Republicans are the most fiscally irresponsible, it's not a close call...

Nov 29, 2010
The Republicans are responsible for the Debt. They're the most fiscally irresponsible and it's not a close call...

The Maddow Blog - Chart: National debt, by president

Obama spending at the beginning of his Presidency was a necessary evil according to virtually all economists, including the most fiscally conservative to avoid a total collapse of the economy. When Obama walked in the door we were already in the midst of the Great Recession, the worst economic situation since the Great Depression. Stimulus through spending was absolutely necessary.

Here's a graph of President's Truman through Bush:

Obama's Summit and the Myth of Republican Fiscal Responsibility | Crooks and Liars

Again, Obama's spending was necessary to prevent absolute meltdown with the likes of AIG, Citigroup, GM, and Chrysler going out of business. He's not fiscally irresponsible. He inherited a total ****ing mess.

If you're able to read these two graphs, your notion of the Democrat's being the irresponsible debtors will certainly go by the wayside.
Obama's three trillion in new debt accomplished nothing. He spent more and faster than anyone in the history of the planet. Now he wants Republicans to pay for it.
The Fed is still printing money and handing it out, so it's not about Obama's spending.
Hey! Maddow blog! Unemployment is 9.8%. DemonRats want to extend unemployment ad infnitum, the also want to tax the shit out of the job creators, they also want to pass the Dream Act. How do you square that?


I'm quite sure you haven't had time to review either of those graphs and give an opinion based on fact.

From what I can tell so far, you just spew empty rhetoric, similar to radio hosts like Hannity or Limbaugh with no facts to back up anything you write. If the spending over the last two years hadn't taken place, we would be in a lot worse shape than we are today.

On top of that, review the debt built up since 1981. The main culprit was W.
Disprove the source, laughing at it makes you look silly. Do you not like Maddow because she's a lesbian or because she's liberal?

The graph tells a story that if you can't disprove, then you need to accept that Republicans are the ones responsible for the debt. It doen't matter whether the source is Rachel Maddow or the Easter Bunny. Look at the graph. It accounts for all of the debt of the last 30 years. W. is the one that gutted us for no reason whatsoever. And Reagan is the initial culprit. The most responsible were Carter and Clinton. Obama simply did what was necessary to prevent another Great Depression.
Whatever floats...I guess. They're both responsible for this cluster****. Unless we quit spending and blowing we'll be the United States of China.
The Republicans are responsible for the Debt. They're the most fiscally irresponsible and it's not a close call...

The Maddow Blog - Chart: National debt, by president

Obama spending at the beginning of his Presidency was a necessary evil according to virtually all economists, including the most fiscally conservative to avoid a total collapse of the economy. When Obama walked in the door we were already in the midst of the Great Recession, the worst economic situation since the Great Depression. Stimulus through spending was absolutely necessary.

Here's a graph of President's Truman through Bush:

Obama's Summit and the Myth of Republican Fiscal Responsibility | Crooks and Liars

Again, Obama's spending was necessary to prevent absolute meltdown with the likes of AIG, Citigroup, GM, and Chrysler going out of business. He's not fiscally irresponsible. He inherited a total ****ing mess.

If you're able to read these two graphs, your notion of the Democrat's being the irresponsible debtors will certainly go by the wayside.

I see what your really took off once the the democrats took control of both the Senate and Congress. Good find, McDonk.
The Republicans are responsible for the Debt. They're the most fiscally irresponsible and it's not a close call...

The Maddow Blog - Chart: National debt, by president

Obama spending at the beginning of his Presidency was a necessary evil according to virtually all economists, including the most fiscally conservative to avoid a total collapse of the economy. When Obama walked in the door we were already in the midst of the Great Recession, the worst economic situation since the Great Depression. Stimulus through spending was absolutely necessary.

Here's a graph of President's Truman through Bush:

Obama's Summit and the Myth of Republican Fiscal Responsibility | Crooks and Liars

Again, Obama's spending was necessary to prevent absolute meltdown with the likes of AIG, Citigroup, GM, and Chrysler going out of business. He's not fiscally irresponsible. He inherited a total ****ing mess.

If you're able to read these two graphs, your notion of the Democrat's being the irresponsible debtors will certainly go by the wayside.

I see what your really took off once the the democrats took control of both the Senate and Congress. Good find, McDonk.

he he he :lol:
Actually it really took off when W. Bush decided to spend like our money was burning a hole in his pocket. The Iraq War and tax breaks for millionaires being two of the biggest drain holes. Both of which, many Democrats opposed...

Bush was spending money on things that have little to no value when it comes to stimulating the economy.
Then why didn't Bush's $1T deficit stop the slide?

Which budgets in 2007 and 2008, which led to those deficits, did Democrats in control of Congress not pass?

Bush was spending money on things that have little to no value when it comes to stimulating the economy.

You mean Obama spent it on shovel ready jobs he later admitted never existed? Or foreign bank bailouts?

How much of that $700B is still unspent?

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