Republicans Blocked Funding For Pandemic Response

Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.
The trouble was it wasn't actually for pandemic response except in name only. The trouble with you demodumbasses is that you think we're all as stupid as up you are and we're not so that's why you keep LOSING!
Sad that the context is left out. It's always "show them what we want them to see, but not the entirety."
This thread is a bunch of nothing.
If you believe context is left out, then provide it and fill in the blanks. Anything else is just you talking out your ass again.
Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.

I read the ProPublica article in your OP.

Funding wasn't denied.

What's funny is...well, you should read the PP article also.

You'll then see where your OP is skewed.
Maybe if the democrats were paying attention to the Chinese pandemic instead of only focusing on a failed impeachment attempt, the US response would have been better? then again, the democrats sided with the Chinese coverup.....nevermind.
The Israelis say that Trump‘s administration informed them about the virus in November. But Trump didn’t inform the Democrats, or even the Republicans in Congress.
Note to leftists:

Refusing to give money to Democrat special interest groups is not "refusing to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic".
Name the special interest that you are referring to, then back it up with a link. Let’s see if you can find that URL in your ass.
Not worth my time. Democrats don't do anything that doesn't benefit themselves or their cronies. Your acceptance is neither required nor expected.
Yes, your time is devoted to talking out your ass and making allegations that you are incapable of backing up.
Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.
If the leftist loons would stop stuffing things into these funding bills that have absolutely "nothing" to do with the Coronavirus, the bills would be quickly passed, rather than be rejected.
Back up your lies with a link. No? :lol:
Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.
And once again we can see just how gullible and stupid people are.
Basically gleefully swallowing anything and everything shoved in their mouths by their puppet masters.
Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.
The trouble was it wasn't actually for pandemic response except in name only. The trouble with you demodumbasses is that you think we're all as stupid as up you are and we're not so that's why you keep LOSING!
^^^ Slept through the 2018 midterms. ^^^

Synthaholics position...

Democrats... vote and approve a bill to provide protection for pandemics.
However...buried in the bill it also legalizes eating children.

Republicans vote down the bill.

Synthaholic and the left media - REPUBLICANS REFUSE TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!
Maybe if the democrats were paying attention to the Chinese pandemic instead of only focusing on a failed impeachment attempt, the US response would have been better? then again, the democrats sided with the Chinese coverup.....nevermind.
The Israelis say that Trump‘s administration informed them about the virus in November. But Trump didn’t inform the Democrats, or even the Republicans in Congress.


better read it and decipher what it says...

US alerted Israel, NATO to disease outbreak in China in November — TV report
Sad that the context is left out. It's always "show them what we want them to see, but not the entirety."
This thread is a bunch of nothing.
If you believe context is left out, then provide it and fill in the blanks. Anything else is just you talking out your ass again.
Well, yeah.....
Congressional Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell in the Senate and House Speaker John Boehner, leveraged the debt ceiling — a limit on the government’s borrowing ability that had to be raised — to insist that the Obama administration accept federal spending curbs. The compromise, codified in the 2011 Budget Control Act, required a bipartisan “super committee” to find additional ways to reduce the deficit, or else it would trigger automatic across-the-board cuts known as “sequestration.”

This wan't just a republican thing, it was both parties
The Israelis say that Trump‘s administration informed them about the virus in November. But Trump didn’t inform the Democrats, or even the Republicans in Congress.

Prove it! Prove that the Trump administration advised Israel in November of 2019 of the existence of a coming Pandemic.

You cannot because it did not happen.

Do you actually believe that your constant stream of lies serves you well? That they bring anyone over to your side? Long ago you squandered any credibility you might have had so what is your purpose?
Last edited:
Why dont you find and post the bill so we all can see the unrelated pork Nancy and Chuckie had in there? You want because you just wanted an article that said " Bama dindo nuffin"

Why don't YOU read the bill for us and break out all of the items of "pork" you claim are contained in the Bill, and post them here to prove the bill is as bad as YOU claim it is. I'm certain that none of you mouth breathing dorks can even do that. You're just barking at Trump's talking points like always.

Didn't you whip yourselves into a frothing rage at the idea that Nancy Pelosi wasn't going to just rubber stamp McConnells free money to corporations? Why do Trumpists hate the idea of working Americans, who are suffering the most in this pandemic, are getting money.

Why do Republicans oppose raises for minimum wage workers, health insurance with no co-pays, and any program which gives the poor more cash? And yet corporations, who are awash in cash are lavished with tax breaks, and bailout programs? PEOPLE are starving. States and cities are being forced to lay off essential workers as their revenue sources dry up, and Trump engages is bullshit partisan politics trying to pit red states against blue states.

Either you are all Americans, in which case everyone chips in to get through together, or your nation continues to flush itself down the toilet with hate, bigotry and partisanship.
Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.
If the leftist loons would stop stuffing things into these funding bills that have absolutely "nothing" to do with the Coronavirus, the bills would be quickly passed, rather than be rejected.

I beg to differ. Funding for mail in voting is a DIRECT result of the corona virus, and the funds are needed now to prepare, print and mail out votes to all registered voters in America. Americans fear going out to vote - especially Trump's core base of old people.

But again, we say: Why don't you point us to the specific "pork" you're objecting to. You haven't given us a thing item of the pork you keep telling us is contained in the bill. Line by line - spell it out.
The Israelis say that Trump‘s administration informed them about the virus in November. But Trump didn’t inform the Democrats, or even the Republicans in Congress.

Prove it! Prove that the Trump administration advised Israel in November of 2019 of the existence of a coming Pandemic.

You cannot because it did not happen.

Do you actually believe that your constant stream of lies serves you well? That they bring anyone over to your side? Long ago you squandered any credibility you might have had so what is your purpose?

Somebody sure did. They had really early knowledge of what was really going on. Just read the response they took and when they took it:

Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.
Your half truths are why you all
Can’t win elections
Just like refusing to fund security for Benghazi, Republicans refused to fund protective equipment for the next pandemic.

Barack Obama’s efforts to replenish America’s stockpile of protective equipment for healthcare workers were repeatedly blocked by Republican lawmakers, an investigation has found.

The investigation by ProPublica found requests for funding to purchase protective equipment and train medical staff to prepare for future outbreaks were denied by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives that was filled with Tea Party-affiliated politicians.
And once again we can see just how gullible and stupid people are.
Basically gleefully swallowing anything and everything shoved in their mouths by their puppet masters.
Set the record straight, then. Oh, you can't?
Synthaholics position...

Democrats... vote and approve a bill to provide protection for pandemics.
However...buried in the bill it also legalizes eating children.

Republicans vote down the bill.

Synthaholic and the left media - REPUBLICANS REFUSE TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!
Republicans controlled all of government for Mango Mussolini's first 2 years, and didn't put forth or fund a pork-free bill.

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

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