Republicans Are Suddenly Afraid of Democracy

..."The Utah Republican's tweets on the matter are linked to a long history of Republicans rejecting the notion that the US political system is a democracy. The GOP's objection to calling the US a democracy is tied to the fact Republicans have reason to fear a system in which a majority of Americans have more say. The Republican party's platform is increasingly at odds with the perspectives of most voters on an array of issues."

The word 'democracy' is not in the Constitution. We are not a democracy.
'Democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or through freely elected representatives'...again..we are a republic that practices democracy.

Again, democracy ends at the State line.

The Orange Baboon-God is an autocrat.

Autocrats usually fail "Plays well with others" in elementary school.

Which is why Rump rules mostly by Executive Order.

He can't get his equals in other branches of government to adopt his ideas.

That's not so much a flaw in the ideas as it is a grotesquely obvious and dangerous flaw in his character.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats can stand the sonofabitch; some say it openly; some say it behind closed doors.

And, unfortunately, Rump is dragging much of the Republican nationwide ticket down with him.

Poor foolish Pubs... they've got a tiger by the tail... and they don't dare let go.

Oh, well... it was their choice... they did it to themselves.

The downside is, the country will not have a very good set of checks-and-balances for a while, as Pubs hit the showers after January 20th.
..."The Utah Republican's tweets on the matter are linked to a long history of Republicans rejecting the notion that the US political system is a democracy. The GOP's objection to calling the US a democracy is tied to the fact Republicans have reason to fear a system in which a majority of Americans have more say. The Republican party's platform is increasingly at odds with the perspectives of most voters on an array of issues."

The word 'democracy' is not in the Constitution. We are not a democracy.
'Democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or through freely elected representatives'...again..we are a republic that practices democracy.

Again, democracy ends at the State line.

Not if all fifty states practice it

The Trump administration is using the last weeks of the campaign to soften up the country for a repudiation of democracy itself. This project will take some doing. Getting rid of checks on presidential power in the form of inspectors general, congressional committees, special counsels, and nonpartisan judges might drive pundits and experts crazy, but such moves don’t hit home for many citizens. The post-Watergate norms established to preserve the Justice Department’s integrity are not widely understood. But voting is something else. Your vote is your most tangible connection to the idea of democratic government. It’s the only form of political power most Americans possess. It’s proof that government of, by, and for the people hasn’t yet perished from the Earth. Your vote is personal. For a president to throw it out would be an audacious undertaking.

Trump keeps promising to try. Every time he talks about “massive fraud” and sending the election to a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, he’s preparing you to have your vote taken away—to make that shocking prospect a little more normal, even inevitable. Each new controversy, each norm broken, each authoritarian pose makes Trump’s intention to nullify the election results clear.
The intent here is clear, and I can see him/them trying this even if it's a blowout against them.

Looking for a silver lining, hopefully we'll use the last four years as a cautionary tale going forward.

The Trump administration is using the last weeks of the campaign to soften up the country for a repudiation of democracy itself. This project will take some doing. Getting rid of checks on presidential power in the form of inspectors general, congressional committees, special counsels, and nonpartisan judges might drive pundits and experts crazy, but such moves don’t hit home for many citizens. The post-Watergate norms established to preserve the Justice Department’s integrity are not widely understood. But voting is something else. Your vote is your most tangible connection to the idea of democratic government. It’s the only form of political power most Americans possess. It’s proof that government of, by, and for the people hasn’t yet perished from the Earth. Your vote is personal. For a president to throw it out would be an audacious undertaking.

Trump keeps promising to try. Every time he talks about “massive fraud” and sending the election to a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, he’s preparing you to have your vote taken away—to make that shocking prospect a little more normal, even inevitable. Each new controversy, each norm broken, each authoritarian pose makes Trump’s intention to nullify the election results clear.

Well I certainly wouldn’t expect the mental midgets at The Atlantic to understand that Mike Lee is 100% correct, we are a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy.
A Constitutional Republic that practices democracy..for now anyway.

You fucking idiot, democracy ends at the State line. Perhaps you should go back to your ESL civics class.

And if ALL states practice it there is no 'state line' for all practical purposes...fucking idiot.
Republicans keep consolidating power to the Oligarchy to prevent citizens from having a say over their lives.

Really? It's commie oligarchs that are shadow banning, deleting FB and Utube posts by conservatives. Hell even reputable doctors aren't allowed to disagree with the WHO. Between Twitter, FB and Google, they are trying to regulate the information Americans can get.


The Trump administration is using the last weeks of the campaign to soften up the country for a repudiation of democracy itself. This project will take some doing. Getting rid of checks on presidential power in the form of inspectors general, congressional committees, special counsels, and nonpartisan judges might drive pundits and experts crazy, but such moves don’t hit home for many citizens. The post-Watergate norms established to preserve the Justice Department’s integrity are not widely understood. But voting is something else. Your vote is your most tangible connection to the idea of democratic government. It’s the only form of political power most Americans possess. It’s proof that government of, by, and for the people hasn’t yet perished from the Earth. Your vote is personal. For a president to throw it out would be an audacious undertaking.

Trump keeps promising to try. Every time he talks about “massive fraud” and sending the election to a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, he’s preparing you to have your vote taken away—to make that shocking prospect a little more normal, even inevitable. Each new controversy, each norm broken, each authoritarian pose makes Trump’s intention to nullify the election results clear.

democratic government like the Democratic party Wallace and other PROG mods label right? Rich

The Trump administration is using the last weeks of the campaign to soften up the country for a repudiation of democracy itself. This project will take some doing. Getting rid of checks on presidential power in the form of inspectors general, congressional committees, special counsels, and nonpartisan judges might drive pundits and experts crazy, but such moves don’t hit home for many citizens. The post-Watergate norms established to preserve the Justice Department’s integrity are not widely understood. But voting is something else. Your vote is your most tangible connection to the idea of democratic government. It’s the only form of political power most Americans possess. It’s proof that government of, by, and for the people hasn’t yet perished from the Earth. Your vote is personal. For a president to throw it out would be an audacious undertaking.

Trump keeps promising to try. Every time he talks about “massive fraud” and sending the election to a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, he’s preparing you to have your vote taken away—to make that shocking prospect a little more normal, even inevitable. Each new controversy, each norm broken, each authoritarian pose makes Trump’s intention to nullify the election results clear.
The intent here is clear, and I can see him/them trying this even if it's a blowout against them.

Looking for a silver lining,
“hopefully we'll use the last four years as a cautionary tale going forward.”
Yes, cautious of a record high stock market, record low unemployment, higher wages, blacks being pried from the taxpayer tit in record numbers, lower taxes for our most productive citizens, beaners shut down at our border and being sent home to Mehico, our best citizens unified like never before....BE CAUTIOUS

The Trump administration is using the last weeks of the campaign to soften up the country for a repudiation of democracy itself. This project will take some doing. Getting rid of checks on presidential power in the form of inspectors general, congressional committees, special counsels, and nonpartisan judges might drive pundits and experts crazy, but such moves don’t hit home for many citizens. The post-Watergate norms established to preserve the Justice Department’s integrity are not widely understood. But voting is something else. Your vote is your most tangible connection to the idea of democratic government. It’s the only form of political power most Americans possess. It’s proof that government of, by, and for the people hasn’t yet perished from the Earth. Your vote is personal. For a president to throw it out would be an audacious undertaking.

Trump keeps promising to try. Every time he talks about “massive fraud” and sending the election to a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, he’s preparing you to have your vote taken away—to make that shocking prospect a little more normal, even inevitable. Each new controversy, each norm broken, each authoritarian pose makes Trump’s intention to nullify the election results clear.
The intent here is clear, and I can see him/them trying this even if it's a blowout against them.

Looking for a silver lining,
“hopefully we'll use the last four years as a cautionary tale going forward.”
Yes, cautious of a record high stock market, record low unemployment, higher wages, blacks being pried from the taxpayer tit in record numbers, lower taxes for our most productive citizens, beaners shut down at our border and being sent home to Mehico, our best citizens unified like never before....BE CAUTIOUS
Your Trumpian arrogant ignorance on economics makes me sad.

Just stick to hating darker people. It works better for you.
..."The Utah Republican's tweets on the matter are linked to a long history of Republicans rejecting the notion that the US political system is a democracy. The GOP's objection to calling the US a democracy is tied to the fact Republicans have reason to fear a system in which a majority of Americans have more say. The Republican party's platform is increasingly at odds with the perspectives of most voters on an array of issues."

The word 'democracy' is not in the Constitution. We are not a democracy.
'Democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or through freely elected representatives'...again..we are a republic that practices democracy.

Again, democracy ends at the State line.

Not if all fifty states practice it

Name them.


The Trump administration is using the last weeks of the campaign to soften up the country for a repudiation of democracy itself. This project will take some doing. Getting rid of checks on presidential power in the form of inspectors general, congressional committees, special counsels, and nonpartisan judges might drive pundits and experts crazy, but such moves don’t hit home for many citizens. The post-Watergate norms established to preserve the Justice Department’s integrity are not widely understood. But voting is something else. Your vote is your most tangible connection to the idea of democratic government. It’s the only form of political power most Americans possess. It’s proof that government of, by, and for the people hasn’t yet perished from the Earth. Your vote is personal. For a president to throw it out would be an audacious undertaking.

Trump keeps promising to try. Every time he talks about “massive fraud” and sending the election to a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, he’s preparing you to have your vote taken away—to make that shocking prospect a little more normal, even inevitable. Each new controversy, each norm broken, each authoritarian pose makes Trump’s intention to nullify the election results clear.
The intent here is clear, and I can see him/them trying this even if it's a blowout against them.

Looking for a silver lining,
“hopefully we'll use the last four years as a cautionary tale going forward.”
Yes, cautious of a record high stock market, record low unemployment, higher wages, blacks being pried from the taxpayer tit in record numbers, lower taxes for our most productive citizens, beaners shut down at our border and being sent home to Mehico, our best citizens unified like never before....BE CAUTIOUS
Your Trumpian arrogant ignorance on economics makes me sad.

Just stick to hating darker people. It works better for you.
I know, I hate it when people see things too clearly without all the fuzzy blur.

The Trump administration is using the last weeks of the campaign to soften up the country for a repudiation of democracy itself. This project will take some doing. Getting rid of checks on presidential power in the form of inspectors general, congressional committees, special counsels, and nonpartisan judges might drive pundits and experts crazy, but such moves don’t hit home for many citizens. The post-Watergate norms established to preserve the Justice Department’s integrity are not widely understood. But voting is something else. Your vote is your most tangible connection to the idea of democratic government. It’s the only form of political power most Americans possess. It’s proof that government of, by, and for the people hasn’t yet perished from the Earth. Your vote is personal. For a president to throw it out would be an audacious undertaking.

Trump keeps promising to try. Every time he talks about “massive fraud” and sending the election to a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, he’s preparing you to have your vote taken away—to make that shocking prospect a little more normal, even inevitable. Each new controversy, each norm broken, each authoritarian pose makes Trump’s intention to nullify the election results clear.
The intent here is clear, and I can see him/them trying this even if it's a blowout against them.

Looking for a silver lining,
“hopefully we'll use the last four years as a cautionary tale going forward.”
Yes, cautious of a record high stock market, record low unemployment, higher wages, blacks being pried from the taxpayer tit in record numbers, lower taxes for our most productive citizens, beaners shut down at our border and being sent home to Mehico, our best citizens unified like never before....BE CAUTIOUS
Your Trumpian arrogant ignorance on economics makes me sad.

Just stick to hating darker people. It works better for you.
I know, I hate it when people see things too clearly without all the fuzzy blur.
Yes, you're just too informed on that stuff for me. You gots Da Troof 'n such. Darn.

The Trump administration is using the last weeks of the campaign to soften up the country for a repudiation of democracy itself. This project will take some doing. Getting rid of checks on presidential power in the form of inspectors general, congressional committees, special counsels, and nonpartisan judges might drive pundits and experts crazy, but such moves don’t hit home for many citizens. The post-Watergate norms established to preserve the Justice Department’s integrity are not widely understood. But voting is something else. Your vote is your most tangible connection to the idea of democratic government. It’s the only form of political power most Americans possess. It’s proof that government of, by, and for the people hasn’t yet perished from the Earth. Your vote is personal. For a president to throw it out would be an audacious undertaking.

Trump keeps promising to try. Every time he talks about “massive fraud” and sending the election to a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, he’s preparing you to have your vote taken away—to make that shocking prospect a little more normal, even inevitable. Each new controversy, each norm broken, each authoritarian pose makes Trump’s intention to nullify the election results clear.

Well I certainly wouldn’t expect the mental midgets at The Atlantic to understand that Mike Lee is 100% correct, we are a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy.
A Constitutional Republic that practices democracy..for now anyway.

You fucking idiot, democracy ends at the State line. Perhaps you should go back to your ESL civics class.

And if ALL states practice it there is no 'state line' for all practical purposes...fucking idiot.

Sure there are, you're not very bright are ya.


The Trump administration is using the last weeks of the campaign to soften up the country for a repudiation of democracy itself. This project will take some doing. Getting rid of checks on presidential power in the form of inspectors general, congressional committees, special counsels, and nonpartisan judges might drive pundits and experts crazy, but such moves don’t hit home for many citizens. The post-Watergate norms established to preserve the Justice Department’s integrity are not widely understood. But voting is something else. Your vote is your most tangible connection to the idea of democratic government. It’s the only form of political power most Americans possess. It’s proof that government of, by, and for the people hasn’t yet perished from the Earth. Your vote is personal. For a president to throw it out would be an audacious undertaking.

Trump keeps promising to try. Every time he talks about “massive fraud” and sending the election to a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, he’s preparing you to have your vote taken away—to make that shocking prospect a little more normal, even inevitable. Each new controversy, each norm broken, each authoritarian pose makes Trump’s intention to nullify the election results clear.

You can stick mob rule democracy straight up yer ass
Republicans keep consolidating power to the Oligarchy to prevent citizens from having a say over their lives.

Really? It's commie oligarchs that are shadow banning, deleting FB and Utube posts by conservatives. Hell even reputable doctors aren't allowed to disagree with the WHO. Between Twitter, FB and Google, they are trying to regulate the information Americans can get.

Trump is the one forcing regulation of social media!

So they can regulate his followers communications to stop him.

Hell the US military sent anthrax letters to news reporters & congress people who were against the Iraq war.
Last edited:

The Trump administration is using the last weeks of the campaign to soften up the country for a repudiation of democracy itself. This project will take some doing. Getting rid of checks on presidential power in the form of inspectors general, congressional committees, special counsels, and nonpartisan judges might drive pundits and experts crazy, but such moves don’t hit home for many citizens. The post-Watergate norms established to preserve the Justice Department’s integrity are not widely understood. But voting is something else. Your vote is your most tangible connection to the idea of democratic government. It’s the only form of political power most Americans possess. It’s proof that government of, by, and for the people hasn’t yet perished from the Earth. Your vote is personal. For a president to throw it out would be an audacious undertaking.

Trump keeps promising to try. Every time he talks about “massive fraud” and sending the election to a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, he’s preparing you to have your vote taken away—to make that shocking prospect a little more normal, even inevitable. Each new controversy, each norm broken, each authoritarian pose makes Trump’s intention to nullify the election results clear.
:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:

The Trump administration is using the last weeks of the campaign to soften up the country for a repudiation of democracy itself. This project will take some doing. Getting rid of checks on presidential power in the form of inspectors general, congressional committees, special counsels, and nonpartisan judges might drive pundits and experts crazy, but such moves don’t hit home for many citizens. The post-Watergate norms established to preserve the Justice Department’s integrity are not widely understood. But voting is something else. Your vote is your most tangible connection to the idea of democratic government. It’s the only form of political power most Americans possess. It’s proof that government of, by, and for the people hasn’t yet perished from the Earth. Your vote is personal. For a president to throw it out would be an audacious undertaking.

Trump keeps promising to try. Every time he talks about “massive fraud” and sending the election to a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, he’s preparing you to have your vote taken away—to make that shocking prospect a little more normal, even inevitable. Each new controversy, each norm broken, each authoritarian pose makes Trump’s intention to nullify the election results clear.
The intent here is clear, and I can see him/them trying this even if it's a blowout against them.

Looking for a silver lining,
“hopefully we'll use the last four years as a cautionary tale going forward.”
Yes, cautious of a record high stock market, record low unemployment, higher wages, blacks being pried from the taxpayer tit in record numbers, lower taxes for our most productive citizens, beaners shut down at our border and being sent home to Mehico, our best citizens unified like never before....BE CAUTIOUS
Your Trumpian arrogant ignorance on economics makes me sad.

Just stick to hating darker people. It works better for you.

The Trump administration is using the last weeks of the campaign to soften up the country for a repudiation of democracy itself. This project will take some doing. Getting rid of checks on presidential power in the form of inspectors general, congressional committees, special counsels, and nonpartisan judges might drive pundits and experts crazy, but such moves don’t hit home for many citizens. The post-Watergate norms established to preserve the Justice Department’s integrity are not widely understood. But voting is something else. Your vote is your most tangible connection to the idea of democratic government. It’s the only form of political power most Americans possess. It’s proof that government of, by, and for the people hasn’t yet perished from the Earth. Your vote is personal. For a president to throw it out would be an audacious undertaking.

Trump keeps promising to try. Every time he talks about “massive fraud” and sending the election to a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, he’s preparing you to have your vote taken away—to make that shocking prospect a little more normal, even inevitable. Each new controversy, each norm broken, each authoritarian pose makes Trump’s intention to nullify the election results clear.
The intent here is clear, and I can see him/them trying this even if it's a blowout against them.

Looking for a silver lining,
“hopefully we'll use the last four years as a cautionary tale going forward.”
Yes, cautious of a record high stock market, record low unemployment, higher wages, blacks being pried from the taxpayer tit in record numbers, lower taxes for our most productive citizens, beaners shut down at our border and being sent home to Mehico, our best citizens unified like never before....BE CAUTIOUS
Your Trumpian arrogant ignorance on economics makes me sad.

Just stick to hating darker people. It works better for you.
I know, I hate it when people see things too clearly without all the fuzzy blur.
Yes, you're just too informed on that stuff for me. You gots Da Troof 'n such. Darn.

Trust me bud, you have zero credibility here...NOBODY believes you are good at what you proclaim to do for a living.
You’ve said too much and exposed yourself. Nobody taking your positions can be good with other people’s money....NOBODY

The Trump administration is using the last weeks of the campaign to soften up the country for a repudiation of democracy itself. This project will take some doing. Getting rid of checks on presidential power in the form of inspectors general, congressional committees, special counsels, and nonpartisan judges might drive pundits and experts crazy, but such moves don’t hit home for many citizens. The post-Watergate norms established to preserve the Justice Department’s integrity are not widely understood. But voting is something else. Your vote is your most tangible connection to the idea of democratic government. It’s the only form of political power most Americans possess. It’s proof that government of, by, and for the people hasn’t yet perished from the Earth. Your vote is personal. For a president to throw it out would be an audacious undertaking.

Trump keeps promising to try. Every time he talks about “massive fraud” and sending the election to a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, he’s preparing you to have your vote taken away—to make that shocking prospect a little more normal, even inevitable. Each new controversy, each norm broken, each authoritarian pose makes Trump’s intention to nullify the election results clear.
The intent here is clear, and I can see him/them trying this even if it's a blowout against them.

Looking for a silver lining,
“hopefully we'll use the last four years as a cautionary tale going forward.”
Yes, cautious of a record high stock market, record low unemployment, higher wages, blacks being pried from the taxpayer tit in record numbers, lower taxes for our most productive citizens, beaners shut down at our border and being sent home to Mehico, our best citizens unified like never before....BE CAUTIOUS
Your Trumpian arrogant ignorance on economics makes me sad.

Just stick to hating darker people. It works better for you.

The Trump administration is using the last weeks of the campaign to soften up the country for a repudiation of democracy itself. This project will take some doing. Getting rid of checks on presidential power in the form of inspectors general, congressional committees, special counsels, and nonpartisan judges might drive pundits and experts crazy, but such moves don’t hit home for many citizens. The post-Watergate norms established to preserve the Justice Department’s integrity are not widely understood. But voting is something else. Your vote is your most tangible connection to the idea of democratic government. It’s the only form of political power most Americans possess. It’s proof that government of, by, and for the people hasn’t yet perished from the Earth. Your vote is personal. For a president to throw it out would be an audacious undertaking.

Trump keeps promising to try. Every time he talks about “massive fraud” and sending the election to a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, he’s preparing you to have your vote taken away—to make that shocking prospect a little more normal, even inevitable. Each new controversy, each norm broken, each authoritarian pose makes Trump’s intention to nullify the election results clear.
The intent here is clear, and I can see him/them trying this even if it's a blowout against them.

Looking for a silver lining,
“hopefully we'll use the last four years as a cautionary tale going forward.”
Yes, cautious of a record high stock market, record low unemployment, higher wages, blacks being pried from the taxpayer tit in record numbers, lower taxes for our most productive citizens, beaners shut down at our border and being sent home to Mehico, our best citizens unified like never before....BE CAUTIOUS
Your Trumpian arrogant ignorance on economics makes me sad.

Just stick to hating darker people. It works better for you.
I know, I hate it when people see things too clearly without all the fuzzy blur.
Yes, you're just too informed on that stuff for me. You gots Da Troof 'n such. Darn.

Trust me bud, you have zero credibility here...NOBODY believes you are good at what you proclaim to do for a living.
You’ve said too much and exposed yourself. Nobody taking your positions can be good with other people’s money....NOBODY

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