Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

Why did Trump say the Florida six week ban was a terrible mistake by DeSantis when he must know that the only way to stop killing Baby Fetus from the moment of conception right now is with a six week abortion ban.
This is not yet a "person", and their nervous system is not "fully functioning". It's not even fully developed at birth.

"By birth, only the lower portions of the nervous system (the spinal cord and brain stem) are very well developed, whereas the higher regions (the limbic system and cerebral cortex) are still rather primitive."

A life sentence without parole for rape???? I'd be happy to see all of these assholes arrested and spend one year in jail. Fewer than 1 rapist in 1000 is arrested, tried or convicted.

If a man gets drunk in a bar and goes out into the parking lot alone and is jumped, beaten and robbed, the police will look for his attackers.

If a woman gets drunk in a bar and goes out into the parking lot alone and is jump, beaten and raped, well what did she expect? She shouldn't have gotten drunk. She probably let him do it and then changed her mind.
Si you support killing kids at birth based on them not being fully developed.

What vermin.
Si you support killing kids at birth based on them not being fully developed.

What vermin.

No because once they are outside the womb, and they start breathing on their own, they are "living human beings".

Human beings aren't fully developed until the age of 25. Abortions and miscarriages occur before the gestation is complete and the fetus becomes a living human being. Infants are still growing and developing outside the womb. A newborn can't even lift its head or feed itself. It has no teeth, it's digestive tract can't handle anything more than fluids, and it doesn't start walking for at least another 9 months.

How do you know nothing about childhood development. Do you have no memories of growing up????
No because once they are outside the womb, and they start breathing on their own, they are "living human beings".

Human beings aren't fully developed until the age of 25. Abortions and miscarriages occur before the gestation is complete and the fetus becomes a living human being. Infants are still growing and developing outside the womb. A newborn can't even lift its head or feed itself. It has no teeth, it's digestive tract can't handle anything more than fluids, and it doesn't start walking for at least another 9 months.

How do you know nothing about childhood development. Do you have no memories of growing up????
You just argued in favor of abortion on the grounds they are not fully developed.

Using your logic in this post killing up to 25 years is OK because they are not yet fully developed.

What vermin.
No because once they are outside the womb, and they start breathing on their own, they are "living human beings".

Outside the womb signifues Separation at Birth and universal undisputed sanctity of life begins. If that is good enough for 6000 years of Jewish belief it’s good enough for me.
You just argued in favor of abortion on the grounds they are not fully developed.
No, she didn’t hurt your favorite person in the grounds that a fetus is not fully developed. She is arguing that abortion is not allowed after separation at birth.
Question for Saint Oktexas:

Do you agree with Saint Macseven in POST mvc-n.23.06.26 #31 in which he states “when the child has a heartbeat it should be protected” ? nf.23.11.25 to vktxs.23.11.25 #278

I agree with the US Constitution that society hss a to protect life from the moment a new person is born.

Can you make a rational argument as to why society has a duty to protect human life at the sixth week of gestation by invading the privacy of what is biologically going on inside a pregnant woman’s body?

Do you mean to save her life from harm and potential risk of death as documented in the maternal death rate?

nf.23.11.25 #284

Already answered your first question.

The answer to the second two is only when the pregnancy presents an imminent danger to the mothers life. If that isn't clear enough for you to understand then we have nothing more to discuss. I won't engage in a game of semantics or twenty questions.

I won't engage i
You are right about that - runner!

Can you make a rational argument as to why society has a duty to protect human life at the sixth week of gestation by invading the privacy of what is biologically going on inside a pregnant woman’s body?
This is not yet a "person", and their nervous system is not "fully functioning". It's not even fully developed at birth.

"By birth, only the lower portions of the nervous system (the spinal cord and brain stem) are very well developed, whereas the higher regions (the limbic system and cerebral cortex) are still rather primitive."

A life sentence without parole for rape???? I'd be happy to see all of these assholes arrested and spend one year in jail. Fewer than 1 rapist in 1000 is arrested, tried or convicted.

If a man gets drunk in a bar and goes out into the parking lot alone and is jumped, beaten and robbed, the police will look for his attackers.

If a woman gets drunk in a bar and goes out into the parking lot alone and is jump, beaten and raped, well what did she expect? She shouldn't have gotten drunk. She probably let him do it and then changed her mind.

So not being fully functioning is a justification for murder? Using that rational xiden should be put down, he's definitely not fully functioning. What about other handicapped people, do you what to kill them as well? And yes the baby is a person, unlike any other on the planet.


Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women.​

Its called protection of human life

Unless the mother cannot survive childbirth the unborn child has a right to live
I know that women get abortions after this point, but do you think it is a child 4 days in?
Aside from killing innocent children there is a silver lining for repubs

Virtually all the children who are killed were the spawn of liberals
See this really just exposes your faux outrage. You don’t give two shits about fetuses whatsoever. You just like to sound righteous at the right timing.
So not being fully functioning is a justification for murder? Using that rational xiden should be put down, he's definitely not fully functioning. What about other handicapped people, do you what to kill them as well? And yes the baby is a person, unlike any other on the planet.

No being “alive and breathing” is justification for not being murdered.

Babies aren’t “fully functioning” when they’re born but they’re alive and breathing. Most old people aren’t “fully functioning”, but we don’t allow them to be murdered either.

It is not yet a baby and it is not yet “on this planet”. It is a gestating foetus inside its mother.
Less than 1% of abortions happen in the third trimester. It gets even more rare the closer it is to the end of the term. Even then the primary reason for abortion at this point is for medical reasons regarding the mother and/or child. Republicans like to pretend women have abortions late simply because they callously change their minds or something. Obviously there’s a reason she kept the kid up until that point.
Aside from killing innocent children there is a silver lining for repubs

Virtually all the children who are killed were the spawn of liberals

And that’s completely false. Just as many Republican women have abortions as liberal women. Abortions is the treatment for the medical complications of pregnancy.

Complications of pregnancy are bipartisan, as are the deaths that result from them if the women are unable to get timely treatment.

13% of all abortions are obtained by evangelical women. You know those women on the Christian right her marching out front of the abortion clinic. They get 130,000 abortions every year.
You are right about that - runner!

Can you make a rational argument as to why society has a duty to protect human life at the sixth week of gestation by invading the privacy of what is biologically going on inside a pregnant woman’s body?

maobama destroyed any semblance of medical privacy during his first term.

No being “alive and breathing” is justification for not being murdered.

Babies aren’t “fully functioning” when they’re born but they’re alive and breathing. Most old people aren’t “fully functioning”, but we don’t allow them to be murdered either.

It is not yet a baby and it is not yet “on this planet”. It is a gestating foetus inside its mother.

ROFLMAO, that's like saying a coffee cup in one of my cabinets isn't really on the planet because you can't see it.

Less than 1% of abortions happen in the third trimester. It gets even more rare the closer it is to the end of the term. Even then the primary reason for abortion is for medical reasons regarding the mother and/or child. Republicans like to pretend women have abortions late simply because they callously change their minds or something. Obviously there’s a reason she kept the kid up until that point.

If a woman hasn’t had an abortion after 12 weeks, she’s not doing it for financial or reasons of convenience, either.

I had to sweat out the results of amniocentesis (genetic testing) with my third child. They took fluid at 19 weeks - there isn’t enough to spare before then, and it takes 3 to 5 weeks for results. I got my results in four weeks and they were the longest four weeks of my life. I prayed all day every day. Please God. Please.

I nearly passed out from relief when they called with the results. I was supposed to had a decision ready by the time I got that call if it had been different news. I did not.

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