Republican sorry for 'put her back in the kitchen' slap

SEE, libs DO have a sense of humor....

now....who is the conservative comedian.........???:eusa_eh:

Dennis Miller?
Drew Carey?

The only problem is neither of them are funny.
True, Dennis Miller wasn't funny when he as a Democrat either.

No, he was not.

Dennis Miller is a fantastic case study though:

He is that strange sort of person that was a liberal until Sept. 11th.
Then, overnight, he became a straight-up PNAC neo-con.
A flyer that was supposedly well thought out before printed and then sent out to all these homes.

It certainly tells me something about that local GOP mind set.
I agree with the OP, we should treat the Dem women the same way Dems treat Sarah Palin - no more, no less

Fair's fair
yet when the head of teachers union makes a bad comment, its just one person....

when its someone from the gop, it becomes teh whole party
:rolleyes: read Dud's post above. This incident will be soon forgotten but the GOP will never quit bringing up the hymietown comment.

the gop doesn't blame all the democrats for his racist statement...i don't think the statement should be forgotten because of who said it...i guarantee you jackson never forgets a racist statement
When exactly did libs lose their sense of humor?

Bill Maher isn't funny?


not particularly
When exactly did libs lose their sense of humor?

Bill Maher isn't funny?

He used to be when he was on Comedy Central and an equal opportunity lampooner.

Shortly after he started at ABC he became totally full of himself, and there's little I find less funny than arrogance.

Call it the "Doonesbury Syndrome." Remember when Doonesbury was a funny comic strip?

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