Republicans are afraid to propose spending cuts!

It worked. It didn't work as well as we would've liked, because it wasn't large enough.

We cannot deal with the deficit problem until American's are back to work.

It didn't work because it was fundementally flawed. The spending needs to be sustainable. This was a short term cash infusion which didn't create jobs. Jobs create long term sustainable spending. Government spending doesn't create jobs.They don't create jobs in the private sector because it always creates a winner and a loser so it is a net sum zero game. They also require adminstration which diverts funds. They also rarely have measureable objectives that determine if the program should stay or be closed down. It just becomes a constant drain without the proper return on funds.

Are you really REALLY sure about that?

When the Pentagon orders a new tank, doesn't someone with a job at General Dynamics need to build that tank? You know, like it is their JOB to build tanks the Pentagon (ie guv) orders. How about those ships, planes, weapons, ammo, etc.

Or do you think the Chinese are making all those items as well. If so, then our governmnet created Chinese jobs.

But jobs were still created, by the guvmint. Right?

No jobs are created by the government because the government produces nothing. The government doesn't make ships, planes and weapons, it consumes them, but when you buy a new stove, you didn't create that stove. You bought it from someone who did create that stove. Private industry creates, the government merely uses.
You're forgetting the ripple effect on the other end of the transaction. When the money is withdrawn from the private economy through taxation or government borrowing it will destroy at least 1000 jobs. Those missing jobs have a ripple outward towards other industries that provide products and services for that project. Furthermore, the government make-work jobs generally don't contribute to the material well being of consumers, whereas the jobs destroyed were contribute to the material well being of consumers.
Your so full of shit! Taxes don't destroy jobs, lack of demand does.

And any spending that puts American's back to work, contibutes to consumers.

This misguided concept of yours that "demand" creates jobs is easily debunked. There would be a HUGE demand for $10,000 Corvettes. GM could sell hundreds of thousands of them. So why don't they? Obviously, because they would lose money on doing so. It is an expectation of making a profit that prompts a car company to design a car, build the plant to manufacture it, and hire the workers to produce it. Just because people WANT something doesn't mean it will be built. It will be built if it can be sold to those people that want it AT A PROFIT!
I support rebuilding and modernizing our infrastructure. This would put a lot of people back to work.

IF it were actually used on rebuilding/modernizing infrastructure. Problem is...once the money is doled out, who the hell knows where it goes. That and you have Congress Critters sticking slabs of Pork on any stimulus bill, going to God knows what.
Yout think that just becasue I want a 10,000 Corvette, that now there is a market demand for one?

That's some pretty funny shit.

However IF we all had jobs and wanted Corvetts and could afford one, and GM could only build 1 million but had orders to sell 1.2 million. Yea "demand" caused a new job to be created at GM so they could fill the demand to sell more Corvetts than they could build.

See how that works.

And to the idea that the guvmint only creats "orders". If the govermnet needs to buy a product that is in short supply and I open a business to fill that demand ie order, the guvmint did cause a new job to be created.

You may think that General Dynamics and Raytheon and all the defense industry companies make all the jobs. Because they make "things" you need for war and defense. But most of those companies exist for defense contracts. You sure the gov doesn't creat jobs?

Either way, demand is what drives jobs growth. Is it better to have the private sector driving job growth? Sure it is.
Both parties are at fault and there needs to be mass spending cuts all across the board. Even if we were to double the tax rate on the top 25% of the earners in the US (roughly anyone who makes over $70,000 a year) the extra revenue still would not be enough to cover the $1 trillion defecit that the government PLANNED on for the 2012 budget. What I don't understand is how they could PLAN on spending $1 trillion more than we make and just not care. We are in need of a massive reform on both ends. Political parties don't really matter anymore, the spending has gotten way out of control. The only way to save us (if it isn't already too late) would be to reform the entire government back to the way it was years ago, before all of the different departments, before the "earmarks," and before every single thing done in Washington was pork barrelled...
I've got to be brutally honest with you, Koios. Nothing you have posted here would lead me to believe that you have ever run a business. As a matter of fact most of what you've posted here would make me think you've very seldom even WORKED.

You're coming across as just one more internet wannabe...

I'm sure you're right, and thus I have so much to learn from you. Let's say I sell a screwdriver for $12 that costs me $6.50. How do I book that in the GL?

Quickly now, without googling. ;) ;)

First you need to tell me if you have in fact been paid for it...or if it is money not yet received? If you received payment it would go under Cash..if it was an outstanding debt than it would go under Accounts Receivable. Was that supposed to trip me up? LOL

Nice try, guessing.

Do it either way, with one debit in either cash or a/r. Take your pick.

Now where does the other debit and two credits go? Hmmm?

And how much in each account?
I've got to be brutally honest with you, Koios. Nothing you have posted here would lead me to believe that you have ever run a business. As a matter of fact most of what you've posted here would make me think you've very seldom even WORKED.

You're coming across as just one more internet wannabe...

I'm sure you're right, and thus I have so much to learn from you. Let's say I sell a screwdriver for $12 that costs me $6.50. How do I book that in the GL?

Quickly now, without googling. ;) ;)

First you need to tell me if you have in fact been paid for it...or if it is money not yet received? If you received payment it would go under Cash..if it was an outstanding debt than it would go under Accounts Receivable. Was that supposed to trip me up? LOL

Not trying to trip you up. Just checking if you have a basic understanding of accounting, which most who've been in businesses must.

In short....

DR cash or a/r 12.00
CR sales 12.00
DR cogs 6.50
CR inventory 6.50
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All this deficit talk needs to stop for now. We are not ready to have this conversation. The deficit is not the biggest problem we need to be addressing right now. It's jobs! American's need jobs. Since the private sector won't start hiring until demand is up, then the public sector has no choice but to step in and spend this economy back to growing again. Once that occurs, demand will be up, the private sector will take over and then, only then, can the government turn their attention to deficit reduction.
This nations not so stupid that it can't work on it all..
Both parties are at fault and there needs to be mass spending cuts all across the board. Even if we were to double the tax rate on the top 25% of the earners in the US (roughly anyone who makes over $70,000 a year) the extra revenue still would not be enough to cover the $1 trillion defecit that the government PLANNED on for the 2012 budget. What I don't understand is how they could PLAN on spending $1 trillion more than we make and just not care. We are in need of a massive reform on both ends. Political parties don't really matter anymore, the spending has gotten way out of control. The only way to save us (if it isn't already too late) would be to reform the entire government back to the way it was years ago, before all of the different departments, before the "earmarks," and before every single thing done in Washington was pork barrelled...
The government has become as a mother who spoils her children, while the husband goes out and works harder and harder and harder for them all, but no matter how hard he works he cannot keep pace in such a situation, then worst of all he finds that he has lost his respect from them all in the process.

Soon as he don't deliver, then he is no good, and the manipulation of the mother in such a situation, is to convince her spoiled children that daddy has been the problem all along, and this once the house of cards finally fall's down. This is only one senario, where as their are plenty more that has shaped and molded this nation into what it is now.
With all due respect, Loinboy? Were you asleep when we did the LAST infrastructure "thing"? The one that was supposed to create all those "shovel ready jobs"? Don't you remember how that all worked out?

Obama Jokes at Jobs Council: 'Shovel-Ready Was Not as Shovel-Ready as We Expected' - Politics - Fox Nation

They say one definition of insanity is someone who keeps repeating the same action expecting a different outcome.
The point of the link you provided, was the recommendation to Obama, that they needed to "streamline the permitting process", so that these infrastructure projects could move foward into construction, not that spending money on these projects wouldn't produce the desired effect.

Nothing affects the economy faster and to a greater extent, than construction projects. It is an absolute, 100%, guaranteed fix.
With all due respect, Loinboy? Were you asleep when we did the LAST infrastructure "thing"? The one that was supposed to create all those "shovel ready jobs"? Don't you remember how that all worked out?

Obama Jokes at Jobs Council: 'Shovel-Ready Was Not as Shovel-Ready as We Expected' - Politics - Fox Nation

They say one definition of insanity is someone who keeps repeating the same action expecting a different outcome.
The point of the link you provided, was the recommendation to Obama, that they needed to "streamline the permitting process", so that these infrastructure projects could move foward into construction, not that spending money on these projects wouldn't produce the desired effect.

Nothing affects the economy faster and to a greater extent, than construction projects. It is an absolute, 100%, guaranteed fix.

The point of the link I provided was that the shovel ready infrastructure jobs didn't exist as Barry tried to make light of later. It takes a long time to get those projects up and running. If you REALLY want to affect the economy fast then give people more money to spend in their paycheck. That's's absolute and it's 100% guaranteed. You won't ever see that coming from progressives though because they want to divvy up the people's money the way THEY want to...the last thing that a progressive wants is for an American to be able to choose for themselves how they spend their money.
The point of the link I provided was that the shovel ready infrastructure jobs didn't exist as Barry tried to make light of later. It takes a long time to get those projects up and running. If you REALLY want to affect the economy fast then give people more money to spend in their paycheck. That's's absolute and it's 100% guaranteed. You won't ever see that coming from progressives though because they want to divvy up the people's money the way THEY want to...the last thing that a progressive wants is for an American to be able to choose for themselves how they spend their money.
The "shovel ready jobs didn't exist" comment was a joke, not a serious comment. If the permitting process was streamlined, they definately would exist. And they definately would put money in peoples paychecks. A lot of money in a lot of paychecks for a lot of people.
I'm sure you're right, and thus I have so much to learn from you. Let's say I sell a screwdriver for $12 that costs me $6.50. How do I book that in the GL?

Quickly now, without googling. ;) ;)

First you need to tell me if you have in fact been paid for it...or if it is money not yet received? If you received payment it would go under Cash..if it was an outstanding debt than it would go under Accounts Receivable. Was that supposed to trip me up? LOL

Not trying to trip you up. Just checking if you have a basic understanding of accounting, which most who've been in businesses must.

In short....

DR cash or a/r 12.00
CR sales 12.00
DR cogs 6.50
CR inventory 6.50

I've been in the night club business for over thirty years. In all that time I've never posted numbers in a General Ledger nor have I ever done payroll myself. That's something that you hire a bookeeper or accounting service to do for you. I understand the basics of accounting because I took Managerial Accounting way back in college but I wouldn't waste my time doing something like what you're talking about and I don't know of any other club managers who do. Sorry...just doesn't work that way.
The point of the link I provided was that the shovel ready infrastructure jobs didn't exist as Barry tried to make light of later. It takes a long time to get those projects up and running. If you REALLY want to affect the economy fast then give people more money to spend in their paycheck. That's's absolute and it's 100% guaranteed. You won't ever see that coming from progressives though because they want to divvy up the people's money the way THEY want to...the last thing that a progressive wants is for an American to be able to choose for themselves how they spend their money.
The "shovel ready jobs didn't exist" comment was a joke, not a serious comment. If the permitting process was streamlined, they definately would exist. And they definately would put money in peoples paychecks. A lot of money in a lot of paychecks for a lot of people.

If anything to do with the government was "streamlined" it would work better. The truth is...if you want it to take twice as long and cost twice as much...have the government do it instead of the private sector.

What Barry was sheepishly admitting was that the so-called "shovel ready" jobs that they touted would rapidly put people to work did not exist. The process to get governmental approval for such projects is extremely time consuming. If you go back and actually look at what happened during the Obama Stimulus you'll see that the Obama Administration panicked after about six months had gone by and practically none of the money for "infrastructure" repair had gone out. Instead of spending the bulk of that money for things like school and bridge repair...they instead ordered that it be spent on whatever could be done immediately. So the bulk of that money was spent on road resurfacing. If you were working on a resurfacing crew you were busy as a bee. If you were in any other job than you were SOL.
The point of the link I provided was that the shovel ready infrastructure jobs didn't exist as Barry tried to make light of later. It takes a long time to get those projects up and running. If you REALLY want to affect the economy fast then give people more money to spend in their paycheck. That's's absolute and it's 100% guaranteed. You won't ever see that coming from progressives though because they want to divvy up the people's money the way THEY want to...the last thing that a progressive wants is for an American to be able to choose for themselves how they spend their money.
The "shovel ready jobs didn't exist" comment was a joke, not a serious comment. If the permitting process was streamlined, they definately would exist. And they definately would put money in peoples paychecks. A lot of money in a lot of paychecks for a lot of people.

I have to laugh...your concept of what's smart is to take lots of money OUT of people's it through a wasteful and inefficient Federal Government...and then send whatever is left over BACK to those same people in a different paycheck. And THAT makes sense to you? Really?
Call me crazy but if you want to stimulate the economy...have the government take less from the people and let those people spend their money on goods and services. It's's efficient...and it's fair.

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