Republican Tax Cut Experiment Ends w/Largest Tax Increase In State’s History

Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes
Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State

This week, Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) ran an editorial declaring that the tax cut Kansas Governor Sam Brownback and the state legislature passed in 2012 “is working.” Newly released data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show that Kansas and Utah are tied for first when it comes to state job growth estimates.

Here are the highlights from the report:

  • For the first two months of the year, Kansas increased its non-farm jobs by 9,500 and the private sector added 9,000 jobs for March.
  • In a state-to-state comparison, Kansas placed 2nd in private-sector jobs growth in February.
  • Private-sector jobs from February 2014 to February 2015 grew by 21,200 — one of the most significant increases in the country.
  • Kansas surpassed all neighboring states except Colorado in private job gains over the year.

  • In private-sector hourly wages, Kansas beat all neighboring states except Nebraska.
  • Private-sector hourly wage estimates for January were revised upward, showing that Kansas gained 3.4% rather than 3.2% in hourly pay.
  • In month of February, Kansas hit a new record in hourly wage gains of 61 cents an hour.
  • Kansans are making an average of $25.52 more each week, while only having to work an average of 12 minutes longer.”
  • Compared to February last year, Kansas City, Kansas’s private sector average hourly wages were higher than in Kansas City, Missouri by 55 cents.
  • Unrelated to February data, Kansas has one of the highest employment-to-population ratios in the U.S., at 65.2%
And yet, oddly enough, they need to raise taxes:

Kansas Legislators Approve Tax Increases to Balance Budget - ABC News

This is the part I like: how much to increase taxes for the 281,000 business owners and 53,000 farmers who no longer pay income taxes on their profits under a 2012 policy championed by Brownback.

Kansas tax increase biggest in history - Google Search


And just think, Kansas is returning their roads to gravel.
Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes
Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State

This week, Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) ran an editorial declaring that the tax cut Kansas Governor Sam Brownback and the state legislature passed in 2012 “is working.” Newly released data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show that Kansas and Utah are tied for first when it comes to state job growth estimates.

Here are the highlights from the report:

  • For the first two months of the year, Kansas increased its non-farm jobs by 9,500 and the private sector added 9,000 jobs for March.
  • In a state-to-state comparison, Kansas placed 2nd in private-sector jobs growth in February.
  • Private-sector jobs from February 2014 to February 2015 grew by 21,200 — one of the most significant increases in the country.
  • Kansas surpassed all neighboring states except Colorado in private job gains over the year.

  • In private-sector hourly wages, Kansas beat all neighboring states except Nebraska.
  • Private-sector hourly wage estimates for January were revised upward, showing that Kansas gained 3.4% rather than 3.2% in hourly pay.
  • In month of February, Kansas hit a new record in hourly wage gains of 61 cents an hour.
  • Kansans are making an average of $25.52 more each week, while only having to work an average of 12 minutes longer.”
  • Compared to February last year, Kansas City, Kansas’s private sector average hourly wages were higher than in Kansas City, Missouri by 55 cents.
  • Unrelated to February data, Kansas has one of the highest employment-to-population ratios in the U.S., at 65.2%
And yet, oddly enough, they need to raise taxes:

Kansas Legislators Approve Tax Increases to Balance Budget - ABC News

This is the part I like: how much to increase taxes for the 281,000 business owners and 53,000 farmers who no longer pay income taxes on their profits under a 2012 policy championed by Brownback.

Kansas tax increase biggest in history - Google Search


And just think, Kansas is returning their roads to gravel.
It's no use man, as long as rich people have lower taxes, it'll just trickle back down and help people! Look at kan.. OH SHIT, RUN GUYS, PSUEDO BULLSHIT, CRAP, RUN, OH SHIT, OH NO, REAGAN, PLZ, NUUUU. But seriously, what is wrong with the GOP?
Republican Tax Cut Experiment Ends w/Largest Tax Increase In State’s History. The Republican led state kept the tax cuts they gave away to the high incomers and passed the revenue shortfall on to the most vulnerable - IOW's Kansas' middle class and poor just lost a big chunk of what's left of their discretionary spending.

Republican Controlled Kansas Senate Passes Largest Tax Increase In State’s History

Keith Brekhus
Monday, June, 8th, 2015

On Sunday evening, the Republican-controlled Kansas Senate passed a 471 million dollar tax increase. If the measure passes the Kansas House on Monday and is then signed into law by Governor Sam Brownback, it will become the largest tax increase in Kansas’ history.

Senate support for the tax increase is a clear sign that the Brownback tax cuts that were supposed to stimulate the economy, have failed so miserably, that even Tea Party Republicans have resigned themselves to supporting a massive tax increase. However, the Senate did not opt to restore higher income tax rates for the wealthy, but instead they decided to fill the state’s gaping budget hole by raising regressive taxes which pass the burden onto the poor.

The Senate bill, which passed on a close 21-17 vote, would raise the state sales tax from 6.15 percent to 6.55 percent. The cigarette tax would jump from .79 cents a pack to a 1.29 a pack. The measure would also lower deductions for property taxes, charitable contributions and home mortgage interest.

The bill protects the zero income tax rate for many owners of limited-liability companies, corporate farms and large corporations. However, it eliminates sales tax rebates on food for poor families, the elderly and people with disabilities.

So while Senate Republicans have finally come to grips with the failure of the Brownback tax cuts, their solution is not to make billionaires like Charles Koch, who still claims residency in Wichita, pay a higher tax rate. Instead they have decided to tackle the state’s budget crisis by raising the price of food for the poor, disabled and elderly.


If the Senate bill becomes law, low and middle-income Republican voters in Kansas will become the proud owners of an “anti-tax Governor and anti-tax legislature” that passed the largest tax increase in the state’s history. To add insult to injury, they will also have the dubious honor of paying for that tax increase so that the state’s aristocracy can keep their precious tax cuts. If not for the fact that some of those people will endure real suffering, the whole charade would be almost comical.

And this is on top of a tax structure that is already regressive at the state level in most states. This shit is going to come back to bite them in the ass eventually as lower income earners understand how badly they are being fucked over by the rich.
Typical regressive tax structure of a GOP state. Can't be burdening those "job creators" now can we? Not that they are creating that many jobs in these places.
"In a state-to-state comparison, Kansas placed 2nd in private-sector jobs growth in February."

Even if that's true, what it proves is that contrary to RW mythology, tax cuts don't pay for themselves.
More liberal distortion and falsehood about a red state whose economy is doing very well (better than the national average in most categories).

Since a state cannot print money out of thin air and has limited borrowing power, the only way a state can address a budget deficit is to cut spending or raise taxes or a mix of both.

And, by the way, the final bill passed by the Senate DOES increase taxes on business owners, but not by the amount the Democrats wanted. Brownback, to his credit, said he would veto any bill that raised taxes on businesses by more than $24 million in any given year.

The bill also includes the following provisions, which you would never guess to read the hit-job OP:
  • A one-time tax amnesty to run from September 1 to October 15 for any taxes unpaid as of December 31, 2013, expected to generate $30 million.
  • Exempts low-income individuals from the income tax, defined as single filers with income below $5,000 and joint filers with income below $12,500. Expected to reduce revenues by $19 million when it takes effect in FY 2017.
  • Requires voter approval for cities and counties to spend property tax revenues above the rate of inflation, unless the funds were used for new infrastructure, certain bonds and interest, special assessments, costs associated with federal or state mandates, or payments of judgments.
The claim that the Brownback tax cuts have not stimulated the KS economy is a lie and has been refuted on this board. In most categories--including unemployment, cost of living, growth--the state's economy is doing better than the national average.But, liberals, such as the OP's author, simply ignore this fact and focus on the state government's condition, because in their eyes the government is the state, and just never you mind if the state itself is doing very well economically, even though the state government is running a deficit because the legislature won't cut spending down to the level of revenue.

Since the Democrats in the legislature have vowed to block further spending cuts, and since a few liberal Republicans have said they would help block further cuts, the only choices are to keep running a deficit or raise taxes. So Brownback got the best deal he could get. Meanwhile, the state's economy is doing very well:

Kansas Conservative Economic Policies and Austerity Some Facts US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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More liberal distortion and falsehood about a red state whose economy is doing very well (better than the national average in most categories).

Since a state cannot print money out of thin air and has limited borrowing power, the only way a state can address a budget deficit is to cut spending or raise taxes or a mix of both.

And, by the way, the final bill passed by the Senate DOES increase taxes on business owners, but not by the amount the Democrats wanted. Brownback, to his credit, said he would veto any bill that raised taxes on businesses by more than $24 million in any given year.

The bill also includes the following provisions, which you would never guess to read the hit-job OP:
  • A one-time tax amnesty to run from September 1 to October 15 for any taxes unpaid as of December 31, 2013, expected to generate $30 million.
  • Exempts low-income individuals from the income tax, defined as single filers with income below $5,000 and joint filers with income below $12,500. Expected to reduce revenues by $19 million when it takes effect in FY 2017.
  • Requires voter approval for cities and counties to spend property tax revenues above the rate of inflation, unless the funds were used for new infrastructure, certain bonds and interest, special assessments, costs associated with federal or state mandates, or payments of judgments.
The claim that the Brownback tax cuts have not stimulated the KS economy is a lie and has been refuted on this board. In most categories--including unemployment, cost of living, growth--the state's economy is doing better than the national average.But, liberals, such as the OP's author, simply ignore this fact and focus on the state government's condition, because in their eyes the government is the state, and just never you mind if the state itself is doing very well economically, even though the state government is running a deficit because the legislature won't cut spending down to the level of revenue.

Since the Democrats in the legislature have vowed to block further spending cuts, and since a few liberal Republicans have said they would help block further cuts, the only choices are to keep running a deficit or raise taxes. So Brownback got the best deal he could get. Meanwhile, the state's economy is doing very well:

Kansas Conservative Economic Policies and Austerity Some Facts US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You of course miss the point. The tax cuts were supposed to pay for themselves by stimulating the economy and in the process produce more tax revenue.

They failed. Even if the economy picked up, that didn't produce the revenue it was supposed to.

The theory is asinine.
More liberal distortion and falsehood about a red state whose economy is doing very well (better than the national average in most categories).

Since a state cannot print money out of thin air and has limited borrowing power, the only way a state can address a budget deficit is to cut spending or raise taxes or a mix of both.

And, by the way, the final bill passed by the Senate DOES increase taxes on business owners, but not by the amount the Democrats wanted. Brownback, to his credit, said he would veto any bill that raised taxes on businesses by more than $24 million in any given year.

The bill also includes the following provisions, which you would never guess to read the hit-job OP:
  • A one-time tax amnesty to run from September 1 to October 15 for any taxes unpaid as of December 31, 2013, expected to generate $30 million.
  • Exempts low-income individuals from the income tax, defined as single filers with income below $5,000 and joint filers with income below $12,500. Expected to reduce revenues by $19 million when it takes effect in FY 2017.
  • Requires voter approval for cities and counties to spend property tax revenues above the rate of inflation, unless the funds were used for new infrastructure, certain bonds and interest, special assessments, costs associated with federal or state mandates, or payments of judgments.
The claim that the Brownback tax cuts have not stimulated the KS economy is a lie and has been refuted on this board. In most categories--including unemployment, cost of living, growth--the state's economy is doing better than the national average.But, liberals, such as the OP's author, simply ignore this fact and focus on the state government's condition, because in their eyes the government is the state, and just never you mind if the state itself is doing very well economically, even though the state government is running a deficit because the legislature won't cut spending down to the level of revenue.

Since the Democrats in the legislature have vowed to block further spending cuts, and since a few liberal Republicans have said they would help block further cuts, the only choices are to keep running a deficit or raise taxes. So Brownback got the best deal he could get. Meanwhile, the state's economy is doing very well:

Kansas Conservative Economic Policies and Austerity Some Facts US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You of course miss the point. The tax cuts were supposed to pay for themselves by stimulating the economy and in the process produce more tax revenue.

They failed. Even if the economy picked up, that didn't produce the revenue it was supposed to.

The theory is asinine.
It's also important to note that they got their credit downgraded by S+P because they cannot cut the budget enough to offset their tax cuts and their unwillingness to fix it. Don't know if this latest regressive tax hike will fix it but I would think that part of fiscal responsibility is not doing things that damages the state's credit in the first place.
So are taxes now lower or higher than when Brownback came to office?

Don't ever assume. Go back and find table 5 like I told you.

Here is Table 5.

Table 5. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by state and selected industry sector seasonally adjusted

Year over year, employment rose by 11,600 in Kansas.

Table E notes statistically significant changes in employment by state, which is derived from Table 5.

Regional and State Employment and Unemployment Summary

Thus, according to the BLS, there hasn't been a significant change in employment in Kansas.

It may be, however, that private sector jobs are rising while government jobs are falling, thus total employment isn't changing much.
So are taxes now lower or higher than when Brownback came to office?

Don't ever assume. Go back and find table 5 like I told you.

Here is Table 5.

Table 5. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by state and selected industry sector seasonally adjusted

Year over year, employment rose by 11,600 in Kansas.

Table E notes statistically significant changes in employment by state, which is derived from Table 5.

Regional and State Employment and Unemployment Summary

Thus, according to the BLS, there hasn't been a significant change in employment in Kansas.

It may be, however, that private sector jobs are rising while government jobs are falling, thus total employment isn't changing much.
it's changing for the good, less government jobs more private sector jobs........
Typical regressive tax structure of a GOP state. Can't be burdening those "job creators" now can we? Not that they are creating that many jobs in these places.
"In a state-to-state comparison, Kansas placed 2nd in private-sector jobs growth in February."

Even if that's true, what it proves is that contrary to RW mythology, tax cuts don't pay for themselves.
Never heard a rw say that so when did it become myth? The only people that say such thing are liberals.

The fact is local, state and the federal government do have tax incentives for businesses for a reason. It helps business. Businesses hire people. Businesses pay taxes. The employees pay taxes. The people buy stuff and the government collects even more taxes. etc.
It's no use man, as long as rich people have lower taxes, it'll just trickle back down and help people! Look at kan.. OH SHIT, RUN GUYS, PSUEDO BULLSHIT, CRAP, RUN, OH SHIT, OH NO, REAGAN, PLZ, NUUUU. But seriously, what is wrong with the GOP?
The rich pay most of the taxes. Try getting some air, take a walk or something.
Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes
Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State

This week, Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) ran an editorial declaring that the tax cut Kansas Governor Sam Brownback and the state legislature passed in 2012 “is working.” Newly released data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show that Kansas and Utah are tied for first when it comes to state job growth estimates.

Here are the highlights from the report:

  • For the first two months of the year, Kansas increased its non-farm jobs by 9,500 and the private sector added 9,000 jobs for March.
  • In a state-to-state comparison, Kansas placed 2nd in private-sector jobs growth in February.
  • Private-sector jobs from February 2014 to February 2015 grew by 21,200 — one of the most significant increases in the country.
  • Kansas surpassed all neighboring states except Colorado in private job gains over the year.

  • In private-sector hourly wages, Kansas beat all neighboring states except Nebraska.
  • Private-sector hourly wage estimates for January were revised upward, showing that Kansas gained 3.4% rather than 3.2% in hourly pay.
  • In month of February, Kansas hit a new record in hourly wage gains of 61 cents an hour.
  • Kansans are making an average of $25.52 more each week, while only having to work an average of 12 minutes longer.”
  • Compared to February last year, Kansas City, Kansas’s private sector average hourly wages were higher than in Kansas City, Missouri by 55 cents.
  • Unrelated to February data, Kansas has one of the highest employment-to-population ratios in the U.S., at 65.2%.
They had to end the school year early because they did not fund them adequately, that is nothing like prosperous.

No....the schools wasted money......go into your schools and see how much waste, fraud and abuse there is......they have more money than they can waste, steal or lose.........and then they cry for more money to waste, steal or lose.....
Republican Tax Cut Experiment Ends w/Largest Tax Increase In State’s History. The Republican led state kept the tax cuts they gave away to the high incomers and passed the revenue shortfall on to the most vulnerable - IOW's Kansas' middle class and poor just lost a big chunk of what's left of their discretionary spending.

Republican Controlled Kansas Senate Passes Largest Tax Increase In State’s History

Keith Brekhus
Monday, June, 8th, 2015

On Sunday evening, the Republican-controlled Kansas Senate passed a 471 million dollar tax increase. If the measure passes the Kansas House on Monday and is then signed into law by Governor Sam Brownback, it will become the largest tax increase in Kansas’ history.

Senate support for the tax increase is a clear sign that the Brownback tax cuts that were supposed to stimulate the economy, have failed so miserably, that even Tea Party Republicans have resigned themselves to supporting a massive tax increase. However, the Senate did not opt to restore higher income tax rates for the wealthy, but instead they decided to fill the state’s gaping budget hole by raising regressive taxes which pass the burden onto the poor.

The Senate bill, which passed on a close 21-17 vote, would raise the state sales tax from 6.15 percent to 6.55 percent. The cigarette tax would jump from .79 cents a pack to a 1.29 a pack. The measure would also lower deductions for property taxes, charitable contributions and home mortgage interest.

The bill protects the zero income tax rate for many owners of limited-liability companies, corporate farms and large corporations. However, it eliminates sales tax rebates on food for poor families, the elderly and people with disabilities.

So while Senate Republicans have finally come to grips with the failure of the Brownback tax cuts, their solution is not to make billionaires like Charles Koch, who still claims residency in Wichita, pay a higher tax rate. Instead they have decided to tackle the state’s budget crisis by raising the price of food for the poor, disabled and elderly.


If the Senate bill becomes law, low and middle-income Republican voters in Kansas will become the proud owners of an “anti-tax Governor and anti-tax legislature” that passed the largest tax increase in the state’s history. To add insult to injury, they will also have the dubious honor of paying for that tax increase so that the state’s aristocracy can keep their precious tax cuts. If not for the fact that some of those people will endure real suffering, the whole charade would be almost comical.

Yeah...I'll wait for the truth........never trust the left to tell the truth about a republican....
What is it with all these people constantly worried over Kansas? Why is this anyone's business unless you live in the state?

It's become like their Fox news obsession. and of course the site politicuausa is going to put down TAX cuts. Because to a commie that is THEIR MONEY and how dare any be giving back to you THE WORKER taxpayers who they GOT IT FROM in the First place

that's like a freaking sin to them
Typical regressive tax structure of a GOP state. Can't be burdening those "job creators" now can we? Not that they are creating that many jobs in these places.
"In a state-to-state comparison, Kansas placed 2nd in private-sector jobs growth in February."

Except that nowhere in the referenced BLS link was that claim substantiated.
It was in the link I posted. Try to be less of a gas bag and more attentive.


National private sector job growth was 2.6% in 2014.
Typical regressive tax structure of a GOP state. Can't be burdening those "job creators" now can we? Not that they are creating that many jobs in these places.
"In a state-to-state comparison, Kansas placed 2nd in private-sector jobs growth in February."

Even if that's true, what it proves is that contrary to RW mythology, tax cuts don't pay for themselves.
Never heard a rw say that so when did it become myth? The only people that say such thing are liberals.

The fact is local, state and the federal government do have tax incentives for businesses for a reason. It helps business. Businesses hire people. Businesses pay taxes. The employees pay taxes. The people buy stuff and the government collects even more taxes. etc.

Tax cuts stimulate an hikes slow it......
No....the schools wasted money......go into your schools and see how much waste, fraud and abuse there is......they have more money than they can waste, steal or lose.........and then they cry for more money to waste, steal or lose.....
Half out property taxes goes to education. And they've been building like mad here with houses squeezed into small lots. That's got to be a LOT OF FUCKING MONEY! How much more do they need to make ends meet, while 3rd world countries are kicking our asses in academics?

Liberals are insane.

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