Republicans Are Extremely Fearful of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

it is no theory; merely a more efficient application.

Let's see if we have this right. You want to take money OUT of the economy so you can inject PART of it back INTO the economy because that's somehow superior to leaving it IN the economy to start with?

Basically, you're trying to fill a swimming pool by pumping water from the deep end into the shallow end.
Full employment of resources is the objective.

What merchant in commerce would be worse off, if all adult customers have recourse to a minimum income simply for being unemployed?

If a person wants to make more, they can provide labor input to the economy.

The right wing has problems with the Poor and a Minimum wage.

Handing money to bums results in less than full employment of resources.
Subsidizing sloth results in more sloth and less production.
Your weed fueled idiocy is not economics.
Capital has to circulate under Capitalism. That is why, Man invented money.

Don't be such a lazy, whiney bum.
Only lousy capitalists, say that.
You are clear as mud on what you are saying. I already said that we need safety nets for individuals that find themselves out of work or that maybe getting welfare and trying to improve their lot in life. So, you are not communicating your message which sounds like everyone should be entitled to $14 forever, whether they work or not.
they could make more if they get a job. i am advocating for unemployment compensation at one dollar an hour equivalent less, than the minimum wage.

Stop calling it UE, because it's not.
Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.

That applies to people who would work if they could, not those who can work but won't.
just your hangup. you could quit and go on unemployment. see how equal that is.

See, this is why it's obvious that you are clueless. If I quit my job, I cannot go on unemployment because that's not what is for. Only if I am laid off through no fault of my own can I go on unemployment.

Use terminology the way it's meant to be used and stop trying to change the meaning of words.
they could make more if they get a job. i am advocating for unemployment compensation at one dollar an hour equivalent less, than the minimum wage.

Stop calling it UE, because it's not.
Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.

That applies to people who would work if they could, not those who can work but won't.
just your hangup. you could quit and go on unemployment. see how equal that is.

See, this is why it's obvious that you are clueless. If I quit my job, I cannot go on unemployment because that's not what is for. Only if I am laid off through no fault of my own can I go on unemployment.

Use terminology the way it's meant to be used and stop trying to change the meaning of words.
equality is a social concept not a capital concept. i understand the concept of equal protection of the law.
Let's see if we have this right. You want to take money OUT of the economy so you can inject PART of it back INTO the economy because that's somehow superior to leaving it IN the economy to start with?

Basically, you're trying to fill a swimming pool by pumping water from the deep end into the shallow end.
Full employment of resources is the objective.

What merchant in commerce would be worse off, if all adult customers have recourse to a minimum income simply for being unemployed?

If a person wants to make more, they can provide labor input to the economy.

The right wing has problems with the Poor and a Minimum wage.

Handing money to bums results in less than full employment of resources.
Subsidizing sloth results in more sloth and less production.
Your weed fueled idiocy is not economics.
Capital has to circulate under Capitalism. That is why, Man invented money.

Don't be such a lazy, whiney bum.
Only lousy capitalists, say that.

Good capitalists say that. A strong work ethic benefits everyone.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announces 'self-care' break before congressional session even starts - NY Daily News

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez needs a break.

The Bronx-bred democratic socialist heading into her freshman term in the House of Representatives announced Monday she’s taking some time off to take care of herself before she officially starts her new job — and she’s taking her supporters along for the ride.

“I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term,” the incoming New York congresswoman tweeted.

“For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political — not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed. So I’ve decided to take others along with me on IG as I learn what self-care even means and why it’s important.”

This is absolutely fucking hilarious.
Stop calling it UE, because it's not.
Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.

That applies to people who would work if they could, not those who can work but won't.
just your hangup. you could quit and go on unemployment. see how equal that is.

See, this is why it's obvious that you are clueless. If I quit my job, I cannot go on unemployment because that's not what is for. Only if I am laid off through no fault of my own can I go on unemployment.

Use terminology the way it's meant to be used and stop trying to change the meaning of words.
equality is a social concept not a capital concept. i understand the concept of equal protection of the law.

You most certainly do not.
Full employment of resources is the objective.

What merchant in commerce would be worse off, if all adult customers have recourse to a minimum income simply for being unemployed?

If a person wants to make more, they can provide labor input to the economy.

The right wing has problems with the Poor and a Minimum wage.

Handing money to bums results in less than full employment of resources.
Subsidizing sloth results in more sloth and less production.
Your weed fueled idiocy is not economics.
Capital has to circulate under Capitalism. That is why, Man invented money.

Don't be such a lazy, whiney bum.
Only lousy capitalists, say that.

Good capitalists say that. A strong work ethic benefits everyone.
Why? It benefits capitalists more than Labor.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announces 'self-care' break before congressional session even starts - NY Daily News

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez needs a break.

The Bronx-bred democratic socialist heading into her freshman term in the House of Representatives announced Monday she’s taking some time off to take care of herself before she officially starts her new job — and she’s taking her supporters along for the ride.

“I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term,” the incoming New York congresswoman tweeted.

“For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political — not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed. So I’ve decided to take others along with me on IG as I learn what self-care even means and why it’s important.”

This is absolutely fucking hilarious.
Should we send, "Gunny" for endurance and stamina practice?
Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.

That applies to people who would work if they could, not those who can work but won't.
just your hangup. you could quit and go on unemployment. see how equal that is.

See, this is why it's obvious that you are clueless. If I quit my job, I cannot go on unemployment because that's not what is for. Only if I am laid off through no fault of my own can I go on unemployment.

Use terminology the way it's meant to be used and stop trying to change the meaning of words.
equality is a social concept not a capital concept. i understand the concept of equal protection of the law.

You most certainly do not.
anybody can talk. you need a valid argument that refutes my contention.
Handing money to bums results in less than full employment of resources.
Subsidizing sloth results in more sloth and less production.
Your weed fueled idiocy is not economics.
Capital has to circulate under Capitalism. That is why, Man invented money.

Don't be such a lazy, whiney bum.
Only lousy capitalists, say that.

Good capitalists say that. A strong work ethic benefits everyone.
Why? It benefits capitalists more than Labor.

Who generates income to support their family and community? Who creates wealth? NOT the guy sitting on the couch smoking pot.
That applies to people who would work if they could, not those who can work but won't.
just your hangup. you could quit and go on unemployment. see how equal that is.

See, this is why it's obvious that you are clueless. If I quit my job, I cannot go on unemployment because that's not what is for. Only if I am laid off through no fault of my own can I go on unemployment.

Use terminology the way it's meant to be used and stop trying to change the meaning of words.
equality is a social concept not a capital concept. i understand the concept of equal protection of the law.

You most certainly do not.
anybody can talk. you need a valid argument that refutes my contention.

I've educated you on this already. You ignored it and remained ignorant. No more help for you.
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?
They should be terrified of her.
She's smart,
she's Hispanic,
she's young and
she's a woman.

Republicans don't understand smart women. Not really. Remember, they thought, and still do, that Sarah Palin was smart:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Fires Back at Sarah Palin

“If we work our butts off to make sure that we take back all three chambers of Congress—Uh, rather, all three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate, and the House,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the clip. “We can’t start working in 2020.” (a comment from Ocasio-Cortez that drove Republicans nutz)

“Maybe instead of Republicans drooling over every minute of footage of me in slow-mo, waiting to chop up word slips that I correct in real-time (sic), they actually step up enough to make the argument they want to make: that they don’t believe people deserve a right to healthcare.” (this was her return comment)

Remember this:

Melissa Harris Perry laughs at Sarah Palin's moronic antics

And she said this:

“Now that’s *TWO* fallen GOP Vice Pres candidates going after a freshman Congresswoman that’s not even sworn in yet. Isn’t it a little early to be bringing out the big guns?” (Leiberman, who is now Republican and Sarah Palin)


When dumb, much older and white Republican gets into an argument with a young and smart minority, the older loses. For one, they get no respect for starting a fight when they are supposed to be a respected elder. Instead, they come across as a doddering old fool and worst of all, they look uncool.

Give her a break. She's young and inexperienced.

There will be more than ample opportunities for hilarity with this one.
That's what they said about Michelle Obama who turned out to be one of the most respected women in the world except to racist Republicans.
Even Trump said she gave the best speech at the Republican Convention.

What about racist Democrats??
The problem with your kind is that you believe since Democrats support diversity, they must be racist. It’s the alt white that are not racist because they see the natural superiority of white Republicans. Especially the ones with no education. They don’t need education because they’re naturally superior. Legends in their own tiny minds.
Capital has to circulate under Capitalism. That is why, Man invented money.

Don't be such a lazy, whiney bum.
Only lousy capitalists, say that.

Good capitalists say that. A strong work ethic benefits everyone.
Why? It benefits capitalists more than Labor.

Who generates income to support their family and community? Who creates wealth? NOT the guy sitting on the couch smoking pot.
he has to go buy it, sometimes. he may be willing to put gas in the car and pick up some groceries. all that contributes to a positive multiplier effect. Anyone who knows AnyThing about economics, knows these concepts.
just your hangup. you could quit and go on unemployment. see how equal that is.

See, this is why it's obvious that you are clueless. If I quit my job, I cannot go on unemployment because that's not what is for. Only if I am laid off through no fault of my own can I go on unemployment.

Use terminology the way it's meant to be used and stop trying to change the meaning of words.
equality is a social concept not a capital concept. i understand the concept of equal protection of the law.

You most certainly do not.
anybody can talk. you need a valid argument that refutes my contention.

I've educated you on this already. You ignored it and remained ignorant. No more help for you.
vacuums of special pleading may only be right, twice a day.
Cortez has already fallen in line to the Dem leadership. She will be a little pawn for them, and a good little Commie.
And who is this Democratic leader ship. Is it a group, a cabal, a single person pulling the strings from hidden back rooms?


Is it a leader ship made up of the leaders of many different groups which is why Democrats are coalition party?
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?

LMAO No ones afraid of her.

Its just that no one can believe the shit that comes out of her mouth.

If she's the best you lefty loons can do then you really are in trouble.
AOC is the best thing for the republican party since Clinton's cigar. Please continue to put this idiot girl on TV at every opportunity, continue to let her spew her idiotic far left ideas as the democrat spokesperson.

If the OP thinks she is helping your party, you have the IQ of a garden slug.
LMAO No ones afraid of her.

Its just that no one can believe the shit that comes out of her mouth.

If she's the best you lefty loons can do then you really are in trouble.
It worked for Scott Walker, who's been in office for over a decade.

That boy hasn't said one sensible thing before or since being elected, and he's now retiring.

You like his dumb ass, don't you?

Since I don't live in that State I couldn't care less.

He was a Governor of that State. She sits in Congress and what a dummy she appears to be.
Don't be such a lazy, whiney bum.
Only lousy capitalists, say that.

Good capitalists say that. A strong work ethic benefits everyone.
Why? It benefits capitalists more than Labor.

Who generates income to support their family and community? Who creates wealth? NOT the guy sitting on the couch smoking pot.
he has to go buy it, sometimes. he may be willing to put gas in the car and pick up some groceries. all that contributes to a positive multiplier effect. Anyone who knows AnyThing about economics, knows these concepts.

And where does the money come from that he uses? If he is not providing value to someone else, it first must be taken from someone else who earned it, thus lowering the value of his labor and leaving him less to circulate himself. Look this up and study it. You like phrases, try learning this one.

Opportunity cost.

A fable to illustrate. A vandal breaks a window in a shop in a small town. The next day the villagers gather to express dismay. The shop keeper hires a glazier to fix the window and the villagers start to agree that this is a good thing, because now money is being pumped into the local economy and danielpalos will be happy that capital is circulating. The shop keeper speaks up and says, "No! This is not a good thing. Since I had to spend the money to fix the window, I now can't spend it to decorate my storefront to attract more customers. I also have less money now to give my employee a bonus. The more money I have to spend on fixing windows, the less I have to offer benefits."

So you see, taking money out of the economy only to pump it back in incurs a cost that you're ignorant of and ignoring. Giving money away in the hopes that it will generate taxes is as useful as filing a swimming pool by pumping water from the deep end into the shallow end.

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