Republicans Create Rider To Stop Net Neutrality

What if one of the providers limits access to all your wingnut media and the other one limits access to your porn? What would you do then?

Someone else would sell it to me!
Nope. Only two providers where you live.

You gonna move and get a new job and pull the kids out of school so that you can have your wingnut media and your porn?

Or has a corporation just restricted your freedom?

I can buy anything I want where I live.

Move someplace where you can buy whatever you want.

Internet FAQs

Even they say so.

The FCC does not regulate the Internet or Internet Service Providers (ISPs). You may contact your state consumer protection office or if there is possible fraud involved, you may contact the Federal Trade Commission.

Our most commonly asked questions about the Internet are:

•What is Broadband?

•How do I file a complaint against my Internet Service Provider?

•I have been connected to a web site and now I am being charged for international calls on my telephone bill. How do I file a complaint?

What is Broadband?
Broadband refers most commonly to a new generation of high-speed transmission services, which allows users to access the Internet and Internet-related services at significantly higher speeds than traditional modems.

How do I file a complaint against my Internet Service Provider?
The FCC does not regulate the Internet or Internet Service Providers (ISPs). You may contact your state consumer protection office or if there is possible fraud involved, you may contact the Federal Trade Commission.

And you don't think that can change? You don't think that it can be changed by an Act of Congress?

Surely you realize that newspapers existed before bodies regulating newspapers existed right? Well the internet's time is up.

Internet FAQs

Even they say so.

The FCC does not regulate the Internet or Internet Service Providers (ISPs). You may contact your state consumer protection office or if there is possible fraud involved, you may contact the Federal Trade Commission.

Our most commonly asked questions about the Internet are:

•What is Broadband?

•How do I file a complaint against my Internet Service Provider?

•I have been connected to a web site and now I am being charged for international calls on my telephone bill. How do I file a complaint?

What is Broadband?
Broadband refers most commonly to a new generation of high-speed transmission services, which allows users to access the Internet and Internet-related services at significantly higher speeds than traditional modems.

How do I file a complaint against my Internet Service Provider?
The FCC does not regulate the Internet or Internet Service Providers (ISPs). You may contact your state consumer protection office or if there is possible fraud involved, you may contact the Federal Trade Commission.


Revere has been sitting on this, ready to POUNCE!!!!!

Check out the timestamp: 5:16 - one minute after my post!

So if Comcast's new business decision upon acquiring NBC is to try to crush NBC's rivals, you are fine with that? If they maybe move FOXNEWS into the higher priced TV packages?

It's a business decision. A bad one, and one they would likely not make.
That's not what I asked you.

I asked if you would be fine with Comcast censoring FOXNEWS.

How about it?

You don't like Fox News? Do you like MSNBC? CNN? Should they be censored? How about the liberal MSM? Should they be censored? Or just Fox News?
Someone else would sell it to me!
Nope. Only two providers where you live.

You gonna move and get a new job and pull the kids out of school so that you can have your wingnut media and your porn?

Or has a corporation just restricted your freedom?

I can buy anything I want where I live.

Move someplace where you can buy whatever you want.
Like I said 100 posts ago: fucking moron.

I'm done.

Unless I decide I'm not done. :)
Democrats had a chance to defund the war(s) as long ago as 2007.
Defunding a war is the cowardly way, and the American public would not allow it once the Republicans start crying their crocodile tears over the troops' welfare.

The "Defunding the War" argument has always been a strawman.

As the Commander-in-Chief, Bush would have just left the troops there, and Congress would have been forced to provide emergency funding anyway, or be blamed for abandoning them to their fates, which would have never, ever happened.

Of course, Revere knows this perfectly well, but, like so many other things, it's all a political game to him.
im still waiting on revere to tell me about all this different internet providers he has access to at his home. because it 1 phone guy, 1 cable guy and the wireless phone companies, who by chance also happen to be some of the same home phone companies.
Revere is full of shit.

Revere believes private property means you can do whatever you want with it.

He is exactly the reason why we need some oversight.

That is EXACTLY what it means.

The free market exerts oversight; you don't like GSP/ISP "A"" switch to "B"


Internet FAQs

Even they say so.

The FCC does not regulate the Internet or Internet Service Providers (ISPs). You may contact your state consumer protection office or if there is possible fraud involved, you may contact the Federal Trade Commission.

Our most commonly asked questions about the Internet are:

•What is Broadband?

•How do I file a complaint against my Internet Service Provider?

•I have been connected to a web site and now I am being charged for international calls on my telephone bill. How do I file a complaint?

What is Broadband?
Broadband refers most commonly to a new generation of high-speed transmission services, which allows users to access the Internet and Internet-related services at significantly higher speeds than traditional modems.

How do I file a complaint against my Internet Service Provider?
The FCC does not regulate the Internet or Internet Service Providers (ISPs). You may contact your state consumer protection office or if there is possible fraud involved, you may contact the Federal Trade Commission.


Revere has been sitting on this, ready to POUNCE!!!!!

Check out the timestamp: 5:16 - one minute after my post!


It was an idiotic assertion of yours readily refuted with the facts.

Like most of them.

Internet FAQs

Even they say so.

The FCC does not regulate the Internet or Internet Service Providers (ISPs). You may contact your state consumer protection office or if there is possible fraud involved, you may contact the Federal Trade Commission.

Our most commonly asked questions about the Internet are:

•What is Broadband?

•How do I file a complaint against my Internet Service Provider?

•I have been connected to a web site and now I am being charged for international calls on my telephone bill. How do I file a complaint?

What is Broadband?
Broadband refers most commonly to a new generation of high-speed transmission services, which allows users to access the Internet and Internet-related services at significantly higher speeds than traditional modems.

How do I file a complaint against my Internet Service Provider?
The FCC does not regulate the Internet or Internet Service Providers (ISPs). You may contact your state consumer protection office or if there is possible fraud involved, you may contact the Federal Trade Commission.


Revere has been sitting on this, ready to POUNCE!!!!!

Check out the timestamp: 5:16 - one minute after my post!


What a dumb fud. When net neutrality passes, THEY WILL REGULATE. God, you righty guys can't think past your short cocks.
im still waiting on revere to tell me about all this different internet providers he has access to at his home. because it 1 phone guy, 1 cable guy and the wireless phone companies, who by chance also happen to be some of the same home phone companies.

So there's three choices already.

How many choices do taxpayers have to subsidize for me?

Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, Time Warner, Comcast and Cox dont receive government subsidies you idiot.

and Time Warner is not available in the same areas as comcast or cox. just like at&t is not available in areas where there is verizon.
Last edited:

Internet FAQs

Even they say so.


Revere has been sitting on this, ready to POUNCE!!!!!

Check out the timestamp: 5:16 - one minute after my post!


What a dumb fud. When net neutrality passes, THEY WILL REGULATE. God, you righty guys can't think past your short cocks.

No, the legitimate representative government, the elected Congress, will cut them off.
im still waiting on revere to tell me about all this different internet providers he has access to at his home. because it 1 phone guy, 1 cable guy and the wireless phone companies, who by chance also happen to be some of the same home phone companies.

So there's three choices already.

How many choices do taxpayers have to subsidize for me?

Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, Time Warner, Comcast and Cox dont receive government subsidies you idiot.

They you can chose freely among them for your internet service.

That's no monopoly.
Look, here it is, plain and simple:

One of two things would occur in an unregulated internet market:

1. Media companies would subsidize a provider, to the point where they can undersell all their competition, thus gaining control of the market. In return, the provider would give said media companies preferential service, blocking out their competition.


1. Providers will buy up media companies and give themselves preferential treatment, blocking out their competition and thereby cornering the media.

Either way, several anti-trust laws apply to the end result, but by the time all the merges and takeovers end, the media will be owned by a small number of corporations that will sway public opinion to not prosecute.
That is EXACTLY what it means.

The free market exerts oversight; you don't like GSP/ISP "A"" switch to "B"


I'm sorry, did you say "the free market exerts oversight"?

What Bizarro world do you live in?

Please give us an example of "the Free Market" putting someone in jail because their negligence killed someone.
I think it should stay an open free market exercise, and free of taxation as well. Because of corporate abuse, once again government must step in to end corruption. It doesn't happen on a whim or notion, it happens because corporations abuse citizens of the united states.

AOL is a prime example. They control what emails a customer can receive, so when I send a friend an email they rejected it because I was not an AOL customer. I don't think you have access to businesses who are AOL either, at least it used to be that way abour 5-6 years back when they attempted to monopolize on their customers and cut off out siders.

Is that what you rightwing fuckers want? And how can you call it a free interent of the 1st Amendment or th free market exercise where everybody has access??

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