Republican war on Millennials looks like a suicide mission

All our internal polling shows that new LParty folks are fairly equally split as former Repub or Dem.
Whoah there, bait and switch. You said this:

"said only that Not BEING a Repub is a plus in the calculus that millennial use for choosing their political favorites. Not being a Dem is a similar plus."

That is not a statement to an "internal poll of millenials in the libertarian party", it's a general statement about millenials. And while you may find similarity, there is inequality. Millenials lean Democrat. By every measure.
Republican war on Millennials looks like a suicide mission

"The string of Democratic victories on Election Night 2017 falls well within the tradition of the party not holding the White House cleaning up in off-year elections. But what’s notable is that younger voters are generally mad AF at President Trump and ready to clap back at the ballot box — right as Millennials are prepared to eclipse Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation of eligible voters.

While Trump is already historically unpopular for a new president, his appeal to America’s closest to death is keeping his ratings afloat, according to pollster William Jordan. Among younger voters, however, the president has already sunk to the level of George W. Bush in 2008 — after W had led America into the Hurricane Katrina debacle, two failed wars and the beginning of the Great Recession.

And it was likely W’s repellence to younger voters as much as Obama’s appeal to them that helped Obama win 66% of the 18-to-29 vote in 2008 as young people flooded to the polls in numbers that hadn’t been seen since 18-year-olds got the vote in 1972.

So how is Trump’s GOP handling a hemorrhaging of young voters who are establishing voting patterns that could last the rest of their adult lives?

By trolling them out of the middle class.

How does the GOP tax plan, which has now passed the House and Senate in differing but rhyming versions, hurt young people?

Cosmopolitan’s Robin Marty counted the potential ways: higher taxes, more expensive student loans, rising insurance premiums, underfunded public schools, lower home values and a withering safety net."

You should spend a LOT more time worrying about the Dem Party "war on millenials". Recent polling says you all alienated all of them from the Dem party with the Bernie screwing, superdelegates, and other "disinfranchisement" that the DNC is famous for.

IIRC -- 70% or more of millennials WANT 3rd party and independent choices. And more open ballot access. So fix your OWN problems first if you want to save what's left of the 2 party system wreckage.
Errrr..I'm not a I see no need to worry..especially about something that I think demographics will deal with inevitably. "Inside politics" stuff..plays well here..but out in the real world---The young see the older generation as holding them down..and they see the Republicans as the standard holders.

They have the power to decide elections. IT THEIR LEGACY at stake now. Don't want the Brand Name parties to muzzle all the senators and congresspeople anymore. The can DEMAND diversity in politics and TAKE it. And they want problems solved and people punished for being "power whores" and focusing JUST on "winning". Telling you -- the LParty has their number. Our only task is to DEPROGRAM the "Socialism is Great" message that their education brainwashed them into....

Show them the end result of Socialism...current vids of Venzuela should do

OR -- even better SassyOne --- just tell them THE TRUTH about the theft of the Soc Sec surplus and how THEY are paying for it for the rest of their lives. THAT ONE -- is real deal-maker in turning libertarian millennials.

:banana: :banana: :banana:
Gets them on board pretty quick... It's round-up time. Seriously...
Republican war on Millennials looks like a suicide mission

"The string of Democratic victories on Election Night 2017 falls well within the tradition of the party not holding the White House cleaning up in off-year elections. But what’s notable is that younger voters are generally mad AF at President Trump and ready to clap back at the ballot box — right as Millennials are prepared to eclipse Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation of eligible voters.

While Trump is already historically unpopular for a new president, his appeal to America’s closest to death is keeping his ratings afloat, according to pollster William Jordan. Among younger voters, however, the president has already sunk to the level of George W. Bush in 2008 — after W had led America into the Hurricane Katrina debacle, two failed wars and the beginning of the Great Recession.

And it was likely W’s repellence to younger voters as much as Obama’s appeal to them that helped Obama win 66% of the 18-to-29 vote in 2008 as young people flooded to the polls in numbers that hadn’t been seen since 18-year-olds got the vote in 1972.

So how is Trump’s GOP handling a hemorrhaging of young voters who are establishing voting patterns that could last the rest of their adult lives?

By trolling them out of the middle class.

How does the GOP tax plan, which has now passed the House and Senate in differing but rhyming versions, hurt young people?

Cosmopolitan’s Robin Marty counted the potential ways: higher taxes, more expensive student loans, rising insurance premiums, underfunded public schools, lower home values and a withering safety net."

You should spend a LOT more time worrying about the Dem Party "war on millenials". Recent polling says you all alienated all of them from the Dem party with the Bernie screwing, superdelegates, and other "disinfranchisement" that the DNC is famous for.

IIRC -- 70% or more of millennials WANT 3rd party and independent choices. And more open ballot access. So fix your OWN problems first if you want to save what's left of the 2 party system wreckage.
Errrr..I'm not a I see no need to worry..especially about something that I think demographics will deal with inevitably. "Inside politics" stuff..plays well here..but out in the real world---The young see the older generation as holding them down..and they see the Republicans as the standard holders.

They have the power to decide elections. IT THEIR LEGACY at stake now. Don't want the Brand Name parties to muzzle all the senators and congresspeople anymore. The can DEMAND diversity in politics and TAKE it. And they want problems solved and people punished for being "power whores" and focusing JUST on "winning". Telling you -- the LParty has their number. Our only task is to DEPROGRAM the "Socialism is Great" message that their education brainwashed them into....

Show them the end result of Socialism...current vids of Venzuela should do

OR -- even better SassyOne --- just tell them THE TRUTH about the theft of the Soc Sec surplus and how THEY are paying for it for the rest of their lives. THAT ONE -- is real deal-maker in turning libertarian millennials.

:banana: :banana: :banana:
Gets them on board pretty quick... It's round-up time. Seriously...

Our three oldest are preparing for a debate on the virtues or lack of about Socialism. Of course they are taking the side it's never worked and never will. It's interesting watching them do their research.
Like -- What does the Fed Govt do well and efficiently?

That's not a "pointy" question, it's a terse question arising from a stunted thought. "Efficient" is relative. It must be shown that something can be done (and I mean, actually done, not merely "done much less") MORE efficiently via another means.

And that, friend, is when your libertarian meetings -- faced with the reality of governing and maintaining a society -- devolve into a big poo-fling. Some pillars of society cannot be shown , by either evidence or argument, to be better performed via other means (which, not coincidentally, is how they came to be services that people asked the government to perform. Duh.). And the purists will immediately shit themselves when faced with this fact, because they simply cannot admit that the government does something more efficiently or better than would the guy who wrote that blog that one time on zero-hedge.
All our internal polling shows that new LParty folks are fairly equally split as former Repub or Dem.
Whoah there, bait and switch. You said this:

"said only that Not BEING a Repub is a plus in the calculus that millennial use for choosing their political favorites. Not being a Dem is a similar plus."

That is not a statement to an "internal poll of millenials in the libertarian party", it's a general statement about millenials. And while you may find similarity, there is inequality. Millenials lean Democrat. By every measure.

Of course. I didn't LEAN Democrat when I was 22 --- I was full blown Students for a Dem Society.. :biggrin:

That's until I LEARNED how things actually work. Like an economy. Or an election. Or the GENERAL INCOMPETENCE of large Fed Govt.

So you can have all the ones that haven't thought things thru.. All they know is that Socialism is glorious and the Govt prints money from trees. EVENTUALLY they'll get fucked by enough lying establishment politicians and LOOSE all that youthful naivety.. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

We take the ones who are fully informed and understand the stakes and how thing work. Or how things don't work at the moment..
Republican war on Millennials looks like a suicide mission

"The string of Democratic victories on Election Night 2017 falls well within the tradition of the party not holding the White House cleaning up in off-year elections. But what’s notable is that younger voters are generally mad AF at President Trump and ready to clap back at the ballot box — right as Millennials are prepared to eclipse Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation of eligible voters.

While Trump is already historically unpopular for a new president, his appeal to America’s closest to death is keeping his ratings afloat, according to pollster William Jordan. Among younger voters, however, the president has already sunk to the level of George W. Bush in 2008 — after W had led America into the Hurricane Katrina debacle, two failed wars and the beginning of the Great Recession.

And it was likely W’s repellence to younger voters as much as Obama’s appeal to them that helped Obama win 66% of the 18-to-29 vote in 2008 as young people flooded to the polls in numbers that hadn’t been seen since 18-year-olds got the vote in 1972.

So how is Trump’s GOP handling a hemorrhaging of young voters who are establishing voting patterns that could last the rest of their adult lives?

By trolling them out of the middle class.

How does the GOP tax plan, which has now passed the House and Senate in differing but rhyming versions, hurt young people?

Cosmopolitan’s Robin Marty counted the potential ways: higher taxes, more expensive student loans, rising insurance premiums, underfunded public schools, lower home values and a withering safety net."

The master planners devised the strategy of a merger - a Great Merger - among nations.
But before such a merger can be consummated, and the United States becomes just another province in a New World Order, there must at least be the semblance of parity among the senior partners in the deal. How does one make the nations of the world more nearly equal? The Insiders determined that a two-prong approach was needed; use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country. The goal is not to bankrupt the United States. Rather, it is to reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living, to the meager subsistence level of the socialized nations of the world.
The plan is not to bring the standard of living in less developed countries up to our level, but to bring ours down to meet theirs coming up... It is your standard of living which must be sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order."
Gary Allen in his book "The Rockefeller File"

All of this started coming to fruition with the creation of the Club Of Rome in 1969 by the U.N and the Committee of 300 whose sole purpose was to bring about the demise of the middle class. They started with the killing of decent blue collar jobs in manufacturing by introducing draconian environmental regulations that shut down most of our steel plants. They took away the tariffs on foreign import cars that hurt Detroit that had to compete with cheap labor produced vehicles. Due to the unfair completion, the big three automakers had to cut corners in order to compete while paying union wages which led to a lack of quality and dependability of their vehicles during the 70's and 80's. The textile industry was one time all of our clothes were made in the United States and with high standards...that was also out-sourced to foreign countries that ran sweat shops. They went after the farmers by getting them into debt via the bankers and then manipulating the price of their crops so that they couldn't turn a profit. Banks foreclose, a major corporation buys it up for pennies on the dollar. There hasn't been an oil refinery built in this country since 1980 and many were shut down and closed in the mid to late 80's killing thousands upon thousands of decent paying jobs. Manufacturing jobs have been disappearing for the last 23 years with the passing of NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT. I was stunned to learn that 51 percent of the people in this country make 30K or less a year...that is 15 bucks an hour and 34 percent make 20K or less. 71 percent of those employed make 50K or less a year and with a dollar that loses 3 percent of it's value due to inflation every year? You can see how well their plan has worked. Poor people are easier to control and they leave less of a carbon footprint It just stuns me to see how well their plan has worked.
Like -- What does the Fed Govt do well and efficiently?

That's not a "pointy" question, it's a terse question arising from a stunted thought. "Efficient" is relative. It must be shown that something can be done (and I mean, actually done, not merely "done much less") MORE efficiently via another means.

And that, friend, is when your libertarian meetings -- faced with the reality of governing and maintaining a society -- devolve into a big poo-fling. Some pillars of society cannot be shown , by either evidence or argument, to be better performed via other means (which, not coincidentally, is how they came to be services that people asked the government to perform. Duh.). And the purists will immediately shit themselves when faced with this fact, because they simply cannot admit that the government does something more efficiently or better than would the guy who wrote that blog that one time on zero-hedge.

Those days are largely over. We love our anarchists, we just don't let them run things anymore. Last election, we offered the country a qualified of TWO 2 term governors of Purple states that KNOW how things work. HAVE governed and were ready to HUMBLY serve. Wasn't about winning. It was about principle. Much like Bernie's run. And more Americans voted for that ticket that time around -- than Hillary's ballyhooey Pop vote "margin"..

We're focused on electing or turning just 3 to 6 members of Congress. You'd think it wouldn't matter. But in reality -- having UNmuzzled voices and keeping the suspense on KEY VOTES that are split 50/50 between the 2 old parties -- We'd have a fucking field day. Wouldn't be enough camera time in the day for all of the media going to these INDEPENDENT decision makers that SUDDENLY have more power then the Dem/Rep Party bosses.

That's all it takes.
That's until I LEARNED how things actually work. Like an economy.

ha, gee, thanks, could you teach the rest of us poor, ignorant souls? You could be a GOD, you know. ;)

Shouldn't this be a requirement for HS graduation? Not a matter of superior vision to see how things work well or work poorly. You just observe it all INDEPENDENTLY -- without participation in the juvenile 2 party wars clouding your perception and biasing your information intake.. :badgrin:
Those days are largely over. We love our anarchists, we just don't let them run things anymore.

So I can expect to go to a Libertarian Party and find a consensus that government DOES do some very important things efficiently? Okay.
It's about RESTORING the critical element of freedom and liberty.
Yes, but that means so many very different things to people. Saying "If you stick around long enough, you'll get it" is not a strong argument for any future popularity of the Libertarian Party. In fact, it's kind of the opposite, as it implies something 'esoteric'.

"Just look at this abstract painting that looks like someone ran over 3 paint cans with a riding law mower. Just look at it long enough, you'll get it!"

Sure, some people will "get it".

The problem with libertarianism is the basic naitivity. It assumes that people will do the “right thing” given freedom of choice. Employers will treat the workers fairly. Corporations won’t pollute or sell unsafe products. Everyone will be honest and fair and decent. Cue the unicorns and glitter fairies.
Shouldn't this be a requirement for HS graduation?

Buuut... I took econ in high school AND in college,. Yet I disagree with a lot of libertarians (especially the nasty little Randians) vehemently. Apparently, learning about economics doesn't exactly propel one into Libertariansim. IN fact, it seems unlikely to do so. Explain.
The problem with libertarianism is the basic naitivity. It assumes that people will do the “right thing” given freedom of choice. Employers will treat the workers fairly. Corporations won’t pollute or sell unsafe products. Everyone will be honest and fair and decent. Cue the unicorns and glitter fairies.
The republican strategy with millennials is ... puzzling, to say the least. It's almost like they decided to come up with a list of all the ways they could get millennials to hate them, and did just that.

On the other side, I think millennials are getting a little sick of all the identity politics bullshit, especially after college. We just want people to be treated fairly regardless of their race/gender/orientation. Why is that so much to ask? That also means dropping the eternal victimhood act. That shit is old and we're tired of it.

So, yeah ... both parties suck at appealing to millennials, a generation I predict will end up for more moderate than their predecessors ... but there's no doubt in my mind that the republicans are much, much worse. The republicans persuade using fear! And we don't like that. We want to be hopeful for the future, not fearful of it.
Millennials have no great love or inclination for a Libertarian Party.
Republican war on Millennials looks like a suicide mission

"The string of Democratic victories on Election Night 2017 falls well within the tradition of the party not holding the White House cleaning up in off-year elections. But what’s notable is that younger voters are generally mad AF at President Trump and ready to clap back at the ballot box — right as Millennials are prepared to eclipse Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation of eligible voters.

While Trump is already historically unpopular for a new president, his appeal to America’s closest to death is keeping his ratings afloat, according to pollster William Jordan. Among younger voters, however, the president has already sunk to the level of George W. Bush in 2008 — after W had led America into the Hurricane Katrina debacle, two failed wars and the beginning of the Great Recession.

And it was likely W’s repellence to younger voters as much as Obama’s appeal to them that helped Obama win 66% of the 18-to-29 vote in 2008 as young people flooded to the polls in numbers that hadn’t been seen since 18-year-olds got the vote in 1972.

So how is Trump’s GOP handling a hemorrhaging of young voters who are establishing voting patterns that could last the rest of their adult lives?

By trolling them out of the middle class.

How does the GOP tax plan, which has now passed the House and Senate in differing but rhyming versions, hurt young people?

Cosmopolitan’s Robin Marty counted the potential ways: higher taxes, more expensive student loans, rising insurance premiums, underfunded public schools, lower home values and a withering safety net."

I think Trump's whole survival strategy at this point is to appeal to his base, which is white, old and angry.

He probably doesn't care about the millennials because they aren't his voters and they don't have a really good record of showing up without a good reason. They were very enthusiastic about Commie Bernie, but not so much for Hillary, and it probably cost her.

That said, the real problem millennials have is their own bad reputation of being not serious and kind of flighty. They are mocked for wanting safe spaces and getting participation trophies.
Or maybe Millennials will like winning so much they will forget why they were mad.

Millennials know that the COUNTRY is losing because elections are all about winning. They don't want to win. They WANT action, competence, and leadership... A few Indies or 3rd party people in Congress speaking out would SMASH the 2 party stranglehold on "winning".

Look at how effectively the short-timers, Flake, Corker, McCain are at being able to actually shed the Party restraints and speak for themselves. 10 INDEPENDENT folks in Congress, NOT MUZZLED by party leadership, would be a bigger force than offering "winners" like McConnell/Pelosi or Hillary/El Loco Cheeto Grande.

Millennial allowed the orange loon to get into office.

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