Republican tax cut will not trickle down

The Republican tax cuts won't trickle down, CEO writes in scathing op-ed

It's not a surprise to Todd Carmichael, co-founder and CEO of La Colombe Coffee Roasters in Philadelphia.

"I can tell you what no other CEO wants to tell you," Carmichael writes in an op-ed in The Philadelphia Inquirer: "A half-trillion dollars of corporate tax giveaways proposed by the GOP aren't going to do a thing for the middle class, or create a single job. Because what every CEO knows but won't tell you is this: A tax break for their company simply means a fatter bottom line. Not jobs. Not investment." CEOs have "a powerful fiduciary duty to return all profits to shareholders — not to the employees, or the suppliers, or the community and certainly not to the unemployed or left behind," he explained. "Profit goes to shareholders (and the CEO) and not to the employees."

Just like when we cut taxes before. Cut taxes on the wealthy........and they just keep it

No matter what the regressives say, corporations don't pay taxes, it's all added into the cost of the product or service.

No it is not

If corporations could charge more for their goods or services.......they would already be doing it

You have to remain competitive of you may as well close your doors. Lower taxes make US businesses more competitive because it reduces the costs of doing business.


So let me get this straight....just the other day you were touting the amazing economy and record corporate profits...but suddenly, we need tax breaks to be competitive.

If your phone, computer or their components are made in a foreign country, we're not competitive enough.


Ha, well, enjoy fantasyland. The economy is going global. At this point we should be helping other developing countries to develop. As their popluace becomes more educated and well off, they will demand better wages.
The mythical "wage gap problem" is simply a byproduct of free enterprise in a free market economic system. More people becoming wealthy is not a problem requiring a solution.

This is maybe the most moronic take on this I have ever seen. The problem, of course, is that the gap is growing faster than wages overall. I remember learning this in about the 4th week of freshman econ.
You're just making shit up as you go.

Read and learn child.

The Difference Between Income Tax Expense & Income Tax Payable

This is just a drop in the bucket of tax accounting.


How about you just give us a short summary of the article in your own words?

I provided the link, read it, or don't.


So what, anyone can copy a link. Give us a short little summary, in your own words, so that we can decide if it's worth our time. Should be easy for you!

I just provided an idiot an example how companies forecast taxes, if you think it doesn't fill that bill, explain why. Otherwise STFU.


You never read a word of it, you fraud.
No matter what the regressives say, corporations don't pay taxes, it's all added into the cost of the product or service.

No it is not

If corporations could charge more for their goods or services.......they would already be doing it

You have to remain competitive of you may as well close your doors. Lower taxes make US businesses more competitive because it reduces the costs of doing business.


So let me get this straight....just the other day you were touting the amazing economy and record corporate profits...but suddenly, we need tax breaks to be competitive.

If your phone, computer or their components are made in a foreign country, we're not competitive enough.


Ha, well, enjoy fantasyland. The economy is going global. At this point we should be helping other developing countries to develop. As their popluace becomes more educated and well off, they will demand better wages.

Are you under the false impression that I give a shit about other countries? Let them develop service economies, that scheme is failing here.

No it is not

If corporations could charge more for their goods or services.......they would already be doing it

You have to remain competitive of you may as well close your doors. Lower taxes make US businesses more competitive because it reduces the costs of doing business.


So let me get this straight....just the other day you were touting the amazing economy and record corporate profits...but suddenly, we need tax breaks to be competitive.

If your phone, computer or their components are made in a foreign country, we're not competitive enough.


Ha, well, enjoy fantasyland. The economy is going global. At this point we should be helping other developing countries to develop. As their popluace becomes more educated and well off, they will demand better wages.

Are you under the false impression that I give a shit about other countries? Let them develop service economies, that scheme is failing here.


Dont be such a simpleton. When wages in developing countries rise, more manufacturing will return to America.
Read and learn child.

The Difference Between Income Tax Expense & Income Tax Payable

This is just a drop in the bucket of tax accounting.


How about you just give us a short summary of the article in your own words?

I provided the link, read it, or don't.


So what, anyone can copy a link. Give us a short little summary, in your own words, so that we can decide if it's worth our time. Should be easy for you!

I just provided an idiot an example how companies forecast taxes, if you think it doesn't fill that bill, explain why. Otherwise STFU.


You never read a word of it, you fraud.

What ever.

You have to remain competitive of you may as well close your doors. Lower taxes make US businesses more competitive because it reduces the costs of doing business.


So let me get this straight....just the other day you were touting the amazing economy and record corporate profits...but suddenly, we need tax breaks to be competitive.

If your phone, computer or their components are made in a foreign country, we're not competitive enough.


Ha, well, enjoy fantasyland. The economy is going global. At this point we should be helping other developing countries to develop. As their popluace becomes more educated and well off, they will demand better wages.

Are you under the false impression that I give a shit about other countries? Let them develop service economies, that scheme is failing here.


Dont be such a simpleton. When wages in developing countries rise, more manufacturing will return to America.


The mythical "wage gap problem" is simply a byproduct of free enterprise in a free market economic system. More people becoming wealthy is not a problem requiring a solution.

This is maybe the most moronic take on this I have ever seen. The problem, of course, is that the gap is growing faster than wages overall. I remember learning this in about the 4th week of freshman econ.

No. The "gap" grows as a natural result of free individuals practicing free market economics and free enterprise in a free capitalist society. That is all.

FunBaggz, I doubt you ever made it out of the special education trailer.

What you are promoting is Marxist propaganda. You don't realize that's what it is because you're a clinical moron. What you are advocating for... just so you will know... is a system by which all the general populace obtains an equal portion of remuneration in return for inherent productivity. The problem with that system is, it leads to abject poverty and hopeless social despair for the masses while the ruling class elite live in luxury.

You don't care what I say because in your tiny underdeveloped brain, you have bought into the Marxist propaganda and no one will ever convince you otherwise.
The Republican tax cuts won't trickle down, CEO writes in scathing op-ed

It's not a surprise to Todd Carmichael, co-founder and CEO of La Colombe Coffee Roasters in Philadelphia.

"I can tell you what no other CEO wants to tell you," Carmichael writes in an op-ed in The Philadelphia Inquirer: "A half-trillion dollars of corporate tax giveaways proposed by the GOP aren't going to do a thing for the middle class, or create a single job. Because what every CEO knows but won't tell you is this: A tax break for their company simply means a fatter bottom line. Not jobs. Not investment." CEOs have "a powerful fiduciary duty to return all profits to shareholders — not to the employees, or the suppliers, or the community and certainly not to the unemployed or left behind," he explained. "Profit goes to shareholders (and the CEO) and not to the employees."

Just like when we cut taxes before. Cut taxes on the wealthy........and they just keep it

Okay, so let's take your argument as valid... let's say it turns out exactly as you say and profits are returned to shareholders. What will the shareholders do with that money?

There are only three possibilities. 1) Spend it. 2) Invest it. 3) Consume it. There is no other possibility... agreed?

Now, if they spend it, then it goes back directly into the economy. If they invest it, then it also goes back into the economy through loans made by banks who hold the invested capital. This leaves consumption.... SO... they could eat the money or throw it in the fireplace, thereby "consuming" it..... BUT, if they do this, it lessens the amount of currency available in the market which increases the value of currency remaining.

The term "trickle down" is quite simply a description of how ALL free market economic systems work.
They sit on the does not go back into the economy
Inflating the costs of stocks does not help the economy or add jobs

They sit on the does not go back into the economy

They sit on it? They don't earn interest on it?
Republican tax cut will not trickle down

Well of course not. No one ever thought it would. Republicans work for big corporations.

To them, it's not how you grow the middle class, but how much you can squeeze out of it.

How do we know? Well, you can listen to the Republicans of the USMB and go from there.

They are actually a pretty good indicator of what that odious and damaging party is going to do next.
The Republican tax cuts won't trickle down, CEO writes in scathing op-ed

It's not a surprise to Todd Carmichael, co-founder and CEO of La Colombe Coffee Roasters in Philadelphia.

"I can tell you what no other CEO wants to tell you," Carmichael writes in an op-ed in The Philadelphia Inquirer: "A half-trillion dollars of corporate tax giveaways proposed by the GOP aren't going to do a thing for the middle class, or create a single job. Because what every CEO knows but won't tell you is this: A tax break for their company simply means a fatter bottom line. Not jobs. Not investment." CEOs have "a powerful fiduciary duty to return all profits to shareholders — not to the employees, or the suppliers, or the community and certainly not to the unemployed or left behind," he explained. "Profit goes to shareholders (and the CEO) and not to the employees."

Just like when we cut taxes before. Cut taxes on the wealthy........and they just keep it
Dumb. The last round of tax cuts increased revenue to the treasury vs the higher rates under Clinton. Of course this is adjusted for inflation dollars. Why do you want higher rates and lower revenue?
Take money away from the poor, they don't spend it, which means jobs are lost from the big businesses.... which means the economy gets worse and the rich lose out anyway.

They spend money incorrectly, so it's better off taken away from them.

They do, but the problem is they spend it the way they do because A) the system is wrong, FPTP leads to this problem and B) because the people vote for them, and don't demand a different system and C) because the rich tell you that you don't want to change the system and you do as you're told.
Make the US a more friendly environment for business..

It already is.

mandated wage hike will result in more outsourcing.

Mandated wage hike = minimum wage. We have mandated wages already and those wages have resulted in an outsourcing of jobs. It's like you recognize what your argument is, but are playing dumb. Jobs have been outsourced at all the different "mandated wage increases" we've had the last 40+ years. So since your argument seems to be that high labor costs are what drives outsourcing, the only way to stop that flow is to eliminate the high labor costs. And that is accomplished solely by cutting wages.

ile enough taxes and regulations on businesses, some will leave.

But that's not what you said before. You said before that mandated wage hikes would drive out jobs, which means you think the minimum wage drives out jobs. So the only way to stop jobs from being driven out is to eliminate the minimum wage and lower the standard of living for Americans. That's your argument taken to its conclusion.

Why haven't all our jobs already been outsourced to Burkina Faso?

Because it's not wages that are the cause, duh! And plenty of jobs have already been outsourced. You seem to think it's because of wage mandates (AKA the minimum wage). If that's the case, then the only prescription is to lower American wages. But now you stop short of saying that because you know if you did, you'd have to admit that you think American workers are overpaid. And that's not a position you can or want to defend, obviously.

Mandate $15.....see what happens.

So they did that in Seattle and the result was a drop in the unemployment rate and an increase in wages.

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