Republicans are afraid to propose spending cuts!

No. That's not how investors look at it. Risk is balanced to reward, within an acceptable range. Taxes are anyone's guess. Example:

I need minimum 150% of what I put in, contrary to the "bird in the hand" maxim. So I risk a hundred grand for something I think will get me $150 back within the specified time, or better, hopefully.

What's my tax liability if I get $110,863 back, or $190,786 back, or anything in between? Or something more of less? How on earth do I know what in the fuck my increased tax might be?

I just look at return potential, and jump at anything that has a high probability of turning my buck into a buck-fifty, or thereabouts.

you dont even see it, but you are supporting my side of the debate.

You say....

"I need minimum 150% of what I put in"

Well....what you put in is POST TAX your 150% has to be calcxulated as post tax dollars.....and so you need to know what the tax is going to be to decide if you can get the return you want.....and you need to use that tax percentage to determine if the investment is worthy.

And you are also supporting the point the GOP has been owners and investors MUST Know what their tax liability will be so they can make educated having the tax hikes looming gives business owners more reaon NOT to invest in their companies...for they cant determine what the optimum ROI will be.

Jeez..I read your post and I truly believed we were arguing the same side...but then I re -read some of your other posts and I realized you are just coinfused.

I see it; but's it's bullshit, as in shit, straight from a bull's ass (read: pseudo-economic nonsense, aka, politics masquerading as economics, or business methodology.)

in other words..

What you say, Jarhead, makes I will bow out by cursing and using terms like "masquerading"...

Sort of expe3cted it to end that way.
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Ah, yes...competition! So what happens when I'm running my business here in the good 'old US of A and my main competitor is running their business in let's say Ireland. We both make a quality product and we're both selling to the same international markets but my competitor in Ireland just got a tax break from their government and I'm being threatened with a sizable tax increase by mine. Who's going to win that battle? If my Irish competition REALLY wants to make my life miserable they'll take the savings in taxes they just got and knock that off the price of their product. They maintain the same profit margin while making me slash my profit margin drastically if I want to compete with them. I'm screwed.

Now let's carry that scenario out one further step...let's say I'm "thinking" about building a new factory to build my product? Where would I be more apt to build that new a country, State or city that had high taxes...or in a country, State or city that had lower taxes or none at all?

Can you REALLY not understand how raising taxes can have unforeseen consequences? How it can actually lead to lower revenues as you lose the very entities that you tax to other places that don't tax as high? Come on...use your brain a little. This really isn't rocket just have to use a little common sense.

I'll kick the Mick's butt on the larger US market since I'm close-in and have an advantage. But my pal in Ireland will get more of his/her market, since they're closer-in and know the market there better than I do.

Let's say 60% of the market is here in the US and 40% is over seas. You can't even come close to matching the Irish competitor's price there and he can most likely still ship his product here at a price that's lower than yours. Here's where it gets nasty though...what's to keep him from discounting his prices to goods sold in the US until he's breaking even...knowing that you can't afford to go lower and still make a profit because of your higher costs? What if he decides he REALLY wants to play hard ball and uses the profits of what he's selling to the overseas market...where he is slaughtering subsidize even lower prices to the US market? Selling at a loss here, knowing that he will shortly put you out of business at which point he can raise his prices once again and still claim most of the market share?

To be honest with you, K? I don't think you know the first thing about business. At least not from what I'm seeing from you here.

No. He does not. And sadly, he thinks he does....and it is HIS type of thinking as to why people cant understand why the healthcare law will curb hiring...and tax increases will curb hiring....and why our recvovery under Obama is so slow....

They just dont get it.

ANd sadly...they dont want to get it. They just want to be right.
Ah, yes...competition! So what happens when I'm running my business here in the good 'old US of A and my main competitor is running their business in let's say Ireland. We both make a quality product and we're both selling to the same international markets but my competitor in Ireland just got a tax break from their government and I'm being threatened with a sizable tax increase by mine. Who's going to win that battle? If my Irish competition REALLY wants to make my life miserable they'll take the savings in taxes they just got and knock that off the price of their product. They maintain the same profit margin while making me slash my profit margin drastically if I want to compete with them. I'm screwed.

Now let's carry that scenario out one further step...let's say I'm "thinking" about building a new factory to build my product? Where would I be more apt to build that new a country, State or city that had high taxes...or in a country, State or city that had lower taxes or none at all?

Can you REALLY not understand how raising taxes can have unforeseen consequences? How it can actually lead to lower revenues as you lose the very entities that you tax to other places that don't tax as high? Come on...use your brain a little. This really isn't rocket just have to use a little common sense.

I'll kick the Mick's butt on the larger US market since I'm close-in and have an advantage. But my pal in Ireland will get more of his/her market, since they're closer-in and know the market there better than I do.

how is that working for the solar panel market? The automobile market?
Hopw is that working for the local merchant who is losing business to Walmart where people have to drive 40 minutes to get to it.

You are quite naive when it comes to running a business.

No clue. Do you know SP or auto volume in Ireland and what share US makers have, right off the top of you head?


Niether do I. I sell my product here mostly, albeit, some internationally. But I know this market. So I do best here, for the stuff I sell.

Your local barber or convenience store knows their community, and what their close-in buyers want, for the most part. They also know what prices folks will pay, which please babyjesus, be enough to keep them in the black; and if like the overwhelming majority of small businesses, it's a lifestyle business; profit goes to paying to live, and is rarely, on average, in excess of $250,000 K. Thus I doubt they're too worried, and are vastly more concerned with attracting customers. Google Local, PayPal Local, maybe Adwords and a Web site to drum up business. Whatever they can think of that'll pay out.

It's dumbfucks on rightie message boards that are singing the gloom and doom, because they know shit that was not fed to them by folks playing them for suckers, i.e., Limbaugh, Murdock et al.
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The real problem is this, the people who actually use the most entitlement programs, the military, poor whites in red states, the old........ So you take Billy bob who lives in Mississippi, he is a low income earner. He is one of the core republican white voters in the south, he is flooded with" the blacks use all the entitlements" or " if more people get insurance I will lose mine or the quality will go down" or many of the other arguments. Now if the cons get their way with let's say one of crazy Ryan budget plans, Billy bob will suffer. Only till one suffers does one understand. This way the republicans can put out crazy plans they know will get turned down and then say"see we put out a plan" if the republicans got there way, the USA would be a corporation. Let's see, states rights, which means women get less rights, minorities get less rights, like gays. The public school system is gone. The EPA is gone, public radio is gone. I mean the list is endless, Medicare under they Ryan budget would have killed it, every economist says so that cares about his or her creditibility. I don't think I need to go on farther, I think I got my point across.

Getting spending under control does not mean that we will lose the EPA, the public school system and Medicare. That's nothing more than a scare tactic used by progressives every time someone points out that we can't continue to spend at the rate we are.

Look, we need to fix our government. We're incredibly wasteful. The programs we have in place don't do what they were created to do and some of them are actually making our lives worse rather than better.

Stop with the fear simply scares the simple minded. When you're serious about fixing what's wrong with this country let me know.
I'll kick the Mick's butt on the larger US market since I'm close-in and have an advantage. But my pal in Ireland will get more of his/her market, since they're closer-in and know the market there better than I do.

how is that working for the solar panel market? The automobile market?
Hopw is that working for the local merchant who is losing business to Walmart where people have to drive 40 minutes to get to it.

You are quite naive when it comes to running a business.

No clue. Do you know SP or auto volume in Ireland and what share US makers have, right off the top of you head?


Niether do I. I sell my product here mostly, albeit, some internationally. But I know this market. So I do best here, for the stuff I sell.

Your local barber or convenience store knows their community, and what their close-in buyers want, for the most part. They also know what prices folks will pay, which please babyjesus, be enough to keep them in the black; and if like the overwhelming majority of small businesses, it's a lifestyle business; profit goes to paying to live, and is rarely, on average, in excess of $250,000 K. Thus I doubt they're too worried, and are vastly more concerned with attracting customers. Google Local, PayPal Local, maybe Adwords and a Web site to drum up business. Whatever they can think of that'll pay out.

It's dumbfucks on rightie message boards that are singing the gloom and doom, because they know shit that was not fed to them by folks playing them for suckers, i.e., Limbaugh, Murdock et al.


you have crossed the line to being truly pathetic.

Ireland? Sure, that was used as an example earlier....but when I mentioned tha auto market, I was referring to know...they are way over there, and we are right here in detroit.....

But I guess I should have said "how is the auto market doing vs. Japan....but I assumed you were bright enough to know I was referring to that.

I was sadly....wrong.
if one is a business owner it is quite difficult to think like a business owner. first few years, I was thinking like an employee....but in time I learned.

What did you learn?

I learned that running a business is more than just knowing thebusiness. It is knowing how to analyze so educated decisions can be made. It is not as simple as "I can make money if I do this" is "how much is the risk, what is the expected return, is there a better way to spend the money; what are other costs that may be incurred due to governemnt legislation..."

Great; most know that instinctively, I'd hope, before doing anything that might risk their livelihood.
how is that working for the solar panel market? The automobile market?
Hopw is that working for the local merchant who is losing business to Walmart where people have to drive 40 minutes to get to it.

You are quite naive when it comes to running a business.

No clue. Do you know SP or auto volume in Ireland and what share US makers have, right off the top of you head?


Niether do I. I sell my product here mostly, albeit, some internationally. But I know this market. So I do best here, for the stuff I sell.

Your local barber or convenience store knows their community, and what their close-in buyers want, for the most part. They also know what prices folks will pay, which please babyjesus, be enough to keep them in the black; and if like the overwhelming majority of small businesses, it's a lifestyle business; profit goes to paying to live, and is rarely, on average, in excess of $250,000 K. Thus I doubt they're too worried, and are vastly more concerned with attracting customers. Google Local, PayPal Local, maybe Adwords and a Web site to drum up business. Whatever they can think of that'll pay out.

It's dumbfucks on rightie message boards that are singing the gloom and doom, because they know shit that was not fed to them by folks playing them for suckers, i.e., Limbaugh, Murdock et al.


you have crossed the line to being truly pathetic.

Ireland? Sure, that was used as an example earlier....but when I mentioned tha auto market, I was referring to know...they are way over there, and we are right here in detroit.....

But I guess I should have said "how is the auto market doing vs. Japan....but I assumed you were bright enough to know I was referring to that.

I was sadly....wrong.

Then say Japan, if you're thinking Japan. I go there frequently, and see few US autos (too big for many of their streets, and they burn a lot of gas; plus the Japanese have great pride in what's made there).

Taxes on incomes in the US will not likely change that dynamic.
What did you learn?

I learned that running a business is more than just knowing thebusiness. It is knowing how to analyze so educated decisions can be made. It is not as simple as "I can make money if I do this" is "how much is the risk, what is the expected return, is there a better way to spend the money; what are other costs that may be incurred due to governemnt legislation..."

Great; most know that instinctively, I'd hope, before doing anything that might risk their livelihood.

Well....SOME know that instinctively.....MOST do not.

Thus why 90% of all start ups die before the first year comes to an end. are a fake. No initerest in debating you anymore. I wasted enough of my time with a 35 year old who is likely sitting in his mothers baseement in his underwear all day longf smoking cigarettes and drinking beer.

Get a something with your life....and if you are lucky? You will be able to retire at the age of 54 like I did.
I learned that running a business is more than just knowing thebusiness. It is knowing how to analyze so educated decisions can be made. It is not as simple as "I can make money if I do this" is "how much is the risk, what is the expected return, is there a better way to spend the money; what are other costs that may be incurred due to governemnt legislation..."

Great; most know that instinctively, I'd hope, before doing anything that might risk their livelihood.

Well....SOME know that instinctively.....MOST do not.

Thus why 90% of all start ups die before the first year comes to an end. are a fake. No initerest in debating you anymore. I wasted enough of my time with a 35 year old who is likely sitting in his mothers baseement in his underwear all day longf smoking cigarettes and drinking beer.

Get a something with your life....and if you are lucky? You will be able to retire at the age of 54 like I did.

Astonishing. How do you get dressed in the morning?
No clue. Do you know SP or auto volume in Ireland and what share US makers have, right off the top of you head?


Niether do I. I sell my product here mostly, albeit, some internationally. But I know this market. So I do best here, for the stuff I sell.

Your local barber or convenience store knows their community, and what their close-in buyers want, for the most part. They also know what prices folks will pay, which please babyjesus, be enough to keep them in the black; and if like the overwhelming majority of small businesses, it's a lifestyle business; profit goes to paying to live, and is rarely, on average, in excess of $250,000 K. Thus I doubt they're too worried, and are vastly more concerned with attracting customers. Google Local, PayPal Local, maybe Adwords and a Web site to drum up business. Whatever they can think of that'll pay out.

It's dumbfucks on rightie message boards that are singing the gloom and doom, because they know shit that was not fed to them by folks playing them for suckers, i.e., Limbaugh, Murdock et al.


you have crossed the line to being truly pathetic.

Ireland? Sure, that was used as an example earlier....but when I mentioned tha auto market, I was referring to know...they are way over there, and we are right here in detroit.....

But I guess I should have said "how is the auto market doing vs. Japan....but I assumed you were bright enough to know I was referring to that.

I was sadly....wrong.

Then say Japan, if you're thinking Japan. I go there frequently, and see few US autos (too big for many of their streets, and they burn a lot of gas; plus the Japanese have great pride in what's made there).

Taxes on incomes in the US will not likely change that dynamic.

anyone truly involved in the business world would have known I was referring to Japan.

And nowhere was I referring to EXPORTS to Japan...and agaion, anyone truly involved in the business world would never have thought about US auto exports toi Japan.

And nowhere were we discussing how taxes in the US will have any affect on the auto exports in Japan....and anyone who is truly involved in the business world would not have even thought of that as nbeing the topoic...

And finally....

Watching Japanese movies like Mothra and Godzilla is not the same as actuially VISITING japan.
Great; most know that instinctively, I'd hope, before doing anything that might risk their livelihood.

Well....SOME know that instinctively.....MOST do not.

Thus why 90% of all start ups die before the first year comes to an end. are a fake. No initerest in debating you anymore. I wasted enough of my time with a 35 year old who is likely sitting in his mothers baseement in his underwear all day longf smoking cigarettes and drinking beer.

Get a something with your life....and if you are lucky? You will be able to retire at the age of 54 like I did.

Astonishing. How do you get dressed in the morning?
well...unlike you, I dont have to ask mommy if she washed my underwear.
Well....SOME know that instinctively.....MOST do not.

Thus why 90% of all start ups die before the first year comes to an end. are a fake. No initerest in debating you anymore. I wasted enough of my time with a 35 year old who is likely sitting in his mothers baseement in his underwear all day longf smoking cigarettes and drinking beer.

Get a something with your life....and if you are lucky? You will be able to retire at the age of 54 like I did.

Astonishing. How do you get dressed in the morning?
well...unlike you, I dont have to ask mommy if she washed my underwear.

Didja ask her about business? You know, stuff actual business people learn with time and success? I.E.,

- Live by the sale; die by the sale. Margin can be a poor trade-off for volume, since it diminsihes your perceived worth.

- Find your USP, and what you do better than others, and then focus on that. Getting too unfocused can confuse potential buyers and scare them away. So be wary of offering too much choice, which can create indecision.

- Pay on time, and get Net 30 terms with suppliers, or 5%/Net 10, if cash flow is not a problem. But net terms are sweet, since you can get paid before you incur costs.

-Involving employees in the decison-making process can not only unearth better ideas, it makes them more fulfilled as workers, which is benefit above and beyond mere monetary reward.

Need I go on, on what real business people learn, and not merely rhetorical nonsense any moron can list?

Anyone with the authority and business smarts to convince his company to buy another and allow him to buy the US territory, then exit the company, would have a much better grasp of business than that demonstrated by Koios. Clearly a fraud.
Anyone with the authority and business smarts to convince his company to buy another and allow him to buy the US territory, then exit the company, would have a much better grasp of business than that demonstrated by Koios. Clearly a fraud.

Really? What if I a) left the company that bought the European entity, and also the board of that entity? Then b) worked some years for another company, before starting and then selling a company, before finally being approach by an old pal in Germany that wanted me to grow his volume in the Americas and Pacific Rim in lieu of a master license on all volume in those regions?

Fraud, you think?
Astonishing. How do you get dressed in the morning?
well...unlike you, I dont have to ask mommy if she washed my underwear.

Didja ask her about business? You know, stuff actual business people learn with time and success? I.E.,

- Live by the sale; die by the sale. Margin can be a poor trade-off for volume, since it diminsihes your perceived worth.

- Find your USP, and what you do better than others, and then focus on that. Getting too unfocused can confuse potential buyers and scare them away. So be wary of offering too much choice, which can create indecision.

- Pay on time, and get Net 30 terms with suppliers, or 5%/Net 10, if cash flow is not a problem. But net terms are sweet, since you can get paid before you incur costs.

-Involving employees in the decison-making process can not only unearth better ideas, it makes them more fulfilled as workers, which is benefit above and beyond mere monetary reward.

Need I go on, on what real business people learn, and not merely rhetorical nonsense any moron can list?


I've got to be brutally honest with you, Koios. Nothing you have posted here would lead me to believe that you have ever run a business. As a matter of fact most of what you've posted here would make me think you've very seldom even WORKED.

You're coming across as just one more internet wannabe...
well...unlike you, I dont have to ask mommy if she washed my underwear.

Didja ask her about business? You know, stuff actual business people learn with time and success? I.E.,

- Live by the sale; die by the sale. Margin can be a poor trade-off for volume, since it diminsihes your perceived worth.

- Find your USP, and what you do better than others, and then focus on that. Getting too unfocused can confuse potential buyers and scare them away. So be wary of offering too much choice, which can create indecision.

- Pay on time, and get Net 30 terms with suppliers, or 5%/Net 10, if cash flow is not a problem. But net terms are sweet, since you can get paid before you incur costs.

-Involving employees in the decison-making process can not only unearth better ideas, it makes them more fulfilled as workers, which is benefit above and beyond mere monetary reward.

Need I go on, on what real business people learn, and not merely rhetorical nonsense any moron can list?


I've got to be brutally honest with you, Koios. Nothing you have posted here would lead me to believe that you have ever run a business. As a matter of fact most of what you've posted here would make me think you've very seldom even WORKED.

You're coming across as just one more internet wannabe...

I'm sure you're right, and thus I have so much to learn from you. Let's say I sell a screwdriver for $12 that costs me $6.50. How do I book that in the GL?

Quickly now, without googling. ;) ;)
If we are so easily able to afford it, why do we have a deficit every year and an accumulated debt of 16 trillion dollars.

Because we do not collect enough taxes -- the US is collecting less taxes than most developed countries (% of GDP):

Japan -- 28%
Canada -- 32%
UK -- 39%
Germany -- 40%
France -- 44%
Sweden -- 47%
Denmark -- 49%

USA -- 27%

5% of the US GDP is $800 billion. If the US were collecting in taxes as much as Canada (forget Northern Europe), our budget would be firmly in the black.

Revenue structure in the European Union (Source: Eurostat)

Taxes on labour: 50% of total taxes
Taxes on consumption: 33%
Taxes on capital: 16%

Sorry if i'm destroying one of your ideological myths, but the Welfare State in Europe is sustained by the low and middle classes.

Denmark and Sweden have a 25% VAT standard rate. Unlike the Sales Tax, the VAT is collected at each stage of the economy.

Tax revenue in countries with no VAT or low VAT rates:
Switzerland 29% of GDP (unemployment 3.5%)
Japan 28% of GDP (unemployment 4.2%)
USA 27% of GDP

In Scandinavia the tax revenue as a share of GDP was close to 60-70% three decades ago. So they have improved a lot.
CARPE DIEM: Anti-Keynesian Supply Side Tax and Spending Cuts in Sweden, and the Finance Minister Behind It
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If we are so easily able to afford it, why do we have a deficit every year and an accumulated debt of 16 trillion dollars.

Because we do not collect enough taxes -- the US is collecting less taxes than most developed countries (% of GDP):

Japan -- 28%
Canada -- 32%
UK -- 39%
Germany -- 40%
France -- 44%
Sweden -- 47%
Denmark -- 49%

USA -- 27%

5% of the US GDP is $800 billion. If the US were collecting in taxes as much as Canada (forget Northern Europe), our budget would be firmly in the black.

Revenue structure in the European Union (Source: Eurostat)

Taxes on labour: 50% of total taxes
Taxes on consumption: 33%
Taxes on capital: 16%

Sorry if i'm destroying one of your ideological myths, but the Welfare State in Europe is sustained by the low and middle classes.

Denmark and Sweden have a 25% VAT standard rate. Unlike the Sales Tax, the VAT is collected at each stage of the economy.

Tax revenue in countries with no VAT or low VAT rates:
Switzerland 29% of GDP (unemployment 3.5%)
Japan 28% of GDP (unemployment 4.2%)
USA 27% of GDP

In some Swiss cantons the top personal income tax rate is around 20% (combining both federal and canton rates).

In Scandinavia the tax revenue as a share of GDP was close to 60-70% three decades ago. So they have improved a lot.
CARPE DIEM: Anti-Keynesian Supply Side Tax and Spending Cuts in Sweden, and the Finance Minister Behind It
This nation has a spending problem, and everyone knows it, but the dems want to seal their power by taking the lock completley off of the tool shed.

What the democrats remind me of...


Along time ago, there was a situation in a workplace where a line construction company had what is known as a stern manager, who if a crew member asked for a tool, because he claimed that he had broken his, then that manager would ask that crewmen for the old tool before issuing the new one out to him (simple concept right), and if the crewmen couldnot produce the tool he was claiming he had broken, then the tool was issued even so, but a fine was charged for the tool that is now considered lost. The charge was pro-rated of course for example a come-along that would cost $100.00 dollars, would be charged in turn to the crew member for around symbolically $25.00 dollars, and this just to tighten up the ship and breed personal responsibility.. Now doesn't this make since when managing properly a company and it's assets, in order to keep a tight ship, and to make profits, as well as (very importantly) to save jobs because the company is making a profit and looking secure under such a manager ? Yes it does!

Ok, but the employee's didnot like this manager, infact they hated him or loathed him badly, because they wanted him to be more liberal and freerer with the companies assets and/or tools in this case, so they worked every angle that they could on this guy, in order to try and make him look bad, but it all failed or didn't work, because this guy was rock solid.

Soon because of this guy's credentials he had built up, and the stability that had surrounded him it paid off, as he was promoted on up the latter because of, but he needed a replacement or was expected to pick a replacement in which he soon did. He then picked a replacement, and here is the difference that was found quickly between the two be it him and his replacement. His replacement was a stone cold liberal minded fellow, that was very likeable and was very easy to deal with quickly, infact he was very funny (joking all the time), and he also worked the way he acted, so the men drew a great sigh of relief when this guy showed up on the scene as the other guy's replacement.

The first day on the job, he opened up the tool shed, and said to the men (take what you need, because I know you have been deprived and held back of the things that you have needed), evil grin as he looked upon the men taking what they felt they needed just like kids turned lose in a candy store all of a sudden. He then won them over by opening up this tool shed and making people laugh and laugh it seemed, but his bottom line began to slip, and his profits began to fall, his crews began wanting more and more and more, even beyond what they needed, but they expected it anyway. He began golfing and drinking while on lunch break, and just having the time of his life, while his crews began slipping and losing production, running wild and etc. Soon it all came to an abrupt end, as the party that was started had to end, and order had to be restored, and the lock was put back on the tool shed door. He was soon fired bacause of it all, and the next guy had to come in and repair all the damage, restore order, and put the company and it's employee's back on track again.

This return of order protected the company, it's employee's, and it's long term contract and profits.

Did Bill Clinton take the lock off of the tool shed door, and are we paying for all of that right now or unto this very day ?

Did Obama take the lock off the tool shed door, and begin a reign of unstableness that cannot be sustained much longer, and if so should we be looking for a new manager of this nation again, otherwise if we do find that this has been the case with these democrats? I am for liking people and having fun, but there is the right time and the right place for these things in life to happen, and then there is the wrong time for being funny when we should be serious, so are we crossing lines in all of these things today in America, instead of managing affectively for stability ?
Didja ask her about business? You know, stuff actual business people learn with time and success? I.E.,

- Live by the sale; die by the sale. Margin can be a poor trade-off for volume, since it diminsihes your perceived worth.

- Find your USP, and what you do better than others, and then focus on that. Getting too unfocused can confuse potential buyers and scare them away. So be wary of offering too much choice, which can create indecision.

- Pay on time, and get Net 30 terms with suppliers, or 5%/Net 10, if cash flow is not a problem. But net terms are sweet, since you can get paid before you incur costs.

-Involving employees in the decison-making process can not only unearth better ideas, it makes them more fulfilled as workers, which is benefit above and beyond mere monetary reward.

Need I go on, on what real business people learn, and not merely rhetorical nonsense any moron can list?


I've got to be brutally honest with you, Koios. Nothing you have posted here would lead me to believe that you have ever run a business. As a matter of fact most of what you've posted here would make me think you've very seldom even WORKED.

You're coming across as just one more internet wannabe...

I'm sure you're right, and thus I have so much to learn from you. Let's say I sell a screwdriver for $12 that costs me $6.50. How do I book that in the GL?

Quickly now, without googling. ;) ;)

Your paying $6.50 for a screwdriver before marketing and distribution? I think I see your problem.
All this deficit talk needs to stop for now. We are not ready to have this conversation. The deficit is not the biggest problem we need to be addressing right now. It's jobs! American's need jobs. Since the private sector won't start hiring until demand is up, then the public sector has no choice but to step in and spend this economy back to growing again. Once that occurs, demand will be up, the private sector will take over and then, only then, can the government turn their attention to deficit reduction.

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