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Republican top priority.....Raise taxes on the poor

I realize you're not actually looking for information but this is a dumb question.

First, no one actually pays "none" but if they were paying "none", then any amount would be an increase. Understand?
BULL SHIT... there are people who pay NONE, and even people that get PAID, as in EARNED INCOME CREDIT.



That's what the Democrats don't understand. They try to equate taxes paid through state law as being the same as federal income taxes. If someone pays zero federal income tax, they pay zero state income tax in my state. If they get the EIC, what they get offsets many of those state taxes like property taxes, sales taxes, etc.

What Republicans don't understand is that taxes are still taxes whether they are levied at the local, state or federal level. You still have less money to support your family
Since when is there a sales tax on food?

Republicans are looking to slash funding for food stamps. People have to eat
If the poor have to pay more for cigarettes or beer ....I don't really care

Ah, good old noblesse oblige, how bougie of you.

Yet when republicans want to tie benefits to drug tests, or restrict handouts to certain things, you guys get all "stop treating the poor badly!!!". Interesting hypocrisy here.

I don't have a problem with tying benefits to drug tests as long as they drug test those corporations that are receiving $440 billion
I don't want them blowing that money on drugs and hookers

Show me those checks the government writes to these companies. Again you confuse hand outs with tax breaks.

"Those companies" get both and its the middle class and working poor who pay for them.

again, show the the handout checks, and no cheating with the ones given to solar power companies, we know how that worked out.
First, it's yet another reminder that Republicans don't care about the national debt. Conservative carping about the debt is 100 percent of the time a rhetorical cudgel deployed with utter cynicism against programs they dislike for other reasons. When the topic is food stamps or unemployment insurance, they demand offsets to pay for them. (Because "we're broke," as Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) put it in a similar context.) But when it comes to dropping planeloads of money on corporations and rich people, Republicans will casually blow a half-trillion hole in the 10-year budget without blinking.

How about it Republicans?

When it came to providing money to families for disaster relief or economic hardship you demanded "We need to cancel something to pay for it" We need an offset to be fiscally responsible
Yet, you throw out a $440 billion tax break to corporations with no concern over how the lost revenue will be replaced
Nobody spends money like a democrat... especially the kenyan...


One of the best democrat presidents that ever lived, JFK, even he knew that cutting taxes on the job creators/business would stimulate the economy, and when the economy grows, so does tax revenue for the government.

What part about that continually escapes modern day progtards?

JFK slashed the top tax rate to 70% and the economy was stimulated, Obamas rate is at 35%
Would you be satisfied if we returned to JFKs tax rate?

How many people fell into the 70% bracket?

The working poor pay taxes at the same time they struggle to support their families

That is what Republicans don't understand

The taxes you use to make that statement are those on the State level. They don't pay income taxes and many even get back more in a tax return than they had taken out throughout the year. That's what people like you don't get. If they get back more than they put in, not only do they pay zero income tax, what they get beyond their contributions offsets the other taxes you seem to think make up for not paying income taxes. On top of that, how much do they get in social welfare programs funded by the very taxes they don't pay?

A family of four with 2 adults and 2 children pays zero income taxes until the gross income is almost $47,000/year. That's not poor as it is 200% of the poverty level. Argument have been put forth about paying the single mother working fast food $15/hour. If she has two kids and goes from $7.50 to $15/hour, she still won't pay income taxes and will still get back more through the EIC.

Taxes are still taxes. What difference does it make if they come out of your right pocket or your left pocket? You still have less money to support your family

The difference is many of us pay out of both pockets yet you claim someone paying out of only one is the same. If they have less, they should get a better job or blame the one having low skills as the cause.

A bigger problem is many of them draw from programs funded by the pocket from which they don't pay and their response is to have someone else pay more from that pocket. If you're on food stamps, welfare, etc., you don't pay from the pocket that funds it.

The working poor pay taxes at the same time they struggle to support their families

That is what Republicans don't understand
No actually they pay hardly no income tax, and the get earned income tax credit credit at the end of the year. The real truth is Obama and his supporters raised taxes on the poor. Obama care raises taxes on the poor. Subsidies become income and is taxed that way. Nice try right winger.
No corporate tax cuts without a signed deal to leave ACA out of the picture for the two years coming.

Consume demand is required for venture capital to create jobs Thus better paid workers must be part of the agreement.

JFK slashed the top tax rate to 70% and the economy was stimulated, Obamas rate is at 35%
Would you be satisfied if we returned to JFKs tax rate?

See? More shadow throwing.....the rate before JFK's cut was 91%...imagine that.....it was used to pay off the WW2 debt....would you rather the Nazis had won the war?

I realize you're not actually looking for information but this is a dumb question.

First, no one actually pays "none" but if they were paying "none", then any amount would be an increase. Understand?
BULL SHIT... there are people who pay NONE, and even people that get PAID, as in EARNED INCOME CREDIT.



That's what the Democrats don't understand. They try to equate taxes paid through state law as being the same as federal income taxes. If someone pays zero federal income tax, they pay zero state income tax in my state. If they get the EIC, what they get offsets many of those state taxes like property taxes, sales taxes, etc.

What Republicans don't understand is that taxes are still taxes whether they are levied at the local, state or federal level. You still have less money to support your family

What you don't understand is that paying from both isn't the same as only paying from one pocket. If the have less, let them find a better job. If their skills suck so badly they can't, tough shit. That doesn't mean the rest of us should offset that by default.
No corporate tax cuts without a signed deal to leave ACA out of the picture for the two years coming.

Consume demand is required for venture capital to create jobs Thus better paid workers must be part of the agreement.

Like you humps have any negotiating strength? We're going to IMPEACH the asshole in the WH....let's see him bypass Congress and veto that.
The pres has the veto, and our GOP does not have the extra votes it needs in the Senate.

Tis what it is. The Far Right had its ass kicked in the primaries, and Boehner and McConnell are willing to do with the President.

And no one is going to impeach anybody. Boehner won't let our GOP do any such thing.
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What Republicans don't understand is that taxes are still taxes whether they are levied at the local, state or federal level. You still have less money to support your family
Yeah, because the Republicans are the big tax & spend party. LOL.

Republicans are not a big tax and spend party

They are a cut taxes and spend party
JFK slashed the top tax rate to 70% and the economy was stimulated, Obamas rate is at 35%
Would you be satisfied if we returned to JFKs tax rate?

See? More shadow throwing.....the rate before JFK's cut was 91%...imagine that.....it was used to pay off the WW2 debt....would you rather the Nazis had won the war?

I didn't see any problem with JFK eliminating the tax rate that was put in to pay for WWII

I do have a problem with Republicans using his 70% tax rate as an example
come on man, it's only ok to raise taxes on the "poor" when Democrats do it.

Single Largest Cigarette Tax Hike Goes Into Effect Wednesday
Published March 29, 2009
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WASHINGTON -- However they satisfy their nicotine cravings, tobacco users are facing a big hit as the single largest federal tobacco tax increase ever takes effect Wednesday.
Tobacco companies and public health advocates, longtime foes in the nicotine battles, are trying to turn the situation to their advantage. The major cigarette makers raised prices a couple of weeks ago, partly to offset any drop in profits once the per-pack tax climbs from 39 cents to $1.01.

Tobacco taxes are soaring to finance a major expansion of health insurance for children. President Obama signed that health initiative soon after taking office.

all of it here:
Single Largest Cigarette Tax Hike Goes Into Effect Wednesday Fox News

Raise taxes on cigs to pay for healthcare for children?

Works for me

So you don't mind raising taxes on the poor as long as it works towards your social engineering goals, right?

Typical. All taxes are equal, but some taxes are more equal than others.

Actually, no I don't

The poor do not have to smoke cigarettes, they do have to eat

That is what Republicans don't understand

And yet they smoke, and Obama raised taxes on them... the poor.
I didn't see any problem with JFK eliminating the tax rate that was put in to pay for WWII

I do have a problem with Republicans using his 70% tax rate as an example

YOU just used it as an example....JFK would have nothing to do with the Rat party today.....cowardly swindlers weren't his thing. You might also remember the crushing corporate tax in those days was also cut as soon as the rest of the world started recovering from the war. We were no longer the only game in town......and BTW, the Tax Act of 1964 came about after Kennedy was assassinated.
First, it's yet another reminder that Republicans don't care about the national debt. Conservative carping about the debt is 100 percent of the time a rhetorical cudgel deployed with utter cynicism against programs they dislike for other reasons. When the topic is food stamps or unemployment insurance, they demand offsets to pay for them. (Because "we're broke," as Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) put it in a similar context.) But when it comes to dropping planeloads of money on corporations and rich people, Republicans will casually blow a half-trillion hole in the 10-year budget without blinking.

How about it Republicans?

When it came to providing money to families for disaster relief or economic hardship you demanded "We need to cancel something to pay for it" We need an offset to be fiscally responsible
Yet, you throw out a $440 billion tax break to corporations with no concern over how the lost revenue will be replaced

The Democrats will block any attempt to lower corporate taxes even though they know that it very well could cause many corporations that are keeping profits made overseas to bring the billions back to the US and invest in expansion and create jobs.

That is what will result in a huge increase in revenue.

What happened when Bush cut those corporate rates?

Did they respond with more jobs? No, they just kept the extra money

How about it Republicans? Where do we we make up for the lost $440 Billion in lost revenue? You can tell us
Take the money away from the poor

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