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Republicans, Do You Not See The Hypocrisy In Your Disdain For Paying Taxes?

Post like this one are a perfect example of why liberals have such a hard time with economics.

It's why every Progressive economy leads to poverty and failure 100% of the time

And you have links to prove that, right?


^ Detroit


^ Baltimore


^ Camden, NJ

Irvine Ca.....

Mission Viejo

Yorba Linda....

The following is a list of 97 taxes many Americans pay every year...

Air Transportation Taxes (just look at how much you were charged the last time you flew)

#2 Biodiesel Fuel Taxes

#3 Building Permit Taxes

#4 Business Registration Fees

#5 Capital Gains Taxes

#6 Cigarette Taxes

#7 Court Fines (indirect taxes)

#8 Disposal Fees

#9 Dog License Taxes

#10 Drivers License Fees (another form of taxation)

#11 Employer Health Insurance Mandate Tax

#12 Employer Medicare Taxes

#13 Employer Social Security Taxes

#14 Environmental Fees

#15 Estate Taxes

#16 Excise Taxes On Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans

#17 Federal Corporate Taxes

#18 Federal Income Taxes

#19 Federal Unemployment Taxes

#20 Fishing License Taxes

#21 Flush Taxes (yes, this actually exists in some areas)

#22 Food And Beverage License Fees

#23 Franchise Business Taxes

#24 Garbage Taxes

#25 Gasoline Taxes

#26 Gift Taxes

#27 Gun Ownership Permits

#28 Hazardous Material Disposal Fees

#29 Highway Access Fees

#30 Hotel Taxes (these are becoming quite large in some areas)

#31 Hunting License Taxes

#32 Import Taxes

#33 Individual Health Insurance Mandate Taxes

#34 Inheritance Taxes

#35 Insect Control Hazardous Materials Licenses

#36 Inspection Fees

#37 Insurance Premium Taxes

#38 Interstate User Diesel Fuel Taxes

#39 Inventory Taxes

#40 IRA Early Withdrawal Taxes

#41 IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)

#42 IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)

#43 Library Taxes

#44 License Plate Fees

#45 Liquor Taxes

#46 Local Corporate Taxes

#47 Local Income Taxes

#48 Local School Taxes

#49 Local Unemployment Taxes

#50 Luxury Taxes

#51 Marriage License Taxes

#52 Medicare Taxes

#53 Medicare Tax Surcharge On High Earning Americans Under Obamacare

#54 Obamacare Individual Mandate Excise Tax (if you don't buy "qualifying" health insurance under Obamacare you will have to pay an additional tax)

#55 Obamacare Surtax On Investment Income (a new 3.8% surtax on investment income)

#56 Parking Meters

#57 Passport Fees

#58 Professional Licenses And Fees (another form of taxation)

#59 Property Taxes

#60 Real Estate Taxes

#61 Recreational Vehicle Taxes

#62 Registration Fees For New Businesses

#63 Toll Booth Taxes

#64 Sales Taxes

#65 Self-Employment Taxes

#66 Sewer & Water Taxes

#67 School Taxes

#68 Septic Permit Taxes

#69 Service Charge Taxes

#70 Social Security Taxes

#71 Special Assessments For Road Repairs Or Construction

#72 Sports Stadium Taxes

#73 State Corporate Taxes

#74 State Income Taxes

#75 State Park Entrance Fees

#76 State Unemployment Taxes (SUTA)

#77 Tanning Taxes (a new Obamacare tax on tanning services)

#78 Telephone 911 Service Taxes

#79 Telephone Federal Excise Taxes

#80 Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Taxes

#81 Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Taxes

#82 Telephone State And Local Taxes

#83 Telephone Universal Access Taxes

#84 The Alternative Minimum Tax

#85 Tire Recycling Fees

#86 Tire Taxes

#87 Tolls (another form of taxation)

#88 Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)

#89 Use Taxes (Out of state purchases, etc.)

#90 Utility Taxes

#91 Vehicle Registration Taxes

#92 Waste Management Taxes

#93 Water Rights Fees

#94 Watercraft Registration & Licensing Fees

#95 Well Permit Fees

#96 Workers Compensation Taxes

#97 Zoning Permit Fees

Many items are just different names for the same tax.

For example;

Vehicle Registration Taxes = License Plate Fees = Recreational Vehicle Taxes = Inspection Fees

Local School Taxes = School Taxes = Property Taxes = Real Estate Taxes = Library Taxes

You don't know much about taxes do you. There are City (Local School Taxes) County (School Taxes) Property Taxes and Library Taxes where I live and they are all different and itemized taxes.

The same goes for you first example. They are all distinct and different taxes.

The reason I said many, and did not say all pay these taxes is because not everyone owns and RV or goes to the library.

That doesn't alter the fact that they are essentially the same taxes. If you only have a county library instead of a local one you are still just paying a library tax bill. Your Federal taxes include the Library of Congress but that isn't even itemized.

If you want to nitpick go ahead but it only makes you appear to be whining rather than making a valid point.

You just did a good job of picking nit. We are down to 95 taxes that many Americans pay. bog woop!
Yet they also want our military to jump in on just about anything Muslim related, such as wars and airstrikes.
But when you ask the wealthy to contribute their PERCENTAGE of taxes they yell like hell.

They all want to live in the best country in the world but none of them want to pay for it.

And they're damn quick to take the benefits taxes pay for while voting to let the 1% pay less than their fair share.

They vote to send jobs and companies to foreign countries where they enjoy the benefits of being US companies without paying for the privilege.

What is the tax rate on wealth?
Well this where your ignorance comes on display. The extension of unemployment benefits created economic demand. For every dollar given to the unemployed they quickly spent it on food, clothing, and shelter. Every dollar spent created $1.61 in economic growth. Than is the nature of capitalism in terms of demand side economics.

Stop and actually think Billy. You expect us to believe people on unemployment spend MORE money on food, clothing and shelter than employed people? Economic growth? :lol:
No they had a unique situation. They were poor and desperate for money. The benefits they received were spent IMMEDIATELY on basic services. See had someone of the middle class had received that money they were more likely to save it before they spent it. Chances are when they would spend it it would go to some luxury item. Or maybe they would spend it immediately. However, the unemployed will guarantee the market service right away.

If the unemployed is not middle class and had been able to get a job, would they then spend the money they earned IMMEDIATELY? Most middle class people have some savings to tide them over.

BTW, saving is not burying cash in the back yard. The money that is put into banks or brokerage firms where it is loaned to people to start or expand their business, thereby creating real jobs.

And, buying a luxury item just ensured the people employed that made that luxury item will stay employed and build another luxury item.
You misunderstand what I mean by saving. I don't mean put into savings. I mean save as in they wait to spend it.
Bwahahahaa! "Nuance" is a liberal way of saying "Do as I say, NOT AS I DO."

You just started an op that's a polemic against conservatives complaining about taxes but now tell us it's "nuance" when a liberal does the same.

You are hilarious, laughably, laughably, hilarious!

No no you people complain about the very idea of paying taxes. Anytime you say you do support paying taxes, you can never give examples of what you want to fund. You never give any specifics that's realistic. Bush's tax cuts is part of the reason for our crazy national debt.


What doesn't Bill Maher "support" or those other liberals when they dodge or complain about taxes?????????

You can't worm your way out of this.

You got nailed on your party's own hypocrisy.

Just deal with it!

Lol Bill Maher is a millionaire you clown. He has always supported higher taxes on the rich. He supported Obama's plan.

Yeah, until it was HE that had to pay the taxes and then he started complaining.

Like all liberals it was OTHER PEOPLE supposed to pay the taxes not him.

You want a list of liberals caught putting their money in tax shelters why preaching WE should pay higher taxes????

Note: One of those liberals is BARACK OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

The following rich liberals have all used legal tax shelters to legally lower their taxes
The following rich liberals have all used legal tax shelters to legally lower their taxes:

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

The Weekly Standard reports:

Disclosure forms reveal that Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a member of Congress from Florida, previously held funds with investments in Swiss banks, foreign drug companies, and the state bank of India. This revelation comes mere days after the Democratic chair attacked presumptive Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney for holding money in Swiss bank accounts in the past.

Nancy Pelosi

The Daily Caller reports:

According to Pelosi’s 2011 financial disclosure statement, the Democratic House Minority Leader received between $1 million and $5 million in partnership income from ”Matthews International Capital Management LLC,” a group that emphasizes that it has a “A Singular Focus on Investing in Asia.”A quick trip to the company website reveals a featured post extolling the virtues of outsourcing.

Valerie Jarrett
fireandreamitchell.com reports:

Top Obama adviser and BFF Valerie Jarrett has a line of credit from a Bermuda insurance company valued between $100,000 and a quarter of a million dollars.

Barack Obama

Fox News reports:

President Obama and his wife, Michele, gave a total of $48,000 in tax-free gifts to their daughters, according to tax records made public on Friday.Thepresident and his wife separately gave each daughter a $12,000 gift under a section of the federal tax code that exempts such donations from federaltaxes.There is nothing illegal about the president’s taking advantage of this tax shelter, but it does raise eyebrows given that he has lamented the myriad tax exemptions used by the wealthy—“millionaires and billionaires” like himself—to pay less in taxes.

Noam Chomsky

The Hoover Institution reports:

One of the most persistent themes in Noam Chomsky’s work has been class warfare. He has frequently lashed out against the “massive use of tax havens to shift the burden to the general population and away from the rich” and criticized the concentration of wealth in “trusts” by the wealthiest 1 percent. The American tax code is rigged with “complicated devices for ensuring that the poor—like 80 percent of the population—pay off the rich.”

But trusts can’t be all bad. After all, Chomsky, with a net worth north of $2,000,000, decided to create one for himself. A few years back he went to Boston’s venerable white-shoe law firm, Palmer and Dodge, and, with the help of a tax attorney specializing in “income-tax planning,” set up an irrevocable trust to protect his assets from Uncle Sam. He named his tax attorney (every socialist radical needs one!) and a daughter as trustees. To the Diane Chomsky Irrevocable Trust (named for another daughter) he has assigned the copyright of several of his books, including multiple international editions.

Chomsky favors the estate tax and massive income redistribution—just not the redistribution of his income. No reason to let radical politics get in the way of sound estate planning.

When I challenged Chomsky about his trust, he suddenly started to sound very bourgeois: “I don’t apologize for putting aside money for my children and grandchildren,” he wrote in one e-mail. Chomsky offered no explanation for why he condemns others who are equally proud of their provision for their children and who try to protect their assets from Uncle Sam.

John Kerry

The Boston Globe reports:

Documents obtained by the Globe detail John Kerry’s 1983 investment of between $25,000 and $30,000 in offshore companies registered in the Cayman Islands. The document below, signed by Kerry, shows his pledge to purchase 2,470 shares of Peabody Commodities Trading Corp. through Sytel Traders, registered in the Caymans.

Barney Frank

National Review reports:

When Massachusetts cut its top tax rate to 5.3 percent in 2001, it let guilty liberals pay the old 5.85 percent rate if they wished… Pro-tax U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D., Mass.) spurned the higher rate. “No, I won’t” pay some $800 extra, Frank told Boston radio host Howie Carr in April 2003.

Michael Moore

ihatethemedia.com reports:

Moore’s most recent effort, Capitalism: A Love Story, took aim at businesses that used shelters to avoid paying taxes and took government bailouts during the market crash.

The thing is, Moore used similar tactics, taking advantage of a Michigan tax break to fund the making of his film–which raked in millions, by the way. Michigan taxpayers–already hit hard with the collapsing auto industry–were left holding the funny money bag for that one.

Bill Clinton

USA Today reports:

Former president Bill Clinton once made public a tax return on which he deducted $2 apiece for donated underwear.

The following rich liberals have all used legal tax shelters to legally lower their taxes Dan from Squirrel Hill s Blog

Wealthy liberals are willing to raise their own taxes
Why aren't wealthy Conservatives?

All they have to do is enclose an extra million or so to their tax return. Do you know any liberals that have done that?
You are constantly complaining about the moocher culture in this country yet you expect the government to pay for everything for you by not wanting to pay taxes. For one thing, it is a very small minority of people who abuse government assistance like food stamps. Food stamps, by and large, feed starving families. The actual facts and statistics on food stamps, that you refuse to acknowledge, reflect that. On the other hand, there are 10s of million mooching tea baggers who would prefer not to pay taxes.

Paying taxes is part of being a citizen of this country. You can't bitch and whine about the national debt AND paying taxes. How you don't see how those issues are connected just blows my mind. You want a bitching military? Pay your taxes. You want your kids to go to public school? Pay your taxes. You want this country to have strong infrastructure? Pay your fucking taxes you mooch.

Yeah, yeah the poor don't pay taxes derp, derp, derp. There's an easy solution for that. Raise the goddamn minimum wage so it can at least be kept up with the current level of fucking inflation. Then we can all pay taxes!
Paying taxes is a part of America's culture, but it's not terrorism to expect those folks in Washington not to waste what we give them.

Raise the MW and everything else goes up with it.

When we ever see a day when one of you liberals volunteered to pay extra we might STFU, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. Just write a check to Uncle Sam. Leave the amount blank and put a note in there telling them to take what they need. It's cool.

Until then spare us.

Lol you people say that a lot. Rich liberals should just write a check to the IRS. That really wouldn't fix the problem now would it?
You don't get it do you?

If people are willing to make everyone else pay more shouldn't they lead by example?

But we all know that libs don't really want to pay more in taxes they just say they do.
LOL oh really so Obama pushing for higher taxes on his class was a simple verbal gesture?
Yes. it hasn't happened has it?

Why is that do you wonder?
You are constantly complaining about the moocher culture in this country yet you expect the government to pay for everything for you by not wanting to pay taxes. For one thing, it is a very small minority of people who abuse government assistance like food stamps. Food stamps, by and large, feed starving families. The actual facts and statistics on food stamps, that you refuse to acknowledge, reflect that. On the other hand, there are 10s of million mooching tea baggers who would prefer not to pay taxes.

Paying taxes is part of being a citizen of this country. You can't bitch and whine about the national debt AND paying taxes. How you don't see how those issues are connected just blows my mind. You want a bitching military? Pay your taxes. You want your kids to go to public school? Pay your taxes. You want this country to have strong infrastructure? Pay your fucking taxes you mooch.

Yeah, yeah the poor don't pay taxes derp, derp, derp. There's an easy solution for that. Raise the goddamn minimum wage so it can at least be kept up with the current level of fucking inflation. Then we can all pay taxes!
Paying taxes is a part of America's culture, but it's not terrorism to expect those folks in Washington not to waste what we give them.

Raise the MW and everything else goes up with it.

When we ever see a day when one of you liberals volunteered to pay extra we might STFU, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. Just write a check to Uncle Sam. Leave the amount blank and put a note in there telling them to take what they need. It's cool.

Until then spare us.

Lol you people say that a lot. Rich liberals should just write a check to the IRS. That really wouldn't fix the problem now would it?
You don't get it do you?

If people are willing to make everyone else pay more shouldn't they lead by example?

But we all know that libs don't really want to pay more in taxes they just say they do.
LOL oh really so Obama pushing for higher taxes on his class was a simple verbal gesture?
He pays lip-service to taxing the rich, but really he's hammering the middle-class.
I especially likes how he says the economy is better than 6 years ago while median income is down over those same 6 years
No no you people complain about the very idea of paying taxes. Anytime you say you do support paying taxes, you can never give examples of what you want to fund. You never give any specifics that's realistic. Bush's tax cuts is part of the reason for our crazy national debt.
This is a lie and has been proven to you to be a lie.

Tax cuts do not cause debt.
So very wrong.

"President Barack Obama - The debt grew the most dollar-wise during President Obama's term. He added $6.103 trillion, a 52% increase, in six years. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package, which added $787 billion by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits, and funding job-creating public works projects. The Obama tax cuts added $858 billion to the debt over two years. Obama's budget included increased defense spending to around $800 billion a year. Federal income was down, thanks to lower tax receipts from the 2008 financial crisis. For more, see National Debt Under Obama.

President George W. Bush - President Bush added the second greatest amount to the debt, at $5.849 trillion. This more than doubled the debt, which was $5.8 trillion on September 30, 2001 -- the end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget. Bush responded to the 9/11 attacks by launching the War on Terror. This drove military spending to record levels, $600-$800 billion a year. This included the Iraq War, which cost $807.5 billion. President Bush also responded to the 2001 recession by passing EGTRRA and JGTRRA, otherwise known as the Bush tax cuts, which reduced revenue. He approved a $700 billion bailout package for banks to combat the 2008 global financial crisis. For more, see the Bush Administration."

US Debt by President[/QUOTE]

Bush is in second place, Obama is in first place. It took 8 years for Bush and Obama beat him in 6. Unless Obama can come up with a surplus(LOL) he will far surpass Bush in his 8 years.
You are constantly complaining about the moocher culture in this country yet you expect the government to pay for everything for you by not wanting to pay taxes. For one thing, it is a very small minority of people who abuse government assistance like food stamps. Food stamps, by and large, feed starving families. The actual facts and statistics on food stamps, that you refuse to acknowledge, reflect that. On the other hand, there are 10s of million mooching tea baggers who would prefer not to pay taxes.

Paying taxes is part of being a citizen of this country. You can't bitch and whine about the national debt AND paying taxes. How you don't see how those issues are connected just blows my mind. You want a bitching military? Pay your taxes. You want your kids to go to public school? Pay your taxes. You want this country to have strong infrastructure? Pay your fucking taxes you mooch.

Yeah, yeah the poor don't pay taxes derp, derp, derp. There's an easy solution for that. Raise the goddamn minimum wage so it can at least be kept up with the current level of fucking inflation. Then we can all pay taxes!
Paying taxes is a part of America's culture, but it's not terrorism to expect those folks in Washington not to waste what we give them.

Raise the MW and everything else goes up with it.

When we ever see a day when one of you liberals volunteered to pay extra we might STFU, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. Just write a check to Uncle Sam. Leave the amount blank and put a note in there telling them to take what they need. It's cool.

Until then spare us.

Lol you people say that a lot. Rich liberals should just write a check to the IRS. That really wouldn't fix the problem now would it?
You don't get it do you?

If people are willing to make everyone else pay more shouldn't they lead by example?

But we all know that libs don't really want to pay more in taxes they just say they do.
LOL oh really so Obama pushing for higher taxes on his class was a simple verbal gesture?
Yes. it hasn't happened has it?

Why is that do you wonder?
You and I both know why that is.
No no you people complain about the very idea of paying taxes. Anytime you say you do support paying taxes, you can never give examples of what you want to fund. You never give any specifics that's realistic. Bush's tax cuts is part of the reason for our crazy national debt.
This is a lie and has been proven to you to be a lie.

Tax cuts do not cause debt.
So very wrong.

"President Barack Obama - The debt grew the most dollar-wise during President Obama's term. He added $6.103 trillion, a 52% increase, in six years. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package, which added $787 billion by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits, and funding job-creating public works projects. The Obama tax cuts added $858 billion to the debt over two years. Obama's budget included increased defense spending to around $800 billion a year. Federal income was down, thanks to lower tax receipts from the 2008 financial crisis. For more, see National Debt Under Obama.

President George W. Bush - President Bush added the second greatest amount to the debt, at $5.849 trillion. This more than doubled the debt, which was $5.8 trillion on September 30, 2001 -- the end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget. Bush responded to the 9/11 attacks by launching the War on Terror. This drove military spending to record levels, $600-$800 billion a year. This included the Iraq War, which cost $807.5 billion. President Bush also responded to the 2001 recession by passing EGTRRA and JGTRRA, otherwise known as the Bush tax cuts, which reduced revenue. He approved a $700 billion bailout package for banks to combat the 2008 global financial crisis. For more, see the Bush Administration."

US Debt by President
How many times does this have to be explained to you?

Spending causes debt. Stop the spending and the deficit goes away, and the growth in debt is interest only.

Cut spending to the point where you have more tax income than bills, and you can then apply the surplus to the debt.

As it stands now, we have 17 trillion dollars in taxes to pay.

Adding more is beyond insane.
No no you people complain about the very idea of paying taxes. Anytime you say you do support paying taxes, you can never give examples of what you want to fund. You never give any specifics that's realistic. Bush's tax cuts is part of the reason for our crazy national debt.
This is a lie and has been proven to you to be a lie.

Tax cuts do not cause debt.
So very wrong.

"President Barack Obama - The debt grew the most dollar-wise during President Obama's term. He added $6.103 trillion, a 52% increase, in six years. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package, which added $787 billion by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits, and funding job-creating public works projects. The Obama tax cuts added $858 billion to the debt over two years. Obama's budget included increased defense spending to around $800 billion a year. Federal income was down, thanks to lower tax receipts from the 2008 financial crisis. For more, see National Debt Under Obama.

President George W. Bush - President Bush added the second greatest amount to the debt, at $5.849 trillion. This more than doubled the debt, which was $5.8 trillion on September 30, 2001 -- the end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget. Bush responded to the 9/11 attacks by launching the War on Terror. This drove military spending to record levels, $600-$800 billion a year. This included the Iraq War, which cost $807.5 billion. President Bush also responded to the 2001 recession by passing EGTRRA and JGTRRA, otherwise known as the Bush tax cuts, which reduced revenue. He approved a $700 billion bailout package for banks to combat the 2008 global financial crisis. For more, see the Bush Administration."

US Debt by President
How many times does this have to be explained to you?

Spending causes debt. Stop the spending and the deficit goes away, and the growth in debt is interest only.

Cut spending to the point where you have more tax income than bills, and you can then apply the surplus to the debt.

As it stands now, we have 17 trillion dollars in taxes to pay.

Adding more is beyond insane.
Apparently you didn't even read it. Less revenue means MORE BORROWING. Revenue pays the gov bills. Spending itself is necessary. Over spending, what you are saying, is what needs to stop. However over spending is just as bad as cutting taxes.
I don't have a problem paying taxes...
Never did.Been paying them for over 40 years now....

I have a HUGE problem with Liberal assholes who go on and on about
people not paying their "fair share"....
No no you people complain about the very idea of paying taxes. Anytime you say you do support paying taxes, you can never give examples of what you want to fund. You never give any specifics that's realistic. Bush's tax cuts is part of the reason for our crazy national debt.
This is a lie and has been proven to you to be a lie.

Tax cuts do not cause debt.
So very wrong.

"President Barack Obama - The debt grew the most dollar-wise during President Obama's term. He added $6.103 trillion, a 52% increase, in six years. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package, which added $787 billion by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits, and funding job-creating public works projects. The Obama tax cuts added $858 billion to the debt over two years. Obama's budget included increased defense spending to around $800 billion a year. Federal income was down, thanks to lower tax receipts from the 2008 financial crisis. For more, see National Debt Under Obama.

President George W. Bush - President Bush added the second greatest amount to the debt, at $5.849 trillion. This more than doubled the debt, which was $5.8 trillion on September 30, 2001 -- the end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget. Bush responded to the 9/11 attacks by launching the War on Terror. This drove military spending to record levels, $600-$800 billion a year. This included the Iraq War, which cost $807.5 billion. President Bush also responded to the 2001 recession by passing EGTRRA and JGTRRA, otherwise known as the Bush tax cuts, which reduced revenue. He approved a $700 billion bailout package for banks to combat the 2008 global financial crisis. For more, see the Bush Administration."

US Debt by President
How many times does this have to be explained to you?

Spending causes debt. Stop the spending and the deficit goes away, and the growth in debt is interest only.

Cut spending to the point where you have more tax income than bills, and you can then apply the surplus to the debt.

As it stands now, we have 17 trillion dollars in taxes to pay.

Adding more is beyond insane.
Apparently you didn't even read it. Less revenue means MORE BORROWING. Revenue pays the gov bills. Spending itself is necessary. Over spending, what you are saying, is what needs to stop. However over spending is just as bad as cutting taxes.
Are you really that stupid?

If you don't spend the money, YOU HAVE NO NEED TO BORROW MONEY!

Ho Li Fuk.
No no you people complain about the very idea of paying taxes. Anytime you say you do support paying taxes, you can never give examples of what you want to fund. You never give any specifics that's realistic. Bush's tax cuts is part of the reason for our crazy national debt.
This is a lie and has been proven to you to be a lie.

Tax cuts do not cause debt.
So very wrong.

"President Barack Obama - The debt grew the most dollar-wise during President Obama's term. He added $6.103 trillion, a 52% increase, in six years. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package, which added $787 billion by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits, and funding job-creating public works projects. The Obama tax cuts added $858 billion to the debt over two years. Obama's budget included increased defense spending to around $800 billion a year. Federal income was down, thanks to lower tax receipts from the 2008 financial crisis. For more, see National Debt Under Obama.

President George W. Bush - President Bush added the second greatest amount to the debt, at $5.849 trillion. This more than doubled the debt, which was $5.8 trillion on September 30, 2001 -- the end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget. Bush responded to the 9/11 attacks by launching the War on Terror. This drove military spending to record levels, $600-$800 billion a year. This included the Iraq War, which cost $807.5 billion. President Bush also responded to the 2001 recession by passing EGTRRA and JGTRRA, otherwise known as the Bush tax cuts, which reduced revenue. He approved a $700 billion bailout package for banks to combat the 2008 global financial crisis. For more, see the Bush Administration."

US Debt by President
How many times does this have to be explained to you?

Spending causes debt. Stop the spending and the deficit goes away, and the growth in debt is interest only.

Cut spending to the point where you have more tax income than bills, and you can then apply the surplus to the debt.

As it stands now, we have 17 trillion dollars in taxes to pay.

Adding more is beyond insane.
Apparently you didn't even read it. Less revenue means MORE BORROWING. Revenue pays the gov bills. Spending itself is necessary. Over spending, what you are saying, is what needs to stop. However over spending is just as bad as cutting taxes.
Are you really that stupid?

If you don't spend the money, YOU HAVE NO NEED TO BORROW MONEY!

Ho Li Fuk.
Tell me. When the government gives money to build a public school, do you not call that spending? It's amazing you cons lack such a basic understanding of the government. Spending is spending. Anything the gov funds is spending. I can't believe I have to explain that. Debt comes from over spending. Revenue funds the gov. Cutting revenue means the gov must borrow more money to fund.

Lol I'm sure a 6 year old could understand this logic.
Tell me. When the government gives money to build a public school, do you not call that spending? It's amazing you cons lack such a basic understanding of the government. Spending is spending. Anything the gov funds is spending. I can't believe I have to explain that. Debt comes from over spending. Revenue funds the gov. Cutting revenue means the gov must borrow more money to fund.

Lol I'm sure a 6 year old could understand this logic.
So you lost the argument.

I initially said that we don't mind paying taxes for essential things. If we spent on essential things, we'd be about 1.5 trillion dollars in the green.

Now, I don't believe I have to explain this to you as most four year olds understand it. A public school is built by property taxes that are usually voted upon.

Has nothing to do with the federal debt, the federal deficit, nor out of control spending.

Just stop while you are ahead because I simply can't waste anymore time on showing you how 2 + 2 = 4 if you are just going to say, "is not"......

Tell me. When the government gives money to build a public school, do you not call that spending? It's amazing you cons lack such a basic understanding of the government. Spending is spending. Anything the gov funds is spending. I can't believe I have to explain that. Debt comes from over spending. Revenue funds the gov. Cutting revenue means the gov must borrow more money to fund.

Lol I'm sure a 6 year old could understand this logic.
So you lost the argument.

I initially said that we don't mind paying taxes for essential things. If we spent on essential things, we'd be about 1.5 trillion dollars in the green.

Now, I don't believe I have to explain this to you as most four year olds understand it. A public school is built by property taxes that are usually voted upon.

Has nothing to do with the federal debt, the federal deficit, nor out of control spending.

Just stop while you are ahead because I simply can't waste anymore time on showing you how 2 + 2 = 4 if you are just going to say, "is not"......

Lol because you seem to have a vague understanding on the defintion of spending I somehow lost the argument?
Well this where your ignorance comes on display. The extension of unemployment benefits created economic demand. For every dollar given to the unemployed they quickly spent it on food, clothing, and shelter. Every dollar spent created $1.61 in economic growth. Than is the nature of capitalism in terms of demand side economics.

Stop and actually think Billy. You expect us to believe people on unemployment spend MORE money on food, clothing and shelter than employed people? Economic growth? :lol:
No they had a unique situation. They were poor and desperate for money. The benefits they received were spent IMMEDIATELY on basic services. See had someone of the middle class had received that money they were more likely to save it before they spent it. Chances are when they would spend it it would go to some luxury item. Or maybe they would spend it immediately. However, the unemployed will guarantee the market service right away.

Wrong, those folks didn't suddenly start consuming more food or more housing idiot.
No no you people complain about the very idea of paying taxes. Anytime you say you do support paying taxes, you can never give examples of what you want to fund. You never give any specifics that's realistic. Bush's tax cuts is part of the reason for our crazy national debt.
This is a lie and has been proven to you to be a lie.

Tax cuts do not cause debt.
So very wrong.

"President Barack Obama - The debt grew the most dollar-wise during President Obama's term. He added $6.103 trillion, a 52% increase, in six years. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package, which added $787 billion by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits, and funding job-creating public works projects. The Obama tax cuts added $858 billion to the debt over two years. Obama's budget included increased defense spending to around $800 billion a year. Federal income was down, thanks to lower tax receipts from the 2008 financial crisis. For more, see National Debt Under Obama.

President George W. Bush - President Bush added the second greatest amount to the debt, at $5.849 trillion. This more than doubled the debt, which was $5.8 trillion on September 30, 2001 -- the end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget. Bush responded to the 9/11 attacks by launching the War on Terror. This drove military spending to record levels, $600-$800 billion a year. This included the Iraq War, which cost $807.5 billion. President Bush also responded to the 2001 recession by passing EGTRRA and JGTRRA, otherwise known as the Bush tax cuts, which reduced revenue. He approved a $700 billion bailout package for banks to combat the 2008 global financial crisis. For more, see the Bush Administration."

US Debt by President
How many times does this have to be explained to you?

Spending causes debt. Stop the spending and the deficit goes away, and the growth in debt is interest only.

Cut spending to the point where you have more tax income than bills, and you can then apply the surplus to the debt.

As it stands now, we have 17 trillion dollars in taxes to pay.

Adding more is beyond insane.
Apparently you didn't even read it. Less revenue means MORE BORROWING. Revenue pays the gov bills. Spending itself is necessary. Over spending, what you are saying, is what needs to stop. However over spending is just as bad as cutting taxes.
Are you really that stupid?

If you don't spend the money, YOU HAVE NO NEED TO BORROW MONEY!

Ho Li Fuk.
Tell me. When the government gives money to build a public school, do you not call that spending? It's amazing you cons lack such a basic understanding of the government. Spending is spending. Anything the gov funds is spending. I can't believe I have to explain that. Debt comes from over spending. Revenue funds the gov. Cutting revenue means the gov must borrow more money to fund.

Lol I'm sure a 6 year old could understand this logic.

The Federal government does not give any money to build public schools. zip, zero, nada!
Well this where your ignorance comes on display. The extension of unemployment benefits created economic demand. For every dollar given to the unemployed they quickly spent it on food, clothing, and shelter. Every dollar spent created $1.61 in economic growth. Than is the nature of capitalism in terms of demand side economics.

Stop and actually think Billy. You expect us to believe people on unemployment spend MORE money on food, clothing and shelter than employed people? Economic growth? :lol:
No they had a unique situation. They were poor and desperate for money. The benefits they received were spent IMMEDIATELY on basic services. See had someone of the middle class had received that money they were more likely to save it before they spent it. Chances are when they would spend it it would go to some luxury item. Or maybe they would spend it immediately. However, the unemployed will guarantee the market service right away.

Wrong, those folks didn't suddenly start consuming more food or more housing idiot.
Lol economists are smarter than your simple minded reasoning about money. It's all explained right here by an economist. Can you sound that word out for me? E-con-omist. I know it's a new word for your vocabulary but in time you'll grasp it.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy
Well this where your ignorance comes on display. The extension of unemployment benefits created economic demand. For every dollar given to the unemployed they quickly spent it on food, clothing, and shelter. Every dollar spent created $1.61 in economic growth. Than is the nature of capitalism in terms of demand side economics.

Stop and actually think Billy. You expect us to believe people on unemployment spend MORE money on food, clothing and shelter than employed people? Economic growth? :lol:
No they had a unique situation. They were poor and desperate for money. The benefits they received were spent IMMEDIATELY on basic services. See had someone of the middle class had received that money they were more likely to save it before they spent it. Chances are when they would spend it it would go to some luxury item. Or maybe they would spend it immediately. However, the unemployed will guarantee the market service right away.

Wrong, those folks didn't suddenly start consuming more food or more housing idiot.
Lol economists are smarter than your simple minded reasoning about money. It's all explained right here by an economist. Can you sound that word out for me? E-con-omist. I know it's a new word for your vocabulary but in time you'll grasp it.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Interesting that your study fails to mention that the same person made more of an impact when they had a job. Not to mention ignoring the costs of food stamp and unemployment benefits on the economy. The report is highly flawed, but then you already knew that, because your such an economist.

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