Republicans condemn 87,000 IRS agents who don’t (and won’t) exist

Rights are more important than inflation. Once rights are lost, it can be difficult if not impossible to get them back. What something costs doesn't matter if you are dead. Republicans will not do a damn thing about inflation. They refused to help people who need insulin with skyrocketing costs. That is real inflation. That can put someone who needs insulin at risk of dying.
We had 1.5% inflation under Trump, moron. Dims cause both inflation and the loss of our rights. The cost of one drug does not encompass inflation.
Rights are more important than inflation. Once rights are lost, it can be difficult if not impossible to get them back. What something costs doesn't matter if you are dead. Republicans will not do a damn thing about inflation. They refused to help people who need insulin with skyrocketing costs. That is real inflation. That can put someone who needs insulin at risk of dying.

I'm diabetic and I'm doing just fine. You just have to know where to buy insulin at. Nobody is concerned about rights because nobody's rights are being threatened except in that make believe world between your shoulders.
If a person is pissed off because of the price of gasoline, do you think they'd vote Democrat to keep those prices higher?
Voting Democrat isn't "going to keep those prices high". That's a cynical partisan claim. The kind you make all the time
Inflation was caused by paying people more to stay home than work because that creates an employee shortage causing industry to increase prices due to having to pay more for labor.
More money was paid to people "to stay home" by Trump than by Biden...but in both cases it was necessary.


Did it contribute (not solely cause) inflation? Yea. Short term. As that money works its way through the system ...inflation eases.

Oh yea...and gas prices are already coming down

You must be SO sad about that
Voting Democrat isn't "going to keep those prices high". That's a cynical partisan claim. The kind you make all the time

More money was paid to people "to stay home" by Trump than by Biden...but in both cases it was necessary.


Did it contribute (not solely cause) inflation? Yea. Short term. As that money works its way through the system ...inflation eases.

Oh yea...and gas prices are already coming down

You must be SO sad about that

Prices of gasoline are coming down thanks to the recession Dementia put us in, not any policy of his. Trump signed a bill to pay people when unemployment was a threat. By the time Dementia got in, jobs were opening up all over the place. It was simply pandering to his voters and create more government dependents. He signed that bill in March of 2021 when we had 3 vaccines and people were going back to work.
Inflation was caused by paying people more to stay home than work because that creates an employee shortage causing industry to increase prices due to having to pay more for labor. Inflation is caused by printing money. Inflation is caused by the high price of fuel that industry has no choice but to pay. Trust me, I'm a retired truck driver. When our costs go up, we pass that on to our customers.

You don't know shit about economics.

Economic fact 1. Only the Fed can print money. The overwhelming beneficiaries of this money printing was big business. Financial statements show you are wrong. If you are making 20% more than you did last year, then you have raised prices 20% above your increased costs. Many companies have had pricing power and have used it to increase their profit margins. This is also helped by the fact that consolidation in many industries have led to less competition. That is another economic fact. Less competition means higher prices. A Dallas Fed survey of oil executives showed that 59% of executives say that shareholders are the reason that they are not increasing their drilling activities. Only 9% say it is government regulation. Neither OPEC nor oil companies will let oil prices drop too much.

You are the economic dunce. You make economics fit your politics rather than the facts.
Prices of gasoline are coming down thanks to the recession Dementia put us in, not any policy of his. Trump signed a bill to pay people when unemployment was a threat. By the time Dementia got in, jobs were opening up all over the place. It was simply pandering to his voters and create more government dependents. He signed that bill in March of 2021 when we had 3 vaccines and people were going back to work.

The pandemic was still a major player when Biden signed the bill. Trump said that $2,000 payments should have been in the bill Republicans passed. There is absolutely no evidence that the payments had anything to do with people coming back to work.
Economic fact 1. Only the Fed can print money. The overwhelming beneficiaries of this money printing was big business. Financial statements show you are wrong. If you are making 20% more than you did last year, then you have raised prices 20% above your increased costs. Many companies have had pricing power and have used it to increase their profit margins. This is also helped by the fact that consolidation in many industries have led to less competition. That is another economic fact. Less competition means higher prices. A Dallas Fed survey of oil executives showed that 59% of executives say that shareholders are the reason that they are not increasing their drilling activities. Only 9% say it is government regulation. Neither OPEC nor oil companies will let oil prices drop too much.

You are the economic dunce. You make economics fit your politics rather than the facts.

You are a complete moron. Under Trump we were the worlds top exporter of energy. What did you think would happen when we voted out a pro-energy President and replaced him with an anti-energy President? Did you really think prices would stay the same? Dementia ran against fossil fuels and put in polices that created the increase like doubling the oil companies royalty fees, stopping new exploration and drilling permits on public land, stopping the Keystone.

The pandemic was still a major player when Biden signed the bill. Trump said that $2,000 payments should have been in the bill Republicans passed. There is absolutely no evidence that the payments had anything to do with people coming back to work.

Right, no evidence. People just didn't go back to work for shits and giggles.

In our state they calculated the additional fed unemployment. They found that people on unemployment (when taxes are figured in) were making about $57.000 a year compared to people who were working. If you had a job paying $32,000 a year, you'd be completely stupid to go back to work. That led to the labor shortage which in turn forced companies to dramatically increase wages because they were competing with the federal government for workers.
Civil servants that can be non-bias? Is that what we are seeing with this Mar-A-Lago raid? Is that what we seen after Comey read off a list of crimes by Hillary and then recommended that she not be prosecuted, and then she ran for President? Is that what happened when Hunter lied on a federal firearms application to purchase a gun and never got a slap on the hand yet alone a fine or jail time? Is unbiased what happened when people violated federal law by protesting in front of the homes of Supreme Cort justices and Garland never lifted a finger to stop or have any of these people arrested? Is that why people who were trespassing in the Capital on January 6th still in jail with no right to see a judge yet alone get bail set while the now VP was helping to arrange funds to bail out rioters all across the country?

Well you know what, we're about sick of the unbiased civil servants these days. .

The FBI agents who searched for documents at Mar-A-Largo acted in a non-biased way. Their search was authorized by a unbiased federal magistrate who decided there was a reasonable probability that a crime was committed. The FBI had to detail exactly what they were looking for. Comey did not read off a list of crimes that Clinton committed. Clinton did not take any classified documents when she resigned as Secretary of State. She went to great pains to ensure that. We have a tradition of free speech in this country as REPUBLICAN Governor Larry Hogan pointed out. The people who are still in jail are there because they committed serious crimes. The DC Court of Appeals agreed with that.,

We are sick of you biased fascist Trump pigs.
Cleaned up Off Topic and Reponses to Off Topic
Thread topic is "Wait, I thought We Were Told There Would Be No 87,000 New IRS Agents...."
with the OP questioning the need for weapons and ammo if they are to be IT/Customer Service.

Stay on Topic
They targeted an equal number of progressive groups and conservative groups...for greater scrutiny using "trigger words" because they were OVERWHELMED

And the only group denied tax exempt status was a progressive group

for greater scrutiny using "trigger words" because they were OVERWHELMED

The previous default standard was approval.

And the only group denied tax exempt status was a progressive group

They didn't have to deny forever, just delay until after the 2012 elections. And they did.
You are a complete moron. Under Trump we were the worlds top exporter of energy. What did you think would happen when we voted out a pro-energy President and replaced him with an anti-energy President? Did you really think prices would stay the same? Dementia ran against fossil fuels and put in polices that created the increase like doubling the oil companies royalty fees, stopping new exploration and drilling permits on public land, stopping the Keystone.

You are the complete moron. You apparently believe that oil executives are lying when they say that shareholders are the reason for their not increasing drilling. Many of the drilling rigs were closed due to the lack of demand. Now they are finding that they can make more money by keeping supplies low. Worth noting that Biden has sold more leases in his first year than Trump did. Oil companies have thousands of pieces of land that they have not even begun to explore. Keystone was junk oil. It was extremely corrosive and locals opposed the project. As evidence, you offer biased opinions.
You are the complete moron. You apparently believe that oil executives are lying when they say that shareholders are the reason for their not increasing drilling. Many of the drilling rigs were closed due to the lack of demand. Now they are finding that they can make more money by keeping supplies low. Worth noting that Biden has sold more leases in his first year than Trump did. Oil companies have thousands of pieces of land that they have not even begun to explore. Keystone was junk oil. It was extremely corrosive and locals opposed the project. As evidence, you offer biased opinions.
The claim that oil companies are controlling the price of oil doesn't pass the laugh test. If they control it, then why did it ever come down?
Right, no evidence. People just didn't go back to work for shits and giggles.

In our state they calculated the additional fed unemployment. They found that people on unemployment (when taxes are figured in) were making about $57.000 a year compared to people who were working. If you had a job paying $32,000 a year, you'd be completely stupid to go back to work. That led to the labor shortage which in turn forced companies to dramatically increase wages because they were competing with the federal government for workers.

The trouble is that those $1,400 checks were mailed out over 2 years ago. Please don't tell me that they are still living on those checks. The fact is that the pandemic merely brought the coming labor shortage here a little sooner. Many companies are making massive profits which means they are making more than they are paying their workers.

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