Republicans/Democrats steam roll Trump on Russian sanctions!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
There is no repect for this President.

Russians sanctions have moved forward and passed by an overwhelming majority in both houses. The Senate passed 97-2 and the House passed it by 419-3. There is also language in the bill that Trump cannot loosen sanctions on Russia without approval from the Senate. His veto power just flew out the window. In fact they don't even need to put this on his desk for a signature.

In a 97-2 vote, with only Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) voting against the measure, the Senate approved a new package of sanctions that requires congressional approval before the Trump administration can roll back any sanctions against Russia. The amendment, which includes new sanctions on the Kremlin over human rights violations and meddling in the 2016 presidential election, is attached to an Iran sanctions bill that could pass as soon as this week, making it more difficult for President Trump to veto the legislation.
Senate passes Russia sanctions amendment with bipartisan support

The House on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved new sanctions on Russia, Iran, and North Korea, with the GOP-controlled chamber advancing a significant new constraint on President Donald Trump’s foreign policy.The House’s 419-3 vote on the sanctions bill saw only three dissenters: GOP Reps. Justin Amash of Michigan, John Duncan of Tennessee and Thomas Massie of Kentucky. Even Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), Russia’s staunchest defender on the Hill, revealed hours before the vote that he would support the measure out of support for its penalties against Tehran and Pyongyang.
House approves Russia sanctions that handcuff Trump

So we are seeing Republicans and Democrats working to shut Trump down. I suspect this is going to continue. Vladimir Putin just got a real lesson in American Civics, as he was assured by Michael Flynn that Sanctions would not happen.
Flynn Is Said to Have Talked to Russians About Sanctions Before Trump Took Office

Vladimir Putin responded and has kicked out 755 American diplomats.
Putin expels 755 diplomats in response to US sanctions

The Republicans have a different motivation to the Democrats since the former are to the right of Trump when it comes to the Russians, Iran, and N. Korea while the latter do indeed want to shut Trump up.
The Republicans have a different motivation to the Democrats since the former are to the right of Trump when it comes to the Russians, Iran, and N. Korea while the latter do indeed want to shut Trump up.

What really set this in motion is that Trump went to the G-20 meeting and suggested to Vladimir Putin that we form a joint cyber security union together--:badgrin:

Here's what Lindsey Graham had to say about it.

"It's not the dumbest idea I have ever heard but it's pretty close," Senator Graham told NBC's Meet the Press program, saying Mr Trump's apparent willingness to "forgive and forget" stiffened his resolve to pass legislation imposing sanctions on Russia
Republicans blast Trump's idea to form cyber security unit with Russia

everyone but the RussianWingers are telling Trump to GFH.

about damn time too.
There is no repect for this President.

Russians sanctions have moved forward and passed by an overwhelming majority in both houses. The Senate passed 97-2 and the House passed it by 419-3. There is also language in the bill that Trump cannot loosen sanctions on Russia without approval from the Senate. His veto power just flew out the window. In fact they don't even need to put this on his desk for a signature.

Funny, because if he signs that bill, he'll effectively blow all of your Russia conspiracy theories out of the water.

What a conundrum that places you in.
There is no repect for this President.

Russians sanctions have moved forward and passed by an overwhelming majority in both houses. The Senate passed 97-2 and the House passed it by 419-3. There is also language in the bill that Trump cannot loosen sanctions on Russia without approval from the Senate. His veto power just flew out the window. In fact they don't even need to put this on his desk for a signature.

Funny, because if he signs that bill, he'll effectively blow all of your Russia conspiracy theories out of the water.

What a conundrum that places you in.

no it doesnt ... he needs to suck up the the majority if he intends to get anything passed in the future ... its called politics
Oreo please post a homosexual Shep Smith vid to resolve this idiotic thread. Thanks meh neegah.
There is no repect for this President.

Russians sanctions have moved forward and passed by an overwhelming majority in both houses. The Senate passed 97-2 and the House passed it by 419-3. There is also language in the bill that Trump cannot loosen sanctions on Russia without approval from the Senate. His veto power just flew out the window. In fact they don't even need to put this on his desk for a signature.

Funny, because if he signs that bill, he'll effectively blow all of your Russia conspiracy theories out of the water.

What a conundrum that places you in.

no it doesnt ... he needs to suck up the majority if he intends to get anything passed in the future ... its called politics

No, it's called doing his job, which apparently you consistently accuse him of not doing, despite supporting a party who does nothing but obstruct whatever agenda he has in mind.

Yet another conundrum. How can Trump be buddy buddy with Russia when he's about to sign a bill that will effectively flatten Russia's already flat economy?
Funny, because if he signs that bill, he'll effectively blow all of your Russia conspiracy theories out of the water.
Don THE Con simply does not want to suffer the humiliation of having his veto overridden!!!
Putin will be getting ready to click 'send' to the Western media outlets if Trump doesn't honour his promises.
Crap, I'm next to go!! I had Russian dressing on my dinner salad last night!
There is no repect for this President.

Russians sanctions have moved forward and passed by an overwhelming majority in both houses. The Senate passed 97-2 and the House passed it by 419-3. There is also language in the bill that Trump cannot loosen sanctions on Russia without approval from the Senate. His veto power just flew out the window. In fact they don't even need to put this on his desk for a signature.

Funny, because if he signs that bill, he'll effectively blow all of your Russia conspiracy theories out of the water.

What a conundrum that places you in.

no it doesnt ... he needs to suck up the the majority if he intends to get anything passed in the future ... its called politics

If you can find another President who didn't have a say-so on anctions--let me know about it--LOL When the overwhelming majority of both (Republican) houses do this--it's a signals something to the President who is sitting in the Oval office.


It doesn't even need his signature--and they put language in the bill that he cannot lesson the sanctions against Russia without Senate approval.
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There is no repect for this President.

Russians sanctions have moved forward and passed by an overwhelming majority in both houses. The Senate passed 97-2 and the House passed it by 419-3. There is also language in the bill that Trump cannot loosen sanctions on Russia without approval from the Senate. His veto power just flew out the window. In fact they don't even need to put this on his desk for a signature.

Funny, because if he signs that bill, he'll effectively blow all of your Russia conspiracy theories out of the water.

What a conundrum that places you in.
It's a veto proof bill, dumbass. Trump has no choice but to sign it or suffer the embarrassment of having his veto overridden by both parties.
There is no repect for this President.

Russians sanctions have moved forward and passed by an overwhelming majority in both houses. The Senate passed 97-2 and the House passed it by 419-3. There is also language in the bill that Trump cannot loosen sanctions on Russia without approval from the Senate. His veto power just flew out the window. In fact they don't even need to put this on his desk for a signature.

Funny, because if he signs that bill, he'll effectively blow all of your Russia conspiracy theories out of the water.

What a conundrum that places you in.

no it doesnt ... he needs to suck up the the majority if he intends to get anything passed in the future ... its called politics

no its called the thrown spaghetti method of political complaining.

Throw everything at the wall at once, see what sticks and then go "See See I told you so!!!!"
There is no repect for this President.

Russians sanctions have moved forward and passed by an overwhelming majority in both houses. The Senate passed 97-2 and the House passed it by 419-3. There is also language in the bill that Trump cannot loosen sanctions on Russia without approval from the Senate. His veto power just flew out the window. In fact they don't even need to put this on his desk for a signature.

Funny, because if he signs that bill, he'll effectively blow all of your Russia conspiracy theories out of the water.

What a conundrum that places you in.

You would hope so but that's not how any of this works. What happens if he doesn't sign it? Here's what will happen..You'll say him not signing it blows the Russia theory out the window too
There is no repect for this President.

Russians sanctions have moved forward and passed by an overwhelming majority in both houses. The Senate passed 97-2 and the House passed it by 419-3. There is also language in the bill that Trump cannot loosen sanctions on Russia without approval from the Senate. His veto power just flew out the window. In fact they don't even need to put this on his desk for a signature.

Funny, because if he signs that bill, he'll effectively blow all of your Russia conspiracy theories out of the water.

What a conundrum that places you in.

no it doesnt ... he needs to suck up the the majority if he intends to get anything passed in the future ... its called politics

If you can find another President who didn't have a say-so on anctions--let me know about it--LOL
There are sanctions against Iran which only Congress can negate.

So there you go.

How do you people not know these things?

House votes 419-1 to extend Iran sanctions

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