Republicans Are Suddenly Afraid of Democracy

Republicans keep consolidating power to the Oligarchy to prevent citizens from having a say over their lives.

Really? It's commie oligarchs that are shadow banning, deleting FB and Utube posts by conservatives. Hell even reputable doctors aren't allowed to disagree with the WHO. Between Twitter, FB and Google, they are trying to regulate the information Americans can get.

Trump is the one forcing regulation of social media!

So they can regulate his followers communications to stop him.

Hell the US military sent anthrax letters to news reporters & congress people who were against the Iraq war.

Thanks for proving my point, I think.

You go a link for that last sentence?

We fear that the left seeks an end to democracy and free speech....Trump supporters are afraid to put Trump stickers on their yes we fear the loss of freedom....and I'll tell you libs one thing you don't want to happen...and that is to cause us to fear you....if that happens you are done.....
'Trump supporters are afraid to put Trump stickers on their cars'.....'I'll tell you libs one thing you don't want to happen...and that is to cause us to fear you....if that happens you are done'.....which one is it?

The Trump administration is using the last weeks of the campaign to soften up the country for a repudiation of democracy itself. This project will take some doing. Getting rid of checks on presidential power in the form of inspectors general, congressional committees, special counsels, and nonpartisan judges might drive pundits and experts crazy, but such moves don’t hit home for many citizens. The post-Watergate norms established to preserve the Justice Department’s integrity are not widely understood. But voting is something else. Your vote is your most tangible connection to the idea of democratic government. It’s the only form of political power most Americans possess. It’s proof that government of, by, and for the people hasn’t yet perished from the Earth. Your vote is personal. For a president to throw it out would be an audacious undertaking.

Trump keeps promising to try. Every time he talks about “massive fraud” and sending the election to a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, he’s preparing you to have your vote taken away—to make that shocking prospect a little more normal, even inevitable. Each new controversy, each norm broken, each authoritarian pose makes Trump’s intention to nullify the election results clear.
Hilarious projection considering the left are the ones burning up cities while demanding we switch to communism

The Trump administration is using the last weeks of the campaign to soften up the country for a repudiation of democracy itself. This project will take some doing. Getting rid of checks on presidential power in the form of inspectors general, congressional committees, special counsels, and nonpartisan judges might drive pundits and experts crazy, but such moves don’t hit home for many citizens. The post-Watergate norms established to preserve the Justice Department’s integrity are not widely understood. But voting is something else. Your vote is your most tangible connection to the idea of democratic government. It’s the only form of political power most Americans possess. It’s proof that government of, by, and for the people hasn’t yet perished from the Earth. Your vote is personal. For a president to throw it out would be an audacious undertaking.

Trump keeps promising to try. Every time he talks about “massive fraud” and sending the election to a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, he’s preparing you to have your vote taken away—to make that shocking prospect a little more normal, even inevitable. Each new controversy, each norm broken, each authoritarian pose makes Trump’s intention to nullify the election results clear.
Trump dislikes our best of allies and loves the dictators. It is clear as hell.

If any of you haven't voted yet please do not vote for the incumbent when you do.

Really? So what has Trump done to benefit Kim Jong Un? Or the Chinese President Xi? Or Putin? Or Raul Castro? Or the president of Iran, Venezuela, or any other dictatorship?

What has he given them? Money? Weapons? What?
As for Kim Jung Un..he gave him world flying over there and kissing his ass.

Right now France, and Vietnam and Italy are planning a Kim Jung Un birthday party for him? I think you're imagining the "kissing up" part. It's what leaders do.. They meet and negotiate.. Not pay RANSOM MONEY to a freakin' "god" who lets his people starve to buy nuclear toys.. And THEN does nothing in return for the loot we gave him..

Where do ya get these misconceptions of "giving cred" to Kim Jung Un by negotiating one on one? You ARE AWARE that until Trrump -- the PRNK REFUSED 2 party negotiations from the past 3 or 5 presidents.. Did ya KNOW that???
Kim Jung walked away with a big smile on his face..he gave nothing to Trump but got his cred..the Great Deal Maker got taken and Kim Jung Un knew it
Republicans keep consolidating power to the Oligarchy to prevent citizens from having a say over their lives.

Really? It's commie oligarchs that are shadow banning, deleting FB and Utube posts by conservatives. Hell even reputable doctors aren't allowed to disagree with the WHO. Between Twitter, FB and Google, they are trying to regulate the information Americans can get.

Republicans keep consolidating power to the Oligarchy to prevent citizens from having a say over their lives.

Really? It's commie oligarchs that are shadow banning, deleting FB and Utube posts by conservatives. Hell even reputable doctors aren't allowed to disagree with the WHO. Between Twitter, FB and Google, they are trying to regulate the information Americans can get.


Deflection and non-response duly noted.

Republicans keep consolidating power to the Oligarchy to prevent citizens from having a say over their lives.

Really? It's commie oligarchs that are shadow banning, deleting FB and Utube posts by conservatives. Hell even reputable doctors aren't allowed to disagree with the WHO. Between Twitter, FB and Google, they are trying to regulate the information Americans can get.


Deflection and non-response duly noted.

I got the idea from the tin foil hats on here..they do it all the time..usually with a little vulgarity thrown in.
Pelosi wants her OWN FBI and Federal Marshall authority.. ANYONE on the left think that's a REALLY REALLY STINKY turn for democracy??? Nawwww..
Burt it's alright when Trump wants the same it

Where does the Exec branch want itt's own FBI and Fed marshalls.. That's WHERE the management of these orgs RESIDE.. Because a CONGRESS with their OWN LEGAL AUTHORITY is tryranical..

You don't KNOW THIS because you're a leftist that forgot about "balance of power" and doesn't KNOW "how things work".. If Congress GOT that authority -- you would NOT NEED an Executive Branch or a Judicial Branch... And you'd be marching towards tyranny....

Those clowns cant' even "stay on topic" in important hearings. Can't keep the Awwan Brothers out of SPYING on their work.. Can't oversight a middle school picnic...

Can't PASS bail out for Covid without including the kitchen sink... You want them to toss the cuffs on people????

The Trump administration is using the last weeks of the campaign to soften up the country for a repudiation of democracy itself. This project will take some doing. Getting rid of checks on presidential power in the form of inspectors general, congressional committees, special counsels, and nonpartisan judges might drive pundits and experts crazy, but such moves don’t hit home for many citizens. The post-Watergate norms established to preserve the Justice Department’s integrity are not widely understood. But voting is something else. Your vote is your most tangible connection to the idea of democratic government. It’s the only form of political power most Americans possess. It’s proof that government of, by, and for the people hasn’t yet perished from the Earth. Your vote is personal. For a president to throw it out would be an audacious undertaking.

Trump keeps promising to try. Every time he talks about “massive fraud” and sending the election to a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, he’s preparing you to have your vote taken away—to make that shocking prospect a little more normal, even inevitable. Each new controversy, each norm broken, each authoritarian pose makes Trump’s intention to nullify the election results clear.
True democracy scares the hell out of right authoritarian oligarchy is their idea of a perfect system of government.
The Founders did not set up a True Democracy.

The Trump administration is using the last weeks of the campaign to soften up the country for a repudiation of democracy itself. This project will take some doing. Getting rid of checks on presidential power in the form of inspectors general, congressional committees, special counsels, and nonpartisan judges might drive pundits and experts crazy, but such moves don’t hit home for many citizens. The post-Watergate norms established to preserve the Justice Department’s integrity are not widely understood. But voting is something else. Your vote is your most tangible connection to the idea of democratic government. It’s the only form of political power most Americans possess. It’s proof that government of, by, and for the people hasn’t yet perished from the Earth. Your vote is personal. For a president to throw it out would be an audacious undertaking.

Trump keeps promising to try. Every time he talks about “massive fraud” and sending the election to a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, he’s preparing you to have your vote taken away—to make that shocking prospect a little more normal, even inevitable. Each new controversy, each norm broken, each authoritarian pose makes Trump’s intention to nullify the election results clear.

Well I certainly wouldn’t expect the mental midgets at The Atlantic to understand that Mike Lee is 100% correct, we are a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy.
What you say has been thrown around by the right for so long and they still don't get it right. Either do you. What Lee said in his tweet was incorrect. He learned it wrong.
Representative Democracy is correct. You are wrong.

"The Utah Republican's tweets on the matter are linked to a long history of Republicans rejecting the notion that the US political system is a democracy. The GOP's objection to calling the US a democracy is tied to the fact Republicans have reason to fear a system in which a majority of Americans have more say. The Republican party's platform is increasingly at odds with the perspectives of most voters on an array of issues."

Read the wapo article here:

We are a constitutional democratic republic.

A republic doesn't allow for the whole population or people to vote and elect who represents them.

It's done by a small group of politicians in back rooms.

That is how our senators were elected until the 17th amendment passed.

Democracy is a republic that has the people of the nation vote to elect those who represent them in the government.

I'm sure the republicans want to go to a republic to get rid of the power of the people to elect those who represent them in government. The republicans want unnamed and unaccountable politicians in back rooms making that choice.

Which is why republicans hate democracy. They don't believe in a government of, by and for the people with the people having the power. The republicans want the unaccountable and unnamed politicians in back rooms.
Republicans Are Suddenly Afraid of Democracy
Anyone with any intellect will look upon democracy with a great deal of skepticism.

“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.”
“Democracy, too, is a religion. It is the worship of jackals by jackasses.”
”Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.”
“If a politician found he had cannibals among his constituents, he would promise them missionaries for dinner.”
Henry L. Mencken

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