Republicans Create Rider To Stop Net Neutrality

Your speech is free. I'm not obligated to sell you bandwith on my private network for any price you are willing to pay so you can speek freely.

actually since the government gave you a public monopoly the normal rules of business do not apply to you. internet providers have protected territories by law. if this were truly a free market then you might have some actual standing. so if you want to censor the internet, you need to be backing that any and all can now compete against natural monopolies, to drive down prices an add more competition.

lets limit who you can call on your phones. if the corporation doesnt like you taking to a certain person, lets let them cut you off. same with TV. if youre cable provider doesnt like that you watch NBC, or ABC, then lets let them cut off those stations as well. what about your electricity provider. then dont like that you use too much energy, so they can cut you off as well. we can do the same thing for water, sewer, gas. there, i just too away all of the infrastructure that you use at your home because me the corporation didnt like you.

i think thats perfectly fair.....

Comcast is waiting for Fed approval to buy NBC/Universal. Should they be allowed to limit who can see Fox News? YES!!!!!!

er...I mean no. :eusa_whistle:

That's a business decision. Think they would cut off programming that beats its competition 2-1?
Which corporation controls the internet?

Perhaps you'll never know. Or maybe you they'll merge and merge and merge until one company controls the entire ISP market. And you'll have to go wherever they say you can go. It'll be too late then...but oh well...that's just property rights.

You've seen what's happened with banks, right? There's basically only a few major banks that dictate policy...and not always the same policy.

Banks were pushed over a cliff when they were forced to make bad loans by government.

Subprime loans.

Subprime internet access.

Lie. You've been brainwashed.
actually since the government gave you a public monopoly the normal rules of business do not apply to you. internet providers have protected territories by law. if this were truly a free market then you might have some actual standing. so if you want to censor the internet, you need to be backing that any and all can now compete against natural monopolies, to drive down prices an add more competition.

lets limit who you can call on your phones. if the corporation doesnt like you taking to a certain person, lets let them cut you off. same with TV. if youre cable provider doesnt like that you watch NBC, or ABC, then lets let them cut off those stations as well. what about your electricity provider. then dont like that you use too much energy, so they can cut you off as well. we can do the same thing for water, sewer, gas. there, i just too away all of the infrastructure that you use at your home because me the corporation didnt like you.

i think thats perfectly fair.....

Comcast is waiting for Fed approval to buy NBC/Universal. Should they be allowed to limit who can see Fox News? YES!!!!!!

er...I mean no. :eusa_whistle:

That's a business decision. Think they would cut off programming that beats its competition 2-1?
To remove the competition? They would no longer be beating anyone 2-1 if they were bounced from the biggest cable provider.
Comcast is waiting for Fed approval to buy NBC/Universal. Should they be allowed to limit who can see Fox News? YES!!!!!!

er...I mean no. :eusa_whistle:

That's a business decision. Think they would cut off programming that beats its competition 2-1?
To remove the competition? They would no longer be beating anyone 2-1 if they were bounced from the biggest cable provider.

Why would the biggest cable provider settle for being the 4th biggest cable provider and do that?
When has more government involvement in your day to day life ever given you more choices and freedom?

outlawing what i put in my mouth stops drugs which gives me the freedom to live

outlawing pesticides stops evil corporations from poisoning me which gives me the freedom to live

shall I go on?
Democrats had a chance to defund the war(s) as long ago as 2007.
Defunding a war is the cowardly way, and the American public would not allow it once the Republicans start crying their crocodile tears over the troops' welfare.

Ah, so they had the power to stop it, even ran on doing so, but did not.

Sorry your representative government didn't work for you.
When has more government involvement in your day to day life ever given you more choices and freedom?

outlawing what i put in my mouth stops drugs which gives me the freedom to live

outlawing pesticides stops evil corporations from poisoning me which gives me the freedom to live

shall I go on?

Is an ISP the same as a drug or pesticide?
So what do you consider real freedom?


Not this topic, that is for sure.

It's all a question of shade of grays though.

So for example, I can buy the type of car I want. There is enough competition there to give me choice. Communication providers? Not so much.

I think it's all a case by case question.

Well, you can thank Uncle Sam for that.

What is the "right" amount of networks?
It's not about networks. It's about access. I use Straight Talk as my cellphone provider. It's my network. But Straight Talk doesn't have access to internet or telecommunications. They lease Verizon's access. So does Net10 and Tracfone, I believe. So it wouldn't matter which of those three prepaid plans I went with, because I would still have to put up with whatever restrictions that Verizon imposed.

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