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Republicans, Do You Not See The Hypocrisy In Your Disdain For Paying Taxes?

Most of that stimulus money went to Wall Street. Wall Street has cut thousands of jobs. Your point failed.

The government doesn't create private jobs, private companies create them. True story.
Um no. A huge share of it was tax cuts. The other huge share was extending unemployment benefits.
Well this where your ignorance comes on display. The extension of unemployment benefits created economic demand. For every dollar given to the unemployed they quickly spent it on food, clothing, and shelter. Every dollar spent created $1.61 in economic growth. Than is the nature of capitalism in terms of demand side economics.

Where do the dollars to give to the unemployed come from ?
Well this where your ignorance comes on display. The extension of unemployment benefits created economic demand. For every dollar given to the unemployed they quickly spent it on food, clothing, and shelter. Every dollar spent created $1.61 in economic growth. Than is the nature of capitalism in terms of demand side economics.

Where do the dollars to give to the unemployed come from ?
It wasn't paid for if thats what you mean. That's okay considering it paid for itself through economic growth.
Well this where your ignorance comes on display. The extension of unemployment benefits created economic demand. For every dollar given to the unemployed they quickly spent it on food, clothing, and shelter. Every dollar spent created $1.61 in economic growth. Than is the nature of capitalism in terms of demand side economics.

Where do the dollars to give to the unemployed come from ?
It wasn't paid for if thats what you mean. That's okay considering it paid for itself through economic growth.

Paid for itself without repaying the payee ?

Not hardly.
Well this where your ignorance comes on display. The extension of unemployment benefits created economic demand. For every dollar given to the unemployed they quickly spent it on food, clothing, and shelter. Every dollar spent created $1.61 in economic growth. Than is the nature of capitalism in terms of demand side economics.

Where do the dollars to give to the unemployed come from ?
It wasn't paid for if thats what you mean. That's okay considering it paid for itself through economic growth.

Paid for itself without repaying the payee ?

Not hardly.
Technically it was because it included a huge tax cut for the wealthy and middle class.
Go ahead increase taxes and reduce consumer spending, see how that works Billy boy.

How about giving Obama credit for the biggest tax penalty in recent history, with the Obamacare noncompliance penalty?
Through Obama's stimulus package, he extended unemployment benefits which boosted consumer spending. That is mostly why it created to close to 3 million private jobs.
It also created massive debt and reduced the workforce. Any that couldn't find a job after the UE ran out simply got a lawyer and applied for disability. More massive debt
787 billion in debt which included those tax cuts. Tax cuts aren't free. Lol dude you crack me up. Yeah that's it. Poor unemployed people all hired lawyers. Lol where do you people get this stuff?

The stimulus created close to 3 million private jobs according to the CBO.

So, Obama took 787 billion out of the current and future economy so he could create 3 million jobs? That's about $262,000 per job. Given that most of those jobs are low paying and part time, how are they a bargain again? It would seem to me smarter to leave that 787 billion in the economy where it could create the jobs at a lower cost.
Well this where your ignorance comes on display. The extension of unemployment benefits created economic demand. For every dollar given to the unemployed they quickly spent it on food, clothing, and shelter. Every dollar spent created $1.61 in economic growth. Than is the nature of capitalism in terms of demand side economics.

Pure keynesyian horsehockey.
Through Obama's stimulus package, he extended unemployment benefits which boosted consumer spending. That is mostly why it created to close to 3 million private jobs.
It also created massive debt and reduced the workforce. Any that couldn't find a job after the UE ran out simply got a lawyer and applied for disability. More massive debt
787 billion in debt which included those tax cuts. Tax cuts aren't free. Lol dude you crack me up. Yeah that's it. Poor unemployed people all hired lawyers. Lol where do you people get this stuff?

The stimulus created close to 3 million private jobs according to the CBO.

So, Obama took 787 billion out of the current and future economy so he could create 3 million jobs? That's about $262,000 per job. Given that most of those jobs are low paying and part time, how are they a bargain again? It would seem to me smarter to leave that 787 billion in the economy where it could create the jobs at a lower cost.
Well this where your ignorance comes on display. The extension of unemployment benefits created economic demand. For every dollar given to the unemployed they quickly spent it on food, clothing, and shelter. Every dollar spent created $1.61 in economic growth. Than is the nature of capitalism in terms of demand side economics.

Pure keynesyian horsehockey.
How do you not understand that when you spend money on goods and services in the market that creates economic growth? The growth depends on the product you buy. This is why the free market thrives. Consumer spending creates economic growth.
Well this where your ignorance comes on display. The extension of unemployment benefits created economic demand. For every dollar given to the unemployed they quickly spent it on food, clothing, and shelter. Every dollar spent created $1.61 in economic growth. Than is the nature of capitalism in terms of demand side economics.

Stop and actually think Billy. You expect us to believe people on unemployment spend MORE money on food, clothing and shelter than employed people? Economic growth? :lol:
Well this where your ignorance comes on display. The extension of unemployment benefits created economic demand. For every dollar given to the unemployed they quickly spent it on food, clothing, and shelter. Every dollar spent created $1.61 in economic growth. Than is the nature of capitalism in terms of demand side economics.

Stop and actually think Billy. You expect us to believe people on unemployment spend MORE money on food, clothing and shelter than employed people? Economic growth? :lol:
No they had a unique situation. They were poor and desperate for money. The benefits they received were spent IMMEDIATELY on basic services. See had someone of the middle class had received that money they were more likely to save it before they spent it. Chances are when they would spend it it would go to some luxury item. Or maybe they would spend it immediately. However, the unemployed will guarantee the market service right away.
How do you not understand that when you spend money on goods and services in the market that creates economic growth? The growth depends on the product you buy. This is why the free market thrives. Consumer spending creates economic growth.

The money is taken from "me" to give to others to spend.

Understand that ?
How do you not understand that when you spend money on goods and services in the market that creates economic growth? The growth depends on the product you buy. This is why the free market thrives. Consumer spending creates economic growth.

The money is taken from "me" to give to others to spend.

Understand that ?
Lol it wasn't taken from you...
How do you not understand that when you spend money on goods and services in the market that creates economic growth? The growth depends on the product you buy. This is why the free market thrives. Consumer spending creates economic growth.

The money is taken from "me" to give to others to spend.

Understand that ?
Lol it wasn't taken from you...

Where does the money come to give to others ?
They all want to live in the best country in the world but none of them want to pay for it.
paying reasonable taxes is one thing....unreasonable is another....i live in what arguably was the best State,one of the best places in the world to live in....OVER taxing people is one of the main things destroying this State....and even many Dem/Liberals understand this here.....why so many are leaving.....
Defense is one of the things the federal government is actually MANDATED to do.

As for corporate welfare, most of the time you guys are talking about tax breaks, not direct subsidies.

Where is it "mandated" that the US must rack up massive deficit spending in order to maintain the military?
It's not the maintenance of the military that costs so much it's th fact that we police the world for those other countries who have no military.

It's time for us to let them fend for themselves.

So we can add you to the list of people who want to slash all defense spending by 50%?

Cut out the unconstitutional unmadated crap first, then we can talk.

Pease list the "unconstitutional unmadated [sic] crap".

What doesn't Bill Maher "support" or those other liberals when they dodge or complain about taxes?????????

You can't worm your way out of this.

You got nailed on your party's own hypocrisy.

Just deal with it!

Lol Bill Maher is a millionaire you clown. He has always supported higher taxes on the rich. He supported Obama's plan.

To the list of liberals who vote for higher taxes -- and then proceed to complain about them -- add comedian Bill Maher.

Incredibly, the caustic, left-wing Maher recently warned, "ln California, I just want to say: Liberals -- you could actually lose me." As a resident of California, a state with high income taxes, Maher complained that his taxes are "over 50 percent." What's more, Maher made a point seldom heard except on Fox News or by a rich Parisian. Maher said, "Rich people ... actually do pay the freight in this country ... like 70 percent" of the taxes. (Presumably, Maher meant that the top 10 percent of taxpayers pay about 70.5 percent of the federal income taxes.)

Read more: Bill Maher s Epiphany on California Taxes RealClearPolitics
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Lol we had this conversation earlier in the thread. Maher didn't like the state tax of 50%. He has always favored Obama'a plan to raise taxes on the wealthy on a federal level. Why would he ever bother supporting that to begin with?

Then why did he make this statement that you ignored?

Maher said, "Rich people ... actually do pay the freight in this country ... like 70 percent" of the taxes. (Presumably, Maher meant that the top 10 percent of taxpayers pay about 70.5 percent of the federal income taxes.)
Umm yeah he did say that. And? Nothing there contradicts what I said.

The problem is taxes aren't levied on a persons wealth and Maher knows that and you don't. He didn't indicate that the 'rich' should pay more in that statement and seemed to give them credit for paying the freight.
You are constantly complaining about the moocher culture in this country yet you expect the government to pay for everything for you by not wanting to pay taxes. For one thing, it is a very small minority of people who abuse government assistance like food stamps. Food stamps, by and large, feed starving families. The actual facts and statistics on food stamps, that you refuse to acknowledge, reflect that. On the other hand, there are 10s of million mooching tea baggers who would prefer not to pay taxes.

Paying taxes is part of being a citizen of this country. You can't bitch and whine about the national debt AND paying taxes. How you don't see how those issues are connected just blows my mind. You want a bitching military? Pay your taxes. You want your kids to go to public school? Pay your taxes. You want this country to have strong infrastructure? Pay your fucking taxes you mooch.

Yeah, yeah the poor don't pay taxes derp, derp, derp. There's an easy solution for that. Raise the goddamn minimum wage so it can at least be kept up with the current level of fucking inflation. Then we can all pay taxes!
There are two better solutions.

Remove the burdens on business and wages will take care of themselves.

Stop spending money on the basis of getting elected and re-elected.

No one minds paying taxes for essential needs such as defense and infrastructure. But the continual addition of pie-in-the-sky, feel good spending will continue to be met with a resounding no and push back on new taxes to pay for them.
No no you people complain about the very idea of paying taxes. Anytime you say you do support paying taxes, you can never give examples of what you want to fund. You never give any specifics that's realistic. Bush's tax cuts is part of the reason for our crazy national debt.[/QUOTE]This is a lie and has been proven to you to be a lie.

Tax cuts do not cause debt.
What I get sick of is hypocrite Democrats bitch, bitch, bitching about the rich not paying their fair share in taxes by and large directing there outrage at rich conservatives but never at rich liberals who use the same tax loopholes and tax shelter's rich conservatives do.
No no you people complain about the very idea of paying taxes. Anytime you say you do support paying taxes, you can never give examples of what you want to fund. You never give any specifics that's realistic. Bush's tax cuts is part of the reason for our crazy national debt.
This is a lie and has been proven to you to be a lie.

Tax cuts do not cause debt.[/QUOTE]
So very wrong.

"President Barack Obama - The debt grew the most dollar-wise during President Obama's term. He added $6.103 trillion, a 52% increase, in six years. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package, which added $787 billion by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits, and funding job-creating public works projects. The Obama tax cuts added $858 billion to the debt over two years. Obama's budget included increased defense spending to around $800 billion a year. Federal income was down, thanks to lower tax receipts from the 2008 financial crisis. For more, see National Debt Under Obama.

President George W. Bush - President Bush added the second greatest amount to the debt, at $5.849 trillion. This more than doubled the debt, which was $5.8 trillion on September 30, 2001 -- the end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget. Bush responded to the 9/11 attacks by launching the War on Terror. This drove military spending to record levels, $600-$800 billion a year. This included the Iraq War, which cost $807.5 billion. President Bush also responded to the 2001 recession by passing EGTRRA and JGTRRA, otherwise known as the Bush tax cuts, which reduced revenue. He approved a $700 billion bailout package for banks to combat the 2008 global financial crisis. For more, see the Bush Administration."

US Debt by President
Well this where your ignorance comes on display. The extension of unemployment benefits created economic demand. For every dollar given to the unemployed they quickly spent it on food, clothing, and shelter. Every dollar spent created $1.61 in economic growth. Than is the nature of capitalism in terms of demand side economics.

Stop and actually think Billy. You expect us to believe people on unemployment spend MORE money on food, clothing and shelter than employed people? Economic growth? :lol:
No they had a unique situation. They were poor and desperate for money. The benefits they received were spent IMMEDIATELY on basic services. See had someone of the middle class had received that money they were more likely to save it before they spent it. Chances are when they would spend it it would go to some luxury item. Or maybe they would spend it immediately. However, the unemployed will guarantee the market service right away.

If the unemployed is not middle class and had been able to get a job, would they then spend the money they earned IMMEDIATELY? Most middle class people have some savings to tide them over.

BTW, saving is not burying cash in the back yard. The money that is put into banks or brokerage firms where it is loaned to people to start or expand their business, thereby creating real jobs.

And, buying a luxury item just ensured the people employed that made that luxury item will stay employed and build another luxury item.

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