Republican Tax Cut Experiment Ends w/Largest Tax Increase In State’s History

the lib/dems favorite to beat people over the head with

but but but, THE SCHOOLS. the schools the schools.

do they EVER think about CUTTING Government to GET their monies for the schools?

no they just USE the schools and your children for their nasty dirty politics

STOP letting them get away with THIS BS
Why does Obama keep taking dic pics of himself? He calls them selfies but in reality they are the same as dic pics.

Did you know that the poor and middle class receive the most benefits from the government so why shouldn't people carry their own weight by paying for stuff they get?
The biggest welfare recipients are corporations, they should be carrying their own weight also...

By you mean keeping the money they earn or actual handouts from government....I don't want anyone getting money from government because they bought politicians....but lowering taxes on people is not welfare....
Why does Obama keep taking dic pics of himself? He calls them selfies but in reality they are the same as dic pics.

Did you know that the poor and middle class receive the most benefits from the government so why shouldn't people carry their own weight by paying for stuff they get?
The biggest welfare recipients are corporations, they should be carrying their own weight also...

By you mean keeping the money they earn or actual handouts from government....I don't want anyone getting money from government because they bought politicians....but lowering taxes on people is not welfare....
Worldwide petroleum gets 11 trillion in subsidies, you do know what a subsidy is??? In the US it's 5 alone..
There are also brotherhoods, fellowships, grants loans and other domestic financial aid...
Schools do not get plenty of money in any state, it's a favorite target for budget cuts during hard times. In red states it's even worse with them trying to force kids out of public schools and into private schools where they can teach creationism and other assorted ignorant shit.
You're stuck on stupid. Education gets half of our property taxes here. That's not enough? It's an out of control money pit with plenty of fat socialists living the dream.
Enough would be every enrolled student getting a good education, anything less is cheating them. Republicans don't care though, most of them have already raised their kids and don't care to fund the next generation of students, cheapskates.
Why does Obama keep taking dic pics of himself? He calls them selfies but in reality they are the same as dic pics.

Did you know that the poor and middle class receive the most benefits from the government so why shouldn't people carry their own weight by paying for stuff they get?
The biggest welfare recipients are corporations, they should be carrying their own weight also...

By you mean keeping the money they earn or actual handouts from government....I don't want anyone getting money from government because they bought politicians....but lowering taxes on people is not welfare....

WOW. I can not believe someone actually said that

there is enough wasteful Government Bloat. filled with people in agencies on top of agencies THEY CAN CUT OUT to get more monies for Government. To me those are people on Welfare....and their jobs aren't any MORE important then any of ours. But for a Dem/lib that is almost considered a SIN
Why does Obama keep taking dic pics of himself? He calls them selfies but in reality they are the same as dic pics.

Did you know that the poor and middle class receive the most benefits from the government so why shouldn't people carry their own weight by paying for stuff they get?
The biggest welfare recipients are corporations, they should be carrying their own weight also...

By you mean keeping the money they earn or actual handouts from government....I don't want anyone getting money from government because they bought politicians....but lowering taxes on people is not welfare....

WOW. I can not believe someone actually said that

there is enough wasteful Government Bloat. filled with people in agencies on top of agencies THEY CAN CUT OUT to get more monies for Government. their jobs aren't any MORE important then any of ours. But for a Dem/lib that is almost considered a SIN
Not where I live, it's a limited resource here and they run a tight ship.....they have to.....So deny what you want in my statement, but it is true is the sense that my school district, is not your school district...
the lib/dems favorite to beat people over the head with

but but but, THE SCHOOLS. the schools the schools.

do they EVER think about CUTTING Government to GET their monies for the schools?

no they just USE the schools and your children for their nasty dirty politics

STOP letting them get away with THIS BS
It's a cookie cutter plan for America. The average Republican is too stupid to know their leaders are reducing the workers in America into a new serf class.
Republicans have done the same thing in Michigan.
Republican Tax Cut Experiment Ends w/Largest Tax Increase In State’s History. The Republican led state kept the tax cuts they gave away to the high incomers and passed the revenue shortfall on to the most vulnerable - IOW's Kansas' middle class and poor just lost a big chunk of what's left of their discretionary spending.

Republican Controlled Kansas Senate Passes Largest Tax Increase In State’s History

Keith Brekhus
Monday, June, 8th, 2015

On Sunday evening, the Republican-controlled Kansas Senate passed a 471 million dollar tax increase. If the measure passes the Kansas House on Monday and is then signed into law by Governor Sam Brownback, it will become the largest tax increase in Kansas’ history.

Senate support for the tax increase is a clear sign that the Brownback tax cuts that were supposed to stimulate the economy, have failed so miserably, that even Tea Party Republicans have resigned themselves to supporting a massive tax increase. However, the Senate did not opt to restore higher income tax rates for the wealthy, but instead they decided to fill the state’s gaping budget hole by raising regressive taxes which pass the burden onto the poor.

The Senate bill, which passed on a close 21-17 vote, would raise the state sales tax from 6.15 percent to 6.55 percent. The cigarette tax would jump from .79 cents a pack to a 1.29 a pack. The measure would also lower deductions for property taxes, charitable contributions and home mortgage interest.

The bill protects the zero income tax rate for many owners of limited-liability companies, corporate farms and large corporations. However, it eliminates sales tax rebates on food for poor families, the elderly and people with disabilities.

So while Senate Republicans have finally come to grips with the failure of the Brownback tax cuts, their solution is not to make billionaires like Charles Koch, who still claims residency in Wichita, pay a higher tax rate. Instead they have decided to tackle the state’s budget crisis by raising the price of food for the poor, disabled and elderly.


If the Senate bill becomes law, low and middle-income Republican voters in Kansas will become the proud owners of an “anti-tax Governor and anti-tax legislature” that passed the largest tax increase in the state’s history. To add insult to injury, they will also have the dubious honor of paying for that tax increase so that the state’s aristocracy can keep their precious tax cuts. If not for the fact that some of those people will endure real suffering, the whole charade would be almost comical.

The Senate bill, which passed on a close 21-17 vote, would raise the state sales tax from 6.15 percent to 6.55 percent. The cigarette tax would jump from .79 cents a pack to a 1.29 a pack. The measure would also lower deductions for property taxes, charitable contributions and home mortgage interest.

.4% raise in the sales tax is not much of an increase. A purchase of $20 would cost the consumer 8 cents. Big woop! In my state they do the sales tax raises a full percentage point at a time and then add another 1% local option sales tax for infrastructure by referendum.

Compare the cigarette tax to the cigarette tax in New York or California and get back to me. The poor people in those states also smoke.

I assure you the lower deductions for property taxes, charitable contributions and home mortgage interest will have very little effect on low and middle class income people and a large impact on the high income earners with big mortgages, property taxes and large charitable contributions.

It looks to me like the upper income people got hit with a large tax increase.
the lib/dems favorite to beat people over the head with

but but but, THE SCHOOLS. the schools the schools.

do they EVER think about CUTTING Government to GET their monies for the schools?

no they just USE the schools and your children for their nasty dirty politics

STOP letting them get away with THIS BS
It's a cookie cutter plan for America. The average Republican is too stupid to know their leaders are reducing the workers in America into a new serf class.
Republicans have done the same thing in Michigan.
Missouri is promoting right to work, and has passed legislation to that effect.... The rich are winning the labor war and have been since Reagan..
Senate support for the tax increase is a clear sign that the Brownback tax cuts that were supposed to stimulate the economy, have failed so miserably, that even Tea Party Republicans have resigned themselves to supporting a massive tax increase.

Raising taxes on the poor and middle class in only going to make the economy even worse in Kansas! :eek:

Don't they have anyone in the state who understands how a consumer driven economy actually works?

It was bad enough that they passed those ridiculous tax cuts that screwed over the citizens of Kansas in the first place. Now they are doubling down on their stupidity and making it even worse.

If I was living there I would be heading for the exit as fast as I could find a job anywhere else in the nation.

Aren't rich people consumers? A tax cut for them will, according to you, will cause them to spend that money. And since tax cuts for the rich are always disprportionally more to the top then it makes sense that such tax cuts should do more for the consumer economy.

Thank you for tacitly admitting that you don't understand how a consumer driven economy works.

Removing disposable income from 99% of the consumers by raising their taxes is not offset by allowing 1% of the consumers to keep their tax cuts.

I bet the 99% of the consumers will really miss these tax increases. From the OP: "The measure would also lower deductions for property taxes, charitable contributions and home mortgage interest."
Why does Obama keep taking dic pics of himself? He calls them selfies but in reality they are the same as dic pics.

Did you know that the poor and middle class receive the most benefits from the government so why shouldn't people carry their own weight by paying for stuff they get?
The biggest welfare recipients are corporations, they should be carrying their own weight also...

By you mean keeping the money they earn or actual handouts from government....I don't want anyone getting money from government because they bought politicians....but lowering taxes on people is not welfare....
If republicans were fiscally responsible they would cut the budget, see how much of a surplus it created and then pass the savings on to their rich friends. Instead they cut taxes and then go after the budget to try to pay for it creating deficits and turmoil. The backwards approach republicans have towards budgetary matters is no different than reckless spending.
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It's a cookie cutter plan for America. The average Republican is too stupid to know their leaders are reducing the workers in America into a new serf class.
Republicans have done the same thing in Michigan.
And Detroit too, right, slick? The problem is lefties and their big business buddies are killing American jobs. Big business can afford the mountains of paperwork and regulations, small businesses are struggling. The liberal answer is more regulation, even higher taxes and bigger government and hating "Republicans" is about all you have for support.
And yet when you dig into the figures in the links they don't support the claim.
List the figures you wish to dispute. With cited evidence of course.


From Iceweasel's post above.

Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes

From the link in the Forbes article to the BLS figures;

Regional and State Employment and Unemployment Summary

I don't see the data that Forbes is claiming in the BLS link.

Can you find it in there?
It's in table 5.

Kansas is not even mentioned in table E of the BLS link.

View attachment 42497
You are basing your entire argument on unemployment, which isn't bad at all, btw. That does not give a complete job growth picture. Apr2015 SA PrivateEmpl Chart file.pdf

I am calling out the facts as provided don't support the bogus conclusions in the article. Even your own data shows that as an aberration, an outlier and not a trend. If anything the trend is negative now based on what you just provided.

And that is backed up the very latest reports that show Kansas ranking 2nd last in it's 5 state region.

Kansas behind in private-sector job growth Congressional Joint Economic Committee report says -

Kansas behind in private-sector job growth, Congressional Joint Economic Committee report says

Associated Press
2:21 PM, May 31, 2015

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) - A report shows that private-sector job growth in Kansas has lagged behind other states in the region.

Data from the Congressional Joint Economic Committee shows Kansas came in fourth in its five-state region when measuring private-sector job growth since the 2007 start of recession.

The Topeka Capital-Journal reports that when compared to the beginning of the recession in December 2007, Kansas private-sector jobs had grown 1.6 percent. Ahead of only Missouri, which as of April, still had 1.8 percent fewer private-sector jobs than before the recession.

The other three states posted more significant growth than Kansas. Colorado, posted 6.3 percent; Oklahoma, 3.4 percent; and Nebraska, 3.2 percent.

Kansas has lower private-sector job growth than US KSNT News
And yes, it was also lagging in Nov 2014 before that anomaly occurred.

Kansas has lower private-sector job growth than US KSNT News

Kansas has lower private-sector job growth than US

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) – Federal statistics show Kansas is seeing slower private-sector job growth than the U.S. as a whole, while unemployment in the state declined in October to 4.4 percent.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports Kansas gained 13,900 private-sector jobs in October compared with October 2013. The new total of nearly 1.14 million was 1.24 percent higher.

Republican Gov. Sam Brownback’s administration has repeatedly heralded such growth, but the U.S. as a whole saw private-sector employment grow 2.24 percent from October 2013 to October 2014.

Kansas reports its seasonally adjusted unemployment rate of 4.4 percent in October bettered the 4.7 percent rate in September and 5.2 percent in October 2013.

The national unemployment rate was 5.8 percent in October, down from 5.9 percent in September and 7.2 percent in October 2013.
And yet when you dig into the figures in the links they don't support the claim.
List the figures you wish to dispute. With cited evidence of course.


From Iceweasel's post above.

Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes

From the link in the Forbes article to the BLS figures;

Regional and State Employment and Unemployment Summary

I don't see the data that Forbes is claiming in the BLS link.

Can you find it in there?
It's in table 5.

Kansas is not even mentioned in table E of the BLS link.

View attachment 42497
Maybe you and Nevyn aren't cut out for reading tables used to put together these statistics. Find table 5.

Post a screenshot of your imaginary "table 5".
So are taxes now lower or higher than when Brownback came to office?

Don't ever assume. Go back and find table 5 like I told you.

Here is Table 5.

Table 5. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by state and selected industry sector seasonally adjusted

Year over year, employment rose by 11,600 in Kansas.

Table E notes statistically significant changes in employment by state, which is derived from Table 5.

Regional and State Employment and Unemployment Summary

Thus, according to the BLS, there hasn't been a significant change in employment in Kansas.

It may be, however, that private sector jobs are rising while government jobs are falling, thus total employment isn't changing much.

But either way that data still doesn't support the claim in the article.
List the figures you wish to dispute. With cited evidence of course.


From Iceweasel's post above.

Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes

From the link in the Forbes article to the BLS figures;

Regional and State Employment and Unemployment Summary

I don't see the data that Forbes is claiming in the BLS link.

Can you find it in there?
It's in table 5.

Kansas is not even mentioned in table E of the BLS link.

View attachment 42497
You are basing your entire argument on unemployment, which isn't bad at all, btw. That does not give a complete job growth picture. Apr2015 SA PrivateEmpl Chart file.pdf

I am calling out the facts as provided don't support the bogus conclusions in the article. Even your own data shows that as an aberration, an outlier and not a trend. If anything the trend is negative now based on what you just provided.

And that is backed up the very latest reports that show Kansas ranking 2nd last in it's 5 state region.

Kansas behind in private-sector job growth Congressional Joint Economic Committee report says -

Kansas behind in private-sector job growth, Congressional Joint Economic Committee report says

Associated Press
2:21 PM, May 31, 2015

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) - A report shows that private-sector job growth in Kansas has lagged behind other states in the region.

Data from the Congressional Joint Economic Committee shows Kansas came in fourth in its five-state region when measuring private-sector job growth since the 2007 start of recession.

The Topeka Capital-Journal reports that when compared to the beginning of the recession in December 2007, Kansas private-sector jobs had grown 1.6 percent. Ahead of only Missouri, which as of April, still had 1.8 percent fewer private-sector jobs than before the recession.

The other three states posted more significant growth than Kansas. Colorado, posted 6.3 percent; Oklahoma, 3.4 percent; and Nebraska, 3.2 percent.

Kansas has lower private-sector job growth than US KSNT News
And yes, it was also lagging in Nov 2014 before that anomaly occurred.

Kansas has lower private-sector job growth than US KSNT News

Kansas has lower private-sector job growth than US

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) – Federal statistics show Kansas is seeing slower private-sector job growth than the U.S. as a whole, while unemployment in the state declined in October to 4.4 percent.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports Kansas gained 13,900 private-sector jobs in October compared with October 2013. The new total of nearly 1.14 million was 1.24 percent higher.

Republican Gov. Sam Brownback’s administration has repeatedly heralded such growth, but the U.S. as a whole saw private-sector employment grow 2.24 percent from October 2013 to October 2014.

Kansas reports its seasonally adjusted unemployment rate of 4.4 percent in October bettered the 4.7 percent rate in September and 5.2 percent in October 2013.

The national unemployment rate was 5.8 percent in October, down from 5.9 percent in September and 7.2 percent in October 2013.
"Kansas reports its seasonally adjusted unemployment rate of 4.4 percent in October bettered the 4.7 percent rate in September and 5.2 percent in October 2013.

The national unemployment rate was 5.8 percent in October, down from 5.9 percent in September and 7.2 percent in October 2013."

Pink? Ugh. Like I said, there's more to measuring an economy or job growth than simply pulling out unemployment figures. But what's so bad about the above? Where's the doom and gloom? And you forgot to include this portion:

"The position of Kansas improved in recent years, however, and it was third out of five since April 2014 and February 2010."
leftwing sites like: politicausa, aren't there to give facts and honesty

their mission is to STIR UP HATE on everyone who isn't a Democrat/commie

From Iceweasel's post above.

Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes

From the link in the Forbes article to the BLS figures;

Regional and State Employment and Unemployment Summary

I don't see the data that Forbes is claiming in the BLS link.

Can you find it in there?
It's in table 5.

Kansas is not even mentioned in table E of the BLS link.

View attachment 42497
You are basing your entire argument on unemployment, which isn't bad at all, btw. That does not give a complete job growth picture. Apr2015 SA PrivateEmpl Chart file.pdf

I am calling out the facts as provided don't support the bogus conclusions in the article. Even your own data shows that as an aberration, an outlier and not a trend. If anything the trend is negative now based on what you just provided.

And that is backed up the very latest reports that show Kansas ranking 2nd last in it's 5 state region.

Kansas behind in private-sector job growth Congressional Joint Economic Committee report says -

Kansas behind in private-sector job growth, Congressional Joint Economic Committee report says

Associated Press
2:21 PM, May 31, 2015

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) - A report shows that private-sector job growth in Kansas has lagged behind other states in the region.

Data from the Congressional Joint Economic Committee shows Kansas came in fourth in its five-state region when measuring private-sector job growth since the 2007 start of recession.

The Topeka Capital-Journal reports that when compared to the beginning of the recession in December 2007, Kansas private-sector jobs had grown 1.6 percent. Ahead of only Missouri, which as of April, still had 1.8 percent fewer private-sector jobs than before the recession.

The other three states posted more significant growth than Kansas. Colorado, posted 6.3 percent; Oklahoma, 3.4 percent; and Nebraska, 3.2 percent.

Kansas has lower private-sector job growth than US KSNT News
And yes, it was also lagging in Nov 2014 before that anomaly occurred.

Kansas has lower private-sector job growth than US KSNT News

Kansas has lower private-sector job growth than US

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) – Federal statistics show Kansas is seeing slower private-sector job growth than the U.S. as a whole, while unemployment in the state declined in October to 4.4 percent.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports Kansas gained 13,900 private-sector jobs in October compared with October 2013. The new total of nearly 1.14 million was 1.24 percent higher.

Republican Gov. Sam Brownback’s administration has repeatedly heralded such growth, but the U.S. as a whole saw private-sector employment grow 2.24 percent from October 2013 to October 2014.

Kansas reports its seasonally adjusted unemployment rate of 4.4 percent in October bettered the 4.7 percent rate in September and 5.2 percent in October 2013.

The national unemployment rate was 5.8 percent in October, down from 5.9 percent in September and 7.2 percent in October 2013.
"Kansas reports its seasonally adjusted unemployment rate of 4.4 percent in October bettered the 4.7 percent rate in September and 5.2 percent in October 2013.

The national unemployment rate was 5.8 percent in October, down from 5.9 percent in September and 7.2 percent in October 2013."

Pink? Ugh. Like I said, there's more to measuring an economy or job growth than simply pulling out unemployment figures. But what's so bad about the above? Where's the doom and gloom? And you forgot to include this portion:

"The position of Kansas improved in recent years, however, and it was third out of five since April 2014 and February 2010."

It is a violation of the USMB Rules to include the entire link so no, I didn't forget anything.

Kansas is in the toilet because Libertarianism is a complete and utter failure.

Too bad the hardworking Americans in Kansas had to learn the hard way that cutting taxes for the greedy 1% screws their kids out of getting a decent education.
Senate support for the tax increase is a clear sign that the Brownback tax cuts that were supposed to stimulate the economy, have failed so miserably, that even Tea Party Republicans have resigned themselves to supporting a massive tax increase.

Raising taxes on the poor and middle class in only going to make the economy even worse in Kansas! :eek:

Don't they have anyone in the state who understands how a consumer driven economy actually works?

It was bad enough that they passed those ridiculous tax cuts that screwed over the citizens of Kansas in the first place. Now they are doubling down on their stupidity and making it even worse.

If I was living there I would be heading for the exit as fast as I could find a job anywhere else in the nation.

Aren't rich people consumers? A tax cut for them will, according to you, will cause them to spend that money. And since tax cuts for the rich are always disprportionally more to the top then it makes sense that such tax cuts should do more for the consumer economy.

Ah yes, Trickle Down Economics. Didn't work when Reagan tried it. Didn't work when Bush did it.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
It's a cookie cutter plan for America. The average Republican is too stupid to know their leaders are reducing the workers in America into a new serf class.
Republicans have done the same thing in Michigan.
And Detroit too, right, slick? The problem is lefties and their big business buddies are killing American jobs. Big business can afford the mountains of paperwork and regulations, small businesses are struggling. The liberal answer is more regulation, even higher taxes and bigger government and hating "Republicans" is about all you have for support.
In other words, you are shooting an empty gun.

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