Republican war on Millennials looks like a suicide mission

Republican war on Millennials looks like a suicide mission

"The string of Democratic victories on Election Night 2017 falls well within the tradition of the party not holding the White House cleaning up in off-year elections. But what’s notable is that younger voters are generally mad AF at President Trump and ready to clap back at the ballot box — right as Millennials are prepared to eclipse Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation of eligible voters.

While Trump is already historically unpopular for a new president, his appeal to America’s closest to death is keeping his ratings afloat, according to pollster William Jordan. Among younger voters, however, the president has already sunk to the level of George W. Bush in 2008 — after W had led America into the Hurricane Katrina debacle, two failed wars and the beginning of the Great Recession.

And it was likely W’s repellence to younger voters as much as Obama’s appeal to them that helped Obama win 66% of the 18-to-29 vote in 2008 as young people flooded to the polls in numbers that hadn’t been seen since 18-year-olds got the vote in 1972.

So how is Trump’s GOP handling a hemorrhaging of young voters who are establishing voting patterns that could last the rest of their adult lives?

By trolling them out of the middle class.

How does the GOP tax plan, which has now passed the House and Senate in differing but rhyming versions, hurt young people?

Cosmopolitan’s Robin Marty counted the potential ways: higher taxes, more expensive student loans, rising insurance premiums, underfunded public schools, lower home values and a withering safety net."
The string of Democratic victories in states that were already Blue.
Wow, what a sweeping victory. :badgrin:

The youth vote has always been pro-left.
The trick is finding somebody that the kids don't have to hold their noses to vote for.:9:
Or maybe Millennials will like winning so much they will forget why they were mad.

Millennials know that the COUNTRY is losing because elections are all about winning. They don't want to win. They WANT action, competence, and leadership... A few Indies or 3rd party people in Congress speaking out would SMASH the 2 party stranglehold on "winning".

Look at how effectively the short-timers, Flake, Corker, McCain are at being able to actually shed the Party restraints and speak for themselves. 10 INDEPENDENT folks in Congress, NOT MUZZLED by party leadership, would be a bigger force than offering "winners" like McConnell/Pelosi or Hillary/El Loco Cheeto Grande.

Millennial allowed the orange loon to get into office.
Who's Millennial????
Leftists continue to lie. The American voters, including millennials, see through that bull shit.

Which is why Donald got 3 million fewer. votes, loony toon?

You loons keep squawking that to make yourselves feel better. You still lost

They aren’t very smart. They cannot it will not understand the truth.

lying trumptard loons have never spoken the truth.

and if you think you have, then you're as deranged as the orange lunatic
Leftists continue to lie. The American voters, including millennials, see through that bull shit.

Which is why Donald got 3 million fewer. votes, loony toon?

You loons keep squawking that to make yourselves feel better. You still lost

They aren’t very smart. They cannot it will not understand the truth.

lying trumptard loons have never spoken the truth.

and if you think you have, then you're as deranged as the orange lunatic

I understand the truth about the election. I understand the truth about the difference between the popular vote and the electoral college, and I understand the truth about the very good and very fair reasons for the electoral college. All of these things I understand and speak the truth about. You and your kind not only do not understand the truth, you do not speak it.

That’s some truth for you.
Leftists continue to lie. The American voters, including millennials, see through that bull shit.

Which is why Donald got 3 million fewer. votes, loony toon?

You loons keep squawking that to make yourselves feel better. You still lost

They aren’t very smart. They cannot it will not understand the truth.

lying trumptard loons have never spoken the truth.

and if you think you have, then you're as deranged as the orange lunatic

I understand the truth about the election. I understand the truth about the difference between the popular vote and the electoral college, and I understand the truth about the very good and very fair reasons for the electoral college. All of these things I understand and speak the truth about. You and your kind not only do not understand the truth, you do not speak it.

That’s some truth for you.

I've been watching your spew a long time. you don't understand anything about anything.
Leftists continue to lie. The American voters, including millennials, see through that bull shit.

Which is why Donald got 3 million fewer. votes, loony toon?

You morons never learn do you?

says an uneducated imbecile.

Yeah I’m not the one posting stupid shit, you are.

you wish, troll boy. I'm sure your thesis on why millennials voted the way they did, which of course you know nothing about, will be a bestseller. :rofl:
Which is why Donald got 3 million fewer. votes, loony toon?

You loons keep squawking that to make yourselves feel better. You still lost

They aren’t very smart. They cannot it will not understand the truth.

lying trumptard loons have never spoken the truth.

and if you think you have, then you're as deranged as the orange lunatic

I understand the truth about the election. I understand the truth about the difference between the popular vote and the electoral college, and I understand the truth about the very good and very fair reasons for the electoral college. All of these things I understand and speak the truth about. You and your kind not only do not understand the truth, you do not speak it.

That’s some truth for you.

I've been watching your spew a long time. you don't understand anything about anything.

It’s just that you are butthurt from getting your ignorant ass kicked by me for a long time. Then as now, you are unable to argue with anything I say.
Leftists continue to lie. The American voters, including millennials, see through that bull shit.

Which is why Donald got 3 million fewer. votes, loony toon?

You loons keep squawking that to make yourselves feel better. You still lost

lowlife trumptards think "we the people" only matters when you get fewer votes.


You squawk it to sooth your butthurt of Trump kicking the old crow to the curb.

The EC worked exactly as it was supposed to
Leftists continue to lie. The American voters, including millennials, see through that bull shit.

Which is why Donald got 3 million fewer. votes, loony toon?

You morons never learn do you?

says an uneducated imbecile.

Yeah I’m not the one posting stupid shit, you are.

you wish, troll boy. I'm sure your thesis on why millennials voted the way they did, which of course you know nothing about, will be a bestseller. :rofl:

Just stop moron. You don’t know the first thing about anything. You cannot debate, you just run around crying and lashing out. You are making a bigger fool of yourself if that’s even possible. Dismissed.
Those days are largely over. We love our anarchists, we just don't let them run things anymore.

So I can expect to go to a Libertarian Party and find a consensus that government DOES do some very important things efficiently? Okay.

Don't be silly. I explained it thoroughly. Lots of difference between Anarchists and Libertarians. Anarchists are just the Gypsies in the political system. They gotta flock somewhere. We keep them off the streets hanging with the AntiFa cretins..
Shouldn't this be a requirement for HS graduation?

Buuut... I took econ in high school AND in college,. Yet I disagree with a lot of libertarians (especially the nasty little Randians) vehemently. Apparently, learning about economics doesn't exactly propel one into Libertariansim. IN fact, it seems unlikely to do so. Explain.

Recent graduates of HS have no clues how tax law is written or works. No IDEA how the debt or SocSec/Medicare is actually financed. I was talking about folks who flock to Bernie. Bernie is a hero. He's right on 1/2 of the things that the LParty supports. He ALSO -- has no clue what MOVES an economy or that it's NOT the economy he grew up in.. Also apparently doesn't lean on any math talents.

Revealing to Millenniials that they have been robbed TWICE thru FICA taxes on SS/Medicare is a real eye opener. When they realize that Congress continually ROBBED the SS surplus and left NOTHING of tangible value in the Trust Fund, they start to question "UNIVERSAL" anything. After all --- the truth is - now that SS is running deficits on income/payments -- that money is coming is out of THEIR POCKETS because NEW DEBT is being issued to cover the IOUs in the phony Trust Fund. And it's THEM that are paying for the 40 years of robbing a surplus.

Things like that. Seeing govt in a spotlight focused on their ineptitude, and lack of motivation to MANAGE the monstrous structure they keep building..
It's about RESTORING the critical element of freedom and liberty.
Yes, but that means so many very different things to people. Saying "If you stick around long enough, you'll get it" is not a strong argument for any future popularity of the Libertarian Party. In fact, it's kind of the opposite, as it implies something 'esoteric'.

"Just look at this abstract painting that looks like someone ran over 3 paint cans with a riding law mower. Just look at it long enough, you'll get it!"

Sure, some people will "get it".

The problem with libertarianism is the basic naitivity. It assumes that people will do the “right thing” given freedom of choice. Employers will treat the workers fairly. Corporations won’t pollute or sell unsafe products. Everyone will be honest and fair and decent. Cue the unicorns and glitter fairies.

Not true at all. Since the Constitution is fully adopted and ALL existing law is accepted by Lparty adherents-- we are BIG FANS of litigation. HUGE fans of litigation.. Which is the ultimate check on abuse anyways. Most of the major corporate fuck-ups are NOT DISCOVERED by govt watchdogs. But by private orgs like the Insurance Companies, Consumer advocates or the Press. The govt is USUALLY LATE to the party and fucks with the LEGAL proceedings for too damn long.

Recently, the CFPB was in the news. They didn't DISCOVER the WFargo abuse. The LA Times did. And WTF did they do with the FINES from those legal proceedings? Did they go to abused Wells Fargo Customers? Not entirely. HUGE chunks of that money were funneled to favorite left-wing charities. An agency SET-UP to largely be unaccountable to Congress..

A "skeptical" view of what the GOVT does well -- is all that's required to turn independent minded young men and women AWAY from Socialism and TOWARDS --- fixing our EXISTING system. Which is what the bulk of the LParty actually does. Apart from debating political philosophy.. Asking them "What the Fed Govt does well" is the path to accomplishing that.

Includes Foreign policy which has perrennially SUCKED under both parties. Both parties making the same mistakes over and over again. BOTH big on nation building and interventions. That's a Bernie issue. It's also an LParty issue.

Bernies also correct on govt/corp collusion. But the TRUTH IS -- neither EXISTING party will take out the feeding troughs and set the pigs wild. Only a Bernie or Indy or LP leader would MAKE ALL THINGS -- a top priority..

We've been the same on EVERY ISSUE for 40 years. We were just 20 years AHEAD of public sentiment. But the MILLENIALS are now in our camp. They don't want the Feds interfering in State marijuana policy. They don't TRUST the brand name parties to handle social issues like Gay rights or Justice Reform. The LP's 1st candidate for Prez was an openly gay man in the freaking 1970s. We got PUMMELED for that. But he was the RIGHT person to run. Same with decriminalizing marijuana and the awful consequences to incarceration and waste of families.

We got a better view of what govt SHOULD be doing well.. And we've been correct on MOST EVERYTHING for 4 decades now..
Or maybe Millennials will like winning so much they will forget why they were mad.

Millennials know that the COUNTRY is losing because elections are all about winning. They don't want to win. They WANT action, competence, and leadership... A few Indies or 3rd party people in Congress speaking out would SMASH the 2 party stranglehold on "winning".

Look at how effectively the short-timers, Flake, Corker, McCain are at being able to actually shed the Party restraints and speak for themselves. 10 INDEPENDENT folks in Congress, NOT MUZZLED by party leadership, would be a bigger force than offering "winners" like McConnell/Pelosi or Hillary/El Loco Cheeto Grande.

Millennial allowed the orange loon to get into office.

Well that progress Jillian. At least you're acknowledging that nearly 6% of the national vote went OUTSIDE the 2 Brand Name parties. Real reason Hillary lost several states. And the pop vote margin she HAD -- was only 1/2 of the amount that went to Greens, LParty and Jakey's obscure guy in Utah..

You're getting it. Maybe you can go tell the pollsters how they got the results so horribly wrong by IGNORING all the choices on the ballot.

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