Republican war on Millennials looks like a suicide mission

Either Party who demonizes the Millennials who will be a minority party.
When those millennials grow up, they will feel embarrassed for believing in all that horse shit. Most of them will become republicans.
Um, guy. We were competing back then, too. And you know what, German and Japanese companies still pay their workers union wages, and guess what, they are just fine.

Japanese companies opened up plants here in the US to get away from paying unions. Yes, we have always competed with foreign made products, but that competition became stronger and stronger as our wages went up thank to unions. We finally priced ourselves out of the world market and today, most of our products are made somewhere else. So if you want to drive out the remaining companies in the US, bring unions back.

Yes, because it's run by the states and not the feds controlling costs.

The reality- countries with socialized medicine pay 8% of their GDP while we spend 18%. That's what's putting us in debt.

Wrong. Medicaid is a program that's funded by both the state and the feds. So the feds do control the money that aids state funds of the program.

When the government gets total control over healthcare, they will have total control of all of our lives. That's because nearly everything we do in our lives has to do with healthcare: What we eat, how much exercise we get, how much we weigh, what kind of athletic programs we participate in, how much television or internet activity we involve ourselves in, what kind of foods we eat......everything.

Government is too involved in my life as it is. I don't need them controlling my every action because of healthcare costs.
Republican war on Millennials looks like a suicide mission

"The string of Democratic victories on Election Night 2017 falls well within the tradition of the party not holding the White House cleaning up in off-year elections. But what’s notable is that younger voters are generally mad AF at President Trump and ready to clap back at the ballot box — right as Millennials are prepared to eclipse Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation of eligible voters.

While Trump is already historically unpopular for a new president, his appeal to America’s closest to death is keeping his ratings afloat, according to pollster William Jordan. Among younger voters, however, the president has already sunk to the level of George W. Bush in 2008 — after W had led America into the Hurricane Katrina debacle, two failed wars and the beginning of the Great Recession.

And it was likely W’s repellence to younger voters as much as Obama’s appeal to them that helped Obama win 66% of the 18-to-29 vote in 2008 as young people flooded to the polls in numbers that hadn’t been seen since 18-year-olds got the vote in 1972.

So how is Trump’s GOP handling a hemorrhaging of young voters who are establishing voting patterns that could last the rest of their adult lives?

By trolling them out of the middle class.

How does the GOP tax plan, which has now passed the House and Senate in differing but rhyming versions, hurt young people?

Cosmopolitan’s Robin Marty counted the potential ways: higher taxes, more expensive student loans, rising insurance premiums, underfunded public schools, lower home values and a withering safety net."

Mod Edit -- FYI -- in the future -- Rules required PERSONAL input to the Opening Post. NOT just a link and copy.. EvilEyeFleegle [/QUOTE

A win in blue Virginia and New Jersey means the Dims are BACK!!!!!

Idiot. :D

A win in blue Virginia and New Jersey means the Dims are BACK!!!!!

Idiot. :D
It's possible that millennials don't care about retirement or 401k's or even the economy but they should. What do millennials really care about? It wasn't that long ago that just about every male who reached the age of 18 could expect to serve at least two years in the Military either in wartime or peace time. Elvis was drafted during the prime of his career. It sounds like a cliche but millennials pretty much have it freaking made. The get insurance from their parents while they live in the basement playing video games and all they have to worry about is whether Starbucks has that new brew.The mainstream media tries to get millennials riled up about so-called social issues or politics but they are mostly fat and happy and clueless and they don't have it in them to care much about anything but themselves.
Nah, not at all, Godboy.

Unlike the older generations, they are very good at ferreting out the general truth of a situation.

They are understanding that Trump kidnapped America and is trying to take it for a one-way drive.
It's possible that millennials don't care about retirement or 401k's or even the economy but they should. What do millennials really care about? It wasn't that long ago that just about every male who reached the age of 18 could expect to serve at least two years in the Military either in wartime or peace time. Elvis was drafted during the prime of his career. It sounds like a cliche but millennials pretty much have it freaking made. The get insurance from their parents while they live in the basement playing video games and all they have to worry about is whether Starbucks has that new brew.The mainstream media tries to get millennials riled up about so-called social issues or politics but they are mostly fat and happy and clueless and they don't have it in them to care much about anything but themselves.

Agree, but there is plenty of blame to go around. How did some of these Millennials get that way? Well, I would say it's the parents fault if any.

It's like that line in the old movie Karate Kid. "There are no bad students--only bad teachers. Teacher say--student do."

Although my generation of people were not handed things as kids, there were a few exceptions. Most of our parents never gave us anything. If we wanted something, we had to work for it.

I remember a kid I used to hang out with who demanded money from his mother, and she just handed it over to him. Not a couple of bucks either. He would demand tens or twenties which back in the 70's was a good chunk of change for Fn around money.

That kid grew up and had problems his entire life. In fact I ran into another guy we used to hang around with. He told me that he still has troubles with working and money. He had a great job at a school, but they busted him for stealing. It was a great paying job from what I understand.

Every parent would like to give their kids things they didn't have as kids, but sometimes you bring them more harm than good.
It's possible that millennials don't care about retirement or 401k's or even the economy but they should. What do millennials really care about? It wasn't that long ago that just about every male who reached the age of 18 could expect to serve at least two years in the Military either in wartime or peace time. Elvis was drafted during the prime of his career. It sounds like a cliche but millennials pretty much have it freaking made. The get insurance from their parents while they live in the basement playing video games and all they have to worry about is whether Starbucks has that new brew.The mainstream media tries to get millennials riled up about so-called social issues or politics but they are mostly fat and happy and clueless and they don't have it in them to care much about anything but themselves.

You really don't have a clue what you're talking about, old man.
Japanese companies opened up plants here in the US to get away from paying unions.

Um, no, they didn't. They set up plants in the US because Ronald Reagan - in one of the few things he did to protect working class Americans - set up anti-dumping laws and threatened tariffs on cars to keep the Japanese from doing to Ford what they did to Zenith and Motorola.

When the government gets total control over healthcare, they will have total control of all of our lives. That's because nearly everything we do in our lives has to do with healthcare: What we eat, how much exercise we get, how much we weigh, what kind of athletic programs we participate in, how much television or internet activity we involve ourselves in, what kind of foods we eat......everything.

That's kind of paranoid, actually.
It's possible that millennials don't care about retirement or 401k's or even the economy but they should. What do millennials really care about? It wasn't that long ago that just about every male who reached the age of 18 could expect to serve at least two years in the Military either in wartime or peace time. Elvis was drafted during the prime of his career. It sounds like a cliche but millennials pretty much have it freaking made. The get insurance from their parents while they live in the basement playing video games and all they have to worry about is whether Starbucks has that new brew.The mainstream media tries to get millennials riled up about so-called social issues or politics but they are mostly fat and happy and clueless and they don't have it in them to care much about anything but themselves.

Please. At the time Elvis was conscripted, most of those folks aren't around anymore. Most people in Gen X never served a day of their live in the military. Most Baby boomers found ways to avoid the draft, too.

If anything, Millenials probably have it worse. A Gen Xer could graduate from college and be out of student debt in a few years. Not so much the Millenials, who are paying as much for a piece of paper as they would for a house. Oh, yeah, and you can't get a job without that piece of paper these days.

Private insurers are coming out to measure your waist line and then sending you off somewhere to trim down if you don't lose weight? They are refusing to allow surgery on you because you are too fat? What insurance companies are those?

Don't say that can't happen here if government is able to have total control over your healthcare. Remember what Moooocheele did with school lunches? These Democrats are Nazi's and control freaks. Trust me, if they had that kind of power, it would be much worse than that.
Private insurers are coming out to measure your waist line and then sending you off somewhere to trim down if you don't lose weight? They are refusing to allow surgery on you because you are too fat? What insurance companies are those?

Most of them. Obviously, if you could actually GET insurance, you'd know this.

Don't say that can't happen here if government is able to have total control over your healthcare. Remember what Moooocheele did with school lunches?

She established standards better than the Reagan Era "Ketchup is a vegetable" standard? The government pays for school lunches.

These Democrats are Nazi's and control freaks. Trust me, if they had that kind of power, it would be much worse than that.

Again, your paranoia is amusing, but not really.
Private insurers are coming out to measure your waist line and then sending you off somewhere to trim down if you don't lose weight? They are refusing to allow surgery on you because you are too fat? What insurance companies are those?

Most of them. Obviously, if you could actually GET insurance, you'd know this.

Don't say that can't happen here if government is able to have total control over your healthcare. Remember what Moooocheele did with school lunches?

She established standards better than the Reagan Era "Ketchup is a vegetable" standard? The government pays for school lunches.

These Democrats are Nazi's and control freaks. Trust me, if they had that kind of power, it would be much worse than that.

Again, your paranoia is amusing, but not really.
/---/ Thanks for your classic Urban Legend: Ketchup was not specifically mentioned as a potential substitute. It was done by the Food Research and Action Center Director Nancy Amidei
Private insurers are coming out to measure your waist line and then sending you off somewhere to trim down if you don't lose weight? They are refusing to allow surgery on you because you are too fat? What insurance companies are those?

Most of them. Obviously, if you could actually GET insurance, you'd know this.

Don't say that can't happen here if government is able to have total control over your healthcare. Remember what Moooocheele did with school lunches?

She established standards better than the Reagan Era "Ketchup is a vegetable" standard? The government pays for school lunches.

These Democrats are Nazi's and control freaks. Trust me, if they had that kind of power, it would be much worse than that.

Again, your paranoia is amusing, but not really.
/---/ Thanks for your classic Urban Legend: Ketchup was not specifically mentioned as a potential substitute. It was done by the Food Research and Action Center Director Nancy Amidei

Excepting the premise:

Only the government can go from Ketchup being a veggie to making a school lunch that maybe healthy, but is so bad a kid would choose to starve than eat.

Most of them. Obviously, if you could actually GET insurance, you'd know this.

I had insurance my entire life until that Commie took over, then I lost it. I know how insurance works and no company would refuse to pay for treatment based on weight. The only treatment they refuse are those not covered under your plan like plastic surgery or something like that.

She established standards better than the Reagan Era "Ketchup is a vegetable" standard? The government pays for school lunches.

Right, standards. Do you know what those kids did with those standard? They threw it out in the garbage can. Then they started to bring candy and all kinds of crap in order to eat something for the day; maybe stopped at Burger King on the way home.

And what happens when government takes over our entire healthcare and develops their "standards" like how large of soda cups you are allowed to have in a store?

Mars Candy And Michelle Obama Are Making Candy Bars Smaller — And Twitter Is FREAKING Out
Most of them. Obviously, if you could actually GET insurance, you'd know this.

I had insurance my entire life until that Commie took over, then I lost it. I know how insurance works and no company would refuse to pay for treatment based on weight. The only treatment they refuse are those not covered under your plan like plastic surgery or something like that.

She established standards better than the Reagan Era "Ketchup is a vegetable" standard? The government pays for school lunches.

Right, standards. Do you know what those kids did with those standard? They threw it out in the garbage can. Then they started to bring candy and all kinds of crap in order to eat something for the day; maybe stopped at Burger King on the way home.

And what happens when government takes over our entire healthcare and develops their "standards" like how large of soda cups you are allowed to have in a store?

Mars Candy And Michelle Obama Are Making Candy Bars Smaller — And Twitter Is FREAKING Out
Good old 2012....what is the status of all that now, I wonder?

Your Candy Bars Are About To Get Smaller And You Can Thank Michelle Obama
Your Candy Bars are About to Get Smaller and You Can Thank Michelle Obama

"The candy makers will cut portion sizes on half their products, including snacks like Snickers, M&Ms, Butterfingers, and Starburst, to 200 calories or fewer by 2022, The Washington Post reports. In addition, these companies have also promised to move the nutrition information to the front of the packaging. (Because it burns too many calories to turn the package over and that's just too personally responsible for a lowly citizen.)"

The Take-away...candy will be smaller by 2022--Oh the Humanity!!
/---/ Thanks for your classic Urban Legend: Ketchup was not specifically mentioned as a potential substitute. It was done by the Food Research and Action Center Director Nancy Amidei

Okay, bud... except this happened at the time. But it's okay, given how you guys have made all sorts of shit up about Ronnie Ray-gun, this is low on the list.

I had insurance my entire life until that Commie took over, then I lost it. I know how insurance works and no company would refuse to pay for treatment based on weight. The only treatment they refuse are those not covered under your plan like plastic surgery or something like that.

Guy, your insurance didn't even meet the low standards of ObamaCare.. You probably had, "If you lose an arm, we'll help you look for it" insurance.

Right, standards. Do you know what those kids did with those standard? They threw it out in the garbage can. Then they started to bring candy and all kinds of crap in order to eat something for the day; maybe stopped at Burger King on the way home.

And what happens when government takes over our entire healthcare and develops their "standards" like how large of soda cups you are allowed to have in a store?

Yes, yes, the horror of it all. What dark times do we live in when big companies can't market unhealthy foods to children.
Guy, your insurance didn't even meet the low standards of ObamaCare.. You probably had, "If you lose an arm, we'll help you look for it" insurance.

Our insurance wasn't great but it was a hell of a lot better than what Commie Care has to offer. At least our insurance had a 1K deductible instead of a 7K deductible.

Yes, yes, the horror of it all. What dark times do we live in when big companies can't market unhealthy foods to children.

No, what dark times we live in when Cradle-to-Gravers like yourself support government in ever nook and cranny in our lives. You people won't be happy until 1984 becomes a reality in America.
Our insurance wasn't great but it was a hell of a lot better than what Commie Care has to offer. At least our insurance had a 1K deductible instead of a 7K deductible.

Then there's no reason for your employer to have discontinued it... unless he was just using O-care as an excuse.

No, what dark times we live in when Cradle-to-Gravers like yourself support government in ever nook and cranny in our lives. You people won't be happy until 1984 becomes a reality in America.

Guy, the "Cradle to Gravers" only have power because the One Percent looted the good salaries and factory jobs and pensions to buy mansions and dressage horses.

Again, you keep whining about it, but you gave them power.

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