Republicans Are Extremely Fearful of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?

It's her youth that is their biggest worry.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Still waiting for you to tell us.
promote the general Welfare. it does not say, promote the general warfare.

I understand what it said, I am waiting for to show us where in the Constitution, not the preamble where it specifically states that people that are lazy should be supported by hard working taxpayers. Also, if this was the intent of the forefathers was to pay the lazy for not working, why didn’t they create a law during the first meeting of Congress?
Promoting the general welfare means coming up with solutions to simple poverty and not excuses.

If people need help from time to time, fine. If you choose to be lazy, it’s on you, it is a choice. Hard working taxpaying Americans should not have to pay for a choice of an individual that chooses to be lazy.

Which is why I detest Donald Trump and his entire family of lazy grifters.
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?

Um, she only gets press for being wrong about shit. That, and she pissed off grandma Nancy. Grand ma Nancy will torpedo the little lady’s career before she leaves congress. Cortez is a flash in the pan. Not much more.
Translation: The coming Democrat generation is dumb as a fucking box of hammers.

No equation there....Democrat git has hammers hammered in the "dumb" department. And that's even before they've begun their mandatory indoctrinations.
Still waiting for you to tell us.
promote the general Welfare. it does not say, promote the general warfare.

I understand what it said, I am waiting for to show us where in the Constitution, not the preamble where it specifically states that people that are lazy should be supported by hard working taxpayers. Also, if this was the intent of the forefathers was to pay the lazy for not working, why didn’t they create a law during the first meeting of Congress?
Promoting the general welfare means coming up with solutions to simple poverty and not excuses.

If people need help from time to time, fine. If you choose to be lazy, it’s on you, it is a choice. Hard working taxpaying Americans should not have to pay for a choice of an individual that chooses to be lazy.
there is no authority to promote walls or the general warfare or the common offense.

I never claimed there were, but that is not the issue, the issue is forcing hard working middle class Americans to pay lazy people to sit and get fat. You still have not showed anything that would support your scheme to take money from hard working tax paying Americans and give it to those that are too lazy to work. Please show me in the Constitution, not the preamble.
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?

It's her youth that is their biggest worry.

I have no problem with her at all, she is a great representative of her Democratic Party.
promote the general Welfare. it does not say, promote the general warfare.

I understand what it said, I am waiting for to show us where in the Constitution, not the preamble where it specifically states that people that are lazy should be supported by hard working taxpayers. Also, if this was the intent of the forefathers was to pay the lazy for not working, why didn’t they create a law during the first meeting of Congress?
Promoting the general welfare means coming up with solutions to simple poverty and not excuses.

If people need help from time to time, fine. If you choose to be lazy, it’s on you, it is a choice. Hard working taxpaying Americans should not have to pay for a choice of an individual that chooses to be lazy.
there is no authority to promote walls or the general warfare or the common offense.

I never claimed there were, but that is not the issue, the issue is forcing hard working middle class Americans to pay lazy people to sit and get fat. You still have not showed anything that would support your scheme to take money from hard working tax paying Americans and give it to those that are too lazy to work. Please show me in the Constitution, not the preamble.
Solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment solves simple poverty and promotes the general welfare with a positive multiplier effect.
I understand what it said, I am waiting for to show us where in the Constitution, not the preamble where it specifically states that people that are lazy should be supported by hard working taxpayers. Also, if this was the intent of the forefathers was to pay the lazy for not working, why didn’t they create a law during the first meeting of Congress?
Promoting the general welfare means coming up with solutions to simple poverty and not excuses.

If people need help from time to time, fine. If you choose to be lazy, it’s on you, it is a choice. Hard working taxpaying Americans should not have to pay for a choice of an individual that chooses to be lazy.
there is no authority to promote walls or the general warfare or the common offense.

I never claimed there were, but that is not the issue, the issue is forcing hard working middle class Americans to pay lazy people to sit and get fat. You still have not showed anything that would support your scheme to take money from hard working tax paying Americans and give it to those that are too lazy to work. Please show me in the Constitution, not the preamble.
Solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment solves simple poverty and promotes the general welfare with a positive multiplier effect.

What is the natural rate?
A sane person is afraid of extreme ignorance having any power. That's why She Guevara is rightfully feared.
Promoting the general welfare means coming up with solutions to simple poverty and not excuses.

If people need help from time to time, fine. If you choose to be lazy, it’s on you, it is a choice. Hard working taxpaying Americans should not have to pay for a choice of an individual that chooses to be lazy.
there is no authority to promote walls or the general warfare or the common offense.

I never claimed there were, but that is not the issue, the issue is forcing hard working middle class Americans to pay lazy people to sit and get fat. You still have not showed anything that would support your scheme to take money from hard working tax paying Americans and give it to those that are too lazy to work. Please show me in the Constitution, not the preamble.
Solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment solves simple poverty and promotes the general welfare with a positive multiplier effect.

What is the natural rate?
it doesn't matter. the simple fact that it happens, is enough to solve for it in our First World economy.
If people need help from time to time, fine. If you choose to be lazy, it’s on you, it is a choice. Hard working taxpaying Americans should not have to pay for a choice of an individual that chooses to be lazy.
there is no authority to promote walls or the general warfare or the common offense.

I never claimed there were, but that is not the issue, the issue is forcing hard working middle class Americans to pay lazy people to sit and get fat. You still have not showed anything that would support your scheme to take money from hard working tax paying Americans and give it to those that are too lazy to work. Please show me in the Constitution, not the preamble.
Solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment solves simple poverty and promotes the general welfare with a positive multiplier effect.

What is the natural rate?
it doesn't matter. the simple fact that it happens, is enough to solve for it in our First World economy.

You don't even know what you keep going on about.
there is no authority to promote walls or the general warfare or the common offense.

I never claimed there were, but that is not the issue, the issue is forcing hard working middle class Americans to pay lazy people to sit and get fat. You still have not showed anything that would support your scheme to take money from hard working tax paying Americans and give it to those that are too lazy to work. Please show me in the Constitution, not the preamble.
Solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment solves simple poverty and promotes the general welfare with a positive multiplier effect.

What is the natural rate?
it doesn't matter. the simple fact that it happens, is enough to solve for it in our First World economy.

You don't even know what you keep going on about.
There is no express power to build a wall.
I never claimed there were, but that is not the issue, the issue is forcing hard working middle class Americans to pay lazy people to sit and get fat. You still have not showed anything that would support your scheme to take money from hard working tax paying Americans and give it to those that are too lazy to work. Please show me in the Constitution, not the preamble.
Solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment solves simple poverty and promotes the general welfare with a positive multiplier effect.

What is the natural rate?
it doesn't matter. the simple fact that it happens, is enough to solve for it in our First World economy.

You don't even know what you keep going on about.
There is no express power to build a wall.
Now you want to talk about a wall? Go ahead, you're between two of them that intersect behind you. In case you don't know what that is, it's a corner. Heck, you're just flinging useless stuff out there now, hoping I'll bite on one of them and stop making you look sillier than you already are.
If people need help from time to time, fine. If you choose to be lazy, it’s on you, it is a choice. Hard working taxpaying Americans should not have to pay for a choice of an individual that chooses to be lazy.
there is no authority to promote walls or the general warfare or the common offense.

I never claimed there were, but that is not the issue, the issue is forcing hard working middle class Americans to pay lazy people to sit and get fat. You still have not showed anything that would support your scheme to take money from hard working tax paying Americans and give it to those that are too lazy to work. Please show me in the Constitution, not the preamble.
Solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment solves simple poverty and promotes the general welfare with a positive multiplier effect.

What is the natural rate?
it doesn't matter. the simple fact that it happens, is enough to solve for it in our First World economy.
You can't describe the problem, you can't describe the solution, so why should anyone take you seriously about anything?

If it doesn't matter, stop talking about it.
If people need help from time to time, fine. If you choose to be lazy, it’s on you, it is a choice. Hard working taxpaying Americans should not have to pay for a choice of an individual that chooses to be lazy.
there is no authority to promote walls or the general warfare or the common offense.

I never claimed there were, but that is not the issue, the issue is forcing hard working middle class Americans to pay lazy people to sit and get fat. You still have not showed anything that would support your scheme to take money from hard working tax paying Americans and give it to those that are too lazy to work. Please show me in the Constitution, not the preamble.
Solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment solves simple poverty and promotes the general welfare with a positive multiplier effect.

What is the natural rate?
it doesn't matter. the simple fact that it happens, is enough to solve for it in our First World economy.

You have told us over and over yet you have no clue what it is? If you can’t define the issue you can’t solve an issue.
Show me where in the Constitution that the Federal Government has a “moral responsibility” to provide for those who don’t provide for themselves. The problem with your argument is that you can not provide evidence where our Founders have quoted, decided and written as the “responsibility” of the Federal Government to provide for all its citizens. In fact, if you bothered to read the United States Constitution it DOES state under the 10th Amendment

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Nowhere is it written that it’s the role of the Federal Government. The problem is your responses are out of ignorance not supported by anything written in our Constitution nor quoted by our Founders. Rather it’s the opinion of the left to defer to what other nations are doing, judicial decisions based on globalism and not judicial interpretations that are founded on our own nation’s Constitution.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Still waiting for you to tell us.
promote the general Welfare. it does not say, promote the general warfare.

Once again you still can’t back up your point. Promote the general welfare does not mean provide for.

So let’s move on, admit you don’t have a clue, if you have nothing else. What else do you got that I can so easily shoot down?
lol. nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, Constitutional or otherwise.

There is no authority to promote the general warfare or the common defense.

Actually liberals don’t take the Constitution seriously, which is why you can’t show us where it’s the role of the Federal Government to provide for those who choose not to provide for themselves through welfare. The Constitution DOES clearly state the role and responsibilities of the Federal Government, which includes funding for the common defense (military). It goes on to say, as be shown through the X Amendment, those responsibilities not delegated to the Federal Government become the responsibility of the respected states ... after that it becomes the responsibility of the people.

It’s in clear black and white for those who are literate with the ability and common sense to at least read it. At least ONE of us has the ability to back up our point, it’s just not you.
If someone unwilling to work or provide for him/herself can't get help from you, let them starve. That's not an obsolete idea. It keep people from becoming freeloaders. The smart ones figure it out and the dumb ones die off.
thank Goodness our Founding Fathers already Ordained and Established "our moral path" for us:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Nothing moral about taking from one that will work and handing it to some fucking piece of shit that refuses to do so.
hearsay and soothsay? I am not the the one with only ad hominems and other forms of fallacies, instead of the good argument of a better solution at lower cost.

Show me where in the Constitution that the Federal Government has a “moral responsibility” to provide for those who don’t provide for themselves. The problem with your argument is that you can not provide evidence where our Founders have quoted, decided and written as the “responsibility” of the Federal Government to provide for all its citizens. In fact, if you bothered to read the United States Constitution it DOES state under the 10th Amendment

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Nowhere is it written that it’s the role of the Federal Government. The problem is your responses are out of ignorance not supported by anything written in our Constitution nor quoted by our Founders. Rather it’s the opinion of the left to defer to what other nations are doing, judicial decisions based on globalism and not judicial interpretations that are founded on our own nation’s Constitution.

It (the constitution) does mention 'we the people' but not a word about corporations, and the corporations do get plenty of free stuff you know. Bailouts, subsidies, military protection in their overseas ventures for profit.

What about that has ANYTHING to do about the Federal Government providing welfare? Was my discussion about corporations?
Show me where in the Constitution that the Federal Government has a “moral responsibility” to provide for those who don’t provide for themselves. The problem with your argument is that you can not provide evidence where our Founders have quoted, decided and written as the “responsibility” of the Federal Government to provide for all its citizens. In fact, if you bothered to read the United States Constitution it DOES state under the 10th Amendment

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Nowhere is it written that it’s the role of the Federal Government. The problem is your responses are out of ignorance not supported by anything written in our Constitution nor quoted by our Founders. Rather it’s the opinion of the left to defer to what other nations are doing, judicial decisions based on globalism and not judicial interpretations that are founded on our own nation’s Constitution.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Still waiting for you to tell us.
promote the general Welfare. it does not say, promote the general warfare.

I understand what it said, I am waiting for to show us where in the Constitution, not the preamble where it specifically states that people that are lazy should be supported by hard working taxpayers. Also, if this was the intent of the forefathers was to pay the lazy for not working, why didn’t they create a law during the first meeting of Congress?
Promoting the general welfare means coming up with solutions to simple poverty and not excuses.

Providing welfare was not established until 1935 under President Roosevelt, it is not quoted as being the desire of our Founders when they used the language “promote the general welfare”..

If that’s what you believe, provide some evidence of it.
Solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment solves simple poverty and promotes the general welfare with a positive multiplier effect.

What is the natural rate?
it doesn't matter. the simple fact that it happens, is enough to solve for it in our First World economy.

You don't even know what you keep going on about.
There is no express power to build a wall.
Now you want to talk about a wall? Go ahead, you're between two of them that intersect behind you. In case you don't know what that is, it's a corner. Heck, you're just flinging useless stuff out there now, hoping I'll bite on one of them and stop making you look sillier than you already are.
The power to provide for the general welfare is General. The power to provide for the common defense is not.
there is no authority to promote walls or the general warfare or the common offense.

I never claimed there were, but that is not the issue, the issue is forcing hard working middle class Americans to pay lazy people to sit and get fat. You still have not showed anything that would support your scheme to take money from hard working tax paying Americans and give it to those that are too lazy to work. Please show me in the Constitution, not the preamble.
Solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment solves simple poverty and promotes the general welfare with a positive multiplier effect.

What is the natural rate?
it doesn't matter. the simple fact that it happens, is enough to solve for it in our First World economy.
You can't describe the problem, you can't describe the solution, so why should anyone take you seriously about anything?

If it doesn't matter, stop talking about it.
only the right wing is that clueless and that Causeless; but expect to be taken seriously.

It is about Capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment.

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