Republicans and their tired conspiracy theories


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2023
Caveat, complex subject, requiring thought, rationality, and nuance, the kind of subject no one with a short attention span who are incapable of digesting more than 25 words in a sitting, should bother with. If that be you, GO AWAY. Snarky one liners, rude replies, lazy retorts, those who are not serious, please ignore this OP. I am hear to debate stuff, and if you disagree, fine, let's debate it, but serious replies only, thank you.

I swear, I don't know how many hours of my life I have wasted attempting to disabuse the right of their incredibly
stupid conspiracy theories which arise from their 'hate-the-left' mentality. It's nauseating.

Every time Republicans make a conspiracy theory claim it is debunked.

Claim: Hillary, as Secy of State, sold 20% of AMerica's uranium to Russia.

True? Nope, due to simplistic minds, it's telling they would make such a claim, but, no it's been debunked many times.

Claim, Joe Biden is a tax cheat given that he received $49k per month from Hunter Biden for rent and didn't report it to the IRS:

True? Nope, debunked, the claim stems from a misreading of an email having to do with a security deposit being returned to Hunter on office space which had nothing to do with Joe, thus no 'tax cheat'. What, you think Joe would publish his taxes (which he has done, unlike Trump) with such a glaring cheat as not reporting $50k income? Y'all need to think things through more.

Claim, '2000 mules' film's conspiracy theories

True? Nope, every claim in the film has been thoroughly debunked, and here, too.

Claim: Joe Biden, when he was VP, blackmailed Ukraine

True?: Nope, debunked every which way, Joe was merely forwarding foreign policy in the region with the backing of the US Senate/Congress, The State Dept, and the IMF. Apparently Republicans do not understand that blackmail requires a personal gain of some kind, and the beneficiary here was the UNITED STATES.

Claim: The 2020 election was 'rigged'.

True? Not in the slightest, Trump made this claim a year before the first ballot was cast, and thus primed the pump for when the vote happened, he exploited the usual irregularities that all elections incur, as a 'See, I told you so" and his flock (including you who believe it) lapped it up. Every claim and conspiracy theories thus far offered has been debunked, not to mention the fact that it's not even logical on it's face. Trump is alleging INTERNAL fraud, i.e., ballot tampering, dead people voting, machines switching ballots, ballot stuffing, and on and on. The logistical nightmare required for one party to tamper with the national internal voting apparatus, by it's extremely decentralized design, requiring hiring of operatives and installed in place in at least a dozen key states, months in advance, keeping everyone under the radar, think about it, it is well nigh impossible task, which precludes any possibility of a party rigging the election internally. To accomplish it, it would require months of advance planning, the recruitment of both republicans and democrats (because each election district has both working there, many volunteering ) to cooperate in a vast conspiracy to rig the election for a DEMOCRAT. And, to do that, we would expect that they would be able to do it clandestinely, that the observers,both right and left, would be part of the conspiracy, and no one would leak, all with the threat of being caught and being sent to prison. And what is their gain? Not money. Why would anyone participate in an impossible scheme where they would surely get caught? That the beauty of the AMerican system, it's so big, each state with different systems, no one knows for sure ahead of time which of the few states will wind up being the swing states ( out of a dozen or more potential swing states, which is why they will need operatives in all of them, they don't know which ones in advance will be the actual swing states), it is absurd,

Moreover, a vast conspiracy with NO 'whistleblowers". Highly doubtable.


Not to mention that of the 60+ lawsuits challenging the election, all but one were lost, and yes, a number of them did, in fact, present 'evidence' which the judges ruled as incompetent (a fancy word meaning what they thought was evidence was actually not). One would think that if there was real evidence, it would have been submitted to the courts long before January 6. Either the attorney's are incompetent, or there is no evidence (probably both are true).

Trump's allegation is therefore, Completely, utterly, totally, inescapably ABSURD.

The point is, any claim about election rigging and whatever the nonsense de jour is coming from far right must be held as suspect, especially from the right on this forum who incessantly rely on questionable sources, such as 'The GatewayPundit' or 'justthenews' or 'redstate', blah blah blah, stories which none of the more legit right leaning sources will touch, such as the WSJ, or the Christian Science Monitor, or The Hill, or the Bulwark, etc.
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I swear, I don't know how many hours of my life I have wasted attempting to disabuse the right of their incredibly
stupid conspiracy theories which arise from their 'hate-the-left' mentality. It's nauseating.

Every time Republicans make a conspiracy theory claim it is debunked.

Claim: Hillary, as Secy of State, sold 20% of AMerica's uranium to Russia.

True? Nope, due to simplistic minds, it's telling they would make such a claim, but, no it's been debunked many times.

Claim, Joe Biden is a tax cheat given that he received $49k per month from Hunter Biden for rent and didn't report it to the IRS:

True? Nope, debunked, the claim stems from a misreading of an email having to do with a security deposit being returned to Hunter on office space which had nothing to do with Joe, thus no 'tax cheat'. What, you think Joe would publish his taxes (which he has done, unlike Trump) with such a glaring cheat as not reporting $50k income? Y'all need to think things through more.

Claim, '2000 mules' film's conspiracy theories

True? Nope, every claim in the film has been thoroughly debunked, and here, too.

Claim: Joe Biden, when he was VP, blackmailed Ukraine

True?: Nope, debunked every which way, Joe was merely forwarding foreign policy in the region with the backing of the US Senate/Congress, The State Dept, and the IMF. Apparently Republicans do not understand that blackmail requires a personal gain of some kind, and the beneficiary here was the UNITED STATES.

Claim: The 2020 election was 'rigged'.

True? Not in the slightest, Trump made this claim a year before the first ballot was cast, and thus primed the pump for when the vote happened, he exploited the usual irregularities that all elections incur, as a 'See, I told you so" and his flock (including you who believe it) lapped it up. Every claim and conspiracy theories thus far offered has been debunked, not to mention the fact that it's not even logical on it's face. Trump is alleging INTERNAL fraud, i.e., ballot tampering, dead people voting, machines switching ballots, ballot stuffing, and on and on. The logistical nightmare required for one party to tamper with the national internal voting apparatus, by it's extremely decentralized design, requiring hiring of operatives and installed in place in at least a dozen key states, months in advance, keeping everyone under the radar, think about it, it is well nigh impossible task, which precludes any possibility of a party rigging the election internally. To accomplish it, it would require months of advance planning, the recruitment of both republicans and democrats (because each election district has both working there, many volunteering ) to cooperate in a vast conspiracy to rig the election for a DEMOCRAT. And, to do that, we would expect that they would be able to do it clandestinely, that the observers,both right and left, would be part of the conspiracy, and no one would leak, all with the threat of being caught and being sent to prison. And what is their gain? Not money. Why would anyone participate in an impossible scheme where they would surely get caught? That the beauty of the AMerican system, it's so big, each state with different systems, no one knows for sure ahead of time which of the few states will wind up being the swing states ( out of a dozen or more potential swing states, which is why they will need operatives in all of them, they don't know which ones in advance will be the actual swing states), it is absurd,

Moreover, a vast conspiracy with NO 'whistleblowers". Highly doubtable.


Not to mention that of the 60+ lawsuits challenging the election, all but one were lost, and yes, a number of them did, in fact, present 'evidence' which the judges ruled as incompetent (a fancy word meaning what they thought was evidence was actually not). One would think that if there was real evidence, it would have been submitted to the courts long before January 6. Either the attorney's are incompetent, or there is no evidence (probably both are true).

Trump's allegation is therefore, Completely, utterly, totally, inescapably ABSURD.

The point is, any claim about election rigging and whatever the nonsense de jour is coming from far right must be held as suspect, especially from the right on this forum who incessantly rely on questionable sources, such as 'The GatewayPundit' or 'justthenews' or 'redstate', blah blah blah, stories which none of the more legit right leaning sources will touch, such as the WSJ, or the Christian Science Monitor, or The Hill, or the Bulwark, etc.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ One of rightwinger's "Creative Writing" students.

Go out and win awards!


Thanks for your very informative and logorrheic post.

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Durham investigated for four years and got 400 hours of community service for all of his work.
A guy goes to his doctor and say, "Doc, it hurts when I wave my arms up and down".

The doctor says, "Stop waving your arms up and down".

That's the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time.

PS, let me know if you don't know why it's stupid. I'd be happy to explain it to you.
I swear, I don't know how many hours of my life I have wasted attempting to disabuse the right of their incredibly
stupid conspiracy theories which arise from their 'hate-the-left' mentality. It's nauseating.

Every time Republicans make a conspiracy theory claim it is debunked.

Claim: Hillary, as Secy of State, sold 20% of AMerica's uranium to Russia.

True? Nope, due to simplistic minds, it's telling they would make such a claim, but, no it's been debunked many times.

Claim, Joe Biden is a tax cheat given that he received $49k per month from Hunter Biden for rent and didn't report it to the IRS:

True? Nope, debunked, the claim stems from a misreading of an email having to do with a security deposit being returned to Hunter on office space which had nothing to do with Joe, thus no 'tax cheat'. What, you think Joe would publish his taxes (which he has done, unlike Trump) with such a glaring cheat as not reporting $50k income? Y'all need to think things through more.

Claim, '2000 mules' film's conspiracy theories

True? Nope, every claim in the film has been thoroughly debunked, and here, too.

Claim: Joe Biden, when he was VP, blackmailed Ukraine

True?: Nope, debunked every which way, Joe was merely forwarding foreign policy in the region with the backing of the US Senate/Congress, The State Dept, and the IMF. Apparently Republicans do not understand that blackmail requires a personal gain of some kind, and the beneficiary here was the UNITED STATES.

Claim: The 2020 election was 'rigged'.

True? Not in the slightest, Trump made this claim a year before the first ballot was cast, and thus primed the pump for when the vote happened, he exploited the usual irregularities that all elections incur, as a 'See, I told you so" and his flock (including you who believe it) lapped it up. Every claim and conspiracy theories thus far offered has been debunked, not to mention the fact that it's not even logical on it's face. Trump is alleging INTERNAL fraud, i.e., ballot tampering, dead people voting, machines switching ballots, ballot stuffing, and on and on. The logistical nightmare required for one party to tamper with the national internal voting apparatus, by it's extremely decentralized design, requiring hiring of operatives and installed in place in at least a dozen key states, months in advance, keeping everyone under the radar, think about it, it is well nigh impossible task, which precludes any possibility of a party rigging the election internally. To accomplish it, it would require months of advance planning, the recruitment of both republicans and democrats (because each election district has both working there, many volunteering ) to cooperate in a vast conspiracy to rig the election for a DEMOCRAT. And, to do that, we would expect that they would be able to do it clandestinely, that the observers,both right and left, would be part of the conspiracy, and no one would leak, all with the threat of being caught and being sent to prison. And what is their gain? Not money. Why would anyone participate in an impossible scheme where they would surely get caught? That the beauty of the AMerican system, it's so big, each state with different systems, no one knows for sure ahead of time which of the few states will wind up being the swing states ( out of a dozen or more potential swing states, which is why they will need operatives in all of them, they don't know which ones in advance will be the actual swing states), it is absurd,

Moreover, a vast conspiracy with NO 'whistleblowers". Highly doubtable.


Not to mention that of the 60+ lawsuits challenging the election, all but one were lost, and yes, a number of them did, in fact, present 'evidence' which the judges ruled as incompetent (a fancy word meaning what they thought was evidence was actually not). One would think that if there was real evidence, it would have been submitted to the courts long before January 6. Either the attorney's are incompetent, or there is no evidence (probably both are true).

Trump's allegation is therefore, Completely, utterly, totally, inescapably ABSURD.

The point is, any claim about election rigging and whatever the nonsense de jour is coming from far right must be held as suspect, especially from the right on this forum who incessantly rely on questionable sources, such as 'The GatewayPundit' or 'justthenews' or 'redstate', blah blah blah, stories which none of the more legit right leaning sources will touch, such as the WSJ, or the Christian Science Monitor, or The Hill, or the Bulwark, etc.
DumpHole keeps using that word “debunked,” even though he clearly doesn’t understand what it means.
Biden and the corrupt Democratic Party, from Hillary Clinton to Biden

The truth is not going away, everyone in the entire world knows that corruption is the Democratic party.

The United Arab Emirates stated they can not stand with the USA when the USA does nothing when ships are hijacked by Iran.

China is obviously paying off Biden to turn our back on allies in the Middle East.
I swear, I don't know how many hours of my life I have wasted attempting to disabuse the right of their incredibly
stupid conspiracy theories which arise from their 'hate-the-left' mentality. It's nauseating.

Every time Republicans make a conspiracy theory claim it is debunked.

Claim: Hillary, as Secy of State, sold 20% of AMerica's uranium to Russia.

True? Nope, due to simplistic minds, it's telling they would make such a claim, but, no it's been debunked many times.

Claim, Joe Biden is a tax cheat given that he received $49k per month from Hunter Biden for rent and didn't report it to the IRS:

True? Nope, debunked, the claim stems from a misreading of an email having to do with a security deposit being returned to Hunter on office space which had nothing to do with Joe, thus no 'tax cheat'. What, you think Joe would publish his taxes (which he has done, unlike Trump) with such a glaring cheat as not reporting $50k income? Y'all need to think things through more.

Claim, '2000 mules' film's conspiracy theories

True? Nope, every claim in the film has been thoroughly debunked, and here, too.

Claim: Joe Biden, when he was VP, blackmailed Ukraine

True?: Nope, debunked every which way, Joe was merely forwarding foreign policy in the region with the backing of the US Senate/Congress, The State Dept, and the IMF. Apparently Republicans do not understand that blackmail requires a personal gain of some kind, and the beneficiary here was the UNITED STATES.

Claim: The 2020 election was 'rigged'.

True? Not in the slightest, Trump made this claim a year before the first ballot was cast, and thus primed the pump for when the vote happened, he exploited the usual irregularities that all elections incur, as a 'See, I told you so" and his flock (including you who believe it) lapped it up. Every claim and conspiracy theories thus far offered has been debunked, not to mention the fact that it's not even logical on it's face. Trump is alleging INTERNAL fraud, i.e., ballot tampering, dead people voting, machines switching ballots, ballot stuffing, and on and on. The logistical nightmare required for one party to tamper with the national internal voting apparatus, by it's extremely decentralized design, requiring hiring of operatives and installed in place in at least a dozen key states, months in advance, keeping everyone under the radar, think about it, it is well nigh impossible task, which precludes any possibility of a party rigging the election internally. To accomplish it, it would require months of advance planning, the recruitment of both republicans and democrats (because each election district has both working there, many volunteering ) to cooperate in a vast conspiracy to rig the election for a DEMOCRAT. And, to do that, we would expect that they would be able to do it clandestinely, that the observers,both right and left, would be part of the conspiracy, and no one would leak, all with the threat of being caught and being sent to prison. And what is their gain? Not money. Why would anyone participate in an impossible scheme where they would surely get caught? That the beauty of the AMerican system, it's so big, each state with different systems, no one knows for sure ahead of time which of the few states will wind up being the swing states ( out of a dozen or more potential swing states, which is why they will need operatives in all of them, they don't know which ones in advance will be the actual swing states), it is absurd,

Moreover, a vast conspiracy with NO 'whistleblowers". Highly doubtable.


Not to mention that of the 60+ lawsuits challenging the election, all but one were lost, and yes, a number of them did, in fact, present 'evidence' which the judges ruled as incompetent (a fancy word meaning what they thought was evidence was actually not). One would think that if there was real evidence, it would have been submitted to the courts long before January 6. Either the attorney's are incompetent, or there is no evidence (probably both are true).

Trump's allegation is therefore, Completely, utterly, totally, inescapably ABSURD.

The point is, any claim about election rigging and whatever the nonsense de jour is coming from far right must be held as suspect, especially from the right on this forum who incessantly rely on questionable sources, such as 'The GatewayPundit' or 'justthenews' or 'redstate', blah blah blah, stories which none of the more legit right leaning sources will touch, such as the WSJ, or the Christian Science Monitor, or The Hill, or the Bulwark, etc.
Unabomber alert
I swear, I don't know how many hours of my life I have wasted attempting to disabuse the right of their incredibly
stupid conspiracy theories which arise from their 'hate-the-left' mentality. It's nauseating.

Every time Republicans make a conspiracy theory claim it is debunked.

Claim: Hillary, as Secy of State, sold 20% of AMerica's uranium to Russia.

True? Nope, due to simplistic minds, it's telling they would make such a claim, but, no it's been debunked many times.

Claim, Joe Biden is a tax cheat given that he received $49k per month from Hunter Biden for rent and didn't report it to the IRS:

True? Nope, debunked, the claim stems from a misreading of an email having to do with a security deposit being returned to Hunter on office space which had nothing to do with Joe, thus no 'tax cheat'. What, you think Joe would publish his taxes (which he has done, unlike Trump) with such a glaring cheat as not reporting $50k income? Y'all need to think things through more.

Claim, '2000 mules' film's conspiracy theories

True? Nope, every claim in the film has been thoroughly debunked, and here, too.

Claim: Joe Biden, when he was VP, blackmailed Ukraine

True?: Nope, debunked every which way, Joe was merely forwarding foreign policy in the region with the backing of the US Senate/Congress, The State Dept, and the IMF. Apparently Republicans do not understand that blackmail requires a personal gain of some kind, and the beneficiary here was the UNITED STATES.

Claim: The 2020 election was 'rigged'.

True? Not in the slightest, Trump made this claim a year before the first ballot was cast, and thus primed the pump for when the vote happened, he exploited the usual irregularities that all elections incur, as a 'See, I told you so" and his flock (including you who believe it) lapped it up. Every claim and conspiracy theories thus far offered has been debunked, not to mention the fact that it's not even logical on it's face. Trump is alleging INTERNAL fraud, i.e., ballot tampering, dead people voting, machines switching ballots, ballot stuffing, and on and on. The logistical nightmare required for one party to tamper with the national internal voting apparatus, by it's extremely decentralized design, requiring hiring of operatives and installed in place in at least a dozen key states, months in advance, keeping everyone under the radar, think about it, it is well nigh impossible task, which precludes any possibility of a party rigging the election internally. To accomplish it, it would require months of advance planning, the recruitment of both republicans and democrats (because each election district has both working there, many volunteering ) to cooperate in a vast conspiracy to rig the election for a DEMOCRAT. And, to do that, we would expect that they would be able to do it clandestinely, that the observers,both right and left, would be part of the conspiracy, and no one would leak, all with the threat of being caught and being sent to prison. And what is their gain? Not money. Why would anyone participate in an impossible scheme where they would surely get caught? That the beauty of the AMerican system, it's so big, each state with different systems, no one knows for sure ahead of time which of the few states will wind up being the swing states ( out of a dozen or more potential swing states, which is why they will need operatives in all of them, they don't know which ones in advance will be the actual swing states), it is absurd,

Moreover, a vast conspiracy with NO 'whistleblowers". Highly doubtable.


Not to mention that of the 60+ lawsuits challenging the election, all but one were lost, and yes, a number of them did, in fact, present 'evidence' which the judges ruled as incompetent (a fancy word meaning what they thought was evidence was actually not). One would think that if there was real evidence, it would have been submitted to the courts long before January 6. Either the attorney's are incompetent, or there is no evidence (probably both are true).

Trump's allegation is therefore, Completely, utterly, totally, inescapably ABSURD.

The point is, any claim about election rigging and whatever the nonsense de jour is coming from far right must be held as suspect, especially from the right on this forum who incessantly rely on questionable sources, such as 'The GatewayPundit' or 'justthenews' or 'redstate', blah blah blah, stories which none of the more legit right leaning sources will touch, such as the WSJ, or the Christian Science Monitor, or The Hill, or the Bulwark, etc.
It is imperative that one distinguish between the fact-based realm of reality where empirical evidence is essential, and the world of make-believe, hyper-partisan wish-fulfillment. Attempts to substitute the latter for the former abound, sometimes with very amusing results.

A couple of perennial favorites are the fantasists' frenzy over their "False Flag" Sayoc, and their Saga of Whispering Ray, the Man who Controls Weak Minds

Screen Shot 2022-06-21 at 5.42.26 PM.png

Perhaps, their greatest prolonged, thunderous drumroll preceding a half-hearted sparrow fart was their CyberNinja fiasco that not only affirmed the President's victory, but added to his vote total.

As solace amidst their dispiriting close encounters with reality, they can indulge their anticipation of contriving something or other to "Lock her up!" or salivate at the prospect of Trump's intrepid sleuths reporting back from Hawaii on that birth certificate caper!

Of course, Trump's chronic impotence in being able to honestly acknowledge the results of the 2020 presidential election certified by all 50 states is a magnificent attestation to the allure of their alternative universe.
yes, please explain, please, please, please

The comment was clearly a joke, not a real point, and my reply was a joke, not a real point. I just responded in kind.

Move on, please.

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