Republican war on Millennials looks like a suicide mission

Republican war on Millennials looks like a suicide mission

"The string of Democratic victories on Election Night 2017 falls well within the tradition of the party not holding the White House cleaning up in off-year elections. But what’s notable is that younger voters are generally mad AF at President Trump and ready to clap back at the ballot box — right as Millennials are prepared to eclipse Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation of eligible voters.

While Trump is already historically unpopular for a new president, his appeal to America’s closest to death is keeping his ratings afloat, according to pollster William Jordan. Among younger voters, however, the president has already sunk to the level of George W. Bush in 2008 — after W had led America into the Hurricane Katrina debacle, two failed wars and the beginning of the Great Recession.

And it was likely W’s repellence to younger voters as much as Obama’s appeal to them that helped Obama win 66% of the 18-to-29 vote in 2008 as young people flooded to the polls in numbers that hadn’t been seen since 18-year-olds got the vote in 1972.

So how is Trump’s GOP handling a hemorrhaging of young voters who are establishing voting patterns that could last the rest of their adult lives?

By trolling them out of the middle class.

How does the GOP tax plan, which has now passed the House and Senate in differing but rhyming versions, hurt young people?

Cosmopolitan’s Robin Marty counted the potential ways: higher taxes, more expensive student loans, rising insurance premiums, underfunded public schools, lower home values and a withering safety net."

Well, all I have to say is those millineals better get their asses to the polls in 2018 and 2020.

The Millennials are the middle-aged people still living with mom and dad. A coworker of mine is a millennial, and he said he's embarrassed of his generation. He said all his friends have this attitude that they don't need to work. How do you expect to get these people out of their parents basement and vote???

I have a millennial. Not living in the house anymore and doing quite well. They are ANGRY at Washington. And they WANT to drain the swamp. When daughter and boyfriend come over we discuss politics. They consider me "safe to debate" because I'm just as angry at BOTH parties as they are. They are getting a raw deal. Which makes it hard for them to buy into politics as usual.

They LISTEN to arguments as to why Wash doesn't work anymore. And they migrate towards Socialism because they aren't aware of how Wash. SHOULD work. But they realize that Socialism won't bring the fiscal sanity that fixes their issues. So they either "check out" of the process, or just rant bullshit based on the brainwashing they get in the academic world.

There are exceptions to the rule, just like my coworker. However this coworker is my employers son.

My niece and nephew are doing just fine. The are both hard workers and not the epitome of what Millennials are renown for. Both college graduates, both living on their own. Both trying to repay their college debt.

Millennials are the most highly educated generation to date. Sadly, with the most debt as well.

Let's stop spreading misinformation about millennials, please. There's no need for that.
Or maybe Millennials will like winning so much they will forget why they were mad.

Millennials know that the COUNTRY is losing because elections are all about winning. They don't want to win. They WANT action, competence, and leadership... A few Indies or 3rd party people in Congress speaking out would SMASH the 2 party stranglehold on "winning".

Look at how effectively the short-timers, Flake, Corker, McCain are at being able to actually shed the Party restraints and speak for themselves. 10 INDEPENDENT folks in Congress, NOT MUZZLED by party leadership, would be a bigger force than offering "winners" like McConnell/Pelosi or Hillary/El Loco Cheeto Grande.

Millennial allowed the orange loon to get into office.

Well that progress Jillian. At least you're acknowledging that nearly 6% of the national vote went OUTSIDE the 2 Brand Name parties. Real reason Hillary lost several states. And the pop vote margin she HAD -- was only 1/2 of the amount that went to Greens, LParty and Jakey's obscure guy in Utah..

You're getting it. Maybe you can go tell the pollsters how they got the results so horribly wrong by IGNORING all the choices on the ballot.

he won by 70,000 votes over 3 states.

and I'm not even sure of that since they've never done a damage assessment of the Russian hacking.

How does one do damage assessment of something that never happened?

Only a brain dead loser thinks nothing happens when All of our intelligence services said it did.

But then again there's the word intelligence in the title. Trumptards hate that.
“A man who is not a liberal at 16 has no heart, A man who is not a conservative at 60 has no head.”
British statesman Benjamin Disraeli

Disraeli didn't say that, either. But at least you didn't misattribute it to Churchill.

Here's the actual background on this noxious and stupid quote, if anyone is interested.

John Adams Said it First - Freakonomics

Life hasn't really hit the Millennial generation yet. Most of them don't have a spouse and kids who need braces and want to go to Disney World yet. Plus they have to save for retirement etc.

No, they don't. And here's the thing. A lot of them will never go to Disney World because they end up owing tens of thousands in Student Debt. More to the point, what we see is these kids putting off having babies until they are in their 30's because they can't afford to have them in their 20's when the equipment works a lot better.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, said the biological clock.

That is what happened to me I was liberal until I wanted to be able to support myself and go to the bar. I became very conservative when I had kids of my own who want and need things and I don't have time nor money to worry about the people who refuse to help themselves.

Here's what happened to me. I was very conservative when I was young. Then I had a medical issue, and my insurance company and employer decided they could screw me to save a few bucks. "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union", said my wonderful ex-boss (who wasn't even the worst human being I ever had to work for.) It shattered all of my illusions.

If you are rich, it's wonderful to be a conservative. They will make sure you can abuse the "little people' with impunity. If you are someone who works for a living, voting Republican makes about as much sense as a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.
Phew, it had been at least 12 hours since reading about "a war on......"

I was going through withdrawals there.
Exactly.. She lost 3 states by far LESS then # of people voting "other parties".. In fact, she lost TWO most definitely by JUST the protest vote that went for the Green Party. They never GOT that many votes EVER..

Lots of people pissed about all the disenfranchisement you heaped on Bernie..

Then they are stupid.

The things they supposedly care about- workers rights, the environment, etc... are all going to get a lot worse under the Orange Shitgibbon. It'll take four years to undo all the damage he's going to do...

again, we should scrap the current system and just have one where if no one gets 50%, you have a runoff. A lot of cities do it this way, so do a lot of other countries.

Certainly better than having a guy that most of us didn't want.
Ah, the world according to Cosmo. What could be a better indication of the world according to girls who were molested by left wing democrats?
Nice deflection....not. I guess you have no factual you are reduced to attacking the source/ A lot of that going're in good company.
It's slanted writing designed to draw an emotional response.

That's it. Not "news" at all just another opinion piece.
Millennials know that the COUNTRY is losing because elections are all about winning. They don't want to win. They WANT action, competence, and leadership... A few Indies or 3rd party people in Congress speaking out would SMASH the 2 party stranglehold on "winning".

Look at how effectively the short-timers, Flake, Corker, McCain are at being able to actually shed the Party restraints and speak for themselves. 10 INDEPENDENT folks in Congress, NOT MUZZLED by party leadership, would be a bigger force than offering "winners" like McConnell/Pelosi or Hillary/El Loco Cheeto Grande.

Millennial allowed the orange loon to get into office.

Well that progress Jillian. At least you're acknowledging that nearly 6% of the national vote went OUTSIDE the 2 Brand Name parties. Real reason Hillary lost several states. And the pop vote margin she HAD -- was only 1/2 of the amount that went to Greens, LParty and Jakey's obscure guy in Utah..

You're getting it. Maybe you can go tell the pollsters how they got the results so horribly wrong by IGNORING all the choices on the ballot.

he won by 70,000 votes over 3 states.

and I'm not even sure of that since they've never done a damage assessment of the Russian hacking.

How does one do damage assessment of something that never happened?

Only a brain dead loser thinks nothing happens when All of our intelligence services said it did.

But then again there's the word intelligence in the title. Trumptards hate that.

What they said is that it was likely Russia hacked the DNC computers. Of course because they had so much to hide, they never let the FBI near their computers for a definite conclusion. Just because Wiki exposed the truth about the Democrat party doesn't mean the election was hacked.
Republican war on Millennials looks like a suicide mission

"The string of Democratic victories on Election Night 2017 falls well within the tradition of the party not holding the White House cleaning up in off-year elections. But what’s notable is that younger voters are generally mad AF at President Trump and ready to clap back at the ballot box — right as Millennials are prepared to eclipse Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation of eligible voters.

While Trump is already historically unpopular for a new president, his appeal to America’s closest to death is keeping his ratings afloat, according to pollster William Jordan. Among younger voters, however, the president has already sunk to the level of George W. Bush in 2008 — after W had led America into the Hurricane Katrina debacle, two failed wars and the beginning of the Great Recession.

And it was likely W’s repellence to younger voters as much as Obama’s appeal to them that helped Obama win 66% of the 18-to-29 vote in 2008 as young people flooded to the polls in numbers that hadn’t been seen since 18-year-olds got the vote in 1972.

So how is Trump’s GOP handling a hemorrhaging of young voters who are establishing voting patterns that could last the rest of their adult lives?

By trolling them out of the middle class.

How does the GOP tax plan, which has now passed the House and Senate in differing but rhyming versions, hurt young people?

Cosmopolitan’s Robin Marty counted the potential ways: higher taxes, more expensive student loans, rising insurance premiums, underfunded public schools, lower home values and a withering safety net."

Mod Edit -- FYI -- in the future -- Rules required PERSONAL input to the Opening Post. NOT just a link and copy.. EvilEyeFleegle
/----/ I find it amusing when the losing sides advises the winning side how to win more elections. Well thanks for the tip, now go ask Mommy for a cookie.
No, they don't. And here's the thing. A lot of them will never go to Disney World because they end up owing tens of thousands in Student Debt. More to the point, what we see is these kids putting off having babies until they are in their 30's because they can't afford to have them in their 20's when the equipment works a lot better.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, said the biological clock.

Who runs the student loan program?


What you said is why there will have to be a TARP like program for student loans.

Here's what happened to me. I was very conservative when I was young. Then I had a medical issue, and my insurance company and employer decided they could screw me to save a few bucks. "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union", said my wonderful ex-boss (who wasn't even the worst human being I ever had to work for.) It shattered all of my illusions.

I also had a medical problem where my medical bills reached over a million dollars. Thanks to private charities I paid a very small fraction of that.

If you are rich, it's wonderful to be a conservative. They will make sure you can abuse the "little people' with impunity. If you are someone who works for a living, voting Republican makes about as much sense as a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it."
Thomas Jefferson

Remember the government big enough to give you everything you have is big enough to take everything you have. That is why I laugh when people cry about a program being cut.

Also remember our government (lead by Democrats) has a history of rounding people up and throwing them into camps.
Here's what happened to me. I was very conservative when I was young. Then I had a medical issue, and my insurance company and employer decided they could screw me to save a few bucks. "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union", said my wonderful ex-boss (who wasn't even the worst human being I ever had to work for.) It shattered all of my illusions.

So, you changed your entire outlook on life because of one asshat? Sad.

If you are rich, it's wonderful to be a conservative. They will make sure you can abuse the "little people' with impunity. If you are someone who works for a living, voting Republican makes about as much sense as a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

Most asinine statement of the month award right there!

As if there are no wealthy Democrats screwing people. Forgot George Soros again I see Geez!
Let's set the record straight.


The ones who are not indoctrinated.
The ones who have retained their ability to think for themselves.
The ones not brainwashed by the Lunatic Lemming Left.
The ones who know America is a great place and work to make the best of it
Who runs the student loan program?


What you said is why there will have to be a TARP like program for student loans.

The Student loan program isn't the problem. The problem is universities running up the cost of education because they can.

I also had a medical problem where my medical bills reached over a million dollars. Thanks to private charities I paid a very small fraction of that.

I'm happy for you. so what?

Remember the government big enough to give you everything you have is big enough to take everything you have. That is why I laugh when people cry about a program being cut.

Oh, I thought you do that because you are a sadistic POS who likes to see other people suffer.

Oh, wait, you are.

So, you changed your entire outlook on life because of one asshat? Sad.

No, because he was typical of asshats who always seem to find their way into management. After he said that, I wondered, what would life be like if we had socialized medicine and unionization? He wouldn't have been able to pull shit like that.

As if there are no wealthy Democrats screwing people. Forgot George Soros again I see Geez!

How is George Soros screwing anyone? I mean, I know Hate Radio has told you George is hiding under your bed.
/----/ Because after WWII politicians hadn't learned how to use taxpayer dollars to buy themselves re election.

Um, actually, quite the opposite. After WWII, the government went on a spending spree building infrastructure. This brought up wages and created a middle class.

Not to worry, the people you support are working very hard to get rid of the middle class, and then get stupid people like you to blame the darkies for it.
We'd be a country 30 trillion in debt and no jobs.

Funny, when we had a high level of unionization after WWII, we had very little debt and nearly full employment. But don't let that stop you.

We also weren't competing in a global market; today we are. So if you could somehow bring in overpowering unions to force industry to overpay labor, then they can't compete. The American consumer will buy lower priced foreign products and the union companies will move out of the county to escape them like they have been the last 20 years or so.

Socialized medical care will put this country further and further into debt. Medicaid is already the largest expenditure in most of the states.
We also weren't competing in a global market; today we are. So if you could somehow bring in overpowering unions to force industry to overpay labor, then they can't compete. The American consumer will buy lower priced foreign products and the union companies will move out of the county to escape them like they have been the last 20 years or so.

Um, guy. We were competing back then, too. And you know what, German and Japanese companies still pay their workers union wages, and guess what, they are just fine.

Socialized medical care will put this country further and further into debt. Medicaid is already the largest expenditure in most of the states.

Yes, because it's run by the states and not the feds controlling costs.

The reality- countries with socialized medicine pay 8% of their GDP while we spend 18%. That's what's putting us in debt.
The Student loan program isn't the problem. The problem is universities running up the cost of education because they can.

It has happened throughout US history: the government subsidizes something the prices go way up.

The government should stop giving money to the universities so we can see the true cost of the education.

I'm happy for you. so what?

You have your sob story I have mine.

Oh, I thought you do that because you are a sadistic POS who likes to see other people suffer.

Oh, wait, you are.

No I don't enjoy suffering. It is simply funny to me that people give up all responsibility for their own well being and then complain when the people don't take care of them.

Funny, when we had a high level of unionization after WWII, we had very little debt and nearly full employment. But don't let that stop you.

Our biggest competitors was also a steaming pile of ash. Once rebuilt companies started to leave.
It has happened throughout US history: the government subsidizes something the prices go way up.

Except that's not the case. Funding to universities from states has DECLINED since the 1980's, and the universities have made up the difference by raising tuition costs.

The other big driver is universities trying to be bigger in terms of facilities, prestige and sports teams.

For instance, when I went to UIC back in the 1980's, they were all hot to build the Pavilion (A big stadium they can't give away tickets to see the teams at) and dorms to attract out of state kids. All the costs are passed on to tuition. So while I paid about $1500 a year to go to UIC back then, today it's close to $16,000 a year.

Our biggest competitors was also a steaming pile of ash. Once rebuilt companies started to leave.

Actually, our biggest competitors had heavily industrialized as well... and were producing as much as we were by the 1960's. Oh, yeah, and they had bigger government and stronger unions than we had, because all those New Dealers helped them set up their new governments.

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