Republicans better get it together


VIP Member
Jul 1, 2012
There is more at stake than just the presidency this election.

If Republicans stay home and don't vote, Hillary will win the presidency.
If Republicans stay home and don't vote, the Republicans will lose seats in the House and Senate.
If Republicans stay home and don't vote, Hillary will be nominating 1 to 3 Supreme Court Justices depending on who retires in the next few years.

I don't like Trump either, I don't trust him but there comes a point in life where you have to do things you know aren't right, this is going to be one of those times.

If Democrats win the Senate, House and presidency, they will turn this country into Communist China and there will be nothing we can do short of war to stop it.

Ok, I'm exaggerating here a bit to get my point across.
I think its a bit late for that, the GOP establishment screwed up royally and this is the fallout. Never underestimate the GOP establishments skill at snatching defeat from victory.
There is more at stake than just the presidency this election.

If Republicans stay home and don't vote, Hillary will win the presidency.
If Republicans stay home and don't vote, the Republicans will lose seats in the House and Senate.
If Republicans stay home and don't vote, Hillary will be nominating 1 to 3 Supreme Court Justices depending on who retires in the next few years.

I don't like Trump either, I don't trust him but there comes a point in life where you have to do things you know aren't right, this is going to be one of those times.

If Democrats win the Senate, House and presidency, they will turn this country into Communist China and there will be nothing we can do short of war to stop it.

Ok, I'm exaggerating here a bit to get my point across.
You voted in the most liberal authoritarian republican candidate so you own your stupidity. I am a conservative and Trump has shown JACK SHIT that earns my vote. So telling me I have to vote against Hillary instead of for someone deserves you only one answer.....Fuck off!
I think its a bit late for that, the GOP establishment screwed up royally and this is the fallout. Never underestimate the GOP establishments skill at snatching defeat from victory.

The main screw up from the GOP was that they didn't take Trump seriously until it was too late and he had the popular vote sewn up.

But, if they had actually paid attention to their "autopsy report" from 2012, Trump wouldn't have been able to do a hostile take over of their party. They detailed their problems, but then refused to do anything about it.

I wonder if Trump read that autopsy report, and used it as a way to take over the Republicans?
There is more at stake than just the presidency this election.

If Republicans stay home and don't vote, Hillary will win the presidency.
If Republicans stay home and don't vote, the Republicans will lose seats in the House and Senate.
If Republicans stay home and don't vote, Hillary will be nominating 1 to 3 Supreme Court Justices depending on who retires in the next few years.

I don't like Trump either, I don't trust him but there comes a point in life where you have to do things you know aren't right, this is going to be one of those times.

If Democrats win the Senate, House and presidency, they will turn this country into Communist China and there will be nothing we can do short of war to stop it.

Ok, I'm exaggerating here a bit to get my point across.

If republicans don't stay home and get out and vote .. Hillary Clinton will still be the president.

What republicans refuse to recognize is they can no longer win a presidential election without non-white support .. and that truth will only grow louder.
The Republican who represent the interests of only the wealthy, realized years ago that they needed to recruit idiots and assholes if they were to have any hope of winning elections.

Now it's come back to bite them. They've turned into a party of mostly idiots and assholes. The idiots supported Cruz while the assholes support Trump. The only true Republicans supported Kaisch - those that the idiots & assholes call RINOs.

What your seeing is the demise of the Republican party. This will be a 50 state election victory for the democrats - they'll take back both houses of congress.
I think its a bit late for that, the GOP establishment screwed up royally and this is the fallout. Never underestimate the GOP establishments skill at snatching defeat from victory.

The main screw up from the GOP was that they didn't take Trump seriously until it was too late and he had the popular vote sewn up.

But, if they had actually paid attention to their "autopsy report" from 2012, Trump wouldn't have been able to do a hostile take over of their party. They detailed their problems, but then refused to do anything about it.

I wonder if Trump read that autopsy report, and used it as a way to take over the Republicans?

The GOP establishment openly mocked and berated the base after the base handed them the House and Senate. Their mistake was thinking a majority of the party supported the establishment when in fact a large percentage of center/right Republicans were as fed up with them as the conservative base was leaving them maybe 20% and so the establishment got their asses handed to them. KABOOM!
I think its a bit late for that, the GOP establishment screwed up royally and this is the fallout. Never underestimate the GOP establishments skill at snatching defeat from victory.

The main screw up from the GOP was that they didn't take Trump seriously until it was too late and he had the popular vote sewn up.

But, if they had actually paid attention to their "autopsy report" from 2012, Trump wouldn't have been able to do a hostile take over of their party. They detailed their problems, but then refused to do anything about it.

I wonder if Trump read that autopsy report, and used it as a way to take over the Republicans?

The GOP establishment openly mocked and berated the base after the base handed them the House and Senate. Their mistake was thinking a majority of the party supported the establishment when in fact a large percentage of center/right Republicans were as fed up with them as the conservative base was leaving them maybe 20% and so the establishment got their asses handed to them. KABOOM!
and in their anger the nominated a establishment candidate. Real genius.
No worries. Hillary is going to jail, and if she doesn't Trump will kick her arse...
Libs keep insisting 'more' is needed for Hillary to be indicted, and everytime they do 'more' pops up. This time after livs have demanded 'more' the FBI have a notorioys hack in their custody who hacked into Hillary's personal server and gained access to 'information so classified it can't be released in any form without causing grave danger to our national security'.

On top of all the other laws regarding the handling and storage of classified information she violated (proven), now it is being proven that - even if just negligence - she DID cause the exposure / release of extremely damaging classified information.

Even if that information is not exploited by our enemies that does not take away from the fact that she put it out there unprotected, and it was hacked.

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