Republicans are pushing a new bill to let Americans keep their health insurance plans


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Pols push 'Keep Your Health Plan Act' as files show gov't knew millions could lose coverage

House Republicans are pushing a new bill to let Americans keep their health insurance plans following revelations that the Obama administration knew millions could lose their current coverage due to changes from the Affordable Care Act.

Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., was introducing the "Keep Your Health Plan Act" in a bid to address widespread reports of people losing their current plans. CBS News reported Monday that more than 2 million Americans have already been told they can't renew their policies.

"This legislation is about providing folks the peace of mind that they will be allowed to keep their current coverage if they so choose," Upton said in a statement. The bill would allow plans sold on the market today to continue to be available.

The document addressed a rule in the law that states individual policies purchased on or before March 23, 2010 would be "grandfathered" -- or exempt from changes required under ObamaCare. However, the provision was changed so that plans that undergo "significant changes" could lose that special status

Pols push 'Keep Your Health Plan Act' as files show gov't knew millions could lose coverage | Fox News

The Republicans will try to keep Obama honest. A difficult task, indeed.:eusa_angel:
Yup and I wonder what they are going to do when all those young "haves" decide to pay the penalty??

The ACA will sink under its own weight.
Pols push 'Keep Your Health Plan Act' as files show gov't knew millions could lose coverage

House Republicans are pushing a new bill to let Americans keep their health insurance plans following revelations that the Obama administration knew millions could lose their current coverage due to changes from the Affordable Care Act.

Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., was introducing the "Keep Your Health Plan Act" in a bid to address widespread reports of people losing their current plans. CBS News reported Monday that more than 2 million Americans have already been told they can't renew their policies.

"This legislation is about providing folks the peace of mind that they will be allowed to keep their current coverage if they so choose," Upton said in a statement. The bill would allow plans sold on the market today to continue to be available.

The document addressed a rule in the law that states individual policies purchased on or before March 23, 2010 would be "grandfathered" -- or exempt from changes required under ObamaCare. However, the provision was changed so that plans that undergo "significant changes" could lose that special status

Pols push 'Keep Your Health Plan Act' as files show gov't knew millions could lose coverage | Fox News

The Republicans will try to keep Obama honest. A difficult task, indeed.:eusa_angel:

I totally support this.

Obama absolutely needs to be held to his word that you can keep your insurance. That is no small promise.
Yup and I wonder what they are going to do when all those young "haves" decide to pay the penalty??

The ACA will sink under its own weight.

I don't think the majority of "haves" are going to pay the penalty. They will wait until the last possible moment, and then will get insurance.

This is what happened in Massachusetts.
Dumb. The GOP needs to stop trying to "fix" this clusterfuck.

Let Obamacare go into the death spiral of adverse selection.....
Yup and I wonder what they are going to do when all those young "haves" decide to pay the penalty??

The ACA will sink under its own weight.

I don't think the majority of "haves" are going to pay the penalty. They will wait until the last possible moment, and then will get insurance.

This is what happened in Massachusetts.

Did massachusetts have a method of enforcing the penalty, because right now the IRS sure as hell doesnt.
Yup and I wonder what they are going to do when all those young "haves" decide to pay the penalty??

The ACA will sink under its own weight.

I don't think the majority of "haves" are going to pay the penalty. They will wait until the last possible moment, and then will get insurance.

This is what happened in Massachusetts.

Did massachusetts have a method of enforcing the penalty, because right now the IRS sure as hell doesnt.

Yes. A tax penalty, just like ObamaCare's penalty.

I think it would be a mistake to mislead people into believing the IRS won't enforce it. That's political hackery that will have the consequence of credulous citizens getting hammered.
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I don't think the majority of "haves" are going to pay the penalty. They will wait until the last possible moment, and then will get insurance.

This is what happened in Massachusetts.

Did massachusetts have a method of enforcing the penalty, because right now the IRS sure as hell doesnt.

Yes. A tax penalty, just like ObamaCare's penalty.

Ok, did the state have a punishment mechanism in place if people just feel like ignoring the penalty on thier forms? According to some sources the IRS doesnt have that power right now. Its basically a voluntary penalty.
This bill will force Obama out into the open. He will have to admit all that stumping about getting to keep your insurance was a Big Lie.

He needs to have his tongue torn out for that.
Did massachusetts have a method of enforcing the penalty, because right now the IRS sure as hell doesnt.

Yes. A tax penalty, just like ObamaCare's penalty.

Ok, did the state have a punishment mechanism in place if people just feel like ignoring the penalty on thier forms? According to some sources the IRS doesnt have that power right now. Its basically a voluntary penalty.

"According to some sources". Would you literally put your money down on a bet those unnamed sources are right? You really want to go up against the IRS on the word of "some sources"?

I can't count how many times I have shown on this forum that "some sources" are full of shit. It amazes me people still listen to them.
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Yes. A tax penalty, just like ObamaCare's penalty.

Ok, did the state have a punishment mechanism in place if people just feel like ignoring the penalty on thier forms? According to some sources the IRS doesnt have that power right now. Its basically a voluntary penalty.

"According to some sources". Would you literally put your money down on a bet those unnamed sources are right? You really want to go up against the IRS on the word of "some sources"?

I can't count how many times I have shown on this forum that "some sources" are full of shit. It amazes me people still listen to them.

The Obamacare Penalty: Yes, It Can Be Avoided - Yahoo Finance

We asked Mark Luscombe, principal analyst at CCH Tax & Accounting North America, about that. Turns out Limbaugh is essentially right. If you don't get a refund next year, the “IRS could carry over the sum due and apply it against any refunds in future years. On a joint return, the penalty of one joint filer could be applied against the refund due to the other joint filer,” Luscombe says.

“If you don’t pay it, all they can do is wait until they owe you some money and take that. Or probably just send you a letter every now and then reminding you that you owe money to the IRS,” says Timothy Jost, a professor at the Washington and Lee University School of Law and coauthor of the casebook “Health Law.”
Not one of you wingnuts have bothered to ask the obvious question: Why are some people losing their health plans?
The reason is that the ACA has standards that apply to what insurance a person can carry. IF their current insurance plan does not meet those standards the people with the plans will be forced to purchase better plans.
For example, some people have plans which cost around $54 dollars a month. That sounds like a really great deal except the plan covers almost nothing. For example, in some cases the plan does not even cover x-rays, CAT scans, MRI's, or ultra-sounds. Not only that but the plans have high deductables and exclude many serious illnesses. I believe they are referred to in the business as "junk insurance policies."

In other words, some people HAVE health insurance in name only. Their plans cover almost nothing and will not protect them in the event of a serious illness or accident.
Another fact that is being CONVENIENTLY ignored is that many of the people who cannot pay for higher insurance plans can often get help from the subsidies built into the plan.
Typically the republicans are telling half of the story and, as usual, twisting that half. It constantly amazes me that republicans feel that it is okay to lie and spread false information to try to force their ideas on others. I would expect such behavior if I were in the mid-east and haggling with some arab street merchant. I expect better from the citizens of this country.
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Not one of you wingnuts have bothered to ask the obvious question: Why are some people losing their health plans?
The reason is that the ACA has standards that apply to what insurance a person can carry. IF their current insurance plan does not meet those standards the people with the plans will be forced to purchase better plans.
For example, some people have plans which cost around $54 dollars a month. That sounds like a really great deal except the plan covers almost nothing. For example, in some cases the plan does not even cover x-rays, CAT scans, MRI's, or ultra-sounds. Not only that but the plans have high deductables and exclude many serious illnesses. I believe they are referred to in the business as "junk insurance policies."
In other words, some people HAVE health insurance in name only. Their plans cover almost nothing and will not protect them in the event of a serious illness or accident.

The people know this going into the plan. Its called freedom of choice. Now, they are forced into buying something that they do not want at huge costs.
Ok, did the state have a punishment mechanism in place if people just feel like ignoring the penalty on thier forms? According to some sources the IRS doesnt have that power right now. Its basically a voluntary penalty.

"According to some sources". Would you literally put your money down on a bet those unnamed sources are right? You really want to go up against the IRS on the word of "some sources"?

I can't count how many times I have shown on this forum that "some sources" are full of shit. It amazes me people still listen to them.

The Obamacare Penalty: Yes, It Can Be Avoided - Yahoo Finance

We asked Mark Luscombe, principal analyst at CCH Tax & Accounting North America, about that. Turns out Limbaugh is essentially right. If you don't get a refund next year, the “IRS could carry over the sum due and apply it against any refunds in future years. On a joint return, the penalty of one joint filer could be applied against the refund due to the other joint filer,” Luscombe says.

“If you don’t pay it, all they can do is wait until they owe you some money and take that. Or probably just send you a letter every now and then reminding you that you owe money to the IRS,” says Timothy Jost, a professor at the Washington and Lee University School of Law and coauthor of the casebook “Health Law.”

Ah. Limbaugh.


Here's the key part you need to pay attention to: IRS could carry over the sum due and apply it against any refunds in future years.

The IRS will get you. Sooner or later. So you better not let Limbaugh talk you into spending your penalty money on a new Xbox.
Not one of you wingnuts have bothered to ask the obvious question: Why are some people losing their health plans?
The reason is that the ACA has standards that apply to what insurance a person can carry. IF their current insurance plan does not meet those standards the people with the plans will be forced to purchase better plans.
For example, some people have plans which cost around $54 dollars a month. That sounds like a really great deal except the plan covers almost nothing. For example, in some cases the plan does not even cover x-rays, CAT scans, MRI's, or ultra-sounds. Not only that but the plans have high deductables and exclude many serious illnesses. I believe they are referred to in the business as "junk insurance policies."

In other words, some people HAVE health insurance in name only. Their plans cover almost nothing and will not protect them in the event of a serious illness or accident.
Another fact that is being CONVENIENTLY ignored is that many of the people who cannot pay for higher insurance plans can often get help from the subsidies built into the plan.
Typically the republicans are telling half of the story and, as usual, twisting that half. It constantly amazes me that republicans feel that it is okay to lie and spread false information to try to force their ideas on others. I would expect such behavior if I were in the mid-east and haggling with some arab street merchant. I expect better from the citizens of this country.

Translation: You are too stupid to be allowed to make your own decisions. The government needs to make all your decisions for you.
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Here's comes the spinning and name calling of course

Not one of you wingnuts have bothered to ask the obvious question: Why are some people losing their health plans?

it's the insurance companies fault

so when did Obama tell you your plan had to follow his guidelines in OslaveCare? did WE MISS THAT one?
and that if they didn your plan would then be CANCELED
It is the insurance companies fault. They should have ignored the law. Instead, they listened to what the law told them to do and now people are going to suffer.

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