Republicans AND Democrats Describe Biden’s Cognitive Decline in Shocking New Story: ‘Not the Same Person’


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
There is the truth and there are those who will do their best to cover it up and or deny it...we know who this 'they' cannot be denied....the democrats are guilty of endangering our National Security just to begin with....and there is nothing more important --yet the democrats to maintain their power are willing to endanger America purely for political reasons.

Not to mention all the biden psycophants who try and absolve or prop up this fool in order to continue to keep their jobs and the perks they can people like this live with themselves?
There is the truth and there are those who will do their best to cover it up and or deny it...we know who this 'they' cannot be denied....the democrats are guilty of endangering our National Security just to begin with....and there is nothing more important --yet the democrats to maintain their power are willing to endanger America purely for political reasons.

Not to mention all the biden psycophants who try and absolve or prop up this fool in order to continue to keep their jobs and the perks they can people like this live with themselves?
While all the Democrats and their lackeys play "Hey look at Trump!", the leader of the Regime is in obvious mental and physical decline. Biden should be evaluated by an INDEPENDENT medical team, not some flunky who will rubber stamp his exam with flying colors.
Gateway Pundit?

What gives, I was assured by the leftists that they went out of business. ;)
There is the truth and there are those who will do their best to cover it up and or deny it...we know who this 'they' cannot be denied....the democrats are guilty of endangering our National Security just to begin with....and there is nothing more important --yet the democrats to maintain their power are willing to endanger America purely for political reasons.

Not to mention all the biden psycophants who try and absolve or prop up this fool in order to continue to keep their jobs and the perks they can people like this live with themselves?
Anyone with an open mind can see it. I suspect that if Biden wins the election, he will step down in the near future and our president will be Kamala Harris. If that doesn't scare people into voting for Trump, I don't know what will.
Biden is impaired
Covid came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology
Masks and social distancing are stupid
Quarantine rules are stupid and cause harm
The jab doesn't work and is dangerous

Many have known these things for years.
Evidently the WSJ and a bunch of other outlets ran with it and the leftists on MS-LSD's Morning Schmoe are incensed. They had something like eight leftists on trying to defend the indefensible.

I love trying to see them defend FJB's obvious decline. It was a laugh riot. Trouble is the joke is on the American taxpayer because it's not FJB or Cumswalla Harris running the country into the ground.
Lefties think if they ignore this thread, it does not exist.

American lefties are the only people on earth who refuse to admit Biden is senile.
President Joe Biden has raised concerns about his age after appearing to make confused statements during an interview with Time magazine, which one conservative-leaning publication said was "full of slip-ups and gaffes."

During the interview, Biden appeared to confuse Russian President Vladimir Putin with Chinese President Xi Jinping. He said Africa's population would hit 1 billion "in the next several years," though it is already more than 1.4 billion. And in three instances, he made remarks that Time described as "unintelligible" in the interview transcript.

The apparent gaffes come amid evidence of ongoing public concern about the 81-year-old's age and his fitness to serve in the White House for another four years. A recent Siena College poll for The New York Times found that 61 percent of those who voted for Biden in 2020 now believed he was "just too old" to be an effective leader, with 73 percent of voters at large holding this view.

This is Newsweek, hardly a right-wing news source. I never thought he was fit to serve in the first place, back in 2020, and even less so right now. And it begs the question in my mind, is the Democratic Party so bereft of presidential leadership people that Joe Biden is the best they can do?

Some might say the same thing about Trump, but whatever one might think of his character does not mean he is senile and mentally unfit like Biden is. And that does not excuse what the democrats are doing with Biden, the man should have been in retirement when the Obama administration ended. Is this the best the democrats have to offer us?
Oh boy, another "my candidate is less demented than yours" thread.

These are my favorites.
President Joe Biden has raised concerns about his age after appearing to make confused statements during an interview with Time magazine, which one conservative-leaning publication said was "full of slip-ups and gaffes."

During the interview, Biden appeared to confuse Russian President Vladimir Putin with Chinese President Xi Jinping. He said Africa's population would hit 1 billion "in the next several years," though it is already more than 1.4 billion. And in three instances, he made remarks that Time described as "unintelligible" in the interview transcript.

The apparent gaffes come amid evidence of ongoing public concern about the 81-year-old's age and his fitness to serve in the White House for another four years. A recent Siena College poll for The New York Times found that 61 percent of those who voted for Biden in 2020 now believed he was "just too old" to be an effective leader, with 73 percent of voters at large holding this view.

This is Newsweek, hardly a right-wing news source. I never thought he was fit to serve in the first place, back in 2020, and even less so right now. And it begs the question in my mind, is the Democratic Party so bereft of presidential leadership people that Joe Biden is the best they can do?

Some might say the same thing about Trump, but whatever one might think of his character does not mean he is senile and mentally unfit like Biden is. And that does not excuse what the democrats are doing with Biden, the man should have been in retirement when the Obama administration ended. Is this the best the democrats have to offer us?
Biden costantly smiles...........biden's greatest gift as a politician...the ability to smile at or about anything...a smile goes a long way in the world of politics.


“Never trust people who smile constantly. They're either selling something or not very bright.” .....Laurell K. Hamilton
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Hardy har. Another deflective hit piece from the Murdoc Lie Machine. Who cares about the convicted felon we support, just look at what they say about Biden now!
Your candidate has been found unfit to stand trial because he's a demented old fool, nuff said.


Do you have a link to Chase Oliver being found unfit to stand trial because he's a demented old fool?

I will be happy to wait while you look for it

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