Republicans aiding and abetting terrorists

Many of you here blame the Republicans (Demint, specifically) for the failure to stop an explosive-laden terrorist from boarding an aircraft and flying into the U.S. Do any of you feel that Obama, his administration and the various bureaucrats that have been working in Washington for years, share any responsibility for this mistake?

I don't blame demint or his obstruction for the terrorist on the plane. I am merely pointing out the hypocrisy of the republican party as they now have standards and beliefs concerning obama and the that contradict their past beliefs and standards that they once held for w and the right.

Neither, obama and the left nor demint and the right are to blame for the act of this individual.

My arguments in this thread were pointed at the fact that the right used to be against obstruction and the blocking of nominees when W was president and yet there were some from the right on this thread actually praising, defending and excusing demint for his current obstruction.
It was interesting to hear the FOX spin on the terrorist attacks. They said the "Democrats are blaming the Bush administration", when it is the GOP itself who is holding up the process. Of course, it is Obama's fault accoding to the terrorism expert. Karl "I helped elect a Chimp" Rove. If he had his choice, the gloves would be removed and "enhanced interrogation" would be used. In other word...WATERBOARD THE SUCKER.
Many of you here blame the Republicans (Demint, specifically) for the failure to stop an explosive-laden terrorist from boarding an aircraft and flying into the U.S. Do any of you feel that Obama, his administration and the various bureaucrats that have been working in Washington for years, share any responsibility for this mistake?

According to his supporters.....including most on this board, Obam has yet to make a single mistake.

He lied and siad he did not bow to the king even though the tape showed otherwise.....and his supporters diverted from the lie and siad "whats wrong with bowing to the king".
Not a word about the dfact that he denied it.

He told us all unemployment will not go above 8% if the stimulus is passed. When it wernt over 10% his supporters apporved of his excuse "we misread the economy" opposed to asking the basic logical question of "with the 100 top economists you claim to listen to, how did you misread the economy"?

We are in a different world now. Presidents no longer are held accountable for their mistakes.

Pathetic if you ask me.

LOL you mean the bow to the guy W kissed on the cheek and walked hand in hand with?? You can't seriously still be talking about that NON-ISSUE?? LOL

As for the unemployment, he made a prediction as he was wrong. Do you have the same contempt for W's faulty predictions that he made concerning his invasion of iraq?? You know about how it was going to be short term and how we were going to be greeted as liberators??

As for presidents no longer being held accountable for their mistakes you be sure to let me know when the right is going to start holding W accountable for his mistakes and then i will get back to you on obama or should we just let history judge obama AFTER he gets out of office and many years from now? After all that is what republicans want to do where bush is concerned. LOL
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Many of you here blame the Republicans (Demint, specifically) for the failure to stop an explosive-laden terrorist from boarding an aircraft and flying into the U.S. Do any of you feel that Obama, his administration and the various bureaucrats that have been working in Washington for years, share any responsibility for this mistake?

According to his supporters.....including most on this board, Obam has yet to make a single mistake.

He lied and siad he did not bow to the king even though the tape showed otherwise.....and his supporters diverted from the lie and siad "whats wrong with bowing to the king".
Not a word about the dfact that he denied it.

He told us all unemployment will not go above 8% if the stimulus is passed. When it wernt over 10% his supporters apporved of his excuse "we misread the economy" opposed to asking the basic logical question of "with the 100 top economists you claim to listen to, how did you misread the economy"?

We are in a different world now. Presidents no longer are held accountable for their mistakes.

Pathetic if you ask me.

LOL you mean the bow to the guy W kissed on the cheek and walked hand in hand with?? You can't seriously still be talking about that NON-ISSUE?? LOL

As for the unemployment, he made a prediction as he was wrong. Do you have the same contempt for W's faulty predictions that he made concerning his invasion of iraq?? You know about how it was going to be short term and how we were going to be greeted as liberators??

As for presidents no longer being held accountable for their mistakes you be sure to let me know when the right is going to start holding W accountable for his mistakes and then i will get back to you on obama or should we just let history judge obama AFTER he gets out of office and many years from now? After all that is what republicans want to do where bush is concerned. LOL

W W W....all ya got?

Read my post. I made it quite clear that I was disturbed at the fact that Obama LIED about the bow. You think I give a crap that he bowed? I care when my president lies.

Did W lie about the kiss?

You and your "non issue".,...the POTUS KNOWS that he was caugtht bowing on film yet he sees the American people as so stupid that he truly believed he could say "I never bowed to the king"

THAT should concern even his most faithful.

But you divert by making the "bowing" the issue.......just as all of his supporters tried to do when it happened.
From all the posts I see here I think everyone that has posted thus far has fallen into a common trap.
That trap is one of partisan politics.
The partisan bickering simply allows our so-called leaders to continue to abuse their positiion by keeping everyone's attention focused on arguing over whether this is the fault of the republicans or democrats.
The fact is there is more than enough blame to go around on both sides. Obama waited until the end of August to make several appointments, including this one. That's 8 months, and that time frame does not indicate that the administration placed a high priority on this appointment. Our congress from that time until now, has been embroiled in a fight over the healthcare bill, cap and trade, ect ect. Both of these things are under the direct control of democrats, either in the administration or the congress.
The republicans in congress have instituted a policy of obstruction. They really have no control other than to obstruct as they are in such a minority. There is blame for the republicans, lots of it.
Obama nominated this guy back in August, and was almost immediately his nomination was met with resistance over the issue of union involvement. Despite what the king wants, his nominations must be approved by congress to take office. Opposing a nominee based on a valid issue or principle is the way the system is designed to work. That means Obama can either fight for his nominee, or nominate someone else that may gain bipartisan approval. Obama didn't take any action, more blame for him because he obviously doesn't think the post is important enough to nominate someone who will be approved, and that he waited so long to nominate anyone.
Republican obstructionism is present, by their own admission. However; in this case it appears that there is valid reasons to oppose this nominee.
Both sides continue to engage in partisan bickering for party's sake, not to serve the American people, but simply to follow the party line. Both sides are guilty of it, both sides serve themselves and their party at the expense of the American people.
Anyone among the general public defending either side is simply providing cover for our so-called leaders to continue to engage in business as usual.
The American people should be outraged by the behavior on both sides, not just the 'other' party.
In short I maintain that the Obama administration has shown by their actions that just isn't as high on the priority list as the issues they HAVE spent their time on. Now that there is an 'emergency' they cry that their nominee, that objections were voiced over months ago, is being "held up by republicans". If they really cared about safety, or considered this post important, they would have found another nominee that would be approved, took a break in congress from healthcare to vote on them and that person would be in place by now. They did not do this for partisan reasons, ie; from all appearances to pay back a political debt to a union.
If the republicans would actually try to serve the American people, they would have been screaming this post needs to be filled, give us a nominee we can support, maybe some republicans would have even made suggestions as to who they thought might be a good fit for the job. The republicans did not do this. This makes a clear message to the American people that they too see partisan politics more important than the safety of the nation.
Epic fail on both sides. Instead of arguing over which piss-poor group of idiots is 'more to blame', we should be discussing how both the republicans and democrats have continued to put partisan politics over the safety of the American people. The short answer is that THEY ALL SUCK, regardless of party!
From all the posts I see here I think everyone that has posted thus far has fallen into a common trap.
That trap is one of partisan politics.
The partisan bickering simply allows our so-called leaders to continue to abuse their positiion by keeping everyone's attention focused on arguing over whether this is the fault of the republicans or democrats.
The fact is there is more than enough blame to go around on both sides. Obama waited until the end of August to make several appointments, including this one. That's 8 months, and that time frame does not indicate that the administration placed a high priority on this appointment. Our congress from that time until now, has been embroiled in a fight over the healthcare bill, cap and trade, ect ect. Both of these things are under the direct control of democrats, either in the administration or the congress.
The republicans in congress have instituted a policy of obstruction. They really have no control other than to obstruct as they are in such a minority. There is blame for the republicans, lots of it.
Obama nominated this guy back in August, and was almost immediately his nomination was met with resistance over the issue of union involvement. Despite what the king wants, his nominations must be approved by congress to take office. Opposing a nominee based on a valid issue or principle is the way the system is designed to work. That means Obama can either fight for his nominee, or nominate someone else that may gain bipartisan approval. Obama didn't take any action, more blame for him because he obviously doesn't think the post is important enough to nominate someone who will be approved, and that he waited so long to nominate anyone.
Republican obstructionism is present, by their own admission. However; in this case it appears that there is valid reasons to oppose this nominee.
Both sides continue to engage in partisan bickering for party's sake, not to serve the American people, but simply to follow the party line. Both sides are guilty of it, both sides serve themselves and their party at the expense of the American people.
Anyone among the general public defending either side is simply providing cover for our so-called leaders to continue to engage in business as usual.
The American people should be outraged by the behavior on both sides, not just the 'other' party.
In short I maintain that the Obama administration has shown by their actions that just isn't as high on the priority list as the issues they HAVE spent their time on. Now that there is an 'emergency' they cry that their nominee, that objections were voiced over months ago, is being "held up by republicans". If they really cared about safety, or considered this post important, they would have found another nominee that would be approved, took a break in congress from healthcare to vote on them and that person would be in place by now. They did not do this for partisan reasons, ie; from all appearances to pay back a political debt to a union.
If the republicans would actually try to serve the American people, they would have been screaming this post needs to be filled, give us a nominee we can support, maybe some republicans would have even made suggestions as to who they thought might be a good fit for the job. The republicans did not do this. This makes a clear message to the American people that they too see partisan politics more important than the safety of the nation.
Epic fail on both sides. Instead of arguing over which piss-poor group of idiots is 'more to blame', we should be discussing how both the republicans and democrats have continued to put partisan politics over the safety of the American people. The short answer is that THEY ALL SUCK, regardless of party!
But we are the greatest nation on earth we just cannot suck, we just can't....

Face reality folks we are better than many countries, but we still suck big time.
Read my post. I made it quite clear that I was disturbed at the fact that Obama LIED about the bow.
An unnamed aide said he didn't bow...not Obama. At least try to get your facts straight. I know it is hard when the rightwing blogosphere repeats something over and over and over again until you believe it to be fact.
But we are the greatest nation on earth we just cannot suck, we just can't....

Face reality folks we are better than many countries, but we still suck big time.

I donty see it that way.

What I see is a country that is only an infant comapred to most others. Yet we have become the most generous, properous and desired land in the world.
Suck? Nah.
Make mistakes?
Everyone does.
You say we suck? Then leave. No one is making you stay here.

Anyone who says their country sucks is not a patriot in my eyes.
Read my post. I made it quite clear that I was disturbed at the fact that Obama LIED about the bow.
An unnamed aide said he didn't bow...not Obama. At least try to get your facts straight. I know it is hard when the rightwing blogosphere repeats something over and over and over again until you believe it to be fact.

Gibbs is an un-named aide?

Get your facts straight beofre you spew garbage....or dont.

Your credibility not mine.
But we are the greatest nation on earth we just cannot suck, we just can't....

Face reality folks we are better than many countries, but we still suck big time.

I donty see it that way.

What I see is a country that is only an infant comapred to most others. Yet we have become the most generous, properous and desired land in the world.
Suck? Nah.
Make mistakes?
Everyone does.
You say we suck? Then leave. No one is making you stay here.

Anyone who says their country sucks is not a patriot in my eyes.

It is my duty as a citizen to try and improve my country. Patriot? Naah I am not really a patriot, they are to limited of vision.
Read my post. I made it quite clear that I was disturbed at the fact that Obama LIED about the bow.
An unnamed aide said he didn't bow...not Obama. At least try to get your facts straight. I know it is hard when the rightwing blogosphere repeats something over and over and over again until you believe it to be fact.

Gibbs is an un-named aide?

Get your facts straight beofre you spew garbage....or dont.

Your credibility not mine.
Thanks for admitting it wasn't Obama.
According to his supporters.....including most on this board, Obam has yet to make a single mistake.

He lied and siad he did not bow to the king even though the tape showed otherwise.....and his supporters diverted from the lie and siad "whats wrong with bowing to the king".
Not a word about the dfact that he denied it.

He told us all unemployment will not go above 8% if the stimulus is passed. When it wernt over 10% his supporters apporved of his excuse "we misread the economy" opposed to asking the basic logical question of "with the 100 top economists you claim to listen to, how did you misread the economy"?

We are in a different world now. Presidents no longer are held accountable for their mistakes.

Pathetic if you ask me.

LOL you mean the bow to the guy W kissed on the cheek and walked hand in hand with?? You can't seriously still be talking about that NON-ISSUE?? LOL

As for the unemployment, he made a prediction as he was wrong. Do you have the same contempt for W's faulty predictions that he made concerning his invasion of iraq?? You know about how it was going to be short term and how we were going to be greeted as liberators??

As for presidents no longer being held accountable for their mistakes you be sure to let me know when the right is going to start holding W accountable for his mistakes and then i will get back to you on obama or should we just let history judge obama AFTER he gets out of office and many years from now? After all that is what republicans want to do where bush is concerned. LOL

W W W....all ya got?

Read my post. I made it quite clear that I was disturbed at the fact that Obama LIED about the bow. You think I give a crap that he bowed? I care when my president lies.

Did W lie about the kiss?

You and your "non issue".,...the POTUS KNOWS that he was caugtht bowing on film yet he sees the American people as so stupid that he truly believed he could say "I never bowed to the king"

THAT should concern even his most faithful.

But you divert by making the "bowing" the issue.......just as all of his supporters tried to do when it happened.

Yeah, I am going to talk about W because in a direct comparison, hypocritical righties expose their dishonesty as they apply different standards to obama than they do w.

Read your post?? I did read it and yet I saw no links to substantiate any of what you claim to be fact. Fruthermore, i didn't make it an issue. The right did when they tried to attack obama over it. Then this issue faded away because the video clips of W came out showing similar behavior or what some might consider worse behavior. Now months later out of sheer desperation righties are trying to bring it back when it was a lame attack the first time around.

As for W was he asked about the kiss by the righties who tried to make such a huge deal out of this non-issue?? Somehow I think the left and right had more important issues to deal with at that time but now righties try to blow everything out of proportion as they try to make a mountain out of a mole hill. LOL

Oh and I notice you avoided responding to holding W to the same standard for his predictions. why is that??
Read my post. I made it quite clear that I was disturbed at the fact that Obama LIED about the bow.
An unnamed aide said he didn't bow...not Obama. At least try to get your facts straight. I know it is hard when the rightwing blogosphere repeats something over and over and over again until you believe it to be fact.

Gibbs is an un-named aide?

Get your facts straight beofre you spew garbage....or dont.

Your credibility not mine.

So did obama actually say what YOU claim he said or not?? Where is your proof??

Your whole claim is about obama lying but if someone elses said it then obama didn't lie. However, based on that your honesty, or lack there of, does come into question.

Can you prove obama said what you quoted him as saying or not?
An unnamed aide said he didn't bow...not Obama. At least try to get your facts straight. I know it is hard when the rightwing blogosphere repeats something over and over and over again until you believe it to be fact.

Gibbs is an un-named aide?

Get your facts straight beofre you spew garbage....or dont.

Your credibility not mine.
Thanks for admitting it wasn't Obama.

It was said by his press secretary.
But please...continue to ignore the lie.
An unnamed aide said he didn't bow...not Obama. At least try to get your facts straight. I know it is hard when the rightwing blogosphere repeats something over and over and over again until you believe it to be fact.

Gibbs is an un-named aide?

Get your facts straight beofre you spew garbage....or dont.

Your credibility not mine.

So did obama actually say what YOU claim he said or not?? Where is your proof??

Your whole claim is about obama lying but if someone elses said it then obama didn't lie. However, based on that your honesty, or lack there of, does come into question.

Can you prove obama said what you quoted him as saying or not?

Please...continue to divert from the fact that his voice to the people...his press secretary....lied to the people when speaking of the action of the POTUS.

The diversion is are all pathetic at how you do that.

Quite transparent...
the AFLCIO gives full support for the TSA to unionize. so if it does and goes out on strike what are Osama's options??? throw em all in jail???? let the planes blow up???? hmmm

Gibbs is an un-named aide?

Get your facts straight beofre you spew garbage....or dont.

Your credibility not mine.
Thanks for admitting it wasn't Obama.

It was said by his press secretary.
But please...continue to ignore the lie.

So obama did NOT lie but you did when you tried to dishonestly attack him claiming that HE lied and you even attributed a phony quote to him.

what was that you said about "get your facts straight BEFORE you spew garbage" and how it's "your credibility not mine?"

And yet it is YOUR credibility and you ahve shwon taht you have NONE because you didn't have your facts straight. LOL
Who's running the TSA? No one, thanks to Sen. Jim DeMint

By Margaret Talev | McClatchy Newspapers


WASHINGTON — An attempt to blow up a trans-Atlantic flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day would be all-consuming for the administrator of the Transportation Security Administration — if there were one.

The post remains vacant because Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., has held up President Barack Obama's nominee in opposition to the prospect of TSA workers joining a labor union.

As al Qaida claimed responsibility Monday for the thwarted attack and President Barack Obama made a public statement about it, Democrats urged DeMint to drop his objection and allow quick confirmation of nominee Erroll Southers, a counterterrorism expert, when the Senate reconvenes in three weeks.
Southers, a former FBI special agent, is the Los Angeles World Airports Police Department assistant chief for homeland security and intelligence. He also is the associate director of the University of Southern California's Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events, and he served as a deputy director of homeland security for California Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Two Senate committees have given Southers their bipartisan blessing. An acting administrator is in place pending his confirmation.

Marshall McClain, the president of the Los Angeles Airport Peace Officers Association, said that the Senate should have acted sooner to confirm Southers.

"Friday's terrorist attack on U.S. aviation makes it all the more imperative that there be no further delays in filling this crucial position," he said.

Who's running the TSA? No one, thanks to Sen. Jim DeMint | McClatchy

So this is the current leftard spin on the Panty Bomber terrorist attack??? Blame the Republicans??? Cause more division and hate?????

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....

What a bunch of losers you idiots are.

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