Republican White supremacist sheriff candidate says he’s just a “concerned citizen”


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012

Here folks is more proof that the GOP/Tea-Party is chock full of racists, rednecks, obstructionists, anarchists, and assassins.

White supremacist sheriff candidate says he’s just a “concerned citizen”

By Eric Pfeiffer | The Sideshow

Distasteful and often baseless accusations of racial insensitivity are nothing new in politics. But one man running for sheriff in Idaho proudly proclaims his prejudice but says he won't discriminate on the job.

According to the Bonner County Daily Bee, local sheriff candidate Shaun Patrick Winkler, 33, has ties to the Aryan Nations and Church of Jesus Christ-Christian, both white supremacist organizations. And despite having taken part in race-based protests, Winkler says he's running in opposition to "increasing federal reach" into the county.

"Whether people will believe me or not, it will be entirely up to their own discretion," Winkler told the paper.

Winkler is running for the Republican nomination in Bonner County, which will be held on May 15, against two other men, including the current sheriff...
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Here folks is more proof that the GOP/Tea-Party is chock full of racists, rednecks, obstructionists, anarchists, and assassins.

White supremacist sheriff candidate says he’s just a “concerned citizen”

By Eric Pfeiffer | The Sideshow

Distasteful and often baseless accusations of racial insensitivity are nothing new in politics. But one man running for sheriff in Idaho proudly proclaims his prejudice but says he won't discriminate on the job.

According to the Bonner County Daily Bee, local sheriff candidate Shaun Patrick Winkler, 33, has ties to the Aryan Nations and Church of Jesus Christ-Christian, both white supremacist organizations. And despite having taken part in race-based protests, Winkler says he's running in opposition to "increasing federal reach" into the county.

"Whether people will believe me or not, it will be entirely up to their own discretion," Winkler told the paper.

Winkler is running for the Republican nomination in Bonner County, which will be held on May 15, against two other men, including the current sheriff.

"I don't look at myself as a vigilante," Winkler said. "I look at myself as a concerned citizen."

Back in 2001, the creator of Prodigy Internet service provider, Greg Carr, purchased the Aryan Nations' headquarters in Idaho and turned it into a anti-racism museum and human rights center.

So some podunk backwater in Idaho has a white supremacist running for Sheriff and this is proof that the GOP/Tea Party is "chock full of racists, rednecks, obstructionists, anarchists, and assassins."?

Negged for being an idiot, a hack and ridiculous!
  • Thanks
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Here folks is more proof that the GOP/Tea-Party is chock full of racists, rednecks, obstructionists, anarchists, and assassins.

White supremacist sheriff candidate says he’s just a “concerned citizen”

By Eric Pfeiffer | The Sideshow

Distasteful and often baseless accusations of racial insensitivity are nothing new in politics. But one man running for sheriff in Idaho proudly proclaims his prejudice but says he won't discriminate on the job.

According to the Bonner County Daily Bee, local sheriff candidate Shaun Patrick Winkler, 33, has ties to the Aryan Nations and Church of Jesus Christ-Christian, both white supremacist organizations. And despite having taken part in race-based protests, Winkler says he's running in opposition to "increasing federal reach" into the county.

"Whether people will believe me or not, it will be entirely up to their own discretion," Winkler told the paper.

Winkler is running for the Republican nomination in Bonner County, which will be held on May 15, against two other men, including the current sheriff.

"I don't look at myself as a vigilante," Winkler said. "I look at myself as a concerned citizen."

Back in 2001, the creator of Prodigy Internet service provider, Greg Carr, purchased the Aryan Nations' headquarters in Idaho and turned it into a anti-racism museum and human rights center.

So some podunk backwater in Idaho has a white supremacist running for Sheriff and this is proof that the GOP/Tea Party is "chock full of racists, rednecks, obstructionists, anarchists, and assassins."?

Negged for being an idiot, a hack and ridiculous!

Yep! And thank you. :clap2:

Here folks is more proof that the GOP/Tea-Party is chock full of racists, rednecks, obstructionists, anarchists, and assassins.

White supremacist sheriff candidate says he’s just a “concerned citizen”

By Eric Pfeiffer | The Sideshow

Distasteful and often baseless accusations of racial insensitivity are nothing new in politics. But one man running for sheriff in Idaho proudly proclaims his prejudice but says he won't discriminate on the job.

According to the Bonner County Daily Bee, local sheriff candidate Shaun Patrick Winkler, 33, has ties to the Aryan Nations and Church of Jesus Christ-Christian, both white supremacist organizations. And despite having taken part in race-based protests, Winkler says he's running in opposition to "increasing federal reach" into the county.

"Whether people will believe me or not, it will be entirely up to their own discretion," Winkler told the paper.

Winkler is running for the Republican nomination in Bonner County, which will be held on May 15, against two other men, including the current sheriff.

"I don't look at myself as a vigilante," Winkler said. "I look at myself as a concerned citizen."

Back in 2001, the creator of Prodigy Internet service provider, Greg Carr, purchased the Aryan Nations' headquarters in Idaho and turned it into a anti-racism museum and human rights center.

Would you mind connecting the dots that this white supremist is in anyway linked to the Tea Party. Or, are you just an idiot who tries to leap the Grand Canyon with your absurd remarks with nothing to back up your statement?
My money is on that you're just an idiot.
Living in the panhandle of Idaho, the news up here is that he doesn't have a ghost of a chance to win. FYI

Isn't America a wonderful place where almost anyone has the opportunity to run for an office?
Kidrocks , what do you have to say about the occutard neo-nazi running for sheriff as a democrat in pinal county?
When Dr. Hunter S. Thompson ran for sheriff in Aspen, Colorado, I don't recall a rush of pot smoking, whisky drinking, gun toting Liberals endorsing his candidacy. And I was a pot smoking, whisky drinking Liberal then.
Where do you lefties find this stuff? A candidate for sheriff in a county in Idaho? How about the real democrat congressman, Danny Davis 7th district Ill, who received an award from the communist party (CUSA)? Does it mean democrats have been taken over by communists? Actually when you consider Obama appointing a communist to his green jobs board and calling Davis "one of the best congressmen around" it does make you think.

Here folks is more proof that the GOP/Tea-Party is chock full of racists, rednecks, obstructionists, anarchists, and assassins.

White supremacist sheriff candidate says he’s just a “concerned citizen”

By Eric Pfeiffer | The Sideshow

Distasteful and often baseless accusations of racial insensitivity are nothing new in politics. But one man running for sheriff in Idaho proudly proclaims his prejudice but says he won't discriminate on the job.

According to the Bonner County Daily Bee, local sheriff candidate Shaun Patrick Winkler, 33, has ties to the Aryan Nations and Church of Jesus Christ-Christian, both white supremacist organizations. And despite having taken part in race-based protests, Winkler says he's running in opposition to "increasing federal reach" into the county.

"Whether people will believe me or not, it will be entirely up to their own discretion," Winkler told the paper.

Winkler is running for the Republican nomination in Bonner County, which will be held on May 15, against two other men, including the current sheriff.

"I don't look at myself as a vigilante," Winkler said. "I look at myself as a concerned citizen."

Back in 2001, the creator of Prodigy Internet service provider, Greg Carr, purchased the Aryan Nations' headquarters in Idaho and turned it into a anti-racism museum and human rights center.

That's not proof that the GOP is "chock full of racists". Now if he gets elected after admitting it that may say something of the people of that county.....
Kidrocks , what do you have to say about the occutard neo-nazi running for sheriff as a democrat in pinal county?

Nice try but...

Russell Pearce, SB1070, and links to hate groups - Three Sonorans

Arizona Racist Jason JT Ready with SB1070 author and Tea Party Russell Pearce

Russell Pearce, SB1070, and links to hate groups
by DA Morales on Jun. 28, 2010, under Activism, Election 2010

JT Ready marching in Phoenix on November 7th, 2009. Screenshot is from video taken by Dennis Gilman.

Say what you will about SB1070, but one thing is clear, and that is that the authors of this bill are deeply associated with hate groups.

Take Kansan Kris Kobach or the anti-immigration group FAIR, a known hate group. Why exactly is it that Arizona is letting them write OUR laws?

Russell Pearce, the co-author of SB1070, has deep connections with hate groups himself. He is good friends with JT Ready, and has even attended neo-Nazi rallies in the past. Pearce’s son goes out in the desert hunting for the undocumented with JT Ready, and both have benefited from the lax gun laws recently passed in Arizona. If you don’t know who JT Ready is, he a court-martialed former Marine who is a proud White Supremacist and shows up at rallies armed with loaded guns and shouts racial slurs at the marchers.

All these bills are related and are rooted in racism and hate groups.

Does immigration need to be reformed? Yes. But the Republican-led AZ state legislators have put haters from hate groups in charge of writing our state bills. Surely there are some non-hate group affiliated Republicans somewhere in the state? To defend SB1070 is to defend hate groups writing legislation aimed at brown-skinned people. There is absolutely no defense of this!

But really, how can SB1070 be defended by anyone, even those that passed it, if it had to be immediately amended?

To see some of the power that Russell Pearce is unleashing for hate groups, take a look at the short documentary below with events as recent as a few days ago included, from videographer Dennis Gilman and writer Stephen Lemons.
Kidrocks , what do you have to say about the occutard neo-nazi running for sheriff as a democrat in pinal county?

Nice try but...

Russell Pearce, SB1070, and links to hate groups - Three Sonorans

Arizona Racist Jason JT Ready with SB1070 author and Tea Party Russell Pearce

Russell Pearce, SB1070, and links to hate groups
by DA Morales on Jun. 28, 2010, under Activism, Election 2010

JT Ready marching in Phoenix on November 7th, 2009. Screenshot is from video taken by Dennis Gilman.

Say what you will about SB1070, but one thing is clear, and that is that the authors of this bill are deeply associated with hate groups.

Take Kansan Kris Kobach or the anti-immigration group FAIR, a known hate group. Why exactly is it that Arizona is letting them write OUR laws?

Russell Pearce, the co-author of SB1070, has deep connections with hate groups himself. He is good friends with JT Ready, and has even attended neo-Nazi rallies in the past. Pearce’s son goes out in the desert hunting for the undocumented with JT Ready, and both have benefited from the lax gun laws recently passed in Arizona. If you don’t know who JT Ready is, he a court-martialed former Marine who is a proud White Supremacist and shows up at rallies armed with loaded guns and shouts racial slurs at the marchers.

All these bills are related and are rooted in racism and hate groups.

Does immigration need to be reformed? Yes. But the Republican-led AZ state legislators have put haters from hate groups in charge of writing our state bills. Surely there are some non-hate group affiliated Republicans somewhere in the state? To defend SB1070 is to defend hate groups writing legislation aimed at brown-skinned people. There is absolutely no defense of this!

But really, how can SB1070 be defended by anyone, even those that passed it, if it had to be immediately amended?

To see some of the power that Russell Pearce is unleashing for hate groups, take a look at the short documentary below with events as recent as a few days ago included, from videographer Dennis Gilman and writer Stephen Lemons.

JT Ready is running as a Democrat in Pinal County. What say you?

FAIR is a 'hate group'? Says who, the SPLC? Pffft.

The whole SB1070 circus is media-driven bullshit. There's nothing in that law that targets 'brown-skinned people'. If you disagree, please show me the language in the law that proves your assertion.
You wonder why this kind of stuff would bother the left-Democrats..

They voted for a Grand Wizard of the KKK and put him in office for LIFE..:lol:
If being racist was a career killer in the cop business there'd be one hell of a lot of job openings in the wonder world of law enforcement industry.
When Dr. Hunter S. Thompson ran for sheriff in Aspen, Colorado, I don't recall a rush of pot smoking, whisky drinking, gun toting Liberals endorsing his candidacy. And I was a pot smoking, whisky drinking Liberal then.

WTF you're liberal now.
No "kid," you DON'T "rock." You're just another garden variety DUMBASS.

Here folks is more proof that the GOP/Tea-Party is chock full of racists, rednecks, obstructionists, anarchists, and assassins.

White supremacist sheriff candidate says he’s just a “concerned citizen”

By Eric Pfeiffer | The Sideshow

Distasteful and often baseless accusations of racial insensitivity are nothing new in politics. But one man running for sheriff in Idaho proudly proclaims his prejudice but says he won't discriminate on the job.

According to the Bonner County Daily Bee, local sheriff candidate Shaun Patrick Winkler, 33, has ties to the Aryan Nations and Church of Jesus Christ-Christian, both white supremacist organizations. And despite having taken part in race-based protests, Winkler says he's running in opposition to "increasing federal reach" into the county.

"Whether people will believe me or not, it will be entirely up to their own discretion," Winkler told the paper.

Winkler is running for the Republican nomination in Bonner County, which will be held on May 15, against two other men, including the current sheriff...

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