Republican Tax Cut Experiment Ends w/Largest Tax Increase In State’s History

KANSAS BUDGET Senate passes tax increase House approved goes to governor for signature -

Food taxes, farm taxes, and business taxes are unchanged. Other consumption taxes and 'sin' taxes go up.

Seems reasonable. It is a good thing States can't print money to balance their budgets. We all know where that would lead.


Not exactly! The sales tax on food in Kansas will rise .04% while simultaneously eliminating the sales tax rebate on food. IOW's , Kansas will make up a portion of their shortfall on the backs of people that eat food then-----then after they get their financial house in order i.e. one year from July 1, they will lower the sales tax on food, but NOT restore the sales tax rebate on food.
Home to Koch Industries is in Kansas, much of Koch Industries is pass-thru - LLC. LLC's are not affected by the biggest tax increase in Kansas state history - IOWs, Kansas' Republicans are screwing Kansas' most vulnerable to pleasure the people that won't miss a meal or mortgage payment due to a tax increase that would solve Kansas' revenue shortfall pain free for all but a few.

Excerpt from OP article: The bill protects the zero income tax rate for many owners of limited-liability companies, corporate farms and large corporations. However, it eliminates sales tax rebates on food for poor families, the elderly and people with disabilities.

The general sales tax would rise from 6.15 percent to 6.55 percent on July 1. A year later, the tax on food would drop to 4.95 percent.

“It’s the lowest rate (on food) we’ve looked at all session,” Donovan said.

The food sales tax rebate for poor families, the elderly and people with disabilities would be eliminated.

Its part of modern conservativism that the poor aren't suffering enough. That their comfort and convenience in poverty is 'slavery' and only if they are made to hurt more will they be motivated to move out of poverty and into productive living.

So of course consevatives are going to make a policy that hurts the poor. They want them to hurt. They want them hungry. They want them desperate.

Its unsurprisingly also a tenet in many modern incarnations of 'Christian values'. As the desperate are more like to turn to religion. Especially if the religious have food and you have to accept their teachings if you want to eat.

It was Jesus who said after all:

"And verily I say unto thee, fuck the poor. For woe be unto the leeches who suffer a diminishment of spirit. Only through the efficacy of pain shall they be cleansed. And blessed are the wealthy for they shall inherent the earth. "
Last edited:
At this rate Kansas will become a glaring example to the rest of the nation of what it means to adopt the failed Libertarian dogma of the Koch bros.
Yes because nothing says fail like being second in job creation.

And yet when you dig into the figures in the links they don't support the claim.
List the figures you wish to dispute. With cited evidence of course.


From Iceweasel's post above.

Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes

From the link in the Forbes article to the BLS figures;

Regional and State Employment and Unemployment Summary

I don't see the data that Forbes is claiming in the BLS link.

Can you find it in there?
It's in table 5.

I have to assume you mean Table "E" it isn't.

Table E:

Table E. States with statistically significant employment changes from
April 2014 to April 2015, seasonally adjusted
| April | April | Over-the-year
State | 2014 | 2015(p) | change(p)
Alabama ......................| 1,916,900 | 1,943,100 | 26,200
Arizona ......................| 2,557,000 | 2,614,900 | 57,900
Arkansas .....................| 1,184,200 | 1,208,800 | 24,600
California ...................| 15,554,900 | 16,012,200 | 457,300
Colorado .....................| 2,445,900 | 2,509,100 | 63,200
Connecticut ..................| 1,664,000 | 1,687,200 | 23,200
Delaware .....................| 435,900 | 442,900 | 7,000
Florida ......................| 7,767,800 | 8,045,500 | 277,700
Georgia ......................| 4,125,600 | 4,247,500 | 121,900
Idaho ........................| 653,900 | 674,200 | 20,300
| | |
Illinois .....................| 5,856,800 | 5,919,700 | 62,900
Indiana ......................| 2,974,700 | 3,034,100 | 59,400
Iowa .........................| 1,545,600 | 1,566,000 | 20,400
Kentucky .....................| 1,852,400 | 1,886,200 | 33,800
Maryland .....................| 2,613,300 | 2,653,200 | 39,900
Massachusetts ................| 3,403,200 | 3,469,300 | 66,100
Michigan .....................| 4,156,500 | 4,255,100 | 98,600
Minnesota ....................| 2,805,900 | 2,852,000 | 46,100
Nebraska .....................| 993,200 | 1,004,200 | 11,000
Nevada .......................| 1,207,500 | 1,248,900 | 41,400
| | |
New Jersey ...................| 3,956,300 | 4,002,700 | 46,400
New Mexico ...................| 816,800 | 831,100 | 14,300
New York .....................| 9,063,400 | 9,176,600 | 113,200
North Carolina ...............| 4,124,900 | 4,231,500 | 106,600
North Dakota .................| 457,400 | 469,100 | 11,700
Ohio .........................| 5,320,700 | 5,395,000 | 74,300
Oklahoma .....................| 1,645,700 | 1,664,300 | 18,600
Oregon .......................| 1,712,100 | 1,770,500 | 58,400
Pennsylvania .................| 5,781,400 | 5,845,800 | 64,400
South Carolina ...............| 1,942,400 | 1,998,500 | 56,100
| | |
South Dakota .................| 422,800 | 429,700 | 6,900
Tennessee ....................| 2,804,400 | 2,851,400 | 47,000
Texas ........................| 11,467,600 | 11,754,600 | 287,000
Utah .........................| 1,318,700 | 1,371,500 | 52,800
Vermont ......................| 308,600 | 315,700 | 7,100
Washington ...................| 3,052,600 | 3,162,000 | 109,400
Wisconsin ....................| 2,838,600 | 2,889,500 | 50,900
p = preliminary.

Kansas is not listed in that table at all...there is no "Kansas" in there.

Which is kinda interesting since the title is "States with statistically significant employment changes from April 2014 to April 2015" which I guess means Kansas didn't have significant employment changes from last year to this one.
At this rate Kansas will become a glaring example to the rest of the nation of what it means to adopt the failed Libertarian dogma of the Koch bros.
Yes because nothing says fail like being second in job creation.

And yet when you dig into the figures in the links they don't support the claim.
List the figures you wish to dispute. With cited evidence of course.


From Iceweasel's post above.

Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes

From the link in the Forbes article to the BLS figures;

Regional and State Employment and Unemployment Summary

I don't see the data that Forbes is claiming in the BLS link.

Can you find it in there?
It's in table 5.

Kansas is not even mentioned in table E of the BLS link.

Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes
Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State

This week, Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) ran an editorial declaring that the tax cut Kansas Governor Sam Brownback and the state legislature passed in 2012 “is working.” Newly released data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show that Kansas and Utah are tied for first when it comes to state job growth estimates.

Here are the highlights from the report:

  • For the first two months of the year, Kansas increased its non-farm jobs by 9,500 and the private sector added 9,000 jobs for March.
  • In a state-to-state comparison, Kansas placed 2nd in private-sector jobs growth in February.
  • Private-sector jobs from February 2014 to February 2015 grew by 21,200 — one of the most significant increases in the country.
  • Kansas surpassed all neighboring states except Colorado in private job gains over the year.

  • In private-sector hourly wages, Kansas beat all neighboring states except Nebraska.
  • Private-sector hourly wage estimates for January were revised upward, showing that Kansas gained 3.4% rather than 3.2% in hourly pay.
  • In month of February, Kansas hit a new record in hourly wage gains of 61 cents an hour.
  • Kansans are making an average of $25.52 more each week, while only having to work an average of 12 minutes longer.”
  • Compared to February last year, Kansas City, Kansas’s private sector average hourly wages were higher than in Kansas City, Missouri by 55 cents.
  • Unrelated to February data, Kansas has one of the highest employment-to-population ratios in the U.S., at 65.2%.
So if those "estimates" are right then why was the legislature forced to raise taxes?
Any improvement in employment cannot be shown to be a direct result of gutting the revenue structure of the state rather than just a result of the generally improving economy of the nation. The only results that can be directly tied to the tax cuts are underfunded state agencies, credit downgrades and budget deficits.
You're an idiot if you really believe tax breaks don't spur business. When state budgets are cut, state spending needs to be cut. Sounds like they had trouble weening some dependents off of the state nipple.
Yeah. who needs an education anyway? Seriously. Is it not even a possiblilty that they cut revenue too deeply to even support an education for their young citizens? Not to mention they screwed their credit rating so they cannot even have bond issues to help pay for infrastructure improvements. This shit is only going to get worse as time goes on. Next spring when they cannot even afford to patch the winter potholes maybe some of them will wise up.
Huh? So the kid's education is the first thing that gets cut in the liberal playbook.
Typical regressive tax structure of a GOP state. Can't be burdening those "job creators" now can we? Not that they are creating that many jobs in these places.
"In a state-to-state comparison, Kansas placed 2nd in private-sector jobs growth in February."

Except that nowhere in the referenced BLS link was that claim substantiated.
It was in the link I posted. Try to be less of a gas bag and more attentive.

Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes
Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State

This week, Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) ran an editorial declaring that the tax cut Kansas Governor Sam Brownback and the state legislature passed in 2012 “is working.” Newly released data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show that Kansas and Utah are tied for first when it comes to state job growth estimates.

Here are the highlights from the report:

  • For the first two months of the year, Kansas increased its non-farm jobs by 9,500 and the private sector added 9,000 jobs for March.
  • In a state-to-state comparison, Kansas placed 2nd in private-sector jobs growth in February.
  • Private-sector jobs from February 2014 to February 2015 grew by 21,200 — one of the most significant increases in the country.
  • Kansas surpassed all neighboring states except Colorado in private job gains over the year.

  • In private-sector hourly wages, Kansas beat all neighboring states except Nebraska.
  • Private-sector hourly wage estimates for January were revised upward, showing that Kansas gained 3.4% rather than 3.2% in hourly pay.
  • In month of February, Kansas hit a new record in hourly wage gains of 61 cents an hour.
  • Kansans are making an average of $25.52 more each week, while only having to work an average of 12 minutes longer.”
  • Compared to February last year, Kansas City, Kansas’s private sector average hourly wages were higher than in Kansas City, Missouri by 55 cents.
  • Unrelated to February data, Kansas has one of the highest employment-to-population ratios in the U.S., at 65.2%.
So if those "estimates" are right then why was the legislature forced to raise taxes?
Any improvement in employment cannot be shown to be a direct result of gutting the revenue structure of the state rather than just a result of the generally improving economy of the nation. The only results that can be directly tied to the tax cuts are underfunded state agencies, credit downgrades and budget deficits.
You're an idiot if you really believe tax breaks don't spur business. When state budgets are cut, state spending needs to be cut. Sounds like they had trouble weening some dependents off of the state nipple.
Yeah. who needs an education anyway? Seriously. Is it not even a possiblilty that they cut revenue too deeply to even support an education for their young citizens? Not to mention they screwed their credit rating so they cannot even have bond issues to help pay for infrastructure improvements. This shit is only going to get worse as time goes on. Next spring when they cannot even afford to patch the winter potholes maybe some of them will wise up.
Huh? So the kid's education is the first thing that gets cut in the liberal playbook.


It is the first thing that gets cut in the LIBERTARIAN playbook!

But the governor’s budget headaches have continued: January receipts fell $47.2 million short of predictions, and Mr. Brownback has responded by cutting funding for public schools and higher education by a combined $44.5 million.

The move has education officials across the state seething. Here, the Kansas City Public School District has already endured $45 million in lost state revenue since 2009, said Cynthia Lane, the superintendent. Mr. Brownback’s cut of 1.5 percent to public school funding statewide would amount to a loss of $1.3 million in her district, she said.
Typical regressive tax structure of a GOP state. Can't be burdening those "job creators" now can we? Not that they are creating that many jobs in these places.
"In a state-to-state comparison, Kansas placed 2nd in private-sector jobs growth in February."

Except that nowhere in the referenced BLS link was that claim substantiated.
It was in the link I posted. Try to be less of a gas bag and more attentive.


According to that it is based on BLS statistics but the BLS link provided doesn't support that chart.

So the onus is on you to provide the appropriate substantiation or to just be honest of a change and admit that you are having smoke blown up your nether regions by your disinformation sources.
Yes because nothing says fail like being second in job creation.

And yet when you dig into the figures in the links they don't support the claim.
List the figures you wish to dispute. With cited evidence of course.


From Iceweasel's post above.

Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes

From the link in the Forbes article to the BLS figures;

Regional and State Employment and Unemployment Summary

I don't see the data that Forbes is claiming in the BLS link.

Can you find it in there?
It's in table 5.

Kansas is not even mentioned in table E of the BLS link.

View attachment 42497
You are basing your entire argument on unemployment, which isn't bad at all, btw. That does not give a complete job growth picture. Apr2015 SA PrivateEmpl Chart file.pdf
Republican Tax Cut Experiment Ends w/Largest Tax Increase In State’s History. The Republican led state kept the tax cuts they gave away to the high incomers and passed the revenue shortfall on to the most vulnerable - IOW's Kansas' middle class and poor just lost a big chunk of what's left of their discretionary spending.

Republican Controlled Kansas Senate Passes Largest Tax Increase In State’s History

Keith Brekhus
Monday, June, 8th, 2015

On Sunday evening, the Republican-controlled Kansas Senate passed a 471 million dollar tax increase. If the measure passes the Kansas House on Monday and is then signed into law by Governor Sam Brownback, it will become the largest tax increase in Kansas’ history.

Senate support for the tax increase is a clear sign that the Brownback tax cuts that were supposed to stimulate the economy, have failed so miserably, that even Tea Party Republicans have resigned themselves to supporting a massive tax increase. However, the Senate did not opt to restore higher income tax rates for the wealthy, but instead they decided to fill the state’s gaping budget hole by raising regressive taxes which pass the burden onto the poor.

The Senate bill, which passed on a close 21-17 vote, would raise the state sales tax from 6.15 percent to 6.55 percent. The cigarette tax would jump from .79 cents a pack to a 1.29 a pack. The measure would also lower deductions for property taxes, charitable contributions and home mortgage interest.

The bill protects the zero income tax rate for many owners of limited-liability companies, corporate farms and large corporations. However, it eliminates sales tax rebates on food for poor families, the elderly and people with disabilities.

So while Senate Republicans have finally come to grips with the failure of the Brownback tax cuts, their solution is not to make billionaires like Charles Koch, who still claims residency in Wichita, pay a higher tax rate. Instead they have decided to tackle the state’s budget crisis by raising the price of food for the poor, disabled and elderly.


If the Senate bill becomes law, low and middle-income Republican voters in Kansas will become the proud owners of an “anti-tax Governor and anti-tax legislature” that passed the largest tax increase in the state’s history. To add insult to injury, they will also have the dubious honor of paying for that tax increase so that the state’s aristocracy can keep their precious tax cuts. If not for the fact that some of those people will endure real suffering, the whole charade would be almost comical.
A percentage rise in sales tax and cigarette tax constitutes the "largest tax in history"? By what standard?
How many of those jobs pay less than $12 per hour. I have never considered those an actual job because it is not possible for anyone to live off of that kind of miserable slave wage. Meanwhile school years ended early in some schools. Are those people too cheap or too stupid to understand education is the only ticket to ones prosperity? Probably too stupid.
Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes
Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State

This week, Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) ran an editorial declaring that the tax cut Kansas Governor Sam Brownback and the state legislature passed in 2012 “is working.” Newly released data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show that Kansas and Utah are tied for first when it comes to state job growth estimates.

Here are the highlights from the report:

  • For the first two months of the year, Kansas increased its non-farm jobs by 9,500 and the private sector added 9,000 jobs for March.
  • In a state-to-state comparison, Kansas placed 2nd in private-sector jobs growth in February.
  • Private-sector jobs from February 2014 to February 2015 grew by 21,200 — one of the most significant increases in the country.
  • Kansas surpassed all neighboring states except Colorado in private job gains over the year.

  • In private-sector hourly wages, Kansas beat all neighboring states except Nebraska.
  • Private-sector hourly wage estimates for January were revised upward, showing that Kansas gained 3.4% rather than 3.2% in hourly pay.
  • In month of February, Kansas hit a new record in hourly wage gains of 61 cents an hour.
  • Kansans are making an average of $25.52 more each week, while only having to work an average of 12 minutes longer.”
  • Compared to February last year, Kansas City, Kansas’s private sector average hourly wages were higher than in Kansas City, Missouri by 55 cents.
  • Unrelated to February data, Kansas has one of the highest employment-to-population ratios in the U.S., at 65.2%.
So if those "estimates" are right then why was the legislature forced to raise taxes?
Any improvement in employment cannot be shown to be a direct result of gutting the revenue structure of the state rather than just a result of the generally improving economy of the nation. The only results that can be directly tied to the tax cuts are underfunded state agencies, credit downgrades and budget deficits.
You're an idiot if you really believe tax breaks don't spur business. When state budgets are cut, state spending needs to be cut. Sounds like they had trouble weening some dependents off of the state nipple.
No, you're an idiot if you think stimulating supply improves the economy. Businesses don't do better just because they have more to sell. They do better when people buy shit. Oh and the people getting these tax breaks keep most or what they save. Shifting the tax burden to the middle class and poor who account for most of the consumer spending in this economy is fucking stupid.
You see how they call a TAX CUT for you the people an EXPERIMENT?

HOW DAMN SICK are these freaks

no wonder it's from the commie site PoliticApukeusa
Republican Tax Cut Experiment Ends w/Largest Tax Increase In State’s History. The Republican led state kept the tax cuts they gave away to the high incomers and passed the revenue shortfall on to the most vulnerable - IOW's Kansas' middle class and poor just lost a big chunk of what's left of their discretionary spending.

Republican Controlled Kansas Senate Passes Largest Tax Increase In State’s History

Keith Brekhus
Monday, June, 8th, 2015

On Sunday evening, the Republican-controlled Kansas Senate passed a 471 million dollar tax increase. If the measure passes the Kansas House on Monday and is then signed into law by Governor Sam Brownback, it will become the largest tax increase in Kansas’ history.

Senate support for the tax increase is a clear sign that the Brownback tax cuts that were supposed to stimulate the economy, have failed so miserably, that even Tea Party Republicans have resigned themselves to supporting a massive tax increase. However, the Senate did not opt to restore higher income tax rates for the wealthy, but instead they decided to fill the state’s gaping budget hole by raising regressive taxes which pass the burden onto the poor.

The Senate bill, which passed on a close 21-17 vote, would raise the state sales tax from 6.15 percent to 6.55 percent. The cigarette tax would jump from .79 cents a pack to a 1.29 a pack. The measure would also lower deductions for property taxes, charitable contributions and home mortgage interest.

The bill protects the zero income tax rate for many owners of limited-liability companies, corporate farms and large corporations. However, it eliminates sales tax rebates on food for poor families, the elderly and people with disabilities.

So while Senate Republicans have finally come to grips with the failure of the Brownback tax cuts, their solution is not to make billionaires like Charles Koch, who still claims residency in Wichita, pay a higher tax rate. Instead they have decided to tackle the state’s budget crisis by raising the price of food for the poor, disabled and elderly.


If the Senate bill becomes law, low and middle-income Republican voters in Kansas will become the proud owners of an “anti-tax Governor and anti-tax legislature” that passed the largest tax increase in the state’s history. To add insult to injury, they will also have the dubious honor of paying for that tax increase so that the state’s aristocracy can keep their precious tax cuts. If not for the fact that some of those people will endure real suffering, the whole charade would be almost comical.

Similar thing happened in Nevada. After winning everything in Nevada by landslide, based on promises such as small government, keeping taxes low, etc, Nevada GOP just voted for tax on revenue (because tax on profit was voted down by voters).

We have two parties in this country, moderate Democrats (who call themselves GOP) and Communists (who call themselves Democrats). We can't trust neither one, they're all conman.
Yes because nothing says fail like being second in job creation.

And yet when you dig into the figures in the links they don't support the claim.
List the figures you wish to dispute. With cited evidence of course.


From Iceweasel's post above.

Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes

From the link in the Forbes article to the BLS figures;

Regional and State Employment and Unemployment Summary

I don't see the data that Forbes is claiming in the BLS link.

Can you find it in there?
It's in table 5.

I have to assume you mean Table "E" it isn't.

Table E:

Table E. States with statistically significant employment changes from
April 2014 to April 2015, seasonally adjusted
| April | April | Over-the-year
State | 2014 | 2015(p) | change(p)
Alabama ......................| 1,916,900 | 1,943,100 | 26,200
Arizona ......................| 2,557,000 | 2,614,900 | 57,900
Arkansas .....................| 1,184,200 | 1,208,800 | 24,600
California ...................| 15,554,900 | 16,012,200 | 457,300
Colorado .....................| 2,445,900 | 2,509,100 | 63,200
Connecticut ..................| 1,664,000 | 1,687,200 | 23,200
Delaware .....................| 435,900 | 442,900 | 7,000
Florida ......................| 7,767,800 | 8,045,500 | 277,700
Georgia ......................| 4,125,600 | 4,247,500 | 121,900
Idaho ........................| 653,900 | 674,200 | 20,300
| | |
Illinois .....................| 5,856,800 | 5,919,700 | 62,900
Indiana ......................| 2,974,700 | 3,034,100 | 59,400
Iowa .........................| 1,545,600 | 1,566,000 | 20,400
Kentucky .....................| 1,852,400 | 1,886,200 | 33,800
Maryland .....................| 2,613,300 | 2,653,200 | 39,900
Massachusetts ................| 3,403,200 | 3,469,300 | 66,100
Michigan .....................| 4,156,500 | 4,255,100 | 98,600
Minnesota ....................| 2,805,900 | 2,852,000 | 46,100
Nebraska .....................| 993,200 | 1,004,200 | 11,000
Nevada .......................| 1,207,500 | 1,248,900 | 41,400
| | |
New Jersey ...................| 3,956,300 | 4,002,700 | 46,400
New Mexico ...................| 816,800 | 831,100 | 14,300
New York .....................| 9,063,400 | 9,176,600 | 113,200
North Carolina ...............| 4,124,900 | 4,231,500 | 106,600
North Dakota .................| 457,400 | 469,100 | 11,700
Ohio .........................| 5,320,700 | 5,395,000 | 74,300
Oklahoma .....................| 1,645,700 | 1,664,300 | 18,600
Oregon .......................| 1,712,100 | 1,770,500 | 58,400
Pennsylvania .................| 5,781,400 | 5,845,800 | 64,400
South Carolina ...............| 1,942,400 | 1,998,500 | 56,100
| | |
South Dakota .................| 422,800 | 429,700 | 6,900
Tennessee ....................| 2,804,400 | 2,851,400 | 47,000
Texas ........................| 11,467,600 | 11,754,600 | 287,000
Utah .........................| 1,318,700 | 1,371,500 | 52,800
Vermont ......................| 308,600 | 315,700 | 7,100
Washington ...................| 3,052,600 | 3,162,000 | 109,400
Wisconsin ....................| 2,838,600 | 2,889,500 | 50,900
p = preliminary.

Kansas is not listed in that table at all...there is no "Kansas" in there.

Which is kinda interesting since the title is "States with statistically significant employment changes from April 2014 to April 2015" which I guess means Kansas didn't have significant employment changes from last year to this one.

Don't ever assume. Go back and find table 5 like I told you.
Yes because nothing says fail like being second in job creation.

And yet when you dig into the figures in the links they don't support the claim.
List the figures you wish to dispute. With cited evidence of course.


From Iceweasel's post above.

Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes

From the link in the Forbes article to the BLS figures;

Regional and State Employment and Unemployment Summary

I don't see the data that Forbes is claiming in the BLS link.

Can you find it in there?
It's in table 5.

Kansas is not even mentioned in table E of the BLS link.

View attachment 42497
Maybe you and Nevyn aren't cut out for reading tables used to put together these statistics. Find table 5.
Republican Tax Cut Experiment Ends w/Largest Tax Increase In State’s History. The Republican led state kept the tax cuts they gave away to the high incomers and passed the revenue shortfall on to the most vulnerable - IOW's Kansas' middle class and poor just lost a big chunk of what's left of their discretionary spending.

Republican Controlled Kansas Senate Passes Largest Tax Increase In State’s History

Keith Brekhus
Monday, June, 8th, 2015

On Sunday evening, the Republican-controlled Kansas Senate passed a 471 million dollar tax increase. If the measure passes the Kansas House on Monday and is then signed into law by Governor Sam Brownback, it will become the largest tax increase in Kansas’ history.

Senate support for the tax increase is a clear sign that the Brownback tax cuts that were supposed to stimulate the economy, have failed so miserably, that even Tea Party Republicans have resigned themselves to supporting a massive tax increase. However, the Senate did not opt to restore higher income tax rates for the wealthy, but instead they decided to fill the state’s gaping budget hole by raising regressive taxes which pass the burden onto the poor.

The Senate bill, which passed on a close 21-17 vote, would raise the state sales tax from 6.15 percent to 6.55 percent. The cigarette tax would jump from .79 cents a pack to a 1.29 a pack. The measure would also lower deductions for property taxes, charitable contributions and home mortgage interest.

The bill protects the zero income tax rate for many owners of limited-liability companies, corporate farms and large corporations. However, it eliminates sales tax rebates on food for poor families, the elderly and people with disabilities.

So while Senate Republicans have finally come to grips with the failure of the Brownback tax cuts, their solution is not to make billionaires like Charles Koch, who still claims residency in Wichita, pay a higher tax rate. Instead they have decided to tackle the state’s budget crisis by raising the price of food for the poor, disabled and elderly.


If the Senate bill becomes law, low and middle-income Republican voters in Kansas will become the proud owners of an “anti-tax Governor and anti-tax legislature” that passed the largest tax increase in the state’s history. To add insult to injury, they will also have the dubious honor of paying for that tax increase so that the state’s aristocracy can keep their precious tax cuts. If not for the fact that some of those people will endure real suffering, the whole charade would be almost comical.
A percentage rise in sales tax and cigarette tax constitutes the "largest tax in history"? By what standard?

By the total dollar increase of the proposed tax hike.

Details on the $471 million tax increase:

  • The sales tax increases to 6.55 percent from 6.15 percent.
  • The cigarette tax will go up by 50 cents each pack, bringing the total tax to $1.29.
  • The food tax will drop on July 1, 2016. However, it will be 6.55 percent until that time.
  • Most itemized deductions on state income taxes are repealed.
  • Reduced deductions for property taxes, charitable contributions and mortgage interest.
  • There's a property tax lid for cities and counties.
  • A new school voucher program that will provide tax credits to those who donate funds for private and religious schools.
  • $24 million on taxes for business owners.
Kansas Senate passes 471 million tax increase the largest in state history -
KANSAS BUDGET Senate passes tax increase House approved goes to governor for signature -

Food taxes, farm taxes, and business taxes are unchanged. Other consumption taxes and 'sin' taxes go up.

Seems reasonable. It is a good thing States can't print money to balance their budgets. We all know where that would lead.


Not exactly! The sales tax on food in Kansas will rise .04% while simultaneously eliminating the sales tax rebate on food. IOW's , Kansas will make up a portion of their shortfall on the backs of people that eat food then-----then after they get their financial house in order i.e. one year from July 1, they will lower the sales tax on food, but NOT restore the sales tax rebate on food.
Home to Koch Industries is in Kansas, much of Koch Industries is pass-thru - LLC. LLC's are not affected by the biggest tax increase in Kansas state history - IOWs, Kansas' Republicans are screwing Kansas' most vulnerable to pleasure the people that won't miss a meal or mortgage payment due to a tax increase that would solve Kansas' revenue shortfall pain free for all but a few.

Excerpt from OP article: The bill protects the zero income tax rate for many owners of limited-liability companies, corporate farms and large corporations. However, it eliminates sales tax rebates on food for poor families, the elderly and people with disabilities.

The general sales tax would rise from 6.15 percent to 6.55 percent on July 1. A year later, the tax on food would drop to 4.95 percent.

“It’s the lowest rate (on food) we’ve looked at all session,” Donovan said.

The food sales tax rebate for poor families, the elderly and people with disabilities would be eliminated.

Its part of modern conservativism that the poor aren't suffering enough. That their comfort and convenience in poverty is 'slavery' and only if they are made to hurt more will they be motivated to move out of poverty and into productive living.

So of course consevatives are going to make a policy that hurts the poor. They want them to hurt. They want them hungry. They want them desperate.

Its unsurprisingly also a tenet in many modern incarnations of 'Christian values'. As the desperate are more like to turn to religion. Especially if the religious have food and you have to accept their teachings if you want to eat.

It was Jesus who said after all:

"And verily I say unto thee, fuck the poor. For woe be unto the leeches who suffer a diminishment of spirit. Only through the efficacy of pain shall they be cleansed. And blessed are the wealthy for they shall inherent the earth. "
I love your post, and it's all to true, the demonization of those in poverty, the hatred of evil "socialist" welfare programs, the vehement attacks against collective bargaining and labor unions/public sector, the need to destroy women's rights, and revise the message of Jesus, seriously, I wish republicans actually listened to Jesus. One of my many favorite stories regarding the rich in the Bible: "The Rich Man and Lazarus "There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. "The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried. In hell,[a] where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, 'Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.' "But Abraham replied, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony." Luke 16:19-31"

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