Republicans and Math


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
From the party that gave us Obama's $200 million a day trip to India

GOP chairman bungles ObamaCare math

"If that's true, and if I accept the figures that the gentlewoman, the ranking member of the committee, said of the number of people who are on ObamaCare, Affordable Care Act, about 12 [million]. If you just do simple multiplication, 12 million into $108 billion, we're talking literally every single recipient would be costing this government more than $5 million per person for their insurance. It's staggering," Sessions said.
"If it really is true that everybody that is on this Affordable Care Act, that the true cost, cost to the taxpayer, is over $5 million for each person, then shame on us. For not knowing, asking, and understanding," Sessions added.
However, $108 billion divided by 12 million is only $9,000. Sessions was not reading from notes as he spoke on the floor.
yep can you?

Maybe you could help Session out then? Will you do that for him and the party? It really looks bad when a leader of the party does stupid shit like that. Makes people think Republican congresspeople are stupid.

But in Sessions case, why let people think it when he can prove it. Right? Hep a brother out now will ya?
From the party that gave us Obama's $200 million a day trip to India

GOP chairman bungles ObamaCare math

"If that's true, and if I accept the figures that the gentlewoman, the ranking member of the committee, said of the number of people who are on ObamaCare, Affordable Care Act, about 12 [million]. If you just do simple multiplication, 12 million into $108 billion, we're talking literally every single recipient would be costing this government more than $5 million per person for their insurance. It's staggering," Sessions said.
"If it really is true that everybody that is on this Affordable Care Act, that the true cost, cost to the taxpayer, is over $5 million for each person, then shame on us. For not knowing, asking, and understanding," Sessions added.
However, $108 billion divided by 12 million is only $9,000. Sessions was not reading from notes as he spoke on the floor.
We know enough math to rate your leader a zero.
From the party that gave us Obama's $200 million a day trip to India

GOP chairman bungles ObamaCare math

"If that's true, and if I accept the figures that the gentlewoman, the ranking member of the committee, said of the number of people who are on ObamaCare, Affordable Care Act, about 12 [million]. If you just do simple multiplication, 12 million into $108 billion, we're talking literally every single recipient would be costing this government more than $5 million per person for their insurance. It's staggering," Sessions said.
"If it really is true that everybody that is on this Affordable Care Act, that the true cost, cost to the taxpayer, is over $5 million for each person, then shame on us. For not knowing, asking, and understanding," Sessions added.
However, $108 billion divided by 12 million is only $9,000. Sessions was not reading from notes as he spoke on the floor.
We know enough math to rate your leader a zero.

Imagine that

And when Republicans asked America.....Wouldn't you rather have a Republican than that ZERO?

America replied ....Hell NO!
From the party that gave us Obama's $200 million a day trip to India

GOP chairman bungles ObamaCare math

"If that's true, and if I accept the figures that the gentlewoman, the ranking member of the committee, said of the number of people who are on ObamaCare, Affordable Care Act, about 12 [million]. If you just do simple multiplication, 12 million into $108 billion, we're talking literally every single recipient would be costing this government more than $5 million per person for their insurance. It's staggering," Sessions said.
"If it really is true that everybody that is on this Affordable Care Act, that the true cost, cost to the taxpayer, is over $5 million for each person, then shame on us. For not knowing, asking, and understanding," Sessions added.
However, $108 billion divided by 12 million is only $9,000. Sessions was not reading from notes as he spoke on the floor.
We know enough math to rate your leader a zero.

Imagine that

And when Republicans asked America.....Wouldn't you rather have a Republican than that ZERO?

America replied ....Hell NO!
You're proud of having the majority of morons in America?
From the party that gave us Obama's $200 million a day trip to India

GOP chairman bungles ObamaCare math

"If that's true, and if I accept the figures that the gentlewoman, the ranking member of the committee, said of the number of people who are on ObamaCare, Affordable Care Act, about 12 [million]. If you just do simple multiplication, 12 million into $108 billion, we're talking literally every single recipient would be costing this government more than $5 million per person for their insurance. It's staggering," Sessions said.
"If it really is true that everybody that is on this Affordable Care Act, that the true cost, cost to the taxpayer, is over $5 million for each person, then shame on us. For not knowing, asking, and understanding," Sessions added.
However, $108 billion divided by 12 million is only $9,000. Sessions was not reading from notes as he spoke on the floor.

Good one! As always, a great post from an intelligent member who posts a link to a verified source, instead of the righties on here who resort to drive-by cheap shots!

From the rest of the article:

"""Politifact recently debunked a claim from Fox News host and analyst Stuart Varney that ObamaCare will cost $50,000 per enrollee. Experts told Politifact that estimating the cost per person cannot be derived simply by dividing the overall cost from an average number of newly insured people.
Slaughter immediately dismissed the $5 million claim.
"Nobody ever paid $5 million for anybody's health care in a single year. It's the most atrocious thing I think I've heard on this floor," Slaughter said.
The New York Democrat mocked the mathematical error as House Republicans began debate on their budget for the next fiscal year.
"Mr. and Ms. America, these are the people you've entrusted your Congress to. They're the people who are writing your budget," Slaughter said. """
yep can you?

Maybe you could help Session out then? Will you do that for him and the party? It really looks bad when a leader of the party does stupid shit like that. Makes people think Republican congresspeople are stupid.

But in Sessions case, why let people think it when he can prove it. Right? Hep a brother out now will ya?

Almost as stupid as say there are 57 states. Not quite but close.
There will be more.

Wait until the Repub candidates start selling their flat tax or consumption tax schemes. Then you'll see some real convoluted math.

The only way those plans can be sold is to lie about them. And they can do that with a straight face.
Almost as stupid as say there are 57 states. Not quite but close.

To bad for you that you were born without a sense of humor for yourself and without the ability to detect when others are trying to be funny. Like when the Pres tried to make a joke about the number of states he was visiting.

Ah well, what more could I expect from you.

You think Sessions was trying to make a joke? Or is Sessions just a big ole joke on us by Republicans?
There will be more.

Wait until the Repub candidates start selling their flat tax or consumption tax schemes. Then you'll see some real convoluted math.

The only way those plans can be sold is to lie about them. And they can do that with a straight face.
They had a good example in Obabblecare.
From the party that gave us Obama's $200 million a day trip to India

GOP chairman bungles ObamaCare math

"If that's true, and if I accept the figures that the gentlewoman, the ranking member of the committee, said of the number of people who are on ObamaCare, Affordable Care Act, about 12 [million]. If you just do simple multiplication, 12 million into $108 billion, we're talking literally every single recipient would be costing this government more than $5 million per person for their insurance. It's staggering," Sessions said.
"If it really is true that everybody that is on this Affordable Care Act, that the true cost, cost to the taxpayer, is over $5 million for each person, then shame on us. For not knowing, asking, and understanding," Sessions added.
However, $108 billion divided by 12 million is only $9,000. Sessions was not reading from notes as he spoke on the floor.
We know enough math to rate your leader a zero.

Imagine that

And when Republicans asked America.....Wouldn't you rather have a Republican than that ZERO?

America replied ....Hell NO!
LOL guess the fact that Dems lost the house and senate...............................
There will be more.

Wait until the Repub candidates start selling their flat tax or consumption tax schemes. Then you'll see some real convoluted math.

The only way those plans can be sold is to lie about them. And they can do that with a straight face.

This is funny coming from the party of liars and the Liar In Chief himself.

During his first campaign for the presidency in 2008, Obama vowed that in his first year in office he would close the prison holding terror suspects on the U.S. military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Five years later, Obama is still vowing to close the prison.

“The sequester is not something that I’ve proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed,” Obama said as across-the-board budget cuts loomed in early 2013.

But Obama did, in fact, propose the idea. He didn’t actually intend for it to happen, of course. He expected both Republicans and Democrats in Congress to find it so distasteful they’d be forced to make a deal. When it became obvious that Republicans were willing to let the chips fall where they may, Obama suddenly “forgot” the whole idea came out of his own administration.

In his 2012 State of the Union Address, Obama claimed American oil production was at its highest in eight years. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office disputes this, saying oil production on federal lands actually dropped 14 percent in 2011.

In May 2011 Obama said the border fence between the U.S. and Mexico was “practically complete.” According to the Department of Homeland Security, it was 5 percent complete.

The president’s signature health care is rife with disappointment. But its critics have said from the beginning that the promises weren’t true. Let’s look at the two biggies:

You’ll get to keep your doctor and current health plan. Not so much. Current health plans are grandfathered in, but only 2 percent of those comply with the law. If you change jobs or if your plan changes in any way, your “current plan” is out the window.

You’ll pay lower premiums. Wrong again. Though Obama promised, “This legislation will also lower costs for families and businesses,” premiums already were rising even before the plan was fully implemented. And businesses have started cutting workers to part-time so they don’t have to give them benefits.
Some Liberals are good at Math, yet they can't put 2 and 2 together. Hence Global Warming scams and ObamaCare.

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