Republicans aiding and abetting terrorists

Mr. Abdulmutallab was issued a regular visitor’s visa by the United States Embassy in London in June 2008, according to the senior administration official. There was no “derogatory information available” on him at the time he applied, and he was granted a two-year visa, which is still valid, the official said.

Ah, found it. He was issued a 2 year visa on June of 2008 and had flown into the US twice already...

Previous information on air terror suspect raises questions - Laura Rozen -

and yet someghow his own father expressing concern to the US govt about his son's radical views isn't enough to prompt any sort of review.

that's fucked up.
Nope...didnt do that.
I simply said the president lied. He did. He hads his spokesman say something that was a lie.
Gibbs did not lie. Obama did. Gibbs reported an act of the president the way the president told him top report it.
So...Obama lied.

But MORE wrapped up in the fact that I lied.

DO I mean so much more to you than Obama?

How flattering.

Uh, In case you missed it in your desperate attempts to CYA for you LIE the above post was in response to another posters statement.

Please learn to read and maybe someday you will leanr to avoid such embarassing situations in the future. LOL

It's funny how you once again repeat your LIE. obam NEVER said what YOU QUOTED HIM AS SAYING and you offer no proof to support your claim that obama put gibbs up to it which you would need to support your latest spin. LOL

LMAO......I need proof that the spokesperson for the POTUS is respoonsiblke for being the spokesperson for the POTUS?

DO yourself a favor little boy....watych a press conference. Every press secretary says the same thing whenm it is NOT the words of the President....'I did not discuss it with the President so I will have to get bvack to you after I get his answer'

When Gibbs was asked about the bowing incident he did not say this. Instead he said that the President did not bow, he was tall and needed to bend over to shake his hand

This was not his opinion as he would have said so. He stated as fact that the President did not bow.

If, in fact, these were NOT the words of the POTUS, Gibbs would have been firerd on the spot.

Know politics before you try so hard to divert from the top[ics.

It makes you look naive.

or maybe you ARE naive...and sometimes you say some things that make you look knowledgable

NO you claimed that obama put him up to it so prove it. It's simple really. You made the claim, so put up or shut up.

Either way you still LIED when you falsely quoted obama claiming he made the statement that YOU made up. LOL

Oh and to clear this up for you MORONS

Here is the exact quote from gibb's own mouth and he was offering his OWN OPINION.

The White House briefing room grew a bit chilly on Thursday after CNN reporter Dan Lothian asked press secretary Robert Gibbs to explain the current cause célèbre of the conservative movement: whether President Obama bowed down to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

LOTHIAN: When the President met with King Abdullah, there was something that took place which I believe the White House explained was just the president being taller than the king. We took a look at the video, and it does appear that the president actually bowed to King Abdullah. Did he bow or didn't he?

GIBBS: No, I think he bent over with both, to shake -- with both hands to shake his hand, so I don't--

LOTHIAN: -- one hand --

GIBBS: Well I... [laughter]

LOTHIAN: Did he bow or didn't he?

GIBBS: No. But I think this meeting was like a week ago, right?

So what was that LOSER?? Gibbs was asked a question and offered his OPINION. Got any more dishonest spin to offer or are you through being a total and complete dishonest hack?? LOL

On that note it is time for me to go. It's quitting time. But don't worry, I will be back to continue this if you have any more spin to offer. LOL
Mr. Abdulmutallab was issued a regular visitor’s visa by the United States Embassy in London in June 2008, according to the senior administration official. There was no “derogatory information available” on him at the time he applied, and he was granted a two-year visa, which is still valid, the official said.

Ah, found it. He was issued a 2 year visa on June of 2008 and had flown into the US twice already...

Previous information on air terror suspect raises questions - Laura Rozen -

and yet someghow his own father expressing concern to the US govt about his son's radical views isn't enough to prompt any sort of review.

that's fucked up.

I am waiting for them to say "we get hundreds of calls daily about possible terrorists...we cannot ake them all seriously"

Interesting...his father, a former Nigerian high ranking government official, current bank Chairman reports his son as one who has gone radical.....and he has no problem getting on a US bound plane despitre no luggage, one way ticket and cash pourchased AT THE AIRPORT.

Good job Napolitano.....good job.
Uh, In case you missed it in your desperate attempts to CYA for you LIE the above post was in response to another posters statement.

Please learn to read and maybe someday you will leanr to avoid such embarassing situations in the future. LOL

It's funny how you once again repeat your LIE. obam NEVER said what YOU QUOTED HIM AS SAYING and you offer no proof to support your claim that obama put gibbs up to it which you would need to support your latest spin. LOL

LMAO......I need proof that the spokesperson for the POTUS is respoonsiblke for being the spokesperson for the POTUS?

DO yourself a favor little boy....watych a press conference. Every press secretary says the same thing whenm it is NOT the words of the President....'I did not discuss it with the President so I will have to get bvack to you after I get his answer'

When Gibbs was asked about the bowing incident he did not say this. Instead he said that the President did not bow, he was tall and needed to bend over to shake his hand

This was not his opinion as he would have said so. He stated as fact that the President did not bow.

If, in fact, these were NOT the words of the POTUS, Gibbs would have been firerd on the spot.

Know politics before you try so hard to divert from the top[ics.

It makes you look naive.

or maybe you ARE naive...and sometimes you say some things that make you look knowledgable

NO you claimed that obama put him up to it so prove it. It's simple really. You made the claim, so put up or shut up.

Either way you still LIED when you falsely quoted obama claiming he made the statement that YOU made up. LOL

Oh and to clear this up for you MORONS

Here is the exact quote from gibb's own mouth and he was offering his OWN OPINION.

The White House briefing room grew a bit chilly on Thursday after CNN reporter Dan Lothian asked press secretary Robert Gibbs to explain the current cause célèbre of the conservative movement: whether President Obama bowed down to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

LOTHIAN: When the President met with King Abdullah, there was something that took place which I believe the White House explained was just the president being taller than the king. We took a look at the video, and it does appear that the president actually bowed to King Abdullah. Did he bow or didn't he?

GIBBS: No, I think he bent over with both, to shake -- with both hands to shake his hand, so I don't--

LOTHIAN: -- one hand --

GIBBS: Well I... [laughter]

LOTHIAN: Did he bow or didn't he?

GIBBS: No. But I think this meeting was like a week ago, right?

So what was that LOSER?? Gibbs was asked a question and offered his OPINION. Got any more dishonest spin to offer or are you through being a total and complete dishonest hack?? LOL

On that note it is time for me to go. It's quitting time. But don't worry, I will be back to continue this if you have any more spin to offer. LOL
And you're still prattling on.


Oh the humanity for those driven bonkers with boredom.
Ah, found it. He was issued a 2 year visa on June of 2008 and had flown into the US twice already...

Previous information on air terror suspect raises questions - Laura Rozen -

and yet someghow his own father expressing concern to the US govt about his son's radical views isn't enough to prompt any sort of review.

that's fucked up.

I am waiting for them to say "we get hundreds of calls daily about possible terrorists...we cannot ake them all seriously"

Interesting...his father, a former Nigerian high ranking government official, current bank Chairman reports his son as one who has gone radical.....and he has no problem getting on a US bound plane despitre no luggage, one way ticket and cash pourchased AT THE AIRPORT.

Good job Napolitano.....good job.

Yep but we have credit cards that the banks can know if a buying pattern is out of sync. That the government can't do the same is just either incompetence or indifference to the safety of US citizens.
LMAO......I need proof that the spokesperson for the POTUS is respoonsiblke for being the spokesperson for the POTUS?

DO yourself a favor little boy....watych a press conference. Every press secretary says the same thing whenm it is NOT the words of the President....'I did not discuss it with the President so I will have to get bvack to you after I get his answer'

When Gibbs was asked about the bowing incident he did not say this. Instead he said that the President did not bow, he was tall and needed to bend over to shake his hand

This was not his opinion as he would have said so. He stated as fact that the President did not bow.

If, in fact, these were NOT the words of the POTUS, Gibbs would have been firerd on the spot.

Know politics before you try so hard to divert from the top[ics.

It makes you look naive.

or maybe you ARE naive...and sometimes you say some things that make you look knowledgable

NO you claimed that obama put him up to it so prove it. It's simple really. You made the claim, so put up or shut up.

Either way you still LIED when you falsely quoted obama claiming he made the statement that YOU made up. LOL

Oh and to clear this up for you MORONS

Here is the exact quote from gibb's own mouth and he was offering his OWN OPINION.

The White House briefing room grew a bit chilly on Thursday after CNN reporter Dan Lothian asked press secretary Robert Gibbs to explain the current cause célèbre of the conservative movement: whether President Obama bowed down to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

LOTHIAN: When the President met with King Abdullah, there was something that took place which I believe the White House explained was just the president being taller than the king. We took a look at the video, and it does appear that the president actually bowed to King Abdullah. Did he bow or didn't he?

GIBBS: No, I think he bent over with both, to shake -- with both hands to shake his hand, so I don't--

LOTHIAN: -- one hand --

GIBBS: Well I... [laughter]

LOTHIAN: Did he bow or didn't he?

GIBBS: No. But I think this meeting was like a week ago, right?

So what was that LOSER?? Gibbs was asked a question and offered his OPINION. Got any more dishonest spin to offer or are you through being a total and complete dishonest hack?? LOL

On that note it is time for me to go. It's quitting time. But don't worry, I will be back to continue this if you have any more spin to offer. LOL
And you're still prattling on.


Oh the humanity for those driven bonkers with boredom.

Republicans aiding and abetting terrorists

That's a terrible thing to say. Their message is vastly different:

Republicans - We want Obama to FAIL.

Bin Laden - I want Obama to FAIL.

al Queda - We want Obama to FAIL.

Ok, ok, nevermind.
Unless the TSA director was going to institute a policy of screening every young male Muslim I don't see this as anything other than another Republican hating thread
NO you claimed that obama put him up to it so prove it. It's simple really. You made the claim, so put up or shut up.

Either way you still LIED when you falsely quoted obama claiming he made the statement that YOU made up. LOL

Oh and to clear this up for you MORONS

Here is the exact quote from gibb's own mouth and he was offering his OWN OPINION.

So what was that LOSER?? Gibbs was asked a question and offered his OPINION. Got any more dishonest spin to offer or are you through being a total and complete dishonest hack?? LOL

On that note it is time for me to go. It's quitting time. But don't worry, I will be back to continue this if you have any more spin to offer. LOL
And you're still prattling on.


Oh the humanity for those driven bonkers with boredom.

Republicans aiding and abetting terrorists

That's a terrible thing to say. Their message is vastly different:

Republicans - We want Obama to FAIL.

Bin Laden - I want Obama to FAIL.

al Queda - We want Obama to FAIL.

Ok, ok, nevermind.
Republicans: 2+2=4
Bin Laden: 2+2=4
Al qaeda: 2+2=4

And that's only half of what is wrong with your post.

Now, what was your point?
Librul hypocrisy at its finest.

Number of articles on Gorelick's Wall: 0

Number of Articles on Jim DeMint: maybe a billion
I guess there is only one person in America qualified to be the director of the TSA.
But hey, we have a 5 star healthcare plan, we will get a cap and trade bill passed, and the illegals will have time for national security right now.
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I guess there is only one person in America qualified to be the director of the TSA.
But hey, we have a 5 star healthcare plan, we will get a cap and trade bill passed, and the illegals will have time for national security right now.

I guess there is only one person in America qualified to be the director of the TSA.

he was convicted of tax evasion. and don't say national security to libtards. it confuses them :eusa_shhh:
So, let me get this straight...

Congressional republicans are obstructing... again... and blocking the appointee for the TSA post.

But it's Obama's fault?

Let me ask you all this: is there ANYTHING that isn't Obama's fault in your minds?
So, let me get this straight...

Congressional republicans are obstructing... again... and blocking the appointee for the TSA post.

But it's Obama's fault?

Let me ask you all this: is there ANYTHING that isn't Obama's fault in your minds?

how many votes does it take? I don't think the republicans can block anything.
Let me know if I'm wrong
Democrats have all the votes they need.

Why are they whining this time?


Because the lobbyists have paid off a dozen or so "blue dogs" and those blue dogs are starting to act exactly like Republicans.

So now Republicans are crying when we have to bribe those blue dogs to get their votes.

You can't have it both ways. All you righties should vote for Democrats in 2010 if they can't get anything done, because thats exactly what you want, right? Correct???
Democrats have all the votes they need.

Why are they whining this time?


Because the lobbyists have paid off a dozen or so "blue dogs" and those blue dogs are starting to act exactly like Republicans.

So now Republicans are crying when we have to bribe those blue dogs to get their votes.

You can't have it both ways. All you righties should vote for Democrats in 2010 if they can't get anything done, because thats exactly what you want, right? Correct???
lobbyists are doing payola for the TSA position? Really?
Well, shiver me timbers.....
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So you talk about honesty and not making security a partisan issue as you present an argument that doesn't even apply (dishonesty) so you can try to shift the blame to democrats (trying to make security a partisan issue). LOL

Way to contradict yourself there pilgrim. HAHA

So does your bias, dishonesty and pasrtisanship make you a hack? According to your own standard, It seems as though it does. LOL

And another partisan minded moron chimes in :eusa_whistle:

Yeah as if my language didn't squarely include republicans....or as if i tried to rebuke his claim in the OP. Fucking moron.

LOL coming from a self contradicting partisan hack such as yourself, your baseless attack means very little.

Oh and you had to dishonestly create a fictional justification in a lame and desperate attempt to try and shift the blame to the democrats. That exposes you as nothing but a partisan hack.

Your minor concession at the end that "both parties are fucking our security royally" is only meant to put up a facade that you are blaming both parties and yet your posts only specifically target democrats as you only vaguely mention the other "party" which shows otherwise. Where is your specificty concerning the republicans? Do you have any or are you truly as onesided as I believe you to be?

Either way none of your spin will change the FACT that you just tried to create a justification to shift the blame to the democrats which shows you to be both dishonest and partisan.


You gotta love this guy's lack of comprehension.

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