Republicans Create Rider To Stop Net Neutrality

When has more government involvement in your day to day life ever given you more choices and freedom?

outlawing what i put in my mouth stops drugs which gives me the freedom to live

outlawing pesticides stops evil corporations from poisoning me which gives me the freedom to live

shall I go on?

Is an ISP the same as a drug or pesticide?

You keep making terrible comparisons after asking an open-ended question. I hope people don't rely on your writing or deductive skills at your work.

You asked an open-ended question looking for an example of day-to-day government control that amounted to freedom. I gave you two of many possible valid answers.

But I'll play.

It's not an ISP that you want to would be the censorship/unfair trade practices by an ISP that you'd want to compare to drugs or pesticides. Stamping all 3 of those things out would make my day-to-day life better.

Thanks for playing!!
That's a business decision. Think they would cut off programming that beats its competition 2-1?
To remove the competition? They would no longer be beating anyone 2-1 if they were bounced from the biggest cable provider.

Why would the biggest cable provider settle for being the 4th biggest cable provider and do that?
Why would that happen?

Oh - you are of the belief that FOXNEWS is some mammothly watched network. It's not! It beats CNN and MSNBC, but that's not saying much. Cable news is not a large market. Disney's iCarly regularly beats almost everything on TV, and most cable channels beat FOX, or any news channel.
To remove the competition? They would no longer be beating anyone 2-1 if they were bounced from the biggest cable provider.

Why would the biggest cable provider settle for being the 4th biggest cable provider and do that?
Why would that happen?

Oh - you are of the belief that FOXNEWS is some mammothly watched network. It's not! It beats CNN and MSNBC, but that's not saying much. Cable news is not a large market. Disney's iCarly regularly beats almost everything on TV, and most cable channels beat FOX, or any news channel.

It's a business decision to carry it. No more, no less.
Democrats had a chance to defund the war(s) as long ago as 2007.
Defunding a war is the cowardly way, and the American public would not allow it once the Republicans start crying their crocodile tears over the troops' welfare.

Ah, so they had the power to stop it, even ran on doing so, but did not.

Sorry your representative government didn't work for you.
It wasn't the only thing they ran on, by far.

Bush ran on being a uniter, not a divider. Sorry your representative government didn't work. Idiot.
Why would the biggest cable provider settle for being the 4th biggest cable provider and do that?
Why would that happen?

Oh - you are of the belief that FOXNEWS is some mammothly watched network. It's not! It beats CNN and MSNBC, but that's not saying much. Cable news is not a large market. Disney's iCarly regularly beats almost everything on TV, and most cable channels beat FOX, or any news channel.

It's a business decision to carry it. No more, no less.
So if Comcast's new business decision upon acquiring NBC is to try to crush NBC's rivals, you are fine with that? If they maybe move FOXNEWS into the higher priced TV packages?
im still waiting on revere to tell me about all this different internet providers he has access to at his home. because it 1 phone guy, 1 cable guy and the wireless phone companies, who by chance also happen to be some of the same home phone companies.
I did not compare drugs and pesticides to ISPs. You did.

You want gifts from your ISP. If you don't like their service, you can go elsewhere.

What the hell are you smoking? I honestly I can't believe I feel compelled to respond to your idiocy when you either can't comprehend logic or are being purposefully ridiculous.

ISP came out of your mouth first. You asked an open-ended question about freedom. Sure, you had the comparison in your head BEFORE you asked the question...but you need to keep to what you wrote.

The correct comparison was as I stated it...ISP CENSORSHIP to drugs or pesticides.

God, what a fuckwit.
im still waiting on revere to tell me about all this different internet providers he has access to at his home. because it 1 phone guy, 1 cable guy and the wireless phone companies, who by chance also happen to be some of the same home phone companies.

So there's three choices already.

How many choices do taxpayers have to subsidize for me?
Why would that happen?

Oh - you are of the belief that FOXNEWS is some mammothly watched network. It's not! It beats CNN and MSNBC, but that's not saying much. Cable news is not a large market. Disney's iCarly regularly beats almost everything on TV, and most cable channels beat FOX, or any news channel.

It's a business decision to carry it. No more, no less.
So if Comcast's new business decision upon acquiring NBC is to try to crush NBC's rivals, you are fine with that? If they maybe move FOXNEWS into the higher priced TV packages?

It's a business decision. A bad one, and one they would likely not make.

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