Republicans aiding and abetting terrorists

Do any of you feel that Obama, his administration and the various bureaucrats that have been working in Washington for years, share any responsibility for this mistake?

Um, what "mistake"? This nutjob went through security and boarded planes in NIGERIA (Africa - the continent, not the country :razz:) and AMSTERDAM, which is in the Netherlands for all you home-schoolers. Interesting note, Amsterdam actually has very tight security, usually... how on earth is this anyone's blame yoke to bear in this administration? These were security failings in Nigeria and Amsterdam. Looks like the full body scans are on their way, though.
Peepers, a terrorist on the terrorist watch list was given a visa to this country. That's a mistake in my book. A big one.
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the AFLCIO gives full support for the TSA to unionize. so if it does and goes out on strike what are Osama's options??? throw em all in jail???? let the planes blow up???? hmmm


Many police officers and firefighters both have unions representing them, certain jobs have restrictions regarding the right to strike.
Idiots don't understand what spokesperson means. :lol:

So am I to take that you believe that every time a "spokesperson" for bush came out and said something that wasn't true that W then lied based on their false statements? Is that really what you are saying??

The fact is that old and tired falsely claimed that obama said it and he even created a ficticious statement and falsely attributed that statement to obama. None of your spin will change that fact. I am sure that old appreciate the attempt though. LOL

Nope...didnt do that.
I simply said the president lied. He did. He hads his spokesman say something that was a lie.
Gibbs did not lie. Obama did. Gibbs reported an act of the president the way the president told him top report it.
So...Obama lied.

But MORE wrapped up in the fact that I lied.

DO I mean so much more to you than Obama?

How flattering.

Uh, In case you missed it in your desperate attempts to CYA for you LIE the above post was in response to another posters statement.

Please learn to read and maybe someday you will leanr to avoid such embarassing situations in the future. LOL

It's funny how you once again repeat your LIE. obam NEVER said what YOU QUOTED HIM AS SAYING and you offer no proof to support your claim that obama put gibbs up to it which you would need to support your latest spin. LOL
So am I to take that you believe that every time a "spokesperson" for bush came out and said something that wasn't true that W then lied based on their false statements? Is that really what you are saying??

The fact is that old and tired falsely claimed that obama said it and he even created a ficticious statement and falsely attributed that statement to obama. None of your spin will change that fact. I am sure that old appreciate the attempt though. LOL

Nope...didnt do that.
I simply said the president lied. He did. He hads his spokesman say something that was a lie.
Gibbs did not lie. Obama did. Gibbs reported an act of the president the way the president told him top report it.
So...Obama lied.

But MORE wrapped up in the fact that I lied.

DO I mean so much more to you than Obama?

How flattering.

Uh, In case you missed it in your desperate attempts to CYA for you LIE the above post was in response to another posters statement.

Please learn to read and maybe someday you will leanr to avoid such embarassing situations in the future. LOL

It's funny how you once again repeat your LIE. obam NEVER said what YOU QUOTED HIM AS SAYING and you offer no proof to support your claim that obama put gibbs up to it which you would need to support your latest spin. LOL
Your guy is an idiot.

Your guy is a bigger idiot than my guy and lies.

Well, your guy lied all the time so my idiot is definately better than your idiot.

Ok, well your guy is the biggest idiot and his spokesman is an idiot as well

Meanwhile both sets of idiots continue to engage in self-serving line of partisan politics because the citizenry is still arguing over which set of idiots are the better idiots.
Idiots don't understand what spokesperson means. :lol:

So am I to take that you believe that every time a "spokesperson" for bush came out and said something that wasn't true that W then lied based on their false statements? Is that really what you are saying??

The fact is that old and tired falsely claimed that obama said it and he even created a ficticious statement and falsely attributed that statement to obama. None of your spin will change that fact. I am sure that old appreciates the attempt though. LOL
No. You're to take it that you are an idiot who does not understand what the word 'spokesperson' means.

LOL says the hack who rushed to defend old after he LIED and made up a quote that he fasely attributed to obama when obama NEVER made the statement old attributed to him.

You backed a loser on this one. However, that is nothing new to you becuase you usually lose the debate you enter into which is why mosty of your posts are nothing but baseless personal attacks that completely lack any substance. LOL
Well, your guy lied all the time so my idiot is definately better than your idiot.

Ok, well your guy is the biggest idiot and his spokesman is an idiot as well

Meanwhile both sets of idiots continue to engage in self-serving line of partisan politics because the citizenry is still arguing over which set of idiots are the better idiots.
Right. The 'me too' argument is pathetically funny to see.
So am I to take that you believe that every time a "spokesperson" for bush came out and said something that wasn't true that W then lied based on their false statements? Is that really what you are saying??

The fact is that old and tired falsely claimed that obama said it and he even created a ficticious statement and falsely attributed that statement to obama. None of your spin will change that fact. I am sure that old appreciates the attempt though. LOL
No. You're to take it that you are an idiot who does not understand what the word 'spokesperson' means.

LOL says the hack who rushed to defend old after he LIED and made up a quote that he fasely attributed to obama when obama NEVER made the statement old attributed to him.

You backed a loser on this one. However, that is nothing new to you becuase you usually lose the debate you enter into which is why mosty of your posts are nothing but baseless personal attacks that completely lack any substance. LOL
That's all quite irrelevant to the fact that you're still an idiot who does not understand the meaning of 'spokesperson'.
So am I to take that you believe that every time a "spokesperson" for bush came out and said something that wasn't true that W then lied based on their false statements? Is that really what you are saying??

The fact is that old and tired falsely claimed that obama said it and he even created a ficticious statement and falsely attributed that statement to obama. None of your spin will change that fact. I am sure that old appreciate the attempt though. LOL

Nope...didnt do that.
I simply said the president lied. He did. He hads his spokesman say something that was a lie.
Gibbs did not lie. Obama did. Gibbs reported an act of the president the way the president told him top report it.
So...Obama lied.

But MORE wrapped up in the fact that I lied.

DO I mean so much more to you than Obama?

How flattering.

Uh, In case you missed it in your desperate attempts to CYA for you LIE the above post was in response to another posters statement.

Please learn to read and maybe someday you will leanr to avoid such embarassing situations in the future. LOL

It's funny how you once again repeat your LIE. obam NEVER said what YOU QUOTED HIM AS SAYING and you offer no proof to support your claim that obama put gibbs up to it which you would need to support your latest spin. LOL

LMAO......I need proof that the spokesperson for the POTUS is respoonsiblke for being the spokesperson for the POTUS?

DO yourself a favor little boy....watych a press conference. Every press secretary says the same thing whenm it is NOT the words of the President....'I did not discuss it with the President so I will have to get bvack to you after I get his answer'

When Gibbs was asked about the bowing incident he did not say this. Instead he said that the President did not bow, he was tall and needed to bend over to shake his hand

This was not his opinion as he would have said so. He stated as fact that the President did not bow.

If, in fact, these were NOT the words of the POTUS, Gibbs would have been firerd on the spot.

Know politics before you try so hard to divert from the top[ics.

It makes you look naive.

or maybe you ARE naive...and sometimes you say some things that make you look knowledgable
So am I to take that you believe that every time a "spokesperson" for bush came out and said something that wasn't true that W then lied based on their false statements? Is that really what you are saying??

The fact is that old and tired falsely claimed that obama said it and he even created a ficticious statement and falsely attributed that statement to obama. None of your spin will change that fact. I am sure that old appreciates the attempt though. LOL
No. You're to take it that you are an idiot who does not understand what the word 'spokesperson' means.

You are debating a classic......."but, but, but...BUSH...." debater.

Not worth the time. Getting old...and they are slowly disappearing anyway.

Let it go Snith. Bush is no longer a factor. FInd somethiung else to use in a debate.

Talk about diverting?? LOL you go to focus on ME so you can try to avoid the fact that you LIED and falsely attributed a quote that YOU made up to obama.

In case you missed it bringing up the difference in how righties acted under W compared to how they are acting now is valid to the discussion because it shows how dishonest righties truly are when they try to defend W for some of the same things that they are attacking obama over. Which means that their attacks are nothing but partisan bickering by dishonest posters.

I know that hypocrites on the right don't want to talk about W and who can blame them based on the fact that if they did they have to admit how hypocritical they truly are. Well that and W was quite an embarassing failure so it's easy to see why they would wish to separate themselves from him. LOL.
Peepers, a terrorist on the terrorist watch list was given a visa to this country. That's a mistake in my book. A big one.

From what I understand, he was on a "terror watch list" as a person suspected to be tied to terrorism, but without enough evidence to put him on the "no fly" list. When was he issued a visa, anyway? Anyone know? And what was he issued a visa for?
Says the poster trying to divert from the FACT that YOU tried to falsely claim that OBAMA LIED when you knew the statement came from his press secretary and not his own mouth.

You lied and attacking me won't change that FACT. LOL

Gibbs speaks directly for the President....therefore Gibbs' words are the President's words until Obama says to him "go back out there and clarify my position Biden..errr Gibbs."

So does that apply to EVERY president or just democrats? Because I seem to remember republicans like yourself on tyeh msnbc message board splitting hairs when a spokesperson for W made less than honest statements.

So how many lies does that mean W actually told as he was blindly defended by right wing hypocrites??

That's irrelevant. Bush's Press Secretaries spoke for Bush. When they fucked up they went back on TV and clarifyed the Presidents position.

What the fuck is so hard for you to understand about the definition of a spokesperson and their job with respect to the Office of the President?

I'm beginning to wonder if you got your GED from BB Brain Online University.
Peepers, a terrorist on the terrorist watch list was given a visa to this country. That's a mistake in my book. A big one.

From what I understand, he was on a "terror watch list" as a person suspected to be tied to terrorism, but without enough evidence to put him on the "no fly" list. When was he issued a visa, anyway? Anyone know? And what was he issued a visa for?
He wouldn't be even permitted on the plane without a visa to the USA.
Please....continue to attack how I presented the situation and ignoire the fact that Obama had his spokesperson speak onhis behalf and lie to the American People.

What a patheticv way of debating.

LOL. So YOU LIED and falsely attributed a quote that YOU made up to obama. Where as I merely called you out for YOUR dishonesty and yet you have the nerve and complete lack of integrity to call my HONEST way of debating pathetic?? LOL

The fact is obama NEVER said what you claim he did and you haven't opffered any proof of your new claim that obama had his spokesperson do anything. That is merely an assumption on your part in a desperate attempt to CYA over you LIE. LOL

LMAO...OK...I am a liar and Obama is not. you can sleep well again.

Shouldnt you be in school little child?

LOL I know that you are a liar and nothing to say can change that FACT.

You made a claim that was false and then started backtracking to CYA. Then a bunch of other dishonest hacks chimed in to try and defend your dishonesty.
No. You're to take it that you are an idiot who does not understand what the word 'spokesperson' means.

You are debating a classic......."but, but, but...BUSH...." debater.

Not worth the time. Getting old...and they are slowly disappearing anyway.

Let it go Snith. Bush is no longer a factor. FInd somethiung else to use in a debate.

Talk about diverting?? LOL you go to focus on ME so you can try to avoid the fact that you LIED and falsely attributed a quote that YOU made up to obama.

In case you missed it bringing up the difference in how righties acted under W compared to how they are acting now is valid to the discussion because it shows how dishonest righties truly are when they try to defend W for some of the same things that they are attacking obama over. Which means that their attacks are nothing but partisan bickering by dishonest posters.

I know that hypocrites on the right don't want to talk about W and who can blame them based on the fact that if they did they have to admit how hypocritical they truly are. Well that and W was quite an embarassing failure so it's easy to see why they would wish to separate themselves from him. LOL.

There you go again.

Like I said.....I lied. I said the truth...but to you it is a lie.
The man you elected to office had his employee that YOU pay to speak for the POTUS lie to you...
You are more wrapped up in the fact that I lied as opposed to the fact that the man you elected has the man that you pay to speak on his behalf lie to you.

Why am I so important to you yet Obama is not?

Still waiting for a response as to why you are ok with the fract that the man you elected had the man that you pay to speak on his behalf, lie to you.
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No. You're to take it that you are an idiot who does not understand what the word 'spokesperson' means.

LOL says the hack who rushed to defend old after he LIED and made up a quote that he fasely attributed to obama when obama NEVER made the statement old attributed to him.

You backed a loser on this one. However, that is nothing new to you becuase you usually lose the debate you enter into which is why mosty of your posts are nothing but baseless personal attacks that completely lack any substance. LOL
That's all quite irrelevant to the fact that you're still an idiot who does not understand the meaning of 'spokesperson'.

I understand the meaning of the word but what you fail to grasp is that your dishonest spin does nothing to change the FACT that old falsely attributed a quote to obama that old MADE UP.

Old LIED pure and simple. Did you get that yet or do i need to spell it out for you even more? LOL
Mr. Abdulmutallab was issued a regular visitor’s visa by the United States Embassy in London in June 2008, according to the senior administration official. There was no “derogatory information available” on him at the time he applied, and he was granted a two-year visa, which is still valid, the official said.

Ah, found it. He was issued a 2 year visa on June of 2008 and had flown into the US twice already...

Previous information on air terror suspect raises questions - Laura Rozen -
LOL says the hack who rushed to defend old after he LIED and made up a quote that he fasely attributed to obama when obama NEVER made the statement old attributed to him.

You backed a loser on this one. However, that is nothing new to you becuase you usually lose the debate you enter into which is why mosty of your posts are nothing but baseless personal attacks that completely lack any substance. LOL
That's all quite irrelevant to the fact that you're still an idiot who does not understand the meaning of 'spokesperson'.

I understand the meaning of the word but what you fail to grasp is that your dishonest spin does nothing to change the FACT that old falsely attributed a quote to obama that old MADE UP.

Old LIED pure and simple. Did you get that yet or do i need to spell it out for you even more? LOL

Nope did not lie.
When Gibbs speaks to the press corp, only a moron would not think he is speaking for the president.
Are you a moron?
Still diverting from the fact that Obama lied....THROUGH his spokesperson so from here on in I will view you as a child not worthy of my debate as you are way too immature to debate with.
So long little boy.
He wouldn't be even permitted on the plane without a visa to the USA.

Looks like he had a multiple entry tourist visa that was good for 2 years (he received his visa in June of 2008).

ETA: Got it.


The official said that sometime later, perhaps around six months ago (as reported in this news account from the Nigerian media), Abdulmutallab's father, a prominent Nigerian banker named Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, reported concerns to the U.S. Embassy in Abuja, the Nigerian capital, that his son had become involved with religious extremists. As a result of this report, the State Department, which has responsibility for granting U.S. entry visas, notified the U.S. intelligence community, allegedly including the Terrorist Screening Center, which then allegedly opened some kind of file on Abdulmutallab, according to the senior official.

As of this week, however, no additional information apparently was received by either the State Department or any other U.S. agency that would have raised the level of concerns about Abdulmutallab, according to the senior official. As a consequence, the senior official said, not only was Abdulmutallab's name not entered on the official U.S. "no fly list" but the State Department made no move to revoke his U.S. visa, which was still valid at the time he boarded Flight 253. However, the official said that a notification was added to visa records indicating that if Abdulmutallab applied for a new visa after his current one expired, some concerted effort should be made, based on the negative information that had been received, to re-evaluate whether or not a new U.S. visa should be granted.


Big fuck up.
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