Republicans Create Rider To Stop Net Neutrality


Revere has been sitting on this, ready to POUNCE!!!!!

Check out the timestamp: 5:16 - one minute after my post!


What a dumb fud. When net neutrality passes, THEY WILL REGULATE. God, you righty guys can't think past your short cocks.

No, the legitimate representative government, the elected Congress, will cut them off.

Are you saying the FCC is not a legitimate function of government?
What a dumb fud. When net neutrality passes, THEY WILL REGULATE. God, you righty guys can't think past your short cocks.

No, the legitimate representative government, the elected Congress, will cut them off.

Are you saying the FCC is not a legitimate function of government?

It has no jurisdiction over the internet. It's already been ruled in court. But they did it anyway.
Denying the CON$ervatism of the Heritage Foundation is proof of just how shameless a liar you are.
Thank you.
It sounds as though you're completely unable to form a singe thought all on your own.

Heritage may be conservative, but the individual mandate is simply not a conservative idea.

So all you're left with is impotent butthurt.
Of course it is! It was the CON$ervative alternative, based on the CON$ervative "principle" of "individual responsibility," to the Liberal proposal that all employers be mandated to provide health insurance. According to CON$ back then health insurance was the responsibility of the individual not businesses.
But keep making an example of yourself by showing how CON$ are on all sides of any issue depending on which way the wind blows at the time.
What crimes are taking place over the internet that don't already have laws against them?

There are already Anti-Trust laws that would cover this type of thing, yes. The job of the FCC is to define rules for providers to avoid the situation in the first place.

I find it interesting that you are so hell bent on ensuring that there is corporate control of the internet. I understand FoxNews' reaction, they are after all a corporate media conglomerate who stand to gain quite a bit here.

But then there's individuals like you, who seem to want corporations to control the lives of average Americans, and, frankly, I don't get it.

Is it that you're utterly brainwashed to believe that the "Free Market" will take care of everything, or do you actually work for some media or broadband conglomerate?
Corporations don't censor. You can get information from any corporation you want.

Only government censors.

More utter bullshit. Corporations, especially media corporations, censor all the time.

Generally it applies to anything that's off-message.
My point exactly. Thus, regulation is needed.

There are alraedy laws against most types of homicide.

What will the FCC add to that?

And there are anti-trust laws, fraud laws, etc. The FCC is defining how they apply to the internet, which is their job.

What part of that do you not understand?

The courts just told them they have no jurisdiction .
They Did it anyway so they will get slapped down again ,but you gasbags never give up.
Fabian socialist.
there is nothing wrong with the internet, except that the federal gov. cannot find a way to get their mitts on it to make money; fees and taxes AND control, because thats what government does.

Mark my words- if this flys and the FCC get its hands into it, check your internet billing a year or so down the road, I guarantee you, that you will be paying more and getting less.
there is nothing wrong with the internet, except that the federal gov. cannot find a way to get their mitts on it to make money; fees and taxes AND control, because thats what government does.

Mark my words- if this flys and the FCC get its hands into it, check your internet billing a year or so down the road, I guarantee you, that you will be paying more and getting less.

Spoken like someone who actually doesn't have any clue what they're talking about.
there is nothing wrong with the internet, except that the federal gov. cannot find a way to get their mitts on it to make money; fees and taxes AND control, because thats what government does.

Mark my words- if this flys and the FCC get its hands into it, check your internet billing a year or so down the road, I guarantee you, that you will be paying more and getting less.

Spoken like someone who actually doesn't have any clue what they're talking about.

state your case.
there is nothing wrong with the internet, except that the federal gov. cannot find a way to get their mitts on it to make money; fees and taxes AND control, because thats what government does.

Mark my words- if this flys and the FCC get its hands into it, check your internet billing a year or so down the road, I guarantee you, that you will be paying more and getting less.

Spoken like someone who actually doesn't have any clue what they're talking about.

state your case.

Read the thread. It's been stated.

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