce it or not. You keep speaking as if you are personally at the bargaining table. Somehow, I think not.

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