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Republicans, Do You Not See The Hypocrisy In Your Disdain For Paying Taxes?

Well since your all for paying taxes Billy:

1. Don't take deductions and contribute more.

2. Take zero exemptions and just let the government keep the extra.

3. You can always send in more money than what the tax bill comes to.

Still have a need to help? Charities are waiting.

And since you are against taxes, don't pay them. Then keep off roads, interstate roads, water usage by you should stop (dig a well), don't expect any ambulance, cop or fire fighter come to help you,....etc.

The list goes on.

Who said I didn't want to pay taxes? I suggested that if you feel the federal government does such a good job with our funds, you should be thrilled to pay even more. You also apparently can't distinguish between federal, state and local taxes. Not unusual for a liberal.

Let's take federal highways for a minute shall we? Federal funds paided for it right? Federal gasoline taxes should help pay for upkeep on a federal highway right? So why can states charge tolls on those same highways? Where is all the money?
Paying taxes is a part of America's culture, but it's not terrorism to expect those folks in Washington not to waste what we give them.

Raise the MW and everything else goes up with it.

When we ever see a day when one of you liberals volunteered to pay extra we might STFU, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. Just write a check to Uncle Sam. Leave the amount blank and put a note in there telling them to take what they need. It's cool.

Until then spare us.

Lol you people say that a lot. Rich liberals should just write a check to the IRS. That really wouldn't fix the problem now would it?
You don't get it do you?

If people are willing to make everyone else pay more shouldn't they lead by example?

But we all know that libs don't really want to pay more in taxes they just say they do.
LOL oh really so Obama pushing for higher taxes on his class was a simple verbal gesture?
He pays lip-service to taxing the rich, but really he's hammering the middle-class.
How exactly?

The rich have their deductions and their accountants, but us poor schmucks can't move out of the country when taxes get too high, or have to close our business because of new regulations.
What are the first taxes Obama raised? Taxes on fatty-foods, booze, gasoline, energy, hidden fees on our phone bills, excise-taxes up the ass.
He's been hammering us from day-one.
Like most thinking people, conservatives rail against the state forcing people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation -- that is, state enforced involuntary servitude.

Liberals, however, see state enforced involuntary servitude as a moral necessity.
Further, federal highway funds are so restrictive that many counties in our state sell their portion to the state at a discount, then get the reduced money back with less restrictions. Why? Because they can get more critical jobs done and complete more projects.
Percentage wise! I don't think its even close.
Didn't mitten confess to paying around 14%. Yes.
So math doesn't sit well for those of your gild.

Yet they also want our military to jump in on just about anything Muslim related, such as wars and airstrikes.
But when you ask the wealthy to contribute their PERCENTAGE of taxes they yell like hell.

They all want to live in the best country in the world but none of them want to pay for it.

And they're damn quick to take the benefits taxes pay for while voting to let the 1% pay less than their fair share.

They vote to send jobs and companies to foreign countries where they enjoy the benefits of being US companies without paying for the privilege.
Problem is they are already kicking in more than that and it's never enough for you fuckers
It seems you don't understand. All of what was posted was referring to taxes at any and all levels.
Not unusual for right winger not to be able to distinguish what is being really said.

Well since your all for paying taxes Billy:

1. Don't take deductions and contribute more.

2. Take zero exemptions and just let the government keep the extra.

3. You can always send in more money than what the tax bill comes to.

Still have a need to help? Charities are waiting.

And since you are against taxes, don't pay them. Then keep off roads, interstate roads, water usage by you should stop (dig a well), don't expect any ambulance, cop or fire fighter come to help you,....etc.

The list goes on.

Who said I didn't want to pay taxes? I suggested that if you feel the federal government does such a good job with our funds, you should be thrilled to pay even more. You also apparently can't distinguish between federal, state and local taxes. Not unusual for a liberal.

Let's take federal highways for a minute shall we? Federal funds paided for it right? Federal gasoline taxes should help pay for upkeep on a federal highway right? So why can states charge tolls on those same highways? Where is all the money?
You are constantly complaining about the moocher culture in this country yet you expect the government to pay for everything for you by not wanting to pay taxes. For one thing, it is a very small minority of people who abuse government assistance like food stamps. Food stamps, by and large, feed starving families. The actual facts and statistics on food stamps, that you refuse to acknowledge, reflect that. On the other hand, there are 10s of million mooching tea baggers who would prefer not to pay taxes.

Paying taxes is part of being a citizen of this country. You can't bitch and whine about the national debt AND paying taxes. How you don't see how those issues are connected just blows my mind. You want a bitching military? Pay your taxes. You want your kids to go to public school? Pay your taxes. You want this country to have strong infrastructure? Pay your fucking taxes you mooch.

Yeah, yeah the poor don't pay taxes derp, derp, derp. There's an easy solution for that. Raise the goddamn minimum wage so it can at least be kept up with the current level of fucking inflation. Then we can all pay taxes!
Paying taxes is a part of America's culture, but it's not terrorism to expect those folks in Washington not to waste what we give them.

Raise the MW and everything else goes up with it.

When we ever see a day when one of you liberals volunteered to pay extra we might STFU, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. Just write a check to Uncle Sam. Leave the amount blank and put a note in there telling them to take what they need. It's cool.

Until then spare us.

Lol you people say that a lot. Rich liberals should just write a check to the IRS. That really wouldn't fix the problem now would it?
You don't get it do you?

If people are willing to make everyone else pay more shouldn't they lead by example?

But we all know that libs don't really want to pay more in taxes they just say they do.
LOL oh really so Obama pushing for higher taxes on his class was a simple verbal gesture?
He pays lip-service to taxing the rich, but really he's hammering the middle-class.

There just isn't enough income among the wealthy. He has to hit the middle class to finance his pipe dreams.
You don't "give YOUR money" to the government.

We the People have a government OF the people and FOR the people.

If you want to be part of We the People then you have to pay for the privilege by paying your full share of the tax burden.

Anything less than that is mooching.

As far as "waste" goes you can start by agreeing to eliminate 100% of corporate welfare and 50% of defense spending.

When you agree to those 2 biggies we can discuss the small stuff.

Defense is one of the things the federal government is actually MANDATED to do.

As for corporate welfare, most of the time you guys are talking about tax breaks, not direct subsidies.

Where is it "mandated" that the US must rack up massive deficit spending in order to maintain the military?
It's not the maintenance of the military that costs so much it's th fact that we police the world for those other countries who have no military.

It's time for us to let them fend for themselves.

So we can add you to the list of people who want to slash all defense spending by 50%?
All for it.

We should not be wasting the lives of our soldiers the way we do. It's time to take our toys and come home, put our military on our borders and spend the money we waste on other countries here at home.

Without our military presence, a lot of European countries wouldn't be able to afford the lavish welfare states they've come to rely upon.
You are constantly complaining about the moocher culture in this country yet you expect the government to pay for everything for you by not wanting to pay taxes. For one thing, it is a very small minority of people who abuse government assistance like food stamps. Food stamps, by and large, feed starving families. The actual facts and statistics on food stamps, that you refuse to acknowledge, reflect that. On the other hand, there are 10s of million mooching tea baggers who would prefer not to pay taxes.

Paying taxes is part of being a citizen of this country. You can't bitch and whine about the national debt AND paying taxes. How you don't see how those issues are connected just blows my mind. You want a bitching military? Pay your taxes. You want your kids to go to public school? Pay your taxes. You want this country to have strong infrastructure? Pay your fucking taxes you mooch.

Yeah, yeah the poor don't pay taxes derp, derp, derp. There's an easy solution for that. Raise the goddamn minimum wage so it can at least be kept up with the current level of fucking inflation. Then we can all pay taxes!
Then tax illegal aliens, it would be your solution according to your stupid op.
Lol you people say that a lot. Rich liberals should just write a check to the IRS. That really wouldn't fix the problem now would it?
You don't get it do you?

If people are willing to make everyone else pay more shouldn't they lead by example?

But we all know that libs don't really want to pay more in taxes they just say they do.
LOL oh really so Obama pushing for higher taxes on his class was a simple verbal gesture?
He pays lip-service to taxing the rich, but really he's hammering the middle-class.
How exactly?

The rich have their deductions and their accountants, but us poor schmucks can't move out of the country when taxes get too high, or have to close our business because of new regulations.
What are the first taxes Obama raised? Taxes on fatty-foods, booze, gasoline, energy, hidden fees on our phone bills, excise-taxes up the ass.
He's been hammering us from day-one.
Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan.
All taxes you say? Well, I've never complained about school taxes and all my kids went to private school. Part of my income is from a business I own, so I pay both halves of social security and medicare taxes. Again, no complaining.

You want a cookie? I should warn you, it is a one time deal , not an entitlement.
You don't get it do you?

If people are willing to make everyone else pay more shouldn't they lead by example?

But we all know that libs don't really want to pay more in taxes they just say they do.
LOL oh really so Obama pushing for higher taxes on his class was a simple verbal gesture?
He pays lip-service to taxing the rich, but really he's hammering the middle-class.
How exactly?

The rich have their deductions and their accountants, but us poor schmucks can't move out of the country when taxes get too high, or have to close our business because of new regulations.
What are the first taxes Obama raised? Taxes on fatty-foods, booze, gasoline, energy, hidden fees on our phone bills, excise-taxes up the ass.
He's been hammering us from day-one.
Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan.
What tax-cut?

You must mean that temporary payroll tax-cut that simply reduced the amount deducted from our check.

All that did was reduce what we'll get when we apply for Social Security benefits. That's gone already. It's history Jack. We're still paying massive unseen taxes on our food, cigarettes, booze, cellphones, internet, television, and utilities.
Couple of years ago we raised taxes on the rich $600,000,000,000.00 and you asswipes still aren't happy.


That's because $600 billion doesn't even cover the Obama deficit.
The deficit was $1.2 trillion.

Now Democrats are bragging about $650 billion. The debt is almost $18 trillion now and they know they need more money or its so-long economy. Keeping interest rates is the only way we're not crashing the financial system again.
So your "solution" is to force employers to pay poor people more money and then take it away in taxes so that a bloated and inefficient government can spend it? :confused-84::confused-84::confused-84::confused-84::confused-84::confused-84::confused-84:

Yeah, that will work!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Crap like this just blows my mind. What do you think pays for our military and public school. Granted over spending is a problem but spending itself is pretty fucking basic man. Taxes fund shit.

Tell us how much is enough spanky.
LOL oh really so Obama pushing for higher taxes on his class was a simple verbal gesture?
He pays lip-service to taxing the rich, but really he's hammering the middle-class.
How exactly?

The rich have their deductions and their accountants, but us poor schmucks can't move out of the country when taxes get too high, or have to close our business because of new regulations.
What are the first taxes Obama raised? Taxes on fatty-foods, booze, gasoline, energy, hidden fees on our phone bills, excise-taxes up the ass.
He's been hammering us from day-one.
Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan.
What tax-cut?

You must mean that temporary payroll tax-cut that simply reduced the amount deducted from our check.

All that did was reduce what we'll get when we apply for Social Security benefits. That's gone already. It's history Jack. We're still paying massive unseen taxes on our food, cigarettes, booze, cellphones, internet, television, and utilities.
This is exactly what it was:

"The Obama stimulus package had $237 billion in tax cuts, and more than $100 billion of those were targeted at lower and middle class households, but Fred Barnes doesn't even acknowledge that (and it's okay if a large component was saved). There were also $51 billion in tax cuts for businesses that he fails to note."

Economist s View Tax Cuts and the Stimulus Package
Go ahead increase taxes and reduce consumer spending, see how that works Billy boy.

How about giving Obama credit for the biggest tax penalty in recent history, with the Obamacare noncompliance penalty?
Go ahead increase taxes and reduce consumer spending, see how that works Billy boy.

How about giving Obama credit for the biggest tax penalty in recent history, with the Obamacare noncompliance penalty?
Through Obama's stimulus package, he extended unemployment benefits which boosted consumer spending. That is mostly why it created to close to 3 million private jobs.
Go ahead increase taxes and reduce consumer spending, see how that works Billy boy.

How about giving Obama credit for the biggest tax penalty in recent history, with the Obamacare noncompliance penalty?
Through Obama's stimulus package, he extended unemployment benefits which boosted consumer spending. That is mostly why it created to close to 3 million private jobs.

You realize us employers are busy repaying that tax as you post? It wasn't free money. Thanks for pointing out another tax increase courtesy of Obama.

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